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西汉的司马迁在《史记.郦生陆贾列传》中写道:“王者以民人为天,而民人以食为天”,管仲亦曾说:“王者以民为天,民以食为天,能知天之天者,斯可矣”。民以食为天的观念,可以说是中国饮食文化观念中最基本的、也是最重要的核心。改革开放三十年来,我们党和国家取得了举世瞩目的成就,其中发生在餐桌上的变化是人们最难以忘怀的:  相似文献   

斗转星移,光阴似箭,新的一年又迈开了脚步。仿佛在不经意间,驻守在“生命禁区”、“雪海孤岛”、戈壁大漠的边防官兵在悄无声息中感受着来自餐桌上的巨大变化:蔬菜种类多了冬至,在被称之为“生命禁区”的喀喇昆仑山腹地,千里冰封,万里雪飘。然而,当你走进这里的一座座颇具规模的新  相似文献   

岁月流逝,30年在历史长河中只是短暂的一瞬,但改革开放的30年,是不平凡的30年,我国发生的变化是巨大、深刻的,成就举世瞩目,令人鼓舞。  相似文献   

China’s state-funded healthcare system has made remarkable progress over the past years following a slew of reforms. It now covers 96 percent of the population,and the share paid by each individual has also fallen steadily. But there is still a lot of room for improvement. There remain people, especially senior citizens of  相似文献   

That China has made across-the-board progress in the past three decades is indisputable, but making this growth sustainable represents a serious challenge to the country for a protracted period in the near future.  相似文献   

THE Renminbi entered 2013 with gusto, the spot Yuan/US$ rate hitting 6.2216-strongest since China’s 2005 exchange reform and also a 19-year high. This market hotspot might presage a rate lower than the RMB 6 benchmark.The exchange rate reflects the exter-  相似文献   

Heavy smog reoccurred in several big cities in the first two months of 2013. The environmental authorities blamed particular weather patterns and industrial pollution. Average citizens, however, put much of the blame on cars, whose number has steeply risen over the past years.  相似文献   

THE women of Yongyi Village gather most days under a century-old banyan tree to weave Li brocade on crude looms that resemble little more than stacks of wood. The fabric that takes shape over this contraption, however,is dazzlingly splendid.This reclusive rural community is part of Qianjia Town, Ledong Li Autonomous  相似文献   

ACCURATELY analyzing and predicting China’s economicd evelopment has been my livelihood, and opened innumerable doors, for more than 20 years.It also gave me the satisfaction of seeing my personal interests and skills linked to the world’s biggest story-the growth of China’s economy and its "na-  相似文献   

TENGCHONG is a frontier town on the western edge of Yunnan Province. Long overshadowed by neighboring Lijiang and Dali, famous for their snow mountains,crystal clear rivers and fascinating ethnic cultures,Tengchong has remained relatively obscure owing to under-  相似文献   

最近一段时间,经常听到关于农业、农村、农民的话题。  相似文献   

Irecently read your article .entitled "Coupling and Unoupling Chinese Style" with great interest. Though the events mentioned in the article weren't part of my life, I know them to be true. My parents told me that they had bowed to a portrait of Chairman Mao at their wedding, a must for any wedding process of the time. The gifts they received were mostly wash basins and thermal flasks, several of which remained unused till I was a teenager.  相似文献   

新改革时代的到来萧(萧三匝,下同):你认为中国正在进入一个新改革时代,为什么这样说?华(华炳啸,下同):我把2012年视为新改革元年,党的十八大将成为进入新改革时代的一个重要标志。但是,进入新改革时代有一个过程,这个过程在2008年就开始了。  相似文献   

THE afternoon sunlight streams into the room, with its neatly-made beds, exquisite teaware set, an up-to-the minute TV, and old family photos bedecking the walls of this cozy abode in the Silver Age Apartments for Senior Citizens. This is the home of 85-year-old Shu Hongjun and his wife Li Shizhen, three years his junior. Evolving Concepts of Elderly Care The couple moved to the old folks home in 2007, at the very filial sug-gestion of their daughter. Although the  相似文献   

正THE Nanjing Massacre refers to the 40-day slaughter committed by the Japanese army in the early stages of their invasion of China,which cruelly claimed the lives of more than 300,000 civilians and captured soldiers.One third of the city was razed and property losses were beyond count.Some believe that the Nanjing Massacre,along with Auschwitz Concentration Camp and bombing of Hiroshima(the first use of atomic weapons in combat)were the three  相似文献   

THIRTEEN-YEAR-OLD Ten- pai Nyima and his parents are relaxing on the doorstep of Jokhang Monastery, morethan 2,800 kilometers from their hometown in Sichuan Province.  相似文献   

TO outside observers, it is apparent that the Chinese Dream has threeimplications. First, China aspires to build a thriving, affluent society; sec- ond, a stronger China insists on fol- lowing its own path of development while getting ready to strengthen cooperation with other nations; and third, it cherishes peaceful develop- ment and a congenial world order where the characteristics of each country are respected and common prosperity is possible.  相似文献   

A lot of Chinese painters today work in a realist style because they believe it is more objective in dealing with current events and that seems to be popular. I work in an expressionist style and thematically, I deal with that which is eternal.  相似文献   

In her speech at the opening ceremony of the China-Russia Youth Year of Friendship Exchanges at St. Petersburg State Uni- versity on March 28, Chinese Vice Premier Liu Yandong spoke of the progress and changes in China's society, commending the development of bilateral ties. Liu called on young people to con- tribute to friendly ties between the two countries.  相似文献   

Sweetheart Pastry or "Wife Cake" is a traditional Cantonese dimsum from southeast China, with thin, flaky crust, enclosing a sweet, tender filling.  相似文献   

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