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随着环境意识的高涨,日本企业越来越重视环境经营市场。它们从6 个领域,以提供有益于减轻环境负荷的商品和服务、能使经济、社会与环境协调的技术与系统为中心,积极地开展环境经营,形成颇具规模的环境经营市场。建立健全环境管理法规和体制、强调环保政策传播效应、重视环境管理审核与标志、大中小企业并进以及注意运用经济性管理手段,是其促进环境经营市场发展的主要因素。  相似文献   

随着东北亚地区经济贸易的迅速发展和市场竞争的加剧,东北亚各国环境与贸易的关系问题日益受到各国重视。如何在国际贸易中保护环境是各国普遍关注的一个问题。一些发达国家偏离保护环境的初衷,将环境保护作为保护本国市场的一种手段,设置绿色贸易壁垒,这一点在东北亚地区主要体现在日本与我国之间。面对东北亚区域经济贸易中的绿色壁垒,我国可以从提高国民环保意识、建立健全与国际接轨的环境标准、增强企业绿色竞争力和完善绿色环境标志制度等措施入手,跨越绿色贸易壁垒的阻碍。  相似文献   

论循环型社会目标下的日本地区经济的绿色化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
李冬 《东北亚论坛》2004,13(6):68-72
随着全球经济环境问题的发展 ,绿色化已成为世界各国经济发展的方向。日本从本国国情出发提出的建设循环型社会是其实现可持续发展的行动纲领 ,而地区经济的绿色化发展则是实现这一纲领的基础和保证。由于日本各地的产业基础和自然状况的差异 ,其地区经济的绿色化发展也存在着各自的特点 ,并表现为不同的类型。日本地区经济绿色化发展的动力在于市场驱动下的企业经营绿色化、日益成熟的绿色消费者群体和具有日本特色的产、学、官、民合作体制。  相似文献   

目前日苓、韩国中药产业占据国际中药市场的高价值环节,而中国在天然植物药原料的栽培、采收、加工和简单提取方面有明显优势,因此吉林省与日韩在中药方面的合作是可能的。从战略因素看,吉林省应及早采取中药国际化经营的战略,组建跨国中药企业;在环境因素方面,对有风险的国家采取较低资源承诺的进入模式,逐步提高产品的地区熟悉程度,进而采取高资源承诺模式;在中药产品市场竞争方面,要求吉林省的中药企业具有较强的应变能力,提高经营战略的柔性。同时,吉林省在参与东北亚地区中药国际经济技术合作中既要采取中药企业集群化和科技刨新相结合的发展模式,还要根据各国不同特点采取不同措施。对日、韩要采取“技术引进、特色输出、共同开发、产权保护”等策略,对蒙古、俄罗斯、朝鲜要采取“扩大影响、占领市场、资源利用”的策略。  相似文献   

一、印度尼西亚 (一)印尼盾眨值、产品竞争能力增强作为近年来印尼的外国资本投资剧增的背景,当然首先应该提到近几年亚洲地区形势的变化。亚洲地区新兴工业化国家乃至东盟国家的出口贸易扩大和投资热潮也波及到印尼;但印尼自身投资环境与企业经营环境的改善也有重大的影响。首先,自1986年9月印尼盾贬值31%以来,印尼产品的国际市场竞争能力有所增强,由于币值贬值所引起的出口收入增大如果能抵销进口支付增大的话,有的甚至取得10%的盈余差额(以日资纤维织品厂商的调查资料为例),印尼盾贬值便确实是提高印尼产品国际市场竞争能力的契机。胶合板、纤维织品等出口产业部门的出口成绩大幅度提  相似文献   

中、日、韩企业环境经营比较分析——以问卷调查为基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔健 《东北亚论坛》2007,16(6):36-41
环境合作是东北亚区域合作中的重要领域。随着地球环境问题重要性不断提高和经济全球化发展,企业的环境经营越来越受到重视。通过对中、日、韩企业环境经营意识和实施状况的比较分析,明确存在的共性与差距,从而能更好地理解加强环境经营合作的基础和必要性。在政府间多边和双边环境合作的推动下,中、日、韩3国企业在环境经营上的合作会取得更大的进展。  相似文献   

日、美、欧电力市场化改革分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
90年代以来 ,为了适应电力全球化趋势 ,日、美、欧各国实行了多种模式的电力市场化改革。改革的目标是要打破垄断 ,引入竞争机制 ,提高效率 ,降低电价。实现改革目标的基本途径 ,一是对电力工业国有资本实行民营化 ,出售给股民或外国公司等 ;二是打破独家垄断经营 ,培育市场竞争主体 ,建立竞争性电力市场。经济学中对自然垄断的研究是电力市场化改革的理论基础。  相似文献   

前言1997年经济危机发生以后,关于东亚各国(亚洲NIES、东盟4国、中国)银行部门的探讨开始集中于不良债权问题和金融监督体制的应有状态等。另一方面,银行市场则出现了私人金融部门的扩大这一重要的变化。本文拟从面向私人部门的贷款市场、金融资金运用市场、富裕阶层市场这3个侧面阐明东亚各国的私人金融市场的动向。一.面向私人部门的贷款市场遭受经济危机以后,东亚各国(地区)的银行贷款大多形成了以企业部门为中心的不良债权。另一方面,银行将私人部门定位为收益的支柱,投入了经营资源。东亚各国(地区)的面向私人部门贷款市场发生了4个…  相似文献   

魏炜 《东南亚》2012,(1):66-70
新加坡基地是英国重点经营的远东军事基地,战后英国在百般无奈中宣布撤离。英国撤离新加坡基地对东盟区域合作的早期阶段产生了积极影响:凸显新马防务合作的紧迫性,缓和了新马紧张关系;促使马来西亚提出地区中立化主张,提高了东盟政治合作层次;改善了新加坡的地区环境,推动新加坡面向地区的政策调整与实施进程;促进了马六甲海峡安全的内部合作。  相似文献   

俄联邦外贝加尔地区位于贝加尔湖东部,毗邻我国东北,是中国与俄罗斯腹地铁路交通的必经之地。该地区地产富饶、人口密度较小、经济发展水平相对落后。在区域经济一体化的国际背景下,外贝加尔与我国东北地区的社会经济联系日趋紧密。对该地区环境及资源背景、生态和人文活动发展过程开展研究,不仅有利于把握影响我国北方地区生态安全的外部条件,也可为合理利用毗邻地区生产资料和市场等资源,促进相关区域人口与社会经济可持续发展。提供决策支持。  相似文献   

Dh Tustin 《Communicatio》2013,39(2):140-153

Since the mid-1990s, the changing political, economic and social environment and globalisation have contributed to change business behaviour in South Africa. Nowadays, business strategies are built alongside sustainable business goals, with renewed emphasis on quality and brand reputation management. Business intelligence (BI) systems and research demand show clear emphasis on customer brand franchising and brand citizenship in particular. Brands are no longer used only as marketing communication tools. Nowadays, brand companies seem well aware of stakeholders’ concerns with non-financial business aspects and are responding through re-branding, improved customer relations and good corporate citizenship behaviour. Consequently, direct customer feedback via customer satisfaction and franchise-building research, as well as corporate citizenship image and perception surveys have emerged as key research tools that generate business intelligence used to build and protect company reputation. The way in which contemporary research designs are constructed to guide reputation building and protection, and how these inputs are used to guide business reputation strategies form the core of this article. The discussion reveals that corporate reputation and brand management functions are increasingly being synchronised in support of customer-based brand equity, customer franchise and reputation building. This suggests substantial communality between the management functions relating to corporate reputation and branding. Corporate branding and reputation are anticipated to evolve as a core business strategy aimed at building and protecting corporate identity and image. To meet this endeavour, companies will continue to brand their identity and image and create brand awareness and customer relations to enable stakeholders to differentiate company products, services and features from competitor offerings, but will simultaneously strive to enhance customer loyalty. Customer care and ethical behaviour will probably lead the thrust in creating positive corporate reputation. As long as corporate reputation building and branding are pursued, the demand for business intelligence information related to these topics will remain a priority and will guide future marketing and communication strategies in building and protecting corporate reputation.  相似文献   

"十一五"以来,吉林省证券业试图壮大上市公司队伍,通过买壳、借壳等多种方式扩大直接融资的规模。但由于各种原因,辖区上市公司数量不但没有增加,反而减少。与国内发达省区比较依然存在一些差距。针对吉林省证券业现状出现的问题,应加快培养本地综合类券商或引进综合类券商推进重组工作、提高上市公司再融资能力、加快培育上市公司后续资源、力争长春高新技术产业开发区进入代办股份转让系统等对策。  相似文献   

马来西亚华裔新生代的“祖籍记忆”初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查表明,马来西亚华裔新生代的国民认同和族群认同均表现出相当的强度,我们倾向于把这种“双强”的特征看作是走向多元文化主义的马来西亚华裔集体自我意识的结构特征。而“祖籍记忆”正是华裔构建其族群认同的意识和文化基础。一方面,华裔可能通过和祖籍国建立更多的联系来维持和加强祖籍记忆,以达到强化族群意识的目的;另一方面,在多元文化主义的政治背景下,为立足当地生存和发展,将祖籍国“对象化”也成为其策略。  相似文献   

The “new” global capitalism is transforming the ways in which commerce is conducted and organized. Business enterprises have to perform and compete in a largely unregulated global market economy if they are to survive, let alone prosper, and contend with higher levels of financial and political risks. Transnational Corporations (TNCs) have come to occupy a pivotal position in the world economy, commanding immense financial resources and employing tens of thousands throughout the world, and are active participants in global political and economic affairs. TNC executives—the global corporate elite—crisscross the planet as they manage local, national, and international relationships, and represent and advance their global interests in myriad international conferences and meetings. TNCs are now interacting with states and international governmental organizations on a broad array of issues and problems (many far removed from the core business). As global actors with distinct and clear interests, they have had to develop their own representational mechanisms to manage the complex relationships that mark today’s global system.  相似文献   

The “new” global capitalism is transforming the ways in which commerce is conducted and organized. Business enterprises have to perform and compete in a largely unregulated global market economy if they are to survive, let alone prosper, and contend with higher levels of financial and political risks. Transnational Corporations (TNCs) have come to occupy a pivotal position in the world economy, commanding immense financial resources and employing tens of thousands throughout the world, and are active participants in global political and economic affairs. TNC executives—the global corporate elite—crisscross the planet as they manage local, national, and international relationships, and represent and advance their global interests in myriad international conferences and meetings. TNCs are now interacting with states and international governmental organizations on a broad array of issues and problems (many far removed from the core business). As global actors with distinct and clear interests, they have had to develop their own representational mechanisms to manage the complex relationships that mark today's global system.  相似文献   

汪巍 《和平与发展》2012,(2):65-69,72
信用评级业是维护国家金融主权和经济安全的重要力量,中国信用评级业正开拓国内与国际两个市场,在高度垄断的全球信用评级市场力争扩大国际话语权。而美国评级机构不断加大向其他国家渗透,还借助中国被收购公司的分支机构,迅速将触角伸展到全中国,直接或间接从事所有评级和相关业务。为扩大我国信用评级机构的市场份额,中方应培育扶持民族信用评级机构,设计科学的评级指标体系,加强评级机构行业自律和内部管理制度的建设,依赖自己的力量维护国家金融安全。  相似文献   

印度企业加速“走出去”的主要原因与主要措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在经济全球化浪潮中,近年来,无论在经济繁荣时期,还是在国际金融危机之中,印度企业逐渐转变经营概念,凭借逐渐积累起来的雄厚经济实力和先进技术实力,在政府的大力支持下,加速了走出去的步伐。它们以优势产业为突破口,以国家需要为重点,以收购股份为方式,在国际投资市场上干得有声有色。这在一定程度上为试图走出去的中国企业提供了某些有益的启示。  相似文献   

This article explores the incentives and means multinational enterprises (MNEs) may have to create a corruption-free business environment. It draws on Ethan Nadelmann's (1990) article in International Organization , "Global Prohibition Regimes: The Evolution of Norms in International Society" and discerns the emergence of such a regime centered on bribe paying and bribe soliciting.  相似文献   

In the last two decades, the private sector has been placed under intensifying pressure to ensure it operates in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. Companies have moved through various phases of response, starting with a ‘deny and defend’ position, moving to ‘paying penance’ through donations and philanthropy, and currently settling on risk management through mitigating the negative impacts of their business operations. Drawing on research undertaken by Oxfam International mainly in the retail sector, as well as in the coffee and pharmaceutical sector, this article argues that the current approach is, as yet, inadequate. Simply mitigating negative impacts through castigating intermediaries or suppliers does not contribute to sustainable solutions. For the private sector to meet corporate social responsibility pledges, companies need to pursue alternative business models that forge connectivity, coherence, and interdependence between their core business operations and their ethical and environmental commitments.  相似文献   

国企改制后市场整合中的民营企业发展问题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吉林省国有企业改制即将全面完成,改制后整个市场必定会经历一段整合期,在这段时间内,国有企业同民营企业在市场地位上将更加趋向于事实上的平等,企业间关系将会出现新的变化,政府行政命令式调控经济的做法也将逐步减少。整体经济环境的变化为已经参与改制及其他没有参与改制的民营企业发展提供了更加广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   

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