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Networks have recently become fashionable in social analysis but most of the new network approaches have paid scant attention to the long history of reflections upon the potential of networks as an analytical device in the social sciences. In this paper we chart the developments in networking thinking in two disciplinary areas – social network analysis and social anthropology – in order to highlight the enduring difficulties and problems with network thinking as well as its potential. The first half of the paper explores the uses of network approaches over the past fifty years, situating theoretical and methodological questions in their broader disciplinary contexts. The authors then show how emerging issues from both bodies of work offer the promise of new kinds of networking thinking.  相似文献   

破产法研究国际前沿的可视化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗海山  栾春娟 《学理论》2009,(17):114-116
对破产法研究国际前沿进行可视化分析,对中国破产法律制度的完善和破产法理论的研究具有重要意义。国际破产法研究的关键词图谱显示,破产重组问题、上市公司的破产问题、破产的成本、破产中的优先权问题等是国际破产法研究的热点领域。同时,跨国公司的国际破产问题、破产中的消费者保护问题、防止滥用破产程序等问题,成为国际破产法研究的新领域。中国在今后破产法完善过程中,也应关注这些新的热点领域。  相似文献   

采用青少年社会支持量表评定了617名青少年的社会支持状况。结果表明:青少年社会支持总体水平不高:在社会支持各个因素上,农村男青少年的得分均高于农村女青少年。  相似文献   

India completing five years since mandatory CSR was implemented under Sec 135 of Companies Act, 2013 compelling Indian companies to contribute 2 % of their last three‐year average net profit in few specified areas of CSR activities as mentioned in the seventh schedule of the Act. In the same period, United Nations outlined the 17 goals based on sustainable development that contains 169 objectives signed by various 193 countries around the globe contributing social, environmental causes to establish a glorious life and opportunities for everyone in the year 2015. The realization of sustainable development goals agenda 2030 lies with the Business sector, corporate as well as Government sector and also the civil society plays a significant role in this regard. The present study aims to map the CSR activities with sustainable development goals and review the mandatory CSR practices of 40 Indian companies and how companies are leveraging CSR thereby attaining sustainable and progressive target.  相似文献   

Although Spanish-language media in the USA have grown rapidly since the turn of the century, little scholarship has been dedicated to the semiotic characteristics of these media. This study examines the visual representation of ideologies in 15 news photographs published in Spanish-language print media in the Midwest of the USA with the goals of understanding how ideologies are expressed visually in a culture that has received little treatment in the previous literature and of determining the potential for these photographs to challenge the negative semiotic treatment of Latin@ immigrants in the USA. Following a critical social semiotic approach, the analysis demonstrates how ideologies pattern around the inclusion and exclusion of Latin@s. These ideologies challenge and perpetuate the hegemonic structure, respectively, and as such, indicate the potential for local Spanish-language print media to challenge the negative semiotic representation of Latin@s in the USA while pointing to the need for future research of minoritized media using the social semiotics framework.  相似文献   

This article evaluates whether economic hardship affects social capital in Europe. Comparing 27 European countries, it evaluates the impact of personal experiences of economic hardship on engagement in voluntary associations as a cornerstone of civic and democratic life. Empirical analyses of the Eurobarometer data indicate that individual economic hardship has indeed a negative effect on associational volunteering in Europe. However, the result is qualified in two respects. First, it is found that the effect of individual economic hardship is contingent upon education. Second, this effect mostly refers to volunteering for associations providing solidarity goods (Putnam groups). These results have broader implications for understanding how economic hardship shapes the social capital within democratic societies.  相似文献   

盛文丽 《学理论》2009,(27):228-229
随着信息时代的到来,信息资料工作日益显示出更强的意义和作用。本文针对社科研究部门需要的信息资料,从五个方面浅谈了信息资料工作者的职责。  相似文献   

道德规范的形成,根源于人内心的价值判断与内心信念,其形成与发展却受社会外在力量的影响.社会影响力是道德规范形成的主要软约束力,在它的作用下,道德规范呈多样性趋势及双向性发展等特点.  相似文献   

Legislators in modern democracies (a) accept bribes that are small compared to the value of the statutes they pass and (b) allow bans against bribery to be enforced. In our model of bribery, rational legislators accept bribes smaller not only than the benefit the briber receives but than the costs the legislators incur in accepting the bribes. Rather than risk this outcome, the legislators may be willing to suppress bribery altogether. The size of legislatures, the quality of voter information, the nature of party organization, and the structure of committees will all influence the frequency and size of bribes.  相似文献   

范文明 《学理论》2009,(7):109-111
陈独秀是中国现代史上著名的政治家、思想家,是中国共产党的创始人之一。虽然1927年大革命失败后逐渐淡出人们的政治视野.但作为新文化运动的发动者和“五四”运动的领导者,其思想轨迹中的闪光点愈来愈受到人们的重视。本文以陈独秀1904年发表之《论戏曲》为基础,通过对其戏曲特点、戏曲改良、戏曲教育功能的阐述,试图证明20世纪初的陈独秀在戏曲观方面的超前性、客观性和预见性。  相似文献   

A number of factors cause individuals to use diverse strategies to solve problems. This paper presents a methodology for examining these differences in strategy. Verbal protocols are elicited to collect data on the cognitive processes occurring during problem solving. These data, codified into propositional representations, and non-parametric statistical comparisons are then used to evaluate the significance of strategy differences. These strategies are then mapped with dynamical graphs, with which we examine the task-independent and the task-specific cognitive representations the participants used. As an illustrative example we apply this methodology to study the influence of two contributing factors, professional training and national culture, on the strategies adopted by professionals to solve a complex and ill-structured problem (hunger in a country). The problem-solving strategies of professionals from different countries and trained in architecture, engineering, law or medicine are analyzed to show some intriguing differences in the general strategies adopted by individuals belonging to different professions, and the outcomes from using these strategies.  相似文献   

挑战与超越:和谐社会语境下党的执政能力断想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张长明 《学理论》2009,(26):47-50
构建和谐社会是中国共产党在新世纪新阶段提出的一个宏大命题,也是中国特色社会主义的内在属性。在政党政治时代,执政党的能力直接影响和决定着国家的能力。和谐社会是中共治国理政的新理念,对其执政能力提出了新挑战和新要求。在此语境中,既要澄清在和谐社会理念与党的执政能力及二者关系认识上的诸多误区,又要从增强中国共产党的执政能力角度做一些建设性的探讨。  相似文献   

Bryan Caplan 《Public Choice》2006,128(1-2):91-107
Terrorism in general, and suicidal terrorism in particular, is popularly seen as “irrational,” but many economists and political scientists argue otherwise. This paper distinguishes three different senses of irrationality: unresponsiveness to incentives, deviation from narrow self-interest, and failure of rational expectations. It concludes that an intermediate position on the rationality of terrorism is appropriate. The typical terrorist sympathizer deviates only slightly from homo economicus. But active terrorists arguably stray from narrow self-interest and rational expectations, and suicidal terrorists probably violate both. Deterrence remains a viable anti-terrorism strategy, but deviations from rational expectations increase the potential of persuasion and appeasement.  相似文献   

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