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近年来,我国性犯罪案件数量,尤其是针对儿童的性侵害案件,呈现出上升趋势,与之伴随的是社会对这些类型案件关注度的提升.针对如何有效惩治性犯罪者,在现有刑罚体系不能有效解决性侵害问题时,人们将希望寄托到化学阉割制度之上.这一制度有别于物理阉割,利用药物暂时性控制犯罪人的性冲动和性能力,具有可恢复性的特点使其更能为大众所接受.在我国严峻的性犯罪现状下,是否引入化学阉割制度成为摆在眼前的问题,而引入的前提是这一制度符合国情并具有可行性.  相似文献   

犯罪行为的种类有很多,本文主要对抢劫盗窃、伤害犯罪、性犯罪行为及其它犯罪与无犯罪者作对比研究,并把除上述四种类型的犯罪也归成一类与无犯罪者作对比研究,以图发现各种犯罪类型在家庭环境、心理素质、人格特征等方面与无犯罪者的差异之处,这种差异的表  相似文献   

正美国的性犯罪信息公开制度,让性犯罪者一朝犯罪,终生无处遁形。2014年1月10日,曾经逃亡到中国北京的英国性侵儿童嫌疑犯尼尔·罗宾森在英国法院受审。逃亡期间,他"堂而皇之"地在北京某国际学校任外教并娶妻成家。2013年4月案发后,他被引渡回英国。经过审判,尼尔·罗宾森被判犯有非法性侵幼女、强暴猥  相似文献   

性犯罪的社会心理调查及原因初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究性犯罪的社会心理,对预防和减少性犯罪的发生很重要。我们对山东省某劳改队在押的140名性罪犯进行了社会心理调查,同时还作了“瑞文标准推理”智力测验和“卡特尔十六种个性因素”(16PF)测验,试图从医学心理学的角度对性犯罪的社会心理、生物生理因素进行一些分析,并对性犯罪的原因进行了初步探索,旨在为预防和减少性犯罪的发生提供科学依据。  相似文献   

佚名 《政府法制》2012,(3):45-45
在美国,除了杀人、抢劫等严重暴力犯罪,性犯罪者付出的代价最为昂贵。普通犯罪者在刑满释放后,尚可能改过自新,重新融入社会,而性犯罪者的自由,则将终身受限,无论他们迁往何处,都必须在当地社区登记报备自己的行踪、住址、驾照号码、体貌特征,警方还会将上述信息向社区公布,并放上互联网,提醒大家警觉提防。  相似文献   

陈俊超 《法制与社会》2014,(14):279-280
目前,在我国的法律法规中,性犯罪方面的规定主要有,强奸罪,强制猥亵、侮辱妇女罪,嫖宿幼女罪,聚众淫乱罪,强迫卖淫罪等等,对于这些犯罪的规制与惩处,在很大程度上保护了受害人的人身权利,打击了侵犯他人的违法犯罪分子。但是,我国在性犯罪方面法律法规存在的瑕疵以及轻重失衡却也是不容忽视的事实。本文试就性犯罪中,强奸罪与嫖宿幼女罪中对幼女的不同规定和对犯罪者的不同处断进行对比阐述,以期能够提供若干完善这方面相关规定的有益线索与信息。  相似文献   

林海 《检察风云》2014,(13):58-59
小女孩梅根的悲剧 在美国,除了杀人、抢劫等严重暴力犯罪,性犯罪者付出的代价最为昂贵。普通犯罪者在刑满释放后,尚可能改过自新,重新融入社会,而性犯罪者的自由,则将终身受限,无论他们迁往何处,都必须在当地社区登记报备自己的行踪、住址、驾照号码、体貌特征,警方还会将上述信息向社区公布,并放上互联网,提醒大家警觉提防。  相似文献   

<正> 本文分析了性犯罪及暴力犯罪者审判前的精神病学报告。随机抽取了性犯罪及暴力犯罪的精神病学报告各100例,比较了他们的精神病学特征,同时也比较了他们的社会地位、受教育程度、雇佣关系、先前行为及交往障碍,酗酒及吸毒、精神病发病率,以及罪犯与受害  相似文献   

陈锋  张莉 《法制与社会》2013,(8):252-253
由一起未成年人奸淫幼女案引发的对青少年性犯罪的思考,首先明确青少年性犯罪的界定范围,通过对青少年性犯罪状况的实证取样分析,深入探讨青少年实施性犯罪时的行为特点及心理状态。从国家和社会对青少年犯罪实施特殊的处遇政策出发,在矫正青少年性犯罪处遇理念的基础上,设置各项特殊的处遇制度,并构建三级立体防控体系,完善法制宣传,更好的从惩罚与教育两方面完善青少年性犯罪预防工作。  相似文献   

1.降低性犯罪率 如美国卡迪夫副教授的文章认为“卖淫合法化能降低性犯罪率十万分之8.6”;丹麦的研究发现,在色情业非罪化后,性犯罪率反而有明显下降;此外,美国内华达州的“性特区”亦让该区性犯罪率减少。  相似文献   

In many jurisdictions, anyone convicted of a sexual offense is required to register with police, often for life. Nine different countries have now implemented sex offender registries in an attempt to protect the public from the perceived threat posed by sexual offenders. Yet such laws have been criticized as being overly inclusive, tying up limited law enforcement resources to track many offenders who pose little risk of sexual reoffending. This paper considers the available research evidence relevant to the effectiveness of such laws for the deterrence of sexual offending and the investigation of sex crimes. It is concluded that significant gaps persist in our knowledge of whether existing laws effectively reduce sexual offending or reoffending and that large-scale, well-designed studies of the impact of sex offender registration on rates of offending, the collateral consequences to offenders and their families, and the costs of such laws are needed.  相似文献   

The views and attitudes that lawmakers have about sexual offenders and sexual victimization can be influential in criminal lawmaking. And given the popularity of sex offender laws, policy-makers are central players in how state justice systems respond to sex crimes. Therefore, state-level policy-makers from across the country, who sponsored and passed at least one sex offender law in their state, (n?=?61) were interviewed about sex offenders and sex crimes. Policy-makers believe sex offender laws are too broad. The laws extend to nonviolent offenses, low-risk offenders, and thus dilute the law enforcement potency of sex offender registries. Policy-makers view existing sex offender laws as necessary to enhance public safety and as proof that lawmakers are responding to the needs and concerns of the public. Sex offender laws were also discussed as a source of political capital; a way to help ensure reelection. The sexual victimization of children and the media’s coverage of sex crimes were instrumental in these state-level policy-makers’ decisions to sponsor sex offender laws. Policy and research recommendations are offered.  相似文献   

As interest in registered sex offenders proves to be a popular topic among community members, the media, and legislators alike, researchers must continue to examine the experiences of this offender group. Sex offender registration and community notification laws are diverse across states, creating a difficult and confusing environment for registered sex offenders post-conviction. Often, registered sex offenders report experiences with social stigmatization and physical isolation from their communities as a result of their labeled status. This leads them to be distrustful of outsiders; researchers included. This paper examines the experiences of researchers who have conducted three quantitative and qualitative research projects focused on registered sex offenders and life on the registry. In addition to highlighting the challenges in conducting this type of research, this paper provides a discussion of four specific challenges that may occur when gathering data from community sex offender samples, and several recommendations to overcome these challenges.  相似文献   

The perceptions and attitudes that policymakers and criminal justice practitioners have about sexual offending and sexual victimization affects how state lawmakers respond to sex crimes, and how practitioners implement sex offender legislation. Policymakers continue to create new sex offender laws and, as such, the number of convicted sex offenders continues to rise. Thus, policymakers and criminal justice practitioners are increasingly important players in the public policy response to sexual criminals. To better understand the motivation, rationale, content, and purpose of statewide sex offender laws, and their role in the day-to-day management of convicted sex offenders, a non-probability sample of policymakers (n?=?61) and criminal justice practitioners (n?=?25) from across the country were interviewed. Results indicated that nearly all respondents from both groups were familiar/very familiar with their state-level sex offender laws. Policymakers and practitioners also mentioned the influential role that specific victimizations play in creating a perceived need for more sex offender legislation. The politicians and the practitioners view the laws as effective public safety mechanisms. Still, both groups noted serious problems with the laws. Furthermore, policymakers had a more negative attitude about the efficacy of sex offender therapy than criminal justice respondents. Suggestions for future research and policy implications are offered.  相似文献   

Through the community notification and sex offender registry laws that have been passed, the USA has created a strict legal environment that requires sex offenders to remain in compliance with the registry requirements placed on them by the state once they are released back into their communities. A variety of unintended consequences, such as unemployment and housing issues, have resulted from these laws and have the potential to impact the reentry efforts of released sex offenders. Using Sherman’s defiance theory as a theoretical lens, the current study examines the experiences of registered female sex offenders living in Florida. One hundred and six registered female sex offenders were surveyed to examine their experiences while on the registry, and whether those events influence feelings of defiance toward the registry and criminal justice systems. Results suggest that these offenders indeed experience unintended consequences due to their registration status, which in turn shows support for the four canonical elements of Sherman’s theory by inferring that these women feel unjustly punished and stigmatized. Research findings, policy implications, and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

The current study was a chart review of 31 female sex offenders (FSO), 31 male sex offenders (MSO), 31 female violent offenders (FO), and 31 male violent offenders (MO) using a 2 (female or male) by 2 (sex or violent offender) design. This is the first known study to employ three control groups when researching female sex offenders. Multiple variables appeared related to gender and crime. However, some variables emerged as FSO specific. They reported the least alcohol abuse history and had fewer admissions of guilt to the crime than the two violent offender samples. More FSOs knew their victim and were biologically related to their victim than MSOs. Lastly, the FSO sample was the least discriminating as to their victim’s gender and had the highest overall rate of sexual victimization.  相似文献   

Public attitudes towards sex offenders are believed to play a key role in the development of legislation and public policy designed to manage the risks posed by known sex offenders who live in the community. There have, however, been few previous attempts to validate methods by which public attitudes can be measured. The current study aims to address this issue by establishing the factor structure of the Community Attitudes Towards Sex Offenders (CATSO) scale with an Australian community sample and examine the extent to which demographic variables and support for sex offender management policies influence these attitudes. A sample of 552 participants recruited through online social media sites completed the CATSO as well as a number of items developed by the researchers designed to assess individuals' support for specific sex offender policies. Results of an exploratory factor analysis suggested the presence of four distinct factors which were labelled ‘social tendencies’, ‘treatment and punishment’, ‘crime characteristics’ and ‘sexual behaviour’. Individuals with higher levels of educational attainment rated sex offenders less negatively than those with lower educational attainment, while those who reported being supportive of community notification reported more negative attitudes towards sex offenders.  相似文献   

With the possible exception of terrorists, sex offenders in the United States experience a greater degree of punishment and restriction than any other offender group, nonviolent or violent. Members of the public overwhelmingly support “get tough” sex crime policies and display an intense hostility toward persons labeled “sex criminals.” The theoretical literature has identified three models potentially explaining public opinion on the social control of sex crime: the victim‐oriented concerns model, the sex offender stereotypes model, and the risk‐management concerns model. However, empirical work that directly tests these models is absent. This article addresses that gap by analyzing national survey data that includes measures of the key concepts outlined in the different theoretical models and items gauging support for punitive sex crime laws as well as support for sex offender treatment. The findings provide partial support for all three models but suggest that extant theories can better explain support for punitive sex crime policies than views about sex offender treatment.  相似文献   



Using the rational choice perspective, the current study investigates the impact that the environment and offending behavior have on serial sexual crime event outcomes.


The effects of time and place factors, as well as offender modus operandi strategies, on sexual crime event outcomes are tested using Generalized Estimating Equations on a sample of 361 crime events committed by 72 serial sex offenders.


Time and place do impact serial stranger sexual offenders’ modus operandi strategies, but the place characteristics of the crime have more of an effect on the offender’s behavior than do the temporal conditions during which the event occurs. Subsequent analyses indicate that temporal and place factors, as well as offender modus operandi strategies, predict whether the offender completes the rape, his reaction to victim resistance, and the level of physical force that he inflicts on the victim, but not whether the victim is forced to commit sexual acts on the offender.


Serial stranger sexual offenders are effective decision-makers who adapt their strategies to the physical environment in which they commit their crimes, but their degree of rationality can vary as some outcomes are more dependent on the context than the offender and his actions.  相似文献   

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