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1.2011年9月28日公安部令第117号公布2.自2011年9月28日起施行第一章总则第一条为加强和规范公安机关强制隔离戒毒所的管理,保障强制隔离戒毒工作顺利进行,根据《中华人民共和国禁毒法》、《国务院戒毒条例》以及相关规定,制定本办法。第二条强制隔离戒毒所是公安机关依法通过行政强制措施为戒毒人员提供科学规范的戒毒治疗、心理治疗、身体康复训练和卫生、道  相似文献   

一、医疗模式与管理模式的统一性按照"首要标准"的要求,强制隔离戒毒所(简称"场所")对戒毒人员的工作围绕着"戒毒矫治"这个中心来开展。管理民警和专职医师、心理医生与戒毒人员之间是教育矫治、康复治疗的关系。(一)共同作用戒毒治疗。管理模式与医疗模式是强制隔离戒毒工作的重要组成部分,并共存、发展、关联、作用于场所戒毒治疗的工作中。场所管理工作  相似文献   

正为规范强制隔离戒毒管理工作,保障强制隔离戒毒人员(以下简称"戒毒人员")合法权益,对戒毒人员实行分期分段分级管理,给予不同的处遇,有利于促进科学戒毒。本文在结合浙江省司法行政系统"三期四段"强制隔离戒毒模式(以下简称"戒毒模式"),并对戒毒人员分级处遇实践的基础上,就推进分级处遇工作作些探讨和研究。一、分级处遇工作的现实价值分析(一)分级处遇工作在法律、法规维度上的必要性《中华人民共和国禁毒法》(以下简称《禁毒法》)  相似文献   

司法行政系统戒毒管理机关主动适应新形势、新职能、新任务的要求,把加强对特殊人群的管理作为创新社会管理.维护社会安定的重要工作。截至目前.司法行政系统已在全国建成了245个强制隔离戒毒场所.累计收治21万余名强制隔离戒毒人员。  相似文献   

正2008年6月1日生效的《中华人民共和国禁毒法》(以下简称《禁毒法》)规定"国家采取各种措施帮助吸毒人员解除毒瘾",明确了社区戒毒、强制隔离戒毒、社区康复、戒毒康复以及医疗机构自愿戒毒五种戒毒措施。但是法律仅对强制隔离戒毒、社区戒毒、社区康复之间对接做出了规定,对其他戒毒措施之间对接没有做出明确的规定。本文认为强制隔离戒毒、场所戒毒康复、社区戒毒康复这三种戒毒措施的衔接是必要和可行的。  相似文献   

强制隔离戒毒执行活动是一种限制人身自由的行政强制措施,实践中,存在司法行政机关收治戒毒人员规模大、戒毒人员权利保障不充分,强制隔离戒毒执行活动内部监督不足等问题。检察机关在监督过程中,也面临相关规定笼统、监督力量薄弱等问题,对此,建议探索建立派驻检察与巡回检察并重的机制,构建事前、事中、事后监督机制,充分运用检察建议等方式,提升检察监督精准度,助推国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。  相似文献   

在强制隔离戒毒工作中,大部分戒毒人员经过戒毒场所系统的教育矫治,取得了较好戒治效果,可当他们回归社会后,由于缺乏系统的后续照管,导致复吸,致使所内教育成果功亏一篑。为有效破解戒毒人员高复吸率这一难题,司法部推行了以"相对封闭、分期管理、综合矫治、后续照管"为主要内容的强制隔离戒毒新模式。戒毒人员后续照管机制的建立,为戒毒场所巩固所内戒治成果、有效降低复吸率开辟了新路,指明了方向。一、戒毒人员后续照管的概念  相似文献   

一、强制隔离戒毒人员需求性教育模式的科学内涵 强制隔离戒毒人员需求性教育模式,是指强制隔离戒毒场所科学合理分析、预测、掌握强制隔离戒毒人员(以下简称“学员”)以及社会的实际需要与要求,以学员与社会发展的现实需求为目标,开展的有针对性教育矫治模式。基本内涵是落实以人为本的科学教育观,针对学员与社会发展的实际需要,解决学员的学习需求问题,  相似文献   

近年来,各地对强制隔离戒毒检察监督进行了诸多有益探索,但实践中不同程度存在检察监督缺位、监督滞后、监督范围不明和监督保障机制不足等问题。对此,应在科学界定强制隔离戒毒检察监督边界的基础上,坚持监督与支持并重的双赢多赢共赢理念、以“我管”促“都管”的融入式社会治理理念和问题导向下的法治思维与强基理念。在具体操作层面,应通过制定强制隔离戒毒检察监督工作规定,明确监督范围、监督启动程序、监督方式等内容;完善强制隔离戒毒检察监督工作机制;构建检察监督人员保障机制、被监督对象权利救济机制等,以更好地发挥强制隔离戒毒检察监督的作用。  相似文献   

2008年6月1日,《中华人民共和国禁毒法》(以下简称《禁毒法》)正式实施,《禁毒法》明确把强制隔离戒毒确定为我国禁毒戒毒工作的法定组成部分,也是我国戒毒工作的核心之一.强制隔离戒毒工作开展以来,我们在禁毒戒毒领域取得了显著的成绩,截至2020年年底,全国现有吸毒人员180万名,相比2016年降幅超三成;全国戒断三年未...  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to present changes occurring between 2002 and 2004 in the prevalence of psychosocial constraints and interpersonal violence at work among officers working in correctional facilities in Quebec. Results suggest that in the absence of specific organizational intervention aimed at improving a deleterious work situation, exposure to low decision latitude remained similar between 2002 and 2004, while exposure to high psychological demands improved somewhat, for both men and women. In 2000, rates of exposure of correctional officers in Quebec to high psychological demands, low decision latitude and the combination of high psychological demands and low decision latitude (job strain) were significantly higher than those obtained for the entire population of workers in Quebec in contact with the public. Exposure of correctional officers in Quebec to intimidation at work increased substantially between 2002 and 2004, among both men and women. Globally speaking, rates of exposure to intimidation by colleagues and superiors practically doubled between 2000 and 2004. Rates of exposure to intimidation among correctional officers in Quebec were particularly high in 2004 (71% among men 66% among women) compared to rates in another study conducted among federal correctional officers (48%) by Samak. The present study also showed that in 2004, correctional officers in Quebec were more likely to present signs of psychological distress linked with work when they were exposed to high psychological demands, low decision latitude, job strain and poor social support from superiors and colleagues. Psychological distress was also shown to be greater when reward at work was scarce and when there was an imbalance between effort and reward at work. Finally, in 2004, psychological distress among correctional officers was also associated with intimidation and psychological harassment at work.  相似文献   

DANA M. BRITTON 《犯罪学》1997,35(1):85-106
This article examines the relationship between race and sex and perceptions of the work environment among correctional officers. It addresses four central questions: (1) Are there race and sex differences among correctional officers in their perceptions of the work environment? (2) Do characteristics of the job and the institutions in which officers work account for these differences? (3) Do these differences attenuate over time? (4) Are there factors that mediate the relationship between race and sex and perceptions of the work environment? These issues are explored using data drawn from the correctional officer sub-sample (N= 2,979) of the 1992 administration of the Prison Social Climate Survey. Findings indicate that race and sex do play a role in shaping officers’ perceptions of the work environment, that these differences between groups are not completely accounted for by job or institutional characteristics and do not attenuate over time, and that there are factors that mediate the relationship between race and sex and workplace perceptions. Among minority male officers, greater efficacy in working with inmates appears to be an important factor in creating lower levels of job stress, while white female officers’ higher levels of overall job satisfaction are accounted for largely by a more positive evaluation of the quality of supervision.  相似文献   

Corrections officers play crucial roles in the functioning of correctional institutions. They create and maintain the social and security milieu within prisons and often have direct impact on the behavior of inmates through their daily contact with inmates. Studies showed, however, that the correctional work environment was fraught with stress. Many studies found that corrections officers experienced excessive stress, which manifested in physical illnesses, burnout, family problems, or their inability to perform their duties—compromising institutional safety and creating further stress for other staff. These studies were instrumental in instituting improvements in the correctional work environment; however, most were conducted in Western societies. To extend the knowledge of corrections officers' work environments, this study examined correctional work among officers in South Korea. Specifically, stress-related issues outlined in previous studies were examined here to assess their relevance and applicability in the South Korean society. Implications for policy and future endeavors are discussed.  相似文献   

论行政强制检查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
行政强制检查属于行政强制措施 ,具有直接执行力 ,应受到法律的严格规制。我国行政强制立法应明确以下内容 :只能以宪法和法律设定行政强制检查 ;以比例原则对强制检查的行使予以实体限制 ;加强对行政强制检查的程序性监控 ;给受害人提供完善的救济途径和方式。  相似文献   

This study explored gender differences in how correctional officers react to severe occupational stress and addressed differences in coping processes and social support utilization. The subjects were 244 correctional officers (167 men and 77 women) employed in Kentucky medium security institutions for male offenders. The study employed a survey administered to the volunteering participants. The Ways of Coping Questionnaire was used to assess coping processes used to deal with a stressful work event, and the Maslach Burnout Inventory was used to assess severe occupational stress. Statistical analyses revealed that correctional officers experience high levels of occupational stress but did not indicate gender differences in emotional exhaustion or depersonalization. The results indicated that female officers more frequently than male officers processed stress by seeking social support, while male officers more frequently than female officers processed stress by “planful problem solving.” No differences were found in correctional officers’ relationships with oppositesex peers. The results suggested that male and female correctional officers follow traditional sex roles in coping with occupational stress, but they revealed no differences in how they are affected by occupational stress in terms of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal accomplishment.  相似文献   

NANCY C. JURIK 《犯罪学》1985,23(3):523-540
This paper analyzes the impact of individual attributes and organizational influences in the determination of correctional officers’attitudes toward inmates. Drawing on survey data from 179 line-level correctional officers, the analysis evaluates the expectations of prison reformers that more highly educated, female, and minority officers will hold more positive attitudes toward their inmate clientele. Contrary expectations drawn from the sociology of work literature suggest that the work-role socialization will overshadow the effect of individual attributes in the determination of officer attitudes. The analysis reveals that minority officers hold more positive orientations toward inmates, while education and gender exert no impact. In addition, organizational-level characteristics are also important in the prediction of officer views of inmates. These findings suggest that correctional reforms that focus primarily on changing the demographic composition of correctional officers are quite unlikely to ameliorate significantly the tension in today's prisons. It is necessary for both reformers and social scientists to develop more sophisticated analyses of the interplay between individual attributes and work organization characteristics and their joint effects on behavior in the prison setting.  相似文献   

Stress is clearly a part of the human condition, especially in today’s crowded and complex society. In the criminal justice system in particular, occupational stress can be seen to be a problem for its employees. The present study examined aspects of stress for the line correctional officer, utilizing a number of approaches. Situations perceived as stressful were identified by interviews conducted with correctional officers. Information was then gathered by interviewing a second sample as to the types of coping responses available to correctional officers in these situations. The results indicated that officers reported periodic work overload, the handling of promotions, and conflicts with supervisors and initiates to be the most stressful situations. Correctional officers also indicated that in most of the stressful situations generated, there were few coping responses available to them, and that they had little or no control over these situations. Since most of the situations presented to correctional officers resulted in no constructive coping responses, the hypothesis was advanced that correctional officers who stay on the job develop cognitive coping processes in order to handle stressful situations. Furthermore, correctional officers tended to deny the stresses of the occupation and consequently experience feelings of helplessness and alienation.  相似文献   

徐颖 《犯罪研究》2012,(4):40-46
2008年6月1日《中华人民共和国禁毒法》颁布生效后,我国形成了强制隔离戒毒决定权和执行权相分离的全新戒毒体系,从法理精神和司法体制改革方向上来说不愧为一大进步,更加有利于对执法权主体的监督,但由于这种监督多半是作用于实施决定权的主体,且当前强制隔离戒毒执行工作执法监督方面的立法缺失和配套制度的不完善,以及强制隔离戒毒执行工作的方法模式尚处于初级阶段,实际运作中,对强制隔离戒毒执行主体的执法监督存在着从立法层面到实施层面的缺失,  相似文献   

李姝音  黄莺 《政法学刊》2005,22(3):72-74
我国法律规定吸毒违法,吸毒必戒。我国的禁吸戒毒采取以强制戒毒为主,其他戒毒模式为辅的模式。从20世纪80年代中期至今的20多年,我国的强制戒毒制度在挽救吸毒人员,消除毒品的社会危害等方面发挥了重要作用,但面对毒品形势依然严峻和高复吸率的现状,强制戒毒制度面临诸多难题,如强制戒毒法律滞后,制度本身缺陷等,需要完善,如整合戒毒资源,提高管理水平,采用科学戒毒手段等。  相似文献   

中国刑事强制措施制度的改革与完善   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
为了适应社会转型时期的客观需要 ,解决司法实践中存在的问题 ,缩小与联合国刑事司法准则的差距 ,我国应当对包括逮捕、监视居住等在内的强制措施制度进行改革 ,对超期羁押进行制度性的防治 ,协调行政措施与强制措施之间的关系。  相似文献   

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