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鲍红 《国际交流》2010,(1):16-18
哥本哈根气候变化会议已经落下帷幕。虽然中国、巴西、印度、南非和美国达成了《哥本哈根协议》,但该协议并不具有法律约束力,与会100多个国家并没有签署。因此,围绕气候变化问题的国际较量并没有停止。相反,在此次哥本哈根会议上.发达国家将矛头指向新兴大国,力图分化瓦解发展中国家阵营,并全面质疑现存气候变化谈判的框架、机制和规则,企图另立新约。  相似文献   

This article examines the key points of controversy and the prospects for the post-Copenhagen global climate change negotiations. While the Europeans and the U.S. try to abandon the principles of the Kyoto Protocol after 2012, the developing countries will strive to make the developed countries continue to accept differentiated responsibilities or obligations, The prospects of reaching a new legally binding international agreement on emissions reduction in the Cancun or South Africa summits may be diminishing.  相似文献   

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