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论商事代理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
商事代理具有不同于民事代理的本质属性,不能简单按民事代理规则处理.广义的商事代理,是自然人、法人和其他商事组织基于本人授权为本人利益从事的商行为.其基本形式是经办、代办和受托.狭义商事代理限于代办.总结经办、代办和受托的各自特征,并进一步分析三者相互问的主要区别.  相似文献   

Over the last dozen years or so there has been a burgeoning of criminal law for purposes of dealing with business cartels in a number of jurisdictions (for instance, the new ‘cartel offence’ introduced under the Enterprise Act 2002 in the UK). The discussion here provides first of all some account of this process of criminalisation, mapping it in terms of jurisdictions and the legal character of this category of cartel offending. It then seeks to explain and account for the phenomenon and more particularly to determine the extent to which it may be seen either as an element of more forceful prosecution strategy, or alternatively as a sea-change in moral perception and evaluation. Put another way, is this a development led by legal policy, or a genuine shift in outlook, which has produced a new legal policy? It will be argued finally that, in a more pragmatic perspective, the success of the criminalisation project in any case depends on the emergence of a genuine sense of ‘hard core’ delinquency, without which effective regulation by means of criminal law is unlikely to be achieved. In this respect, a manufactured sense of moral censure, fostered by prosecutors to facilitate leniency programmes, may (outside the US) eventually prove to be a point of vulnerability in such strategies.  相似文献   

商法本质的变迁   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
商法作为一个专门调整商事活动的部门法 ,在其历史发展的不同阶段有不同的本质属性 ,与其发展的四个历史阶段 (古代、中世纪、近代、现代商法 )相对应 ,商法的本质属性依次表现为 :1 家商一体、民商不分的商事规范 ;2 与家庭相区分的自然人之间的商人习惯法 ;3 关于企业商事活动的国内法 ;4 关于资本经营的新国际商人习惯法。  相似文献   

发明的基本特征在于"技术性",体现在两方面:发明应是具体的而不是抽象的,发明应利用自然规律直接作用于客观物质。由于不符合后一项认定标准,商业方法被排除在专利保护范围之外。但在电子商业方法的可专利性审查上,美国采用了一个宽泛的"技术性"概念,背离了上述认定标准,欧洲专利局以局部代替整体的审查方法也难以自圆其说。尽管电子商业方法所采用的计算机手段可以具有技术性,但其整体仍不是发明。  相似文献   

韩秀义 《现代法学》2001,23(2):130-134
本文从横向平面的角度探析了商事营业维持原则的要义,从纵向历史的角度论证了该项原则的历史生成条件与轨迹。  相似文献   

论商业秘密的道德维度   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
商业秘密与社会道德超乎寻常地联系在一起。商业秘密因其经济合理性和社会妥当性 ,具有内在的道德性价值依据 ,才为人所认同与尊重 ,进而成为一种财产权。商业秘密产权的划定涉及到多元化的利益关系 ,商业秘密在公共知识与私有知识、排他性与共享性、雇主与雇员知识权利的划分等问题上纳入了道德的考量标准 ,使相互冲突的利益得以中和。商业秘密的财产法保护具有较大的局限性 ,将其纳入反不正当竞争法的保护范围 ,旨在通过维护竞争中的道德底线 ,构筑权利维护的第二防线。  相似文献   

Regulatory change is driven by competitive struggle. Regulatees struggle with each other for customers and with regulators to lessen the burden of the rules being enforced. Regulators compete for regulatees and for the confidence of customers and the general public.
Competition among regulators is imperfect. Along with better rules, new entrants must offer reputational capital, financial strength, and recognized enforcement powers. These entry requirements have supported a secular expansion of government suppliers relative to private suppliers. Principal-agent conflicts inherent in representative democracy establish incentives for this expanding sector to produce regulatory services of poor quality. Finding ways to make top government regulators economically accountable for acts of misregulation is a critical problem.  相似文献   

The trust form may have afforded transaction planners all the incidents of so-called ‘corporateness' prior to the enactment of general incorporation statutes, but in England the Companies Acts hindered the development of the business trust, and in the United States, the inability of the common law to distinguish adequately between partnerships and trusts made its use uncertain. Whereas the common law in England charted a complicated path to circumvent prohibitions in the Companies Acts, undoing confusion in American common law, which relied on English precedent, required legislative intervention. This narrative complicates interpretations of the state's role in the development of organizational law. The state could help to break down intellectual barriers impeding the progress of the common law as much as the common law could seek out ways in which to circumvent the strictures of state-imposed regulation.  相似文献   

论网络商业方法的可专利性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨丽 《法律科学》2001,(1):22-28
随着Internet的发展 ,电子商务成为人们关注的焦点 ,而与网络有关的商业方法专利 ,也成为热门话题。然而 ,尽管商业方法已成为美国法律的法定保护客体 ,对于这种新兴专利合法性的讨论 ,仍是方兴未艾。  相似文献   

论吊销营业执照的法律后果   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙效敏 《现代法学》2004,26(4):122-127
企业法人被吊销营业执照后的法律地位如何,有两种截然不同的观点,导致立法相互矛盾,执法不统一。笔者从理论和实践上论证了企业法人被吊销营业执照后,不仅丧失其经营资格,同时丧失其法人资格,这是企业法人营业执照的性质所决定的;丧失法人资格的企业之债权债务由清算组继受,清算组具有独立的法律人格,不是被清算企业人格的延续;清算组不作为造成债权人损失的,应当承担侵权责任。  相似文献   

代量商的商誉损失补偿请求权是为弥补委托合同的缺陷,基于公平合理原则为代理商提供的一项救济制度.当代理商的活动为委托人带来了经济利益,却因代理契约的终止而不能获得报酬时,代理商有权获得补偿.但该项权利的行使须符合相应的条件并受最高补偿额和期限的限制.  相似文献   

在市场竞争已经白热化的今天,每一个企业部希望能够将自己的商业秘密完好保护起来,不被任何一个竞争对手轻易获取。但是,总有些个人或企业无视竞争道德和法律法规的存在,试图以不正当手段获取同行业企业的商业秘密。面对这些不正当竞争者,企业既要充分利用行政和法律的维权工具,又要加强自身的商业秘密管理能力,营造良好的企业文化。只有施以全方位的保护才是保护商业秘密最为有效的途径。  相似文献   

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