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正Students from Renmin University stand out in an international trading competition By Ji JingAce team of four graduate students majoring in finance at the Beijing-based Renmin University of China(RUC)won seventh plaat the 13th CME Group Trading Challenge in March,the first time a Chinese team has made it to the"top 10"in the competition.Su Bei,the leader of the RUC team,at-  相似文献   

<正>VALUABLE VOLLEYBALL PLAYERVolleyball player and ace spiker Zhu Ting was named most valuable player after she led the Chinese team to a 3-1 victory over Japan with 23 kills and four blocks in the last match of the2015 FIVB Women's World Cup on September 6,The Chinese team  相似文献   

Strong Alliance     
Star soccer player Sun Jihai leads a demanding lifestyle, seeking high performance from his vehicle as well.Thus, he has signed to be the face of Junjie You can never fail to spot Chinese soccer player Sun Jihai in high gear on the green pitch of Manchester City.Meanwhile,in China's auto market,Junjie is also a rising star.In June,the prestigious player signed with Brilliance Auto to become its promoter for the Junjie brand.  相似文献   

<正>From a faceless Brooklyn boy who was the sixth among seven siblings,Stephon Marbury achieved fame due to his prowess as a basketball player.From the NBA,he switched gears in 2010 to pursue his career in China,winning three Chinese Basketball Association(CBA)championships with Beijing Ducks and being hailed as the greatest foreign player ever to  相似文献   

While most people on Chinese New Year's Eve focus on their big reunion dinners,in the case of Meng Dapeng,a bus driver in Beijing,it is a normal working day.The day consists of completing a full inspection of the vehicle,keeping a cautious eye on things and taking his passengers from stop to stop,a routine Meng has stuck to for 10 years.  相似文献   

IN the vocabulary of the Chinese, "Bethune" is the ultimate synonym for the noble figure.Norman Bethune's reputation was made in the anti-Japanese war period when the Canadian physician trudged the frontiers under heavy gunfire to treat the great many Chi- nese wounded. Adding virtual martyrdom to his heroic qualities, Bethune eventually died in the anti-fascist battlefield, from exhaustion and complications contracted from surgery. "What kind of spirit is this," asked Mao Zedong in his famous 1939 article "In memory of Norman Bethune," "that makes a foreigner selflessly adopt the cause of the Chinese people's liberation as his own?"  相似文献   

<正>Soccer player Sun Ke(right)of the Chinese national team celebrates with his teammate after scoring the second goal for China during a match against Uzbekistan in the Asian Cup in Brisbane on January 14.China beat Uzbekistan 2-1 in the match,in its second straight win at this year’s Asian Cup.Four days prior,it defeated Saudi Arabia 1-0.The two victories have guaranteed China a place in the quarterfinals,representing the first time since 2004 that  相似文献   

CCTV Chinese Sports Figures Photographing Competition was called a period on January 9. The competition combined the advantages of TV and photographing, best manifested the heroic bearing of Chinese athletes. 52 fine works came out, among which "The photo series of Chinese female hockey team", "Lifetime accomplishment" and the other ten works were voted to enter the second round to compete gold medals.The first round was held in Beijing King Wing Hot Spring Hotel. Based on the principle of being fare and square and open to public, the senate who were all experts in the field picked out the twelve works.  相似文献   

A Homecoming     
正I first met Dorje Tseten on his daily circumambulation,the ritual of circling a Tibetan Buddhist holy site and praying,along Lingkhor,the sacred path in Lhasa,capital of Tibet Autonomous Region.While he no longer has the agility of his youth,the 84 year old insists on performing his prayer wheel ritual every day.On completion he takes the bus home."I have the card for senior citizens that entitles me to free bus travel,"he said.Dorje Tseten returned to Lhasa from a decades-long exile in 1999.He left  相似文献   

When Ren Zhengfei, founder and CEO of Chinese telecom giant Huawei, spoke of his admiration for the iPhone ecosystem during a recent interview, he visualized a day when China and the U.S. would work together for universal benefits. His revelation that he buys Apple products for his family members may be a surprise to many, but building partnerships by engaging in fair competition and exploring comparative advantages is not a new idea.  相似文献   

“原则”与“数量”本是风马牛不相及的两个词汇。“原则”,是指说话或行事所依据的法则或标准;“数量”,则是指通过计量单位表现出来的事物的多少。然  相似文献   

格里芬借用的概念—“祛魅”和马克思在早期著作中引入的“异化”概念都蕴含了一个相近的思想批判主客体的分离。但由于两人所处的时代、肩负的使命和建构理论的目的不同,这两个概念又反映出二者思想上的巨大分歧。对此进行比较研究,有利于用马克思主义的立场、观点、方法分析当代西方哲学,正确评价以格里芬为代表的建设性后现代主义的思想,澄清马克思主义哲学与当代西方哲学之间的关系。  相似文献   

市场化在农村的推进全面地改变了过去计划体制下农村的传统块状结构组织和整体性社会结构.与此同时,过去"生产队"式的思想政治工作模式失去了原有的效果.因而要从思维认识上转变到农民现代化的核心主题上,改过去"单位化"动员为"市场化"组织调控,才能使新形势下的农村思想政治工作发挥有效的功能.  相似文献   

文章阐述了邓小平的“三个有利于”和江泽民的“三个代表”两个论断共同的历史观基础和历史经验基础 ,及其在内容上的内在一致性。从“三个有利于”到“三个代表” ,反映了两代领导集体之间一脉相承的继承和发展关系 ,反映了本世纪最后二十多年历程中 ,有中国特色社会主义事业和中国共产党自身建设胜利发展的历史轨迹。  相似文献   

从"认识论"向"本体论"回归   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪30年代,毛泽东发表了《实践论》一文,在马克思主义实践观创立后又一次将实践问题提上了哲学的议事日程。自上个世纪80年代末期以来,人们已经看到,随着人类的进步和科学的发展,包括社会制度和意识形态在内的几乎所有现存的一切,都成了实践的对象。实践的问题不仅是认识论问题,而且是本体论问题。以改造世界为己任的马克思主义哲学,在提出实践问题并成功地指导了一个多世纪世界性的革命运动后,正在回归到实践本体上来。马克思主义哲学在21世纪的发展前景召唤着我们必须重视《实践论》的再研究和再评论。这对推动马克思主义哲学的发展,引…  相似文献   

鲁迅是现代中国迄今无人超越的伟大思想家、文学家。他的意义并不仅仅在于他后来走上了“一条中国知识分子唯一正确的道路”,“终于成为了共产主义者”;而在于他为中华民族贡献了别人无法贡献的、他个人独有的东西;而这种贡献是早在五四时期就开始了。  相似文献   

罗静 《前沿》2010,(24):46-48
我们党对于"什么是社会主义"的思考,经历了从"共同富裕"到"和谐社会"的发展。如何考察"共同富裕"与"和谐社会"理论之间的关系,这种发展也告诉我们在对于"什么是社会主义"的问题上永远没有唯一的、现成的、永恒不变的答案。如何正确地认识社会主义,坚定社会主义信念,推动社会主义现代化目标的实现,是我们必须思考的问题。  相似文献   

考试,在中国传统文化中,始终是神圣而庄严的;在一定的意义上,完全可以这样讲,考场如战场,考试实乃命运之门,成败荣辱系于此。半个多世纪前,一代伟人毛泽东,在他走出中共中央在农村的最后一个战略指挥所———西柏坡村口时,以东方式的政治智慧和独特话语,把共产党在全中国的上台执政定位为“进京赶考”。“赶考”路漫漫1949年3月23日,毛泽东、周恩来等中共中央领导人离开河北平山县西柏坡,动身前往北平。临行前,毛泽东对周围的人说:“同志们,我们就要进北平了。我们进北平,可不是李自成进北平,他们进了北平就变了。…  相似文献   

魏欣 《理论月刊》2007,(6):51-53
萨特与海德格尔的思想上的争辩,可以归为生存与存在的争辩。“existence”意味着生存,在萨特那里它形成了主题,而海德格尔的主题却是“being,”即存在。存在与生存的争辩将萨特与海德格尔区分开,揭示出了以萨特为代表的存在主义的实质是生存主义,而海德格尔与之无关。  相似文献   

在1990-2005年最高人民法院工作报告中,我国法院工作主题经历了由“稳定”到“公正与效率”的变化。分析引起我国法院工作主题变化的经济原因,有助于我们正确把握中国司法体制改革的走向。  相似文献   

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