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Torben Spaak 《Ratio juris》2017,30(1):75-104
Legal realism comes in two main versions, namely American legal realism and Scandinavian legal realism. In this article, I shall be concerned with the Scandinavian realists, who were naturalists and non‐cognitivists, and who maintained that conceptual analysis (in a fairly broad sense) is a central task of legal philosophers, and that such analysis must proceed in a naturalist, anti‐metaphysical spirit. Specifically, I want to consider the commitment to ontological naturalism and non‐cognitivism on the part of the Scandinavians and its implications for their view of the nature of law. I argue (i) that the Scandinavians differ from legal positivists in that they reject the idea that there are legal relations, that is, legal entities and properties, and to varying degrees defend the view that law is a matter of human behavior rather than legal norms, and (ii) that they do not and cannot accept the idea that there is a ‘world of the ought’ in Kelsen's sense. I also argue, more specifically, (iii) that the objection to non‐naturalist theories raised by the Scandinavians—that there is and can be no connection between the higher realm of norms and values (the ‘world of the ought’) and the world of time and space—is convincing, and (iv) that Kelsen's introduction of a so‐called modally indifferent substrate does nothing to undermine this objection. In addition, I argue (v) that the Scandinavians can account for the existence of legal relations that do not presuppose the existence of morally binding legal norms by embracing conventionalism about the existence of the sources of law, while pointing out that in doing so they would also be abandoning their legal realism for legal positivism. Finally, I argue (vi) that the implications for legal scholarship of the realist emphasis on human behavior instead of legal norms is not well explained by the realists and appear to amount to little more than a preference for teleological interpretation of legal norms.  相似文献   

The realist approach that has dominated American jurisprudence has long had especially great acceptance in regard to children's issues. Ironically, however, decision making on such topics has seemed to be particularly unlikely to be informed by careful assessments of social reality. Symbolism has prevailed over pragmatism. Psycholegal research on children's issues has also often been misdirected. Application of the Convention on the Rights of the Child may point the way to more psychologically minded children's law.  相似文献   

张军 《河北法学》2004,22(2):14-18
SARS的恣意横行是对政府和人民的考验,也折射出我国法制建设的缺位与不足,剖析和解构了公民权利与国家权力关系的几种具体形态,透视和反思了抗击SARS行为的合法性与正当性的关系,并在此基础上提出若干建议和思考。  相似文献   

不同的真理理论导致不同的法律方法论。符合论实在主义的哲学会导致哲学的和自然主义的法律发现,而融贯论则是规范分析和法律解释的基础。不少哲学家认为没有脱离融贯论的符合论(如普特南)。但同时,从真理的客观性维度讲,融贯论只能保障认知的客观性,而不能获得形而上的客观性。融贯论的结果必然是相对主义。因此,法律哲学的认识论选择必然是折中的,这个折中的认识论可以由普特南的内在实在主义来承担,而内在实在主义将最终引向包容的法律实证主义。  相似文献   

The new legal realism builds on the strengths of the legal realism of the early twentieth century, viewing law as a set of social processes embedded in historical and political contexts. As it addresses sociolegal phenomena of the early twenty-first century, however, the new legal realism is more attentive to the effects of transnationalism, legal culture, and legal consciousness, and the way ideas and norms travel and are adopted around the world. Asking questions of this kind requires new, more multi-sited or deterritorialized methods of scholarship. This article explores these new perspectives and their methodologies through an examination of the use of human rights in the international movement against violence against women.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,后现代主义在西方蓬勃发展并对加拿大法学理论界产生影响,形成了加拿大的新现实主义法学。这种法学包含了女权主义法学理论、批判种族主义法学理论、原住民法学理论、同性(双性)恋法学理论和批判残疾人法学理论等形态。  相似文献   

New legal realism (NLR) furthers the legal realist legacy by focusing attention on both the pertinent social science and the craft that typifies legal discourse and legal institutions. NLR's globalized ambitions also highlight the potential of a nonstatist view of law. The realist view of law raises three challenges facing NLR: identifying the “lingua franca” of law as an academic discipline within which NLR insights on translation and synthesis should be situated; conceptualizing NLR's focus on bottom‐up investigation, so that it does not defy the rule of law; and recognizing the normative underpinning for NLR's reformist impulse.  相似文献   

1999年国际公法和国际私法学研究的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章尚锦  余民才 《法学家》2000,(1):103-107
一、国际法学部分 (一)概述 1999年是国际法学的研究形势较好的一年。一方面,今年恰逢第一次海牙和平会议召开一百周年和日内瓦国际人道法四公约签订五十周年,同时也是联合国国际法十年的最后一年。国际法得到广泛普及,遵守、维护国际法成为共识。另一方面,新殖民主义、霸权主义抬头,发生了以美国为首的北约无视联合国的权威对南斯拉夫联盟共和国进行长达78天的空中打击和轰炸中国驻南大使馆、造成我使馆人员伤亡及财...  相似文献   

姜涛 《法学》2022,482(1):80-97
重构主义立足于犯罪人与被害者、国家之间的关系网络,强调犯罪人与国家之间的合作,以此作为无罪认定或从宽处罚的依据。我国刑法有关行政或民事处理前置程序、犯罪后及时退还或上交等无罪处理的规定,刑事诉讼法对认罪认罚从宽处罚的规定,都只能从重构主义才能得以合理解释。刑法是法益保护法,而法益保护不只是指向过去,以确保保护法益被损害后的惩罚,同时也面向未来,激励行为人在保护法益被损害后及时修复。重构主义的制度实践,需要正确对待刑法中的"迷途知返条款"建构,强化犯罪治理上的"协约自治",并在部分经济犯、秩序犯中予以推广,使犯罪治理符合经济发展理性与社会发展理性。  相似文献   

Group litigation is becoming commonplace. Rules of standing have been relaxed to allow groups to bring representative actions on behalf of their members or to act 'in the public interest'. Groups increasingly intervene in actions between third parties, presenting amicus briefs. This article traces the origins of group action in courts and speculates on the possible effects of changes which blur traditional distinctions between legal and political process, concluding that the legal process must be kept broadly within traditional boundaries, if the qualities of independence, rationality and finality for which it is valued are to be maintained.  相似文献   

公众参与与行政法治   总被引:53,自引:0,他引:53  
公众参与与人民代表大会制度一道,构成中国现代民主的基本模式。在行政法治领域,公众参与对于保障行政机关依法、公正行使职权,防止滥权和腐败,对于维护行政相对人的合法权益,防止侵权和歧视,对于推进公民自治,培育公民社会有着特殊重要的意义。本文首先分析了中华人民共和国成立以来公众参与制民主发展的经验教训,特别是有关推进公众参与与建立、健全行政法治和宪政关系的经验教训。然后文章研究了公众参与对于整个人类社会发展的战略价值和可能的风险,法律对之加以规范和保障的必要性与途径。文章最后探讨了公众参与制民主在全球化、信息化条件下发展的趋势和对行政法治与宪政重构的影响。  相似文献   

"软法"及其概念之证成——以公共治理为背景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
翟小波 《法律科学》2007,25(2):3-10
"软法"是缺乏"国家法"的拘束力,但却意图产生一定的规范效果的成文规范.复杂、多元和速变的当代社会,要求政府转变角色:从"管制的主导者"走向"公共治理的辅助者"."软法"是公共治理的主要凭借."软法"概念是可以成立的:一方面,卢曼的系统论可以为它提供理论基础;另一方面,它也可以被看成是"国家法"概念的类比用法.  相似文献   

This article is a contribution to the occasional series dealing with major books that have influenced the authors. Previous contributors include Stewart Macaulay, John Griffith, William Twining, Carol Harlow, Geoffrey Bindman, Harry Arthurs, André‐Jean Arnaud, Alan Hunt, Michael Adler, Lawrence O. Gostin, John P. Heinz, and Roger Brownsword.  相似文献   

违反强制性法规行为之效力体现了私法自治与公法强制之间的紧张关系。基于对公益、交易安全、当事人间的信义与公平等价值衡量、取舍之不同,在日本强制性法规违反行为效力论之展开过程中,渐次出现了“法规渊源区别说”、“综合判断说”、“履行阶段说”、“经济公序说”、“基本权保护义务说”,并表现为从“公法优先到公法、私法功能分离再到公法、私法功能协调”的一波三折的变化过程。  相似文献   

蔡从燕 《法学研究》2009,(1):178-193
国际法包括私法意义上的国际法和公法意义上的国际法。近现代国际法本质上是一种私法意义上的国际法,但国际交往的日益频繁与复杂必然要求建立某种形式的等级制与集中化架构,公法意义上的国际法应运而生。作为一种后发的法律秩序,国际法受到较为成熟的国内法的影响是很自然的。在借鉴国内公法发展国际法时面临某些重要的障碍,也会产生不可忽视的风险,应该予以充分的注意。国内公法日益影响国际法的趋势对于中国的国际法理论与实践将产生重要的影响。  相似文献   

公私法关系论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公私法的划分是现代国家的基本制度,我国的法律制度也遵循公私法划分法理。公私法既有相同性,又有不同性。相同性主要是具有共同的市民社会基础,某些权利义务具有公私法的双重属性,某些法律原因和客体也是相同的。不同性主要是表现为主体地位是否平等,是否允许自治以及是否等价有偿。也存在公私法规范综合的第三法域,在公私法的相同性领域,公法无规定的,可准用私法规定。  相似文献   

Rationalism is ‘the stylistic criterion of all respectable politics’. So lamented political philosopher Michael Oakeshott in a series of essays published in the 1940s and 1950s. Rationalism, for Oakeshott, is shorthand for a propensity to prioritise the universal over the local, the uniform over the particular and, ultimately, principle over practice. It culminates in the triumph of abstract principles over practical knowledge in a manner that erodes our ability to engage in political activity. Although Oakeshott's critique was made with the practice and study of politics in mind, it has a wider relevance. Rationalism, as we see it, has become the dominant style in public law. We draw upon Oakeshott's critique to elucidate the risks associated with rationalism in public law and call for a renewed engagement with practical knowledge in the study of the constitution.  相似文献   

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