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当前关于平面广告的眼动研究已在国内逐渐兴起,本文就其研究方法做简单讨论,以求为后续的研究作方法指导。  相似文献   

基于眼动追踪测量认知负荷变化的犯罪心理测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索可用于认知犯罪心理测试的眼动指标及测试方法。方法对被测人进行视觉、听觉双通路-双任务模拟案件犯罪心理测试,要求被测人对相同问题分别进行诚实回答和欺骗回答,对不同眼动数据和行为数据进行分析。结果注视点离靶、眼跳次数、眨眼间隔随认知负荷(实施欺骗时)增加而增大,并未发现瞳孔变化与答题策略间存在特定关系。结论注视点、离靶距离等眼动指标能有效分析认知负荷变化且应用于认知犯罪心理测试。  相似文献   

目的探究眼动追踪在测谎中的应用价值。方法使用随机数字法将40名被试分为两组,实验组在实施模拟犯罪后利用眼动追踪仪记录其在观察靶刺激和非靶刺激时的瞳孔直径、注视时间、注视点和眨眼次数,对照组直接采集眼动数据。采用t检验分析实验组和对照组在观察靶刺激与非靶刺激时眼球运动参数的差异,用Pearson相关系数分析存在差异的眼球运动参数之间的相关性,用受试者操作特征(receiver operator characteristic,ROC)曲线估计眼球运动参数甄别实验组与对照组的有效性。结果实验组观察靶刺激与非靶刺激时相比,平均瞳孔直径减小、注视时间延长、注视点减少(P<0.05),但眨眼次数的差异无统计学意义。对照组在观察靶刺激和非靶刺激时上述指标的差异均无统计学意义。实验组平均注视时间与注视点呈负相关(r=-0.255,P<0.05),平均注视时间与平均瞳孔直径之间呈负相关(r=-0.218,P<0.05),注视点与平均瞳孔直径之间呈正相关(r=0.09,P<0.05)。平均瞳孔直径、平均注视时间和注视点的曲线下面积分别为0.603、0.621和0.580。结论眼动追踪仪所测得的平均瞳孔直径、平均注视时间和注视点在实验室条件下可以用于测谎。  相似文献   

眼部损伤主要分为眼附属器损伤、眼球结构损伤和视功能损害3个方面.《人体损伤程度鉴定标准》(以下简称《标准》)对有关眼损伤的条款分列于两个部分,即面部损伤章节中主要包括眼附属器损伤,而眼球结构损伤及视功能损害相关条款主要体现在视力视器损伤章节.本文就眼附属器损伤的条款进行探讨.眼附属器包括眼睑、泪器、眼眶、结膜、眼外肌.  相似文献   

家兔眼玻璃体液21例元素含量PMI关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目的寻找一种精确推定PMI的方法。方法应用电感耦合等离子体质谱(ICP-MS),系统研究了家兔死后96h内眼玻璃体液21种元素含量与PMI的相关性。结果眼玻璃体液Co、Mo、Cd、Sb、I、Pb、Bi、Li共8种元素与PMI无关。K、Mg、Fe、P、Na、Al、Ca、Ti、Ni、Cu、Zn、Sr、Ba共13种元素含量与PMI有关。结论眼玻璃体液K、Mg、Fe、P、Na、Al、Ca、Ti、Ni、Cu、Zn、Sr、Ba共13种元素与PMI有关。为研究人尸体眼玻璃体液元素与PMI的关系奠定了选择指标的基础。  相似文献   

简明全 《刑警与科技》2013,(24):275-275
<正>2013年10月29日至11月1日,"第十四届中国国际公共安全博览会"在深圳会展中心举行。来自台湾的安防产品研发及生产商家"由田新技"携全线安防产品参展,吸引众多新老客户参观洽谈。由田新技的安控节能事业部负责人庄佶霖向客户展示了一款眼动锁新产品。它采用最新的瞳孔移动辨识技术,自动判断眼球所视位置,使用者移动眼球,注视希望选取的数字即可输入密码开锁,绝无密码泄露疑虑。  相似文献   

本文讨论了无晶体眼视觉功能障碍,并对现行标准中"晶体眼"、"单眼无晶体"、"双眼无晶体"的视觉有效率进行了讨论,为进一步规范无晶体眼视觉功能障碍的评定提供参考.  相似文献   

现象学心理学的两种研究取向初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
现象学哲学对现代西方心理学产生了重要影响,但这种影响很难落实到心理学的具体研究层面.与此相比,以美国杜奎森大学的心理学家们为代表的现象学心理学却在这方面做出了突破.现象学心理学秉承现象学精神,关注生活世界,在具体研究中,形成了经验的和解释的两种取向.经验的研究取向主要以胡塞尔的现象学为哲学基础,而解释的研究取向则更多地基于解释学哲学,二者在研究思路和研究程序上都有着很大的不同.对于心理学而言,现象学心理学的两种研究取向提供了科学心理学之外的另一种研究途径,并且使得心理学更加真正地面向生活.  相似文献   

蔡继峰 《证据科学》1998,5(4):175-175
眼损伤是法医临床工作中经常遇到的问题,其中戴眼镜的人眼部遭受暴力后,碎裂的镜片致眼损伤后果较为严重.现就近年来我处及包头市公安局120余例眼损伤中,6例涉及该方面内容的案例进行讨论.  相似文献   

科学心理学与常识心理学是心理学存在的两种知识形态,在知识的掌握者、追求目标、呈现方式及真理性判断标准等方面都存在着明显的区别甚至对立.新近心理学中质化研究的兴起,有望打破两者的对立困境,使常识心理学纳入科学心理学研究领域、常人从事科学心理学研究都成为可能,从而为两者构架了一座沟通的桥梁.在质化研究视野中反思两者的关联,就会发现常识心理学应该科学化,科学心理学也要注意常识化,两者本质上是一个相互转化,共同发展的关系.  相似文献   

目击证人对犯罪嫌疑人辨认的结果是定案的重要依据,但目击证人的错误记忆产生的不当陈述又是案件错判的最常见原因,提高目击证人辨认的准确性对于惩罚犯罪和保障公民的权利至关重要。目击证人受外界环境、主观心理等多方面的作用,形成错误记忆,严重影响辨认的准确性。因此,应当借鉴认知心理学对错误记忆的研究方法,抑制错误记忆对目击证人的影响因素,提高目击证人辨认结果的准确性。  相似文献   

人文文化与科学文化从一开始就在不断地融合与分裂中此长彼落 ,且都对认知心理学研究产生了影响 ,科学主义带给认知心理学以繁荣又使之走向困境、人文主义的批判有其合理性又失之偏颇。两种文化的认同比对立更具建设性。认知研究应在三个层面上展开 ,即哲学的考察、结构与过程的考察、生态学的考察。未来一个时期认知心理学中的信息加工研究范型仍以主流形式存在 ,但生态学范型会越来越占据重要地位 ,该领域研究可能出现一种现象学的回归。  相似文献   

The credibility of children’s statements of sexual abuse is a controversial issue in forensic psychiatry and psychology. Neurobiological and clinical laboratory studies show that real memories contain more information regarding sensory details than false memories. The goal of the present field study was to evaluate whether sensory information was present in children’s statements of sexual abuse, and whether this information was more often present in credible statements compared with non-credible statements. Sensory details were extracted from a sample of 96 statements of sexual abuse from children; 62 statements were considered credible and 34 statements were considered non-credible. This study showed that sensory information was present in 79% of children’s reports of child sexual abuse. Sensory information was significantly more often present in statements considered credible compared with non-credible statements (85.5%, P < 0.001), but there were large variations in the sense involved. Logistic regression analysis showed that the presence of at least one sensory detail may be a good predictor of credibility (odds ratio, OR = 23.484, P < 0.05). It seems appropriate to include sensory details when assessing the credibility of children’s statements of child sexual abuse, but it has not yet been demonstrated that use of such details significantly improves the validity of credibility assessments.KEYWORDS: Forensic sciences, forensic psychiatry, forensic psychology, credibility, sensory information, children’s statements, sexual abuse  相似文献   

Regularly employed in a forensic context, the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) model purports that the behavioral distinction between somebody who is remembering information and somebody who is constructing information lies in the direction of their eye movements. This strategy reflects numerous current approaches to lie detection, which presume that nonverbal behavior influences perceptions and judgments about deception. The present study emphasized a reverse order by investigating whether beliefs that an individual is deceptive influence perceptions of the respective individual’s nonverbal behavior as indicated by observed eye movement patterns. Sixty participants were randomly assigned to either a group informed that right eye movements indicate constructed and thus deceptive information or a group informed that left eye movements indicate constructed and thus deceptive information. Each participant viewed six investigative interviews depicting the eye movement patterns of mock suspects labeled as deceptive or truthful. The interviews were structured according to different right/left eye movement ratios. Results revealed that participants reportedly observed the deceptive suspects displaying significantly more eye movements in the direction allegedly indicative of deception than did the truthful suspects. This result occurred despite the fact that the actual eye movement ratios in both deceptive/truthful sets of interviews were identical and the eye movements were predominantly in the opposite direction of that allegedly indicative of deception. The results are discussed in the context of encoding-based cognitive-processing theories. Limitations on the generality of the results are emphasized and the applicability (or lack thereof) of NLP-based lie detection in forensic contexts is discussed.  相似文献   

As a context for this special section, we surveyed the published research literature on the psychology of law enforcement in four specialty journals that feature law and psychology studies and two more broadly targeted scholarly outlets. The volume of research studies was scant and concentrated on two targets: clinical services to the police and eyewitness identification studies. We call for social scientists to engage in empirical study of psychological variables that affect the full spectrum of police activities.  相似文献   

近30年前出版的中国心理学史教材,舍人文主义而取科学主义的心理学研究范式,形成了两种研究模式。一种以科学主义心理学的概念体系作为挖掘与整合的主要框架,使得中国古代心理学史的研究停留在外在逻辑水平。另一种是潘菽教授言传身行的科学性原则。潘菽避开了科学主义心理学的研究困境,认为中国古代心理学思想是否具有科学性,应该检验其是否合乎人的心理实际,是否有助于破解当代心理学的问题与提高心理学的科学性。中国心理学史的改革必须坚持潘菽教授的科学性原则,以开放的学科视角,兼容科学与人文范式,并蓄各种研究方法,才能发展出体现中国文化内在逻辑原则的心理学体系。  相似文献   

There is a myth in popular psychology, often echoed in police literature, but as yet untested, that specific eye movements pertain to lying and truth telling. According to this line of thought, eye movements to the sender??s right indicate lying, as the sender??s eyes are drawn to the side of his/her brain where their fabrication is being created. We have put this hypothesis, derived from ??Neuro-Linguistic Programming?? to the test in two experiments. In Experiment 1, a total of 204 participants (all air passengers) were interviewed at an international airport about their forthcoming trip. All participants answered one question truthfully and one question deceptively. Some participants answered a third question truthfully, whereas others answered the same question deceptively. No conclusive evidence was found for a relationship between specific eye movements and deception. In Experiment 2, a total of 31 participants discussed their real occupation in one interview and a pretend occupation in another interview. Only three of the 31 participants revealed the eye movement pattern predicted by NLP. Reasons for the existence of the myth that liars display specific eye movements are discussed.  相似文献   

高觉教毛重是我国名的心理学史家,同时他也在儿童心理学领域有着突出的贡献。本就其在译介国外儿童作、撰儿童心理学理论章、从事儿童心理与教育发展的具体研究等方面作一初步介绍一探讨,以肯定一代学术大师对20世纪中国儿童心理学的巨大贡献。  相似文献   

后现代心理学冲击着现代心理学,并试图实现对它的超越。只要我们考察后现代心理学与现代心理学的关系,就会发现从现代心理学到后现代心理学并非一种库恩意义上的范式转换,两者之间的连贯性超过它们之间的断层性,后现代心理学要求我们寻求包括技术理性和价值理性在内的更多理性内涵。后现代心理学挑战了实证方法的霸权,批驳了价值中立的神话,强调了理论的实用价值。在看到积极意义的同时,也使我们保留着理论上的疑问。  相似文献   

学习策略是学习者主动寻求的,旨在有效提高学习和信息加工效率的规则系统.20世纪80年代以来,学习策略始终是教育心理学,特别是学习心理学研究的核心问题之一.元认知和自我调节学习构成了学习策略的核心或监控层面.学习策略研究从初期单纯强调元认知到强调包括元认知、动机在内的自我调节学习反映了学习心理学领域一种新的整合趋势,同时也表明学习策略研究日益强调课堂干预和应用.  相似文献   

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