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各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:根据国务院第一次常务会议审议通过的国务院部委管理的国家局设置方案,现将部委管理的国家局设置通知如下:  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构: 根据国务院第一次常务会议审议通过的国务院部委管理的国家局设置方案,现将部委管理的国家局设置通知如下:  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:根据国务院第一次常务会议审议通过的国务院部委管理的国家局设置方案,现将部委管理的国家局设置通知如下:  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构: 根据国务院第一次常务会议审议通过的国务院部委管理的国家局设置方案,现将部委管理的国家局设置通知如下:  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:根据国务院第一次常务会议审议通过的国务院部委管理的国家局设置方案,现将部委管理的国家局设置通知如下:  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构: 根据国务院第一次常务会议审议通过的国务院部委管理的国家局设置方案,现将部委管理的国家局设置通知如下: 国家信访局,由国务院办公厅管理。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:根据国务院第一次常务会议审议通过的国务院部委管理的国家局设置方案,现将部委管理的国家局设置通知如下:  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构: 根据国务院第一次常务会议审议通过的国务院部委管理的国家局设置方案,现将部委管理的国家局设置通知如下: 国家信访局,由国务院办公厅管理。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,国务院各部委、各直属机构:根据国务院第一次常务会议审议通过的国务院部委管理的国家局设置方案,现将部委管理的国家局设置通知如下:国家信访局,由国务院办公厅管理。  相似文献   

国务院关于部委管理的国家局设置的通知国发〔1998〕6号(一九九八年三月二十九日)根据国务院第一次全体会议审议通过的国务院部委管理的国家局设置方案,现将部委管理的国家局设置通知如下:国家粮食储备局,由国家发展计划委员会管理;国家国内贸易局,由国家经贸...  相似文献   

基层政府如何执行存在"张力"的政策?既有研究关注到基层政府在"压力型体制"下通过"变通"、"共谋"等非正式运作执行被上级"加码"的政策。由于"加码"导致既有政策"张力"的增加,作为权力末梢的基层对于"加码"避之不及。吊诡的是,基层时常主动"加码"存在"张力"的政策。如何解释基层主动"制造困难"?本研究以H省J县的村干部选举为案例,揭示基层政府主动"加码"存在"张力"政策的逻辑:主动"加码"被认为是下级向上级"讨价还价"的重要方式,这基于主动"加码"符合上级对完成任务以及晋升的渴求,当基层官员执行存在"张力"的政策时,主动"加码"能够规避政策执行中的潜在风险。简言之,主动"加码"有利于基层官员"卸责"。这对既有研究提供了新的补充:对于存在"张力"的政策,基层政府通过主动"加码"可能更好地完成任务。  相似文献   

“性骚扰”作为一个舶来品如何在中国法律制度中被良性借鉴,需要对其发源地美国的性骚扰法律制度进行全面理解。而雇主责任是其性骚扰法律制度中的最大亮点:在职场这样一个特定环境下雇主有维护安宁的劳动环境的义务,违反这个义务则需要对受害人因此遭受的损害承担补偿甚至惩罚性赔偿的责任。因此,引进雇主责任是中国性骚扰救济制度的核心。  相似文献   

This paper examines the political economy of making China's exchange rate policy, with a focus on the post-Deng reform period. First it analyses the structure of elite economic policymaking, especially on exchange rate policy, pinpointing core policymakers in that structure. Second, the paper analyses the roles and responsibilities of key economic ministries, and explains how the ministries' changing roles and responsibilities in the transforming economic environment of the reform period have affected their relative influence and the positions they pursue on exchange rate policy. Results of the analyses are then applied to explain the RMB devaluation policy in 1989 and the no-devaluation policy during the Asian financial crisis.  相似文献   

近几十年来,女性主义史学家挑战了传统史学,不仅使妇女进入了史册,而且使“性别”(Gender)成为一个重要的历史分析范畴。但是,女性主义史学在几个基本理论问题上存在很多争议:在解释妇女在历史上缺席的原因时,如何区分性别偏见与时代局限;在把妇女作为研究对象时,应该如何认识妇女之间的差异;妇女史学在颠覆使命完成之后,如何处理妇女史与通史关系等。思考这些问题是我们研究妇女史的理论前提。  相似文献   

Xiaoling Zhang 《当代中国》2011,20(68):103-115
This paper argues that negotiation and accommodation between the state and the media, with the latter having gained more bargaining power, should be considered in assessing the transformation of the Chinese media. It examines the discourses of media professionals on the coverage of the 2008 Sichuan Earthquake to reveal how they seized the opportunity presented by the well-received breakthrough in the coverage of the earthquake to bargain with the state for more autonomy. The purpose of the examination is three-fold. First, what drove the Chinese state media such as CCTV to risk breaking regulations? Secondly, how did the Central Government respond to the media-led breakthrough? Answers to these questions prepare the ground for the final one, and that is, how do media professionals bargain with the state for more autonomy?  相似文献   

地方金融稳定发展组织框架的构建是影响本轮中国金融监管改革成败的关键环节,牵涉到中央与地方关系和省政府金融办、"一行两局"之间关系的调整和职责定位,是地方金融管理改革的核心问题。本文基于规则系统理论,提出和运用"规则系统-组织结构-操作系统"扩展框架,回顾中国金融监管体制演进,遵循顶层设计与基层创新相结合原则,对地方金融稳定发展组织模式进行选择和设计,提出重组监管资源和构建规则操作系统等政策建议。  相似文献   

Jie Lu 《当代中国》2015,24(92):203-221
The dramatic increase in China's economic and hence political power and influence is a common story around the world. Just how clearly and well does this story get across to citizens of some nations other than China, itself? In particular, we ask what Americans know about China. Do they observe its rise? Are their views simple or rich and nuanced? How do they vary across the public? What leads to more positive and what leads to more negative views of China? We report the results of a survey of the American population designed to address these questions. We find that they are reasonably knowledgeable of China's rise and that they have rich and nuanced perceptions of a variety of dimensions of China, its society, economy and polity. These views are, on balance, not especially positive, but the more cosmopolitan the citizen, the more likely they are to hold positive views. Those who are Democrats, who are liberals, and who have had the opportunity to travel in China are especially likely to have positive impressions.  相似文献   

未成年人犯罪率居高不下已成为不争的事实,但涉案少年于法不惧的行为表现则更令人深思。究其原因何在?又应如何应对?是笔者意欲探讨的问题。  相似文献   

The author recounts his life and how it led to a career as an activist community psychology practitioner with a focus on issues of social justice. He tells of his upbringing, family and education as the background to a series of positions in various systems. The story shows an evolution from working with individuals to working with whole communities; and from working on issues of remediation and treatment to working on prevention and finally empowerment, social change, and social justice. The story of his life parallels the social issues of the time. Throughout the accounting of his life the author raises the questions that he was struggling with. The sequence of those questions is as follows: Can I emerge as a community leader? What do I do with that leadership? Can my work in psychology have any relationship to the larger social issues? Can my politics, social action and beliefs in social justice, be integrated with my mental health job? Can I find a setting that will tolerate and permit me to do work to create social change and reduce oppression? Can we build competent helping systems with partners from many sectors? Can we mobilize whole communities around community crises? Can we use coalition building to make a difference in quality of life? And finally: How can our spirituality inform our work for social change and how can our social change work to inform our spirituality?  相似文献   

由于身份的特定性,在解决外国人刑事责任问题时,必然要涉及到国与国之间的政治、经济、外交关系。因此,在追究外国人刑事责任时,各国都作了一些特殊的规定。本文作者经过对相关法律法规的收集整理,重点介绍了我国对外国人采取强制措施的有关特殊规定。  相似文献   

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