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Gaining Currency     
<正>With South Africa’s economic leadership severely challenged,the yuan can come to its aid South Africa was Africa’s economic giant,creating the miracle of accounting for one third of the continent’s GDP though its population was only 6 percent of the entire African population.However,exceptionally high unemployment,socio-economic inequalities,an ailing electricity generation capability and  相似文献   

Digital Currency     
正China's digital fiat currency, or the e-CNY, has been used for the first time for transactions in the domestic futures market, the China Securities Journal reported on August 23.The e-CNY has been used by the Dalian Commodity Exchange(DCE) for the payment of storage fees to a delivery warehouse, assisted by the local branches of Bank of Communications and Bank of China.  相似文献   

<正>China plans to allow cross-border yuan direct investments to expand the currency’s global presence Foreign investors will soon be able to make direct investments in China with the yuan obtained legally overseas. The Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) recently issued a draft circular on this issue,  相似文献   

Currency Swap Against Crisis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By helping their neighbors, Asian economies also help themselves on December 12, the People's Bank of China and the Bank of Korea jointly announced a bilat- eral currency swap arrangement  相似文献   

On the global economic recovery’s already unpredictable road,the latest threat comes from the possibility of a currency war.  相似文献   

<正>China is promoting greater use of the yuan in global trade,investment and as a reserve currency China’s currency,the yuan,ascended to a higher global status in 2014,with the value of cross-border payments by the currency accounting for 23.6percent of total cross-border payments,according to a report on the globalization of the yuan released by the People’s Bank of China,the country’s central bank,on  相似文献   

<正>On January 4, the World Bank issued its first round of bonds denominated in China’s currency, the yuan or renminbi, worth 500 million yuan ($76 million) with a two-year fixed rate due on January  相似文献   

正Estonia's accession demonstrates the euro zone's charm, despite European economic woes with the 2011 New Year's bell, Estonia joined the euro zone-a hopeful sign for the slowly recovering European economy.  相似文献   

Capturing many styles of oxen in gold, bronze,or dressed in colorful lights, is a delight to my camera eyes. In this, the Year of the Ox in the Chinese calendar, I am excited about prospects of a more adven-  相似文献   

China may not be the currency manipulator the United States makes it out to be The worst financial disaster since  相似文献   

方琢 《青年论坛》2006,29(6):90-93
货币国际化是近来研究比较热的问题,研究的视角也很多。从分析主要货币国际化的模式出发,通过对马克和日元两种货币国际化的路径进行比较研究,探寻两种货币国际化成功的因素和发展过程中遇到的问题,在此基础上提出人民币国际化的路径选择,也不失为一种视角。  相似文献   

破坏货币管理秩序犯罪案件的侦查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
侦查部门应对不同来源的有关破坏货币管理秩序犯罪的材料线索进行审查 ,对法律上应当受到惩罚的犯罪行为予以立案并开展侦查工作。其侦查措施有广泛发动群众 ,控制假币投放 ;调查假币来源 ,发现线索 ;分析假币制作特征 ,缩小侦查范围 ;加强区域协作 ,开展并案侦查 ;分析假币投放、使用地区的特点和控制特种行业 ,发现犯罪嫌疑人 ;组建情报力量 ,及时发现线索。其取证方法采取询问证人获取证言 ,讯问犯罪嫌疑人获取口供 ,搜查有关场所获取罪证 ,采用技术鉴定获取证据。侦查中应根据各类货币案件证据体系的不同特点予以收集 ,形成完整证据链。  相似文献   

本文通过全面分析货币政策与通货紧缩的关系以及货币政策工具的选择 ,对通货紧缩这一经济效果的传导机制和可能在实施中遇到的不利因素的论证 ,提出了运用货币政策来治理通货紧缩的有效途径。  相似文献   

<正>According to a Bloomberg report,Thailand has become the 21 st country in the world to make cuts to its benchmark interest rate this year.Thailand's move marks the latest progression in a global currency war that has been escalating since 2014.With the exception of Brazil,which was forced to raise interest rates owing to inflation,24 central banks,including those in Turkey,Denmark,Switzerland,India,Egypt and Canada,have cut the benchmark inter-  相似文献   

本文认为在我国目前的经济发展中 ,内需不振的根子在产业结构的老化和不合理。绝不能把增发货币作为刺激经济增长、扩大内需的灵丹妙药。货币的作用是一把双刃剑 ,运用得体可以真正发挥经济的“第一推动力”和“持续推动力”的作用 ;相反则有可能使经济陷入滞胀之中。  相似文献   

李晓梅 《理论月刊》2005,(12):154-157
1998年后人民币在资本项目不可自由兑换情况下逐步在境外流通。本文提出了利用人民币走强的预期和现实,既可解决部分历史问题,又在中短期内较具可操作性的应对设想。  相似文献   

SINCE mid 2014 the Eurozone has joined what is popularly known as"currency wars"–to use terminology made famous by Brazil’s former fina nce minister Guido Mantega.Between the beginning of June 2014 and the beginning of March 2015 the Euro’s exchange rate dropped by 18percent against the US dollar.The Euro therefore followed the same path of sharp devaluation earlier pioneered among major currencies by Japan’s yen–  相似文献   

假币犯罪案件的特点与侦查防范   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
当前,我国假币犯罪活动日渐增多、形势严峻。深入研究假币犯罪的特点、规律以及犯罪原因.是成功遏制假币犯罪的关键。假币犯罪活动,不仅影响我国的市场经济秩序.而且危害国家的经济安全和广大人民群众的根本利益。一些群众因误收假币而受到了严重的经济损失.不仅对银行产生不信任感。由此也引发了不安定的因素,从而影响了社会的经济和治安的稳定。  相似文献   

区域货币资金失衡是西北地区经济发展滞后的重要原因 ,而金融政策尤其是信贷政策的“一刀切”又是导致区域货币资金失衡的根本原因。为此 ,必须实施适度倾斜的信贷政策以调整区域货币资金失衡 ,从而有力推进西北大开发。  相似文献   

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