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近年来,行政收费问题一直受到社会的广泛关注。通过政府系统内部专项清理、整顿,我国在行政收费规范化方面确实取得了一些进展,但运用政策性文件约束行政收费效果有限,如何将行政收费纳入法治化轨道越来越受到重视。根据我国行政收费领域存在的实际问题及法治化的要求,首先必须贯彻法治行政原则,规范政府的行政收费行为;并通过制定行政收费法,严格限定行政收费的项目与标准;以及进一步完善行政收费监督体系,加强对行政收费的监管。  相似文献   

Southeast Asia is one of the most underrepresented regions in the International Criminal Court (ICC). I address the question of non-ratification of the Rome Statute with a case study on Indonesia. While the Yudhoyono Administration has repeatedly promised to join the ICC, ratification has not materialized. I argue that Indonesia's tradition of emphasizing the protection of state sovereignty and economic gains in its foreign policy decisions best explains why it remains outside the ICC's jurisdiction. I test this claim by exploring Indonesia's human rights record, potential legal restrictions for the ratification of the Rome Statute, and the influence of domestic political players and external pressures.  相似文献   

自然法理论与罗马法学相结合,使罗马法优越于同时代其他国家的法律;自然法观念促使人们发出对法典化的呼唤,著名的《法国民法典》和《德国民法典》得以诞生;自然法是国际法的基础或渊源。  相似文献   

随着世界范围内人权保护的勃兴,刑事法治越来越受到重视.刑事法治是法治在刑事法领域的具体实现,其核心是限制国家权力对公民权利的侵害,标志为罪刑法定,体现了"以人为本"的价值取向.我国正在推进刑事法治建设,以"以人为本"的标准来看,我国刑事法治还存在着诸多缺陷,因此,在刑事立法、刑事司法和刑事执行中贯彻"以人为本"的精神,是我国走向刑事法治道路的理性选择.  相似文献   

刑事证据规则从其适用的范围看,可分为原则性刑事证据规则与例外性刑事证据规则。原则性刑事证据规则重在保障人权,例外性刑事证据规则重在打击犯罪。刑事证据规则是否和谐,主要体现在能否恰当地处理原则性规则与例外性规则的关系上。和谐的刑事证据规则不仅有利于证据准确适用,而且有利于诉讼和谐和社会和谐。  相似文献   

刑法因果关系理论巡历与新思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刑法因果关系是刑法理论研究中的一个复杂且对实践具有十分重要意义的问题。本文通过对大陆法系及英美法系的因果理论巡历及我国目前论争的焦点,即纠缠于“必然性”和“偶然性”等哲学迷障,提出自己的新思考,再现了因果关系研究思路不应当复杂化,以便益于指导司法实践,使刑法理念得到更科学的体现。  相似文献   

我国正处于社会转型的关键时期,领导干部的法律理念与法治意识从某种意义上说,决定着社会转型的成与败。所以,领导干部摒弃封建特权的人治思想,树立正确的法律理念,培养法治意识,就显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

公正与功利是刑事法追求的两大价值目标。处理公正与功利关系应建立在两项原则基础之上 :一是刑事法各具体原则的运作都应以保障最低限度的公正与最低限度的功利为基础 ;二是公正与功利价值关系的定位因刑事法的内部关系不同而有异 ,在刑事实体法中 ,追求的是“功利优先 ,兼顾公正” ,而在刑事程序法中 ,则是“公正优先 ,兼顾功利”。  相似文献   

《Patterns of Prejudice》2012,46(4):25-45
Bloxham examines the events and rhetoric surrounding the trial and premature release from custody of Field Marshal Erich von Manstein. Von Manstein was convicted of involvement in atrocities on the Eastern Front, yet his story aroused the sympathy of many in Britain, including influential politicians, who believed the Wehrmacht to be innocent of the crimes of Nazism. His trial also fell squarely into a period, the onset of the Cold War, when Britain was attempting to restore relations with West Germany. Pressure both from the nascent West German elite and from within the Conservative government (re-elected in 1951) and its foreign diplomatic corps ensured that a series of dubious legal devices would be used to accelerate the liberation of von Manstein at a time of negotiations about a German contribution to a Western European army. Similar contrivances abetted the early release of another field marshal, Kesselring, and a senior general, Falkenhorst. The releases, and the obfuscations of the soldiers' war-time records that were an essential part of justifying the releases, constitute a substantial British contribution both to the undermining of the process of war crimes trials and to the rewriting of the Second World War.  相似文献   

百年来,为惩治战犯、实现和平,国际社会成立了五大国际刑事法院,构建了新的法律体系。作为完整的诉讼机构,国际刑事法院设置了国际检察官与案件调查制度,产生了新型的国际侦查程序。国际侦查程序主要包括调查的启动、调查的实施、结果的处分、程序的监督等方面内容。探析国际刑事法院侦查程序对于完善国际刑事法理论与实践具有重大意义。  相似文献   

反海外腐败是当前全球反腐败领域的热点问题,也是治理腐败的难点问题。全球范围内的国际组织与不同国家和地区先后制定出台了相关的法律与制度,尽管这些法律与制度各不相同,但是基本都遵循了一定的国际背景和本国本地区背景,对这些法律与制度进行国际比较研究对于中国来说具有重要的借鉴价值。面对当前反海外腐败的形势与任务,中国应当坚定反腐败制度体系的高度自信,从完善反海外腐败的相关法律制度、推动中国跨国企业建立有效的合规管理制度体系、增强中国建立国际性反腐败制度文件的话语权等方面着力,全面提升反海外腐败的治理能力。  相似文献   


International human rights law consists of a body of basic rights and principles that States are to enforce with respect to every person within their borders. The unfortunate reality, however, is that many States are incapable of ensuring the rights of everyone, and in some instances simply do not wish to do so. Accordingly, citizenship serves as an acknowledgment by a State that the status holder is entitled to a higher degree of protection. Conversely, noncitizens may enjoy less rights than citizens, and certain categories of noncitizens frequently find themselves outside of the State’s protection entirely. This article outlines many of the rights that international law directs should be enjoyed by every human being, the factors that contribute to unequal enjoyment of these rights, and the categories of noncitizen associated with the mediated allocation of basic human rights.  相似文献   

随着中央反腐力度不断加大,逢节送礼的不正之风受到极大遏制。与此同时,一些传统的职工节日福利也被取消,这引发了广泛的争议:有人认为不该借反腐之名拿掉职工福利,也有人认为"反腐不反职工福利"是特权思想在作怪,是打着民意的旗号为腐败行为辩护。应当确立福利的合理范畴,区分福利腐败与正常福利的界限,使薪酬和福利设计摆脱暧昧、灰色的性质,改变福利随意发放和定位不清的现状。福利腐败的治理必须运用法治思维依法进行,必须坚持公开、公平、公正原则,必须注意区别对象、合情合理。通过具体的规章制度管理好福利,是治标;最终实现福利的法治化、正规化、制度化,则是治本。  相似文献   

目前刑法理论界对刑法中行为的概念存在不同的界定。分析这些界定发现,行为概念实与犯罪成立体系关系甚大,行为概念不但在犯罪成立体系内部和外部研究会存在不同,而且行为概念的机能发挥一定程度上也受犯罪成立体系影响。我国刑法中的行为概念界定应充分考虑我国现有犯罪成立体系的特点。  相似文献   

维稳越来越成为地方政府的重要任务。针对首都维稳呈现的重人治轻法治的现象,提出必须加强法治建设才能实现彻底维稳。建议采取强化立法、完善行政法律解释体系、强化监督、对疑难信访案件公信听证等措施,推进法治以预防和化解矛盾,实现法治状态下的长期稳定。  相似文献   

How has the international community responded to humanitarian crises after the end of the Cold War? While optimistic ideational perspectives on global governance stress the importance of humanitarian norms and argue that humanitarian crises have been increasingly addressed, more skeptical realist accounts point to material interests and maintain that these responses have remained highly selective. In empirical terms, however, we know very little about the actual extent of selectivity since, so far, the international community’s reaction to humanitarian crises has not been systematically examined. This article addresses this gap by empirically examining the extent and the nature of the selectivity of humanitarian crises. To do so, the most severe humanitarian crises in the post-Cold War era are identified and examined for whether and how the international community responded. This study considers different modes of crisis response (ranging from inaction to military intervention) and different actors (including states, international institutions, and nonstate actors), yielding a more precise picture of the alleged “selectivity gap” and a number of theoretical implications for contemporary global security governance.  相似文献   

This article assesses the various disagreements between Arab and western states that surfaced at the 1998 Rome Conference and Preparatory Commission. It also discusses the relationship between state repression and cultural adaptation by examining the undeveloped domestic criminal systems of Arab states and the ambiguous role played by shariah (Islamic law) in the constitutions of many of them. It argues two main points: that more mutual accommodation will be needed to resolve these and future conflicts between Islamic and international law; and that such conflicts between the ICC and Arab states expose the need for further cultural adaptation to the ICC Statute. It is out of this process of cultural adaptation that the relationship between Islam and serious international crimes will evolve.  相似文献   


Global complexity and limitations in the United Nation's legal framework necessitates collaboration with regional organisations, creating tension between the legal frameworks guiding peacekeeping, the use of force, and intervention practices within the increasing complexity of peace enforcement and stabilisation missions with a Protection of Civilians mandate. With the UNs lack of impetus in clarifying stabilisation as a concept, the use of force required for stabilisation cannot be justified, necessitating the use of regional organisations' more flexible legal frameworks. The continued complexity of contemporary peace and security requires a reassessment of peacekeeping doctrine that, if left unaddressed, risk condemnation for illegal ‘peacekeeping'.  相似文献   

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