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“502滤纸贴显法”是我国手印工作者首创的显现技术。运用这一方法可显现诸多疑难客体上的潜在手印,但操作不当很容易造成显现失误,因此需提请同行注意: (1)对手印系统综合评断,确定正确的显现时间。 由于“502”贴显是在压缩显现空间的基础上进行的,因此灵敏度极高,显现速度很快。手印遗留客体表面的性状、手印物质量的多少以及手印遗留时间等环境因素均可能制约显现结果,而直  相似文献   

502”胶对非渗透性客体表面汗液手印显现技术在刑侦系统得到了广泛的应用。但“502”胶熏显过程中控制不好温、湿度,通常会造成显现过厚,导致“502”胶单体聚集过多,相邻的乳突线之间没有明显界限,使得熏显出手印的清晰度受到影响。为了补救,通常需要进行减薄处理。  相似文献   

众所周知,“502”胶是以a-氰基丙烯酸乙酯为主体的粘合剂,”氰基丙烯酸乙脂单体挥发后,很容易在水及氨基酸的引发下发生聚合反应,而人的汗液中含有水和氨基酸,所以“502”胶被广泛地应用于几乎所有非渗透性客体的新鲜及较陈旧汗潜手印的显现。在工作实践中,  相似文献   

本文介绍利用便携式气电两用“502”胶手印显现器的应用方法.  相似文献   

在各类刑事案件现场中,犯罪分了遗留下的无色油渍手印往往占有一定比例,通过工作实践的反复实验作者总结出一种快速、方便、行之有效的“502”胶与“碘”显现方法,报道如下:显现原理:该方法通过“502”胶与“碘”加热混合使“502”胶与手印中的汗液发生聚合反应,通过“502”胶将碘带入到手印纹线中使纹线着色,显出的纹线呈桔黄色,增强乳突线与小犁沟的反差.  相似文献   

笔者在工作中,摸索出一种用“502”胶显现车辆内手印的方法。这种方法适用轿车、面包车、农用车、挖掘机等各类车辆(驾驶室)内的手印显现,通过控制车内温度和湿度,“502”胶熏显速度达到一个较好的显现效果。现以柳州五菱面包车为例进行实验。  相似文献   

本文利用纳米CdSe溶液显现了白色塑料、塑钢上面的油脂手印,比较了该试剂和传统试剂的增显效果,初步探讨了纳米CdSe溶液增强“502”胶显现手印的应用前景.  相似文献   

目的探索真空镀膜手印显现技术,提高现场潜在手印显现率。方法通过真空镀膜与"502"熏显法显现常见非渗透性客体上汗潜手印的对比实验,比较二者显现效果优劣。结果真空镀膜法对于显现常见非渗透性客体上的新鲜和陈旧汗潜手印都有着明显的优势。结论真空镀膜是一种更为灵敏的非渗透性客体手印显现方法,是现有手印显现方法的重要补充。  相似文献   

502-Ardrox荧光染色法显现胶带上的手印   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胶带是一种常见的手印承载体,南非粘性面和粘性面两面构成。胶带的带体主要采用非渗透性材料如聚氯乙烯、聚丙烯或玻璃纸等做成。胶带粘性面由粘合剂和辅助剂(底涂剂和隔离剂)构成。针对胶带粘性面和非粘性面的不同特性,采用不同的显现方法对遗留在两种面上的手印进行显现,操作过程复杂,难度较大,不仅增加物证处理的环节,也延长显现手印的时间。笔者采用Ardrox荧光染色方法对502熏染后的胶带双面上的手印进行染色,  相似文献   

“502”胶液体显现潜手印技术的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的研究探索"502"胶溶液显现手印的方法.方法以石油醚为分散剂,添加对苯二酚作为显现增强剂,配制"502"胶显现液.结果能够显现非渗透客体上油质加、减层手印、加减层混合手印及普通汗潜手印,其显现效果与"502"胶熏显法非常相似.结论该方法具有方便、快捷、灵敏等特点,是"502"胶显现手印技术的重要补充.  相似文献   

Chemical processes involved in the development of latent fingerprints using the cyanoacrylate fuming method have been studied. Two major types of latent prints have been investigated-clean and oily prints. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has been used as a tool for determining the morphology of the polymer developed separately on clean and oily prints after cyanoacrylate fuming. A correlation between the chemical composition of an aged latent fingerprint, prior to development, and the quality of a developed fingerprint has been observed in the morphology. The moisture in the print prior to fuming has been found to be more important than the moisture in the air during fuming for the development of a useful latent print. In addition, the amount of time required to develop a high quality latent print has been found to be within 2 min. The cyanoacrylate polymerization process is extremely rapid. When heat is used to accelerate the fuming process, typically a period of 2 min is required to develop the print. The optimum development time depends upon the concentration of cyanoacrylate vapors within the enclosure.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the development of a device for fuming fingerprints with cyanoacrylate (Super Glue) to enable police tactical units to obtain fingerprint evidence from suspicious packages using a remote-controlled robot. Through a series of initial experiments and preliminary designs, we show that effective cyanoacylate fuming requires sufficient heat, humidity, and airflow. This work led to the development of a final working prototype, called robot accessory for fuming fingerprint evidence (RAFFE), which is currently being field tested by the Calgary Police Service.  相似文献   

“502”真空熏显手印技术的应用现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在我国,“502”加温加湿熏显手印技术已广为普及,但“502”真空熏显手印技术人们了解很少。本文通过介绍“502”熏显手印技术的发展,着重介绍真空熏显方法的特点。  相似文献   

目的利用真空金属镀膜法和"502"胶熏显法之间的空间互补性原理,考察显现杂色背景客体表面潜手印过程中遇到的杂色背景干扰问题。方法对杂色背景客体表面的同一枚手印分别采用紫外照相、"502"胶熏显、真空镀膜方法处理,比较去除背景干扰能力。结果采用"502"胶熏显,真空金属镀膜后期增强处理,能够使指纹纹线清晰连贯,并能有效消除背景杂色干扰。结论该方法可有效消除背景杂色干扰,清晰显现有彩色背景的易拉罐、照片纸等客体上的指纹。  相似文献   

“502”加膜一染色法显现油质手印   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋健 《刑事技术》2012,(6):39-41
目的探索方便快捷并有效的油质手印显现方法。方法用“502”熏显常见玻璃、粗糙皮革等不同客体上不同遗留时间的油汗手印和多油手印,加染后用透明胶带粘取。结果显现了30天左右大多数非渗透性客体上的油质加层手印,10天左右渗透性客体上的油质渐层手印。结论本方法适用于油质加层手印及部分油质渐层手印的显现,显出手印清晰,流畅,不破坏手印。  相似文献   

一种改进的碘熏法-碘锌手印显现法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的为解决传统碘熏法显出手印容易褪色、固定困难等问题。方法提出了一种改进的碘熏法-碘锌手印显现法,实验了不同反应物配比、不同客体材质对显现效果的影响;与常规碘熏法进行了对比实验;并考察了碘锌法显出手印的稳定性。结果碘锌手印显现法可以用于常见渗透性及非渗透性客体上新鲜汗潜手印的显现。该方法不必外加热源,携带、存储和应用更加便利;该方法显出的指纹纹线保存时间与传统碘熏法相比明显延长。结论碘锌手印显现法是一种高效、实用的手印显现方法。  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2014,54(5):356-362
Much information can be obtained from the chemical composition of a fingermark, which can be helpful in crime scene investigation. Immunolabeling can be used to extract information about the donor of the fingermark and it can also act as a fingermark development tool in sequence with the standard fingermark development techniques. However, before immunolabeling can be used in forensic practice more information on the possibilities and limitations of this technique is required. In this study, our aim was to investigate if immunolabeling is compatible with standard development protocols (indanedione-zinc, indanedione-zinc followed by ninhydrin spraying, physical developer, cyanoacrylate fuming, cyanoacrylate followed by basic yellow staining, lumicyanoacrylate fuming and polycyanoacrylate fuming). Immunolabeling was carried out successfully on all developed fingermarks, whereby dermcidin was selected as antigen of interest. We can conclude that immunolabeling is compatible with a wide variety of different fingermark developers. This finding in combination with previous findings, makes immunolabeling an interesting technique, which can be of great value in the forensic field.  相似文献   

One of the crucial factors determining the cyanoacrylate deposit quality over latent fingerprints appeared to be the extent of the humidity. This work focuses on the enhancement/refreshment of age‐degraded latent fingerprints by irradiating the samples with UV, X‐ray, or thermal neutrons prior to the cyanoacrylate (CA) fuming. Age degradation of latent fingerprints deposited on glass surfaces was examined through the decrease in the number of characteristic minutiae counts over time. A term “critical day” was introduced for the time at which the average number of identifiable minutiae definitions drops to one‐half. Fingerprints older than their “critical day” were exposed to either UV, X‐ray, or thermal neutrons. Identical reference samples were kept unexposed. All samples, both reference and irradiated, were developed during a single CA fuming procedure. Comparative latent fingerprint analysis showed that exposure to ionizing radiation enhances the CA fuming, yielding a 20‐30% increase in average minutiae count.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Latent fingerprint visualization on discharged shell casings can provide good forensic evidence, particularly if the casing is recovered at the scene of a crime where a firearm has been discharged. Unfortunately, visualization of such latent fingerprints when they were deposited prior to discharge of the firearm is problematic as both increased temperature and abrasive friction can inhibit fingerprint visualization with conventional techniques. We present a case study that demonstrates latent fingerprint visualization on a discharged shell casing recovered 14 years ago from the scene of a homicide. Previous cyanoacrylate fuming of the casing had failed to reveal any fingerprints. We use a visualization technique in which a conducting carbon powder adheres preferentially to latent fingerprint corrosion of the casing surface, following the application of a potential of 2.5 kV to the casing. This technique presents opportunities for the review of old cases and for consideration of its use in current cases.  相似文献   

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