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Immunohistochemical techniques have improved the diagnosis of myocarditis. In a post mortem study, eight specimens in each case of the formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded hearts of 20 suspected cases of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) were investigated with traditional hematoxylin-eosin staining and immunohistochemical methods. The hematoxylin-eosin stained specimens were examined for myocarditis according to the Dallas criteria; only in one case was a myocarditis diagnosed. The subsequent definition of the major histocompatibility complex class II antigens (HLA-DP,DQ,DR and HLA-DR), known to be enhanced in cases of myocarditis, the quantification of leucocytes with leucocyte common antigen (LCA) and characterization and quantification of T-lymphocytes using a specific marker (CD-3) allowed the definite diagnosis of myocarditis in three additional cases, six cases were found with moderate changes and ten cases without signs of inflammation.  相似文献   

Sudden unexpected infant death due to fibroma of the heart   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 7-month-old previously healthy female infant was found dead in her crib by her mother shortly after having been laid down to sleep following the noontime feeding. Because the child did not suffer from an acute illness and no other evidence pointed to a cause of death, it was initially assumed by the police that she had died of sudden infant death syndrome. At autopsy, however, the cause of death was determined to be cardiac arrhythmia secondary to fibroma of the heart.  相似文献   

Here we report about a 35-year-old electrical engineer who was found dead in his study. Postmortem examination revealed that death resulted because of subarachnoid and intraventricular hemorrhage caused by the rupture of an intracranial aneurysm. Right hand and left cheek revealed electrical marks with metallizations on skin, an electric shock was diagnosed to have preceded death. The close temporal correlation suggests that a sudden rise in blood pressure was caused by the electric current and was thus responsible for the rupture of the aneurysm.  相似文献   

A report is given on an 8-year-old boy who suddenly and unexpected died. Autopsy findings point to acute heart failure. Microscopic examination of the heart showed increased interstitial and perivasal fibrosis and myocarditis with macrophage infiltration. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis for parvovirus B19 was positive in heart samples and in the spleen. Immunostaining for parvoviral surface antigens was negative. Although the virus does not appear to have infected the cardiomyocytes, we speculate that myocarditis arose from immunological cross-reaction to epitopes shared between the virus and the myocardium.  相似文献   

A 15-week-old infant girl, without a prior history of overt illness, was found dead while sleeping between her two parents. The gross examination at autopsy showed only congested lungs, and the initial diagnosis was sudden infant death (SID). On microscopic examination, a desquamative interstitial pneumonia (DIP) was observed. The widespread, patchy intraalveolar histiocytic desquamation was associated with lymphocytic infiltration of bronchiolar and aveolar walls, which together provided convincing evidence that an interstitial pneumonitis was the cause of death. A viral etiology seems most likely in view of the accompanying chronic inflammation of bronchial submucosal glands.  相似文献   

This report describes the death of a four-month-old Hispanic male which may be related to benzocaine toxicity. A toxicological evaluation revealed benzocaine at a concentration of 3.48 mg/L, and postmortem methemoglobin of 36% (normal 0.4-1.5). Methemoglobinemia is a complication of benzocaine toxicity. In light of the toxicology findings, the coroner investigated the source of the benzocaine and discovered that the child was treated with Zenith Goldline Allergen Ear Drops containing 0.25% w/v benzocaine and 5.4% w/v antipyrine. There was an admission by a caregiver that on the day prior to the child's death, he had been treated with three times the prescribed dose. Blood benzocaine concentrations in nine other unrelated cases were determined and concentrations ranged from <0.05-5.3 mg/L (mean 1.48 mg/L). Seven of the nine cases were positive for drugs of abuse, and one additional case was described as a known drug user. Methemoglobin in these benzocaine positive cases ranged from 6-69%; however, methemoglobin concentrations in postmortem cases are frequently elevated and should be interpreted with caution. The unknown significance of the benzocaine, and the circumstances of the case raise questions about the ultimate attribution of this death to SIDS.  相似文献   

Retinal hemorrhage in an infant after cardiopulmonary resuscitation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Unexplained retinal hemorrhages in infants are usually indicative of child abuse. We present the case of an infant with retinal hemorrhages following cardiopulmonary resuscitation, who had not been abused. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be added to the list of causes of retinal hemorrhages in infants and children.  相似文献   

A 2-month-old infant girl died suddenly as a result of torsion of the uterine adnexa. The infant was found unresponsive in bed and was pronounced dead shortly after her arrival at a hospital. There were no antecedent signs of illness. At autopsy, the right ovary and right fallopian tube were twisted and were dark purple, swollen, and necrotic. The right ovary was enlarged by a follicle cyst 4 cm in diameter, which likely precipitated the torsion. The mechanism of death was unclear but may have resulted from the release of cytokines produced in response to necrotic adnexal tissue. Fatal uterine adnexal torsion has been reported rarely in infants; in all those cases there were antecedent symptoms. Torsion of the uterine adnexa should be included in the differential diagnosis of sudden death in infancy.  相似文献   

A 55-year-old man complained of sudden onset of severe neck pain. This was followed by prompt loss of consciousness and death. Autopsy revealed rupture of a saccular aneurysm, which was considered to have resulted from enlargement of the remaining ductal tissue, and was located on the medial aspect of the uppermost portion of the descending aorta. Dense blood extravasation was noted in the posterior mediastinum and extending to the strap muscles of the neck and larynx. Histological examination of the rupture site revealed disappearance of the medial elastic fibers and thickened intima covered with dense fibrous tissue. Spontaneous ductus arteriosus aneurysm in adults is a rare finding, but widespread use of imaging technologies has revealed that it develops more frequently than previously recognized. Fatal complications may occur even when the aneurysm is relatively small. Therefore, pathologists should be aware of this aneurysm as a potential cause of sudden death.  相似文献   

A case of a four-month-old male infant is described who was found unresponsive at home and brought to the emergency room. He lived for four days. During his hospital admission he was diagnosed by radiography with a fracture of the third lumbar vertebra that was presumed abusive in nature. Autopsy examination failed to confirm a fracture. However, a defect in the development of the vertebral bodies was discovered. He was diagnosed with possible failure of the notochord to regress, a condition with no significant sequelae. The cause of death was certified as sudden infant death syndrome after full investigation, and all autopsy studies were negative.  相似文献   

This report describes a 10-month-old infant girl who died of cocaine poisoning. The infant was found apneic and in ventricular fibrillation after the parents summoned rescue personnel and claimed she had ingested rat poison. The parents later admitted that 2 hours before calling for assistance, the infant's 2-year-old brother was found eating "crack" cocaine and also feeding it to the infant. Investigators found "crack" cocaine throughout the house and in the infant's crib. At autopsy, the infant had two pieces of "crack" cocaine in the duodenum. The brain exhibited a markedly thinned corpus callosum. Toxicologic examination showed high concentrations of cocaine in the blood and in other specimens. The manner of death was classified as homicide because the infant was willfully placed in a hazardous environment with an easily accessible toxic substance, medical attention was deliberately delayed for 2 hours, and medical personnel were deceived when they were falsely told she had ingested rat poison. These features were thought to constitute neglect. The toxicologic characteristics of this case are unique. There are numerous reports of passive cocaine inhalation in infants and children less than 5 years of age, but ingestion of cocaine in this age group has rarely been documented. This age group also has no reported deaths due to cocaine ingestion and no cases of "crack" cocaine ingestion. The high concentrations of cocaine seen in this case, combined with the "crack" cocaine found in the duodenum, indicate ingestion as the route of exposure. The thinned corpus callosum in this case may be a consequence of intrauterine cocaine exposure.  相似文献   

A pathomorphological examination of a congenital disease - incomplete desmogenesis (ID) - was made in 5 women aged 19-34 years. They had spontaneous ruptures of the major arteries (subclavial, brachial, splenic, gastric). Microscopically, the wall of the ruptured artery contained no or minimal collagenic structures which looked homogeously, like a mixomatous edema. Content of acid mucopolysaccharides and hyperelastoses was elevated. The rupture was provoked by infections, additional loads, such as pregnancy, etc. Vascular surgery in ID is difficult as arteries often break at suturing while vascular walls are amputated at ligation. In one patient tamponade stopped hemorrhage and saved her.  相似文献   

The paper is an exploration in critical legal theory, and argues for a return to thinking of critical legal intervention in political-strategic terms. If the insistence is on strategies of rupture it is because the attention is on what registers as resistant, neither reducible to—nor co-optable by—the order it seeks to resist. It is argued that if law is to offer redress to injustice it has to offer terms that can break incongruently, irreducibly so, with the order of capital, and its economy of representation, not couching critique within its terms, taking flight into the mysticism and escapism of the ‘ethical turn’, or entrusting critique unconditionally to the deconstructive energies of the law. The paper explores how difficult the task facing critical legal theory is in view of law’s power of ‘homology’ and its ‘mechanisms of deadlock’. Both within the courtroom (the focus here is on the tactics of rupture of the lawyer Vergès) and outside it, a return to a strategic understanding of law underlies its deployment as means of critique (‘simple’ or ‘immanent’) or object of confrontation rather than horizon of communicative exchange.  相似文献   

We present a case of smothering of a 2-year-old male infant by his schizophrenic mother who was having a psychotic episode. In addition to the initial autopsy findings of conjunctival petechial hemorrhages, facial linear abrasions and bruises, and mucosal abrasions and bruises, expert odontologic examination revealed indentations of the cusps of central incisors and molars, providing additional evidence of smothering. The postmortem and toxicological examination revealed features of forced quetiapine administration. The case presented is the first case of forced administration of quetiapine described. Our case also highlights the value of expert forensic odontological examination.  相似文献   

The authors report a case of a 2-month-old girl diagnosed with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS) who was born prematurely and died suddenly in the hospital just before being discharged. BWS is a malformation syndrome associated with an increased risk of childhood tumors. The major features of BWS are macroglossia, abdominal wall defects, and visceromegaly, frequently leading to premature birth. Due to complex inheritance patterns, a predominance of nonfamilial cases, and the variability in expression of the features (termed incomplete penetrance), the risk of delayed diagnosis is evident. Secondary to hyperplastic pancreatic islands, hypoglycemia occurs frequently, and if not anticipated, adequate measures for prevention of hypoglycemic episodes may be delayed, resulting in possible intellectual deficits. The infant presented here died of natural causes: immaturity of the lungs resulting in marginal respiratory function and compounded by increased risk for asphyxia secondary to the enlarged tongue. The clinical history and findings in this infant are discussed in respect to the genetic syndrome with their relevance to medicolegal examination and the causes and manner of death.  相似文献   

A 7-month-old boy was found lifeless in his bed by his grandfather. Near the mouth there were some blood and chyme on the bedlinen. His mother reported a chill during the last 8 days. Autopsy revealed multiple petechia under the capsule of the thymus, subepicardially and subpleurally, the cause of death was tentative supposed to be a sudden infant death. Histologically parts of the myocardium showed a lympho-monocytic myocarditis according to the DALLAS-criteria. Immunohistological investigations demonstrated an enhanced expression of MHC class II antigens, an increased number of leucocytes as well as T-lymphocytes. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry revealed myocardial enterovirus infection. Considering that there were regions in the myocardium without the traditional findings of myocardial necrosis and inflammation but with distinct expression of the above mentioned immunohistologic markers, immunohistological investigations turn out to be an appropriate tool to examine infant fatalities with uncertain cause of death for early stages of myocarditis.  相似文献   

Abuse of drugs has been a topical issue up to the present-day. Opiates like morphine and heroin are still prevalent. The routine methods of determination of drugs in blood made within the forensic medical expertise are time-consuming and samples must be specially prepared for them. ELISA, when used for the determination of opiates in blood and urine, significantly cuts the test time. According to our research results, the diagnosis of opiates by ELISA is advisable at the preliminary stage of the forensic expertise of cadaver; the method is informative, which is of extra importance in cases of purulent transformation of cadaveric material.  相似文献   

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