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10-17世纪俄罗斯的教堂建筑艺术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自基督教艺术进入古俄罗斯,俄罗斯美术的发展便同整个欧洲艺术的发展紧密地联系在了一起。在经历了几个世纪的融合、创造和发展后,逐步形成了具有鲜明俄罗斯民族特色的艺术面貌,而古俄罗斯的教堂建筑艺术是古俄罗斯美术中较有成就的一个方面。  相似文献   

<正>Xi Jinping delivered a report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on Sunday.Here are some highlights:  相似文献   

This study explores the intra-household impact of improved dual-purpose cowpea (IDPC) from a gender perspective, in terms of productivity and food, fodder, and income availability, the impact of which is linked to the income thus placed in the women's hands. Surplus income is important in providing food and nutritional benefits to the home, particularly during periods of risk. More importantly, income generated through the adoption of improved cowpea varieties has entered a largely female domain, where transfers of income reserves were passed on between women of different ages, with significant impact in terms of social and economic development. However, the technology has strengthened the separation of working spheres between men and women. Future technologies should, from the outset, explore provisions existing within the local rubric, to focus on women with the aim of expanding their participation in agriculture with the associated benefits to their families.  相似文献   

Cooperation with Africa under the background of globalization is an important but also interesting topic. Globalization is changing the world,including Africa and international relations as well. Against such a background, it is meaningful to discuss how to strengthen, the cooperation between the international community and Africa.  相似文献   

Despite its recognised importance, studies of collaboration within specific communities in the Global South are rare. This paper examines the purposes and processes of collaboration between organisations undertaking development work with young people in two communities in Lusaka, Zambia. Interviewees recognised the need for collaboration given the limitations of existing provision and the fragmented organisational context. Existing collaboration was commonly orientated towards information sharing and joint provision rather than broader coordinated planning. Building awareness and understanding across organisations were viewed as key processes in developing collaboration. To enhance collaboration between organisations, it is suggested that inclusive community forums be instigated.

Collaboration communautaire dans le cadre d'activités de développement parmi les jeunes : points de vue de communautés zambiennes

Malgré son importance reconnue, la collaboration au sein de certaines communautés dans l'hémisphère Sud n'a fait l'objet que de rares études. Cet article se penche sur les finalités et les processus de collaboration entre organisations qui entreprennent des activités de développement avec des jeunes dans deux communautés de Lusaka, en Zambie. Les personnes interrogées reconnaissaient la nécessité de collaborer étant donné les limites des services disponibles et le contexte organisationnel fragmenté. La collaboration existante était fréquemment axée sur le partage des informations et la prestation conjointe, plutôt que sur une planification coordonnée plus large. Le développement de la prise de conscience et de la compréhension entre les organisations était considéré comme un processus clé dans le développement de la collaboration. Pour améliorer la collaboration entre organisations, le lancement de forums communautaires est suggéré.

Colaboración comunitaria en el trabajo de desarrollo con jóvenes: perspectivas de comunidades zambianas

A pesar de la reconocida importancia del tema, la colaboración entre comunidades específicas del Sur ha sido poco estudiada. El presente artículo examina los propósitos y los procesos de colaboración que se establecen entre organizaciones que realizan trabajo de desarrollo entre jóvenes en dos comunidades de Lusaka, Zambia. Dadas las limitaciones de la provisión actual y el contexto organizativo fragmentado, las personas entrevistadas reconocieron la necesidad de colaborar entre sí. En general, se constata que la colaboración ya existente se orienta más a compartir información y a la provisión conjunta que a una planeación coordinada más amplia. Construir conciencia y comprensión entre organizaciones constituye un proceso clave para fomentar la colaboración. El artículo sostiene que la colaboración entre organizaciones puede mejorarse a través de la realización de foros comunitarios incluyentes.

Colaboração da comunidade no trabalho de desenvolvimento com jovens: perspectivas de comunidades zambianas

Apesar de sua reconhecida importância, estudos de colaboração dentro de comunidades específicas no Sul Global são raros. Este artigo examina os propósitos e processos de colaboração entre organizações que estão realizando trabalho de desenvolvimento com jovens em duas comunidades de Lusaka, na Zâmbia. Os entrevistados reconheceram a necessidade de colaboração tendo em vista as limitações da provisão atual e o contexto organizacional fragmentado. A colaboração existente era comumente voltada para o compartilhamento de informações e provisão conjunta em vez de um planejamento coordenado mais amplo. Promover a conscientização e a compreensão entre as organizações foi vistos como um processo-chave no desenvolvimento da colaboração. Para ampliar a colaboração entre as organizações, é recomendado que fóruns comunitários inclusivos sejam promovidos.  相似文献   

苏联解体后的最初1 0年,伴随着国力衰落、国家混乱、人民陷入贫困,俄罗斯出现了一系列重要历史现象:市场经济和民主政治的确立、政治和意识形态的多元化、新的阶级和公民社会的产生,以及“影子经济”的繁衍。对这一时期进行深入系统的研究无疑是重要的、有意义的。由潘德礼主编  相似文献   

这是一篇有关"学术人物"的专访.专访的对象是昔日的留美博士、现任中国国际问题研究所副所长--苏格.他对国际问题及中美关系有着独特的见解.  相似文献   


The eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is impacted by a prolonged conflict and humanitarian crisis. Sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) affects an estimated 39.7% of women and 23.6% of men in the region, and is associated with serious medical, psychological, and socio-economic outcomes for survivors and communities. IMA World Health, a faith-based non-profit organisation, implements a USAID-funded project, Ushindi, which is a collaborative effort with three national NGOs and one technical partner in response to SGBV in eastern DRC. The consortium provides a comprehensive package of services to SGBV survivors, focusing on medical, emotional, psychological, legal, and socio-economic needs.  相似文献   

Negotiation Journal - Do national leaders have an obligation to negotiate with enemies that have been villainized despite government policies and popular opinion that constrain them from doing so?...  相似文献   

Every organisation has certain core convictions about its endeavours and about the ways to go about its work. When these convictions are translated into relatively enduring practices they can be called organisational values. Managing an organisation's value system is an important strategic task in itself, and the concepts and methods for undertaking this task are examined in this paper.  相似文献   

Although insurgencies may begin their rebellions with expressed desires for outcomes unacceptable to opposing governments, the desired insurgent outcomes sometimes undergo modification, creating conditions that can make governments more amenable to external mediation. In certain separatist conflicts, the likelihood of external mediation increases when the political redefinition of the state insisted upon by the insurgents undergoes a revision, from secession to self‐determination, understood as a variant of autonomy. In the same vein, although it may not happen concurrently, insurgent movements become more amenable to external mediation if and when opposing governments revise the preferred conflict outcome from a military defeat of the insurgents to a containment of the movement. These two developments can serve as objective referents helping external parties to identify a ripe moment in the conflict and initiate mediation. But the implementation of an agreement ending separatist conflict may not occur if the government fails to submit the proposed territorial bounds of autonomy to prior review by constituents. Potential spoilers among government constituents should be identified and recruited to participate in the negotiations so that the likelihood of agreement rejection is reduced. In some states, however, the legal mechanisms and political opportunities for constituents to act as spoilers do not exist.  相似文献   

总感觉现在对地名的改动有些粗率,既无出处,又无渊源,跟历史、地理更扯不上关系,譬如清王朝发祥地兴京,建国后叫做“新宾”;抚顺还有一条路。原本叫高尔山路,未知几何,竟简化成“高山”路,这一来,便令人一头雾水了。高尔山,指抚顺城北的一座山而言,那山很有人文背景,但一剪掉“尔”字,原初意义便彻头彻尾消失了。  相似文献   

经济全球化是一把双刃剑,它给非洲发展带来一定机遇的同时,也带来诸多冲击和挑战,国小力弱的非洲国家多处境不利,步履艰难。近些年来,多数非洲国家先后从不同领域和在不同程度上采取了一些应对措施,趋利避害,在改革和发展经济及地区联合方面的努力尤为突出,取得一定成效。但分散的努力尚未汇成集体的合力,应对的总体战略也有待形成和深化。一、全球化对非洲的影响  全球化是当今世界经济发展的历史潮流,所有国家都不可避免地要卷入其中,但它对发达国家和发展中国家的利弊很不一样,对不同类型的发展中国家的影响也差异很大,大…  相似文献   

老挝人民革命党特别重视和注意解决人民的贫困问题,把它作为老挝党的事业、政府和全体人民优先的任务。如果人民的贫困问题没有  相似文献   

美国2008年发生的次贷危机现已扩散到全球范围,并逐渐演变为全球性的金融危机,它给全球经济带来了巨大的破坏.俄罗斯也受到了巨大的冲击:股市暴跌、资本外逃、卢布贬值、失业增加等.要化解这场金融危机,就要采取标本兼治的原则,不仅要采取应急性的措施,如,救助经济体系、改善国际环境、恢复市场等;而且也要采取完善金融体系、优化金融体系和加强金融监管等措施,从根本上提高俄罗斯金融体系的抗风险能力.只有短期措施和长远政策并举才能有效地克服这次金融危机所带来的各种困难.  相似文献   

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