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An ongoing challenge for the administrative state is balancing the programmatic values of responsiveness and accountability. Few studies have examined these policy issues cross-nationally for social assistance, a needs-based form of income support where these tensions are especially significant. Based on street-level case studies, this article demonstrates persistent diversity among welfare states in how these programmatic tradeoffs are made, contrasting a U.S. approach that emphasizes programmatic control via a bureaucratic, flat-grant system, with German and Swedish programs in which individualized assessments of need are a core organizational task. In each European case, legal frameworks, expertise, and work arrangements have evolved in nationally specific ways to contend with the challenges frontline discretion poses to program integrity.  相似文献   

This report describes a 10-month-old infant girl who died of cocaine poisoning. The infant was found apneic and in ventricular fibrillation after the parents summoned rescue personnel and claimed she had ingested rat poison. The parents later admitted that 2 hours before calling for assistance, the infant's 2-year-old brother was found eating "crack" cocaine and also feeding it to the infant. Investigators found "crack" cocaine throughout the house and in the infant's crib. At autopsy, the infant had two pieces of "crack" cocaine in the duodenum. The brain exhibited a markedly thinned corpus callosum. Toxicologic examination showed high concentrations of cocaine in the blood and in other specimens. The manner of death was classified as homicide because the infant was willfully placed in a hazardous environment with an easily accessible toxic substance, medical attention was deliberately delayed for 2 hours, and medical personnel were deceived when they were falsely told she had ingested rat poison. These features were thought to constitute neglect. The toxicologic characteristics of this case are unique. There are numerous reports of passive cocaine inhalation in infants and children less than 5 years of age, but ingestion of cocaine in this age group has rarely been documented. This age group also has no reported deaths due to cocaine ingestion and no cases of "crack" cocaine ingestion. The high concentrations of cocaine seen in this case, combined with the "crack" cocaine found in the duodenum, indicate ingestion as the route of exposure. The thinned corpus callosum in this case may be a consequence of intrauterine cocaine exposure.  相似文献   

1917年爆发的“文学革命”是社会时代的产物。社会制度由帝制而共和的变迁,社会恶劣环境状况的刺激,外来思想文化的影响,本土文学改良的积淀和新文化运动的助产,构成了“文学革命”产生的四大主要社会时代因素。  相似文献   

In a case with significant implications for people living with HIV/AIDS who wish to immigrate to Canada, in January 2002 a woman with multiple sclerosis launched a constitutional challenge to the "medical inadmissibility" provisions in the Immigration Act. The provisions state that any would-be immigrant may be denied permission to immigrate "if their admission would cause or might reasonably be expected to cause excessive demands on health or social services."  相似文献   

徐崇利 《法律科学》2008,33(3):107-113
在WTO体制中,存在着一些特殊种类的产品,与之生产俱来的社会性非常强烈,自始就不适用WTO关于贸易自由化的一般规则,需将对社会目标的关注“内化”为贸易限制;然而从具体规则的表面,往往看不到其维护社会价值的表达,故很容易被人们所忽略。此乃本文所称的贸易议题与社会政策挂钩的“内在连结”形式。以农业的“多功能性”为典型例子,探讨二者“内在连结”之机理。其所得的原理,还可用以分析其他特殊种类产品的贸易议题以及与贸易有关的议题与社会政策的内在挂钩问题。在WTO农业议题的谈判实践中,运用农业的“多功能性”概念,既可有力地维护我国的国家利益,也能为我国所持的谈判立场提供正当性之基础。  相似文献   

New York Times v. Sullivan stands as a monument to the proposition that robust and open political discourse is the best guarantee of democratic self-governance. Some scholars have connected the case to the civil rights movement, of which it was surely a part. Others have noted the negative impact Sullivan had on the civility of public discourse. This essay approaches the case from the perspective of white moderates in Montgomery who believed that the law of libel should protect the so-called "best men" by upholding habits and manners of civility. The Sullivan case is notable, then, for the sectionally bound social assumptions of the white moderates that animated the litigation in the first place and whose exuberance in doing so ultimately undermined the values they sought to protect.  相似文献   

康德的“自由意志”理论是传统民法哲学的基础。“自由意志”以“自主决定”与“自己责任”为原则 ,并衍生出近代民法的三大原则以及逻辑严密、体系完备、内容浩瀚的民法体系。但是 ,“自由意志”论在理论上与现实上都遭遇到了困境 ,民法制度随时代而变迁。庞德的“社会利益”学说是解说这种变迁的有力理论。依据庞德的理论 ,民法从专注于个人自然权利转向兼顾社会利益 ,民法价值出现了从个人自由到保护信赖的变化 ,民法的终极目的也出现了从人格的健全与发展转向社会秩序的和谐 ,并实现在人们需求冲突时的调整的变化。现代民法的内在体系因之形成以“自由意志”为内容的“常规法”和以“信赖保护”为内容的“矫正法”的二元结构。  相似文献   

Under most workers' compensation statutes, an injury must "arise out of " and "in the course of" employment in order to qualify as a compensable disability. In U.S. Industries v. Director, the Supreme Court held that the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act must be strictly construed to avoid transforming the compensation system into a form of social insurance. In U.S. Industries, the Court denied a disability claim based on an arthritic condition which was manifested while the worker was at home in bed. This Note contends that the Supreme Court neglected to consider pertinent medical realities when analyzing the causation question. Thus, the decision undermines the overall rationale behind workers' compensation legislation. Nonetheless, the Note argues that the case does not relax the requirement of adequately scrutinizing the causative elements underlying any reasonable claim for disability benefits. An analysis adequately accommodating both medical and legal facts, instead of relying upon the vagaries of statutory interpretation, is necessary to improve the efficiency and fairness of workers' compensation disability determinations.  相似文献   

汪祖兴 《河北法学》2005,23(9):112-117
内地和香港相互承认和执行法院判决是两地司法协助中的一项重要内容,具有重大的现实研究价值。内地和香港相互承认和执行法院判决是在一国两制下的不同法系间的区际司法协助,不同的社会体制、法律文化乃至不同的司法理念和体制决定了应该根据《基本法》中有关条款和两地的各自立法对符合条件的内地和香港的民商事案件按照程序相互承认并加以执行。  相似文献   

王德志  李猛 《法学论坛》2021,36(2):135-142
新冠肺炎疫情发生以来,中央应对疫情领导小组、国务院联防联控机制和有关职能部门,及时发布规范性文件以适应社会救助的紧急需要,扩大了医疗救助的范围,加强了社会救助机构的疫情防控措施,通过下放审批权限、简化救助流程等措施,有效保障了人民群众的生命安全和身体健康,保障了老年人、未成年人、精神病人、流浪乞讨人员、社会贫困人员等社会弱势群体的合法权益,推动了我国社会救助应急法治的发展。我国应当总结新冠肺炎疫情中社会救助应急法治发展的宝贵经验,在相关法律、法规中对重大传染病疫情下医疗救助问题做出特别规定,完善应急状态下社会救助的应急程序规定,加强社会救助机构的疫情防控规定。  相似文献   

目前,在我国构建社会资本的条件尚不充分,如果强行进行社会资本的运行,那么,社会资本极易演变成"关系性资源",进而不利于社会的有效整合。本文通过对社会资本内涵的分析,力求探讨"关系性资源"和社会资本的关系,厘清社会资本和"关系性资源"的区别。  相似文献   

随着我国工业化、城镇化的快速发展,征用农民土地的数量不断增加,使得失地农民群体规模不断扩大,由此也凸显了征地单位与失地农民之间的诸多矛盾,因此,构建失地农民的社会救助制度就显得尤为迫切。本文就当前失地农民的现状、失地农民社会救助制度建立的必要性和不利因素以及失地农民社会救助制度的构建等问题进行探讨,以增强对构建失地农民社会救助制度重要性的认识并为构建这一制度提供参考。  相似文献   

在基本医疗保险制度施行中,医保定点医院未征得患者同意使用自费药的行为构成对患者的一般侵权或侵权违约的竞合;针对医患双方实质地位的不平等,应运用民法及有关社会法的“倾斜保护”理论处理自费药纠纷且应授权执法者考虑个案的具体情况,决定医患双方间如何分担自费药费用,以实现公平正义的法律追求及维护医保患者的利益。  相似文献   

关于刑法意义上的公务,要分别从内涵与外延上予以把握。根据公务的统治性、管理性、服务性特征,可以从内涵上将公务划分为"政府公务"与"社会公务",其中,国家机关工作人员所从事的公务仅指政府公务而不包括社会公务。关于公务的外延,则须根据公权力特征和公共性特点来分析,基于"反面说"理论的要求和公务执行依据的内容,刑法中的公务仅限于国家公务而不包括集体公务。  相似文献   

在我国建立社会主义市场经济体制和实现政府职能转变的过程中,出现了一系列的问题,其中"市场失灵"和"政府失灵"客观上说明市场与政府之间存在"断裂层",要沟通这个"断裂层"就必须发展社会中介组织.社会中介组织的发展将在政府与市场之间建立起一座桥梁,从而盘活"两个失灵",达到"两个有序",促进政府职能转变的完成和市场经济的和谐发展.  相似文献   

宽严相济刑事政策与和谐社会   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
贺曙敏 《法学论坛》2007,22(3):71-77
宽严相济刑事政策是我国刑事政策的新发展,同时也是对实行20多年的"严打"政策的反思和纠正.宽严相济刑事政策与和谐社都"以人为本",因而内在地联系在一起.构建和谐社会需要实行宽严相济刑事政策,因为它能满足和谐社会化解社会矛盾的需要、节约社会资源和刑事司法资源的需要;宽严相济刑事政策能促进和谐社会构建,因为它能有效地维护社会稳定,促进社会和谐,协调社会利益.所以,在构建和谐社会过程中,必须采取有效措施认真贯彻宽严相济刑事政策.  相似文献   

试论“超越法律”的企业社会责任   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
"超越法律"的企业社会责任,是企业负担的那些超出法律强制性义务规定且符合社会价值和期望的责任,确认这种责任的法律规范实为"软法",它主要通过责任目标内化于企业的商业行为和治理结构之中,以实现企业的"自我管制";通过保护利益相关者的实质性和程序性权利,提高利益相关者的谈判抗衡力量以实现市场的自发对抗;并以声誉机制和非政府组织的作用作为责任的实施机制的补充。  相似文献   

为应对转型时期社会对司法的需求,最高人民法院提出了"能动司法"理念,各级人民法院积极践行,取得了成效,并引发了广泛关注和讨论。能动司法实践中,司法权无序扩张影响了司法的公信力,但能动司法依然是社会转型时期中国的现实选择。我们应当客观评价能动司法理念,承认能动司法的限度,防止能动带来的负面影响。探寻新的司法理念,以继续推进司法体制改革适应社会发展。  相似文献   

德国社会救助制度作为一项重要的社会保障制度对保障人权、维护人的尊严发挥了重要作用。其历史发展、改革背景、宪法依据和具体制度规定对我国正确认识和定位社会救助、建构适合我国国情的社会救助制度都具有一定的借鉴和启发意义。加强对社会救助法律制度的研究,有助于拓宽我国行政法学的研究范围和视野,有利于在社会管理创新的背景下,建构"回应型"的"新行政法"。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(149):41658-41661
This notice with comment period interprets the term "Federal public benefit" as used in Title IV of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA), Pub. L. 104-193, and identifies the HHS programs that provide such benefits under this interpretation. According to section 401 if PRWORA, aliens who are not "qualified aliens" are not eligible for any "Federal public benefit," unless the "Federal public benefit" falls within a specified exception. A "Federal public benefit" includes "any grant, contract, loan, professional license, or commercial license" provided to an individual, and also "any retirement, welfare, health, disability, public or assisted housing, postsecondary education, food assistance, unemployment benefit, or any other similar benefit for which payments or assistance are provided to an individual, household, or family eligibility unit." Under section 432, providers of a non-exempt "Federal public benefit" must verify that a person applying for the benefit is a qualified alien and is eligible to receive the benefit. The HHS programs that provide "Federal public benefits" and are not otherwise excluded from the definition by the exceptions provided in section 401(b) are: Adoption Assistance Administration on Developmental Disabilities (ADD)-State Developmental Disabilities Councils (direct services only) ADD-Special Projects (direct services only) ADD-University Affiliated Programs (clinical disability assessment services only) Adult Programs/Payments to Territories Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Dissertation Grants Child Care and Development Fund Clinical Training Grant for Faculty Development in Alcohol & Drug Abuse Foster Care Health Profession Education and Training Assistance Independent Living Program Job Opportunities for Low Income Individuals (JOLI) Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Medicare Medicaid (except assistance for an emergency medical condition) Mental Health Clinical Training Grants Native Hawaiian Loan Program Refugee Cash Assistance Refugee Medical Assistance Refugee Preventive Health Services Program Refugee Social Services Formula Program Refugee Social Services Discretionary Program Refugee Targeted Assistance Formula Program Refugee Targeted Assistance Discretionary Program Refugee Unaccompanied Minors Program Refugee Voluntary Agency Matching Grant Program Repatriation Program Residential Energy Assistance Challenge Option (REACH) Social Services Block Grant (SSBG) State Child Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) While all of these programs provide "Federal public benefits" this does not mean that all benefits or services provided under these programs are "Federal public benefits." As discussed in sections II and III below, some benefits or services under these programs may not be provided to an "individual, household, or family eligibility unit" and, therefore, do not constitute "Federal public benefits" as defined by PRWORA.  相似文献   

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