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Among legal scholars, Anthony T. Kronman and David M. Trubek have provided the leading interpretations of Weber's theory of law. Kronman and Trubek agree on two important points: Weber's theory is fundamentally contradictory, and Weber's theory relates primarily to private law subjects such as contracts. This article contests both of these points. Building on a foundation of Weber's neo-Kantian metaphysics and his sociological categories of economic action, this article shows that Weber's theory of law is not fundamentally inconsistent; rather it explores the inconsistencies that are inherent within Western society itself, including its legal systems. Furthermore, Weber's insights can be applied to modern constitutional jurisprudence. Weberian theory reveals that modern constitutional law is riddled with irreconcilable tensions between process and substance—between formal and substantive rationality. In the context of racial discrimination cases involving equal protection and the Fifteenth Amendment, the Supreme Court's acceptance of John Hart Ely's theory of representation-reinforcement demonstrates the Court's resolute pursuit of formal rationality, which insures that the substantive values and needs of minorities will remain unsatisfied.  相似文献   

论农民宪法权利平等保护目标——实质平等   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
农民宪法权利平等保护是尊重和保障人权的内在要求。农民宪法权利要受到与市民平等地对待和保护,这种平等应当不仅是形式上的而且是实质上的。农民宪法权利平等保护存在诸多的现实困境与认识误区,制约了农民宪法权利的真正实现。农民宪法权利平等保护目标应是建立在形式平等基础之上的实质平等。这一目标的提出具有正当性和现实性,也契合平等理论、人权理论及其普遍实践的趋势。农民宪法权利实质平等的保护目标及其路径选择是改变城乡二元结构,构建社会主义新农村,解决三农问题的实现之道。  相似文献   

In this paper I explore the relevance of neo-republican thinking for current debates in constitutional law. In particular, I am interested in how deliberative forms of law and democracy might be grounded in real-world institutional contexts. My thesis is that the neo-republican model, underpinned as it is by the values of equality, participation, and accountability, has both explanatory and critical potential when exploring the voices, spaces, and processes of constitutionalism. I test this argument with reference to constitutional change in Northern Ireland. It is evident that equality is the core value in the settlement reached but it is in the combination of values that the potential and tensions will arise in the future. The provisions of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 on equality are useful examples of how law might be shaped to include the voices of affected groups in the process of enforcing change in public administration. Law's role in this process is, however, more problematic than is often assumed. In this, and in other aspects of the settlement, there are lessons for others who are presently reflecting on the constitutional future in the new devolutionary contexts.  相似文献   

During the Progressive Era, the U. S. state and federal courts considered constitutional challenges to protective labor legislation. While courts often struck down generalized protective legislation, they frequently upheld such legislation for women. I explore the reasoning in the cases decided between 1897 and 1923, showing that the courts developed understandings of liberty for women that differed from those for men. In opposition to traditional separate spheres reasoning, I show that the courts viewed men's exercise of liberty as depending on their private capacities to be free, while women's labor was subject to public control due to state interest in their reproductive capacities. I suggest that constitutional theorists who are studying substantive due process should place more emphasis on courts'conceptions of the subjects of due process guarantees rather than considering solely the challenged statutes'restriction of liberty. I develop a dynamic and complex understanding of liberty to capture this aspect of the relationship between constitutional theory and gender.  相似文献   

Abstract: What is the role of the nation‐state in the process of European constitutional integration? How can we transcend our divisions without marginalising those who believe in them? This article critically analyses the theoretical bases of the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe and tries to explain why its ratification is so problematic. Authors such as Habermas have argued that a new European model of social cohesion is needed, and Habermas suggests that the sense of ‘community’ in a democratic Europe should be founded exclusively on the acceptance of a patriotic constitution. However, this view is criticised by authors such as Weiler and MacCormick. In this article, I explain the limits of these theoretical analyses. I will argue that a European constitutional project can be more than formally legal only if two normative conditions are satisfied: it is the result of public debate and the European Constitution includes the procedures for the recognition of European national diversity. I suggest that a theory of constitutional multinationalism, similar to the one proposed by Tully, might provide an attractive model for a European social integration. The article is divided in two parts. In the first, I explain why Habermas’ constitutional patriotism or MacCormick's states based Europe cannot provide a convincing theoretical model for a socially and constitutionally integrated Europe. In the second part, I will give an outline of Tully's idea of multinational democracy as a model for a European constitutional integration.  相似文献   

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) through this final rule is continuing to remove and revise provisions of its standards that are outdated, duplicative, unnecessary, or inconsistent, or can be clarified or simplified by being written in plain language. The Agency completed Phase I of the Standards Improvement Project in June 1998. In this Phase II of the Standards Improvement Project, OSHA is again revising or removing a number of health provisions in its standards for general industry, shipyard employment, and construction. The Agency believes that the changes streamline and make more consistent the regulatory requirements in OSHA health and safety standards. In some cases, OSHA has made substantive revisions to requirements because they are outdated, duplicative, unnecessary, or inconsistent with more recently promulgated health standards. The Agency believes these revisions will reduce regulatory requirements for employers without reducing employee protection.  相似文献   

王军  沈雨青 《河北法学》2007,25(8):34-41
在欧盟,以宪法性法律文件为基础,通过三代保险指令,也包括正在形成的第四代保险指令,欧盟的单一保险市场正在逐步形成.但相对于欧盟的保险监管制度来说,保险合同方面的调和则严重滞后.在这一领域,目前法律的发展仅局限于对保险合同冲突法的调整.这种状况导致了保险服务自由的目标难以实现.为了改变这种局面,欧盟的相关机构进行了有益的探索.其中的关键问题在于,欧盟应为各成员国提供统一的保单持有者的保护标准.顺应这一要求,最好的办法是颁布有关欧盟保险合同的实体法.我国作为世贸组织的一员和保险法尚不完善的国家,对于其中的动态应给予足够的关注.  相似文献   

公法请求权根源于并服务于基础性公法权利,但具备独立实体权利的要素,具有相对的独立性。确保或回复基础性公法权利不受干扰状态的干扰防御请求权和作为受益权核心内容的给付请求权是公法请求权的两种典型形态。公法请求权的确认和保护,对基础性公法权利的实现具有重要意义,只有实现对公法请求权的全面保护,方可实现对基础性公法权利的全面保护。我国应当通过立法和司法的革新措施促进公法请求权的行政法制保护,以提升公法权利的行政法保障水平:一方面,行政立法应当树立对公法请求权予以直接立法确认的理念;另一方面应通过行政诉讼制度的改革促进公法请求权的司法保护。  相似文献   

不可撤销具体行政行为的理论基础是行政行为的合法性评价与有效性评价的可分性以及效力的相对性与可分性,包括效力评价不可能的具体行政行为和效力评价无必要的具体行政行为。它是确认违法判决的适用对象,但现行有关确认违法判决适用情形的规定存在较大的局限性,如“不具有可撤销内容”表述的不科学性,“公共利益”规定的武断性,且忽视了个人利益遭受重大损失的可能性。应根据不可撤销具体行政行为理论修改完善有关规定。  相似文献   

从宪法角度和法律三元分类角度看,民法典将基本民事主体表述为"公民"比表述为"自然人"更合适。各国宪法差异决定中国民法典表述基本民事主体不能复制德国民法典的规定。就性质而言,民事主体内部关系的内容是权利与权利,应避免使用"权力"之类术语来定义其内部组织或描述其功能。在数字化时代,民法典应着力保障在数字化背景下备受威胁的个人隐私权,促进民事主体实质性享有平等的发展权利,但不宜承担公法功能。  相似文献   

马洪伦 《北方法学》2014,(4):130-136
宪法解释具有创造性的原因有二:第一,诠释学在海德格尔和加达默尔之后实现了从方法论、认识论到本体论的转变。本体论诠释学强调读者领悟之意,认为理解在本质上是一种创造性的行为,而不仅仅是一种复制性的行为。哲学诠释学的理论被宪法解释学所借鉴,从本体论诠释学的角度来看,所有的宪法解释都具有创造性。第二,宪法文本所具有的抽象性、模糊性和不确定性,要求作为具体化宪法文本的宪法解释具有创造性。与本体论诠释学意义上的宪法解释的创造性不同,并不是所有作为具体化宪法文本的宪法解释都具有创造性,因为有一些宪法条款的规定基于社会共识的存在而相对明确,对于它们的解释更多地体现为客观性而不是创造性。  相似文献   

宪法基本权利与民事权利之间的双向互动关系是宪法与民法之间关系的缩影,对其互动原因的分析研究,旨在探求影响和决定公法与私法、宪法与民法之互动关系背后的深层原因,从而厘清影响我国当前法治建设进程的相关理论观点。现代以来,随着国家职能的变迁和社会关系的日益复杂,传统的公私法二分式结构渐趋模糊,市民社会与政治国家之间的界限已不再分明,社会福利国家理论的兴起为宪法基本权利与民事权利、宪法与民法、公法与私法之间的互动和交流提供了现实的物质基础和广泛的作用空间。基于理论和实践层面的双重需求,现代国家更多地介入到了私权领域和经济社会生活中而冲破了原有的理论和制度对国家公权所埋设下的层层藩篱,由此导致了公私法在现代社会的各个层面上的互动和交融。  相似文献   

In this article, I critically evaluate the positions of ProfessorsJeremy Waldron and W.J. Waluchow on the right-based merits ofentrenched constitutions and strong judicial review. I supportWaluchow in arguing that (i) prohibitions on the constitutionalentrenchment of rights and resultant prohibitions of strongjudicial review may be only superficially fair or democratic,since fair procedure alone can neither eliminate pre-existinginequalities nor ultimately take the autonomy vital to self-governanceseriously (whether individual or collective). Secondly, (ii)if deep dissensus fails to exist on all substantive mattersof rights, the constitutional entrenchment of rights combinedwith strong judicial review can indeed be achieved fairly. Ithen propose that (iii) the anti-constitutionalist concern aboutbeing governed by the ‘dead hand of the past’ isself-refuting, for the alternative is simply another constrainton autonomy. While this is largely consistent with Waluchow'sposition vis-à-vis Waldron's majoritarianism, I end byexpressing serious concerns regarding whether the common law(and the ‘constitutional morality’ that Waluchowclaims can be derived from it) can act as a sufficiently robustbasis for the protection of liberal and egalitarian rights.  相似文献   

This paper explores and critically reflects on the legal foundations and the practice of criminal defense in Ethiopia within the overall due process framework of a fair criminal trial. A brief review of Ethiopian constitutional history shows that the right to representation by legal counsel has been one of the fundamental due process rights granted to accused persons in criminal proceedings. The constitutional right to counsel is, however, not specified by detailed legal provisions. A logical consequence of this is that the enjoyment of this right is fraught with legal and practical problems. While the legal problems, among other things, include obscurity regarding the scope and content of the right, the practical problems include absence of public defense offices at district levels where the vast majority of criminal proceedings take place. Consequently, accused persons appear during trials without the aid of legal counsel; they are in fact deprived of their due process rights and marginalized. This has a number of legal ramifications both to the accused and the criminal justice system. In sum, the constitutional provision of the right to criminal defense counsel is undelivered and remains a hollow promise. It is therefore difficult to uphold the constitutional norms which underlie criminal trial process such as procedural justice, as well as the legitimacy of the government. The justice sectors are responsible to ensuring due process and equal protection. Substantial justice reforms are needed at all levels.  相似文献   

宪法财产权条款是一国宪法确立私有财产权宪法保障地位的规范依据。我国现行《宪法》第13条规定是我国宪法上的财产权条款,具有重要的规范意义。但我国宪法财产权条款采不完善的"保障+剥夺"二层结构,因而应予修正,改采完善的"保障+限制+剥夺"三层结构。一国宪法财产权条款所保障的财产范围是十分广泛的,一切具财产价值的私法上的权利和公法上的权利都在其内,具财产价值的期待性权利乃至存在合法性瑕疵的财产也可以有条件地包括其内。宪法财产权条款为一国宪法上的财产权提供双重保障机制,即个别保障与制度保障、存续保障与价值保障,我国宪法财产权条款在此方面有很大的改善空间。  相似文献   

Georg Schmitz 《Ratio juris》2003,16(2):240-265
Abstract.   Constitutional review was the most original idea stemming from the Austrian Federal Constitution of 1920. It is argued that the politician Karl Renner gave birth to the idea of a constitutional court. Hans Kelsen played the predominant role in the drafting of constitutional provisions. The new Constitutional Court provided for a centralized system of review, with an eye to a number of politically important issues. Owing to the pressure that stemmed from various discussions between and among the politicians of the national state and the Länder , Kelsen was obliged to depart from the German model of the federal state and to develop in its place a new theory.  相似文献   

李彦生 《时代法学》2010,8(6):65-73
公力救济的严格程序法定限制了私权保护,其所依据的法律的正当性决定了人们对私力救济的选择。法理上,法律本身的局限性,使公力救济无法提供正当的评判依据;法律实践上,实体法提供的评判标准不正当:适用法律不当,赔偿制度及赔偿标准的制定失当、缺乏客观公正的特别证明,致使人们抛弃公力救济。  相似文献   

This article addresses the vagueness, and the interpretative challenges associated with, international investment agreements (IIAs) and develops a new normative framework for interpreting these treaties. It focuses on the historical embedding of investment protection as a means of facilitating economic development as well as upon its synthetic public law nature. The analysis shows that a teleological approach to interpretation imposes boundaries on the meaning of substantive IIA provisions. The article then elaborates how the transnational dimension of IIAs provides a benchmark, which is the level of protection offered to economic actors against interference by the state in countries with the highest rule of law standards. The article then shows how the resulting challenges of comparative public law could be addressed through the methodology of re‐ and pre‐statement of transnational uniform ‘principles’: sophisticated and detailed rules striking the proper balance between private economic interests and the public regulatory interest, so as to provide more legal certainty for both investors and host states.  相似文献   

New elements associated with Web 2.0 relating to interactivity and end‐user focus have combined with the availability of new levels of information to encourage the development of what may be termed a Gov 2.0 approach. This, in combination with recent initiatives in the modernising government programme, has emphasised new levels of public participation and engagement with government as well as a re‐engineering of public services to make them more responsive to their end users. Adopting a governmentality perspective, it is argued that this involves a wider process of governing through constructing and reconstructing ideas of the public, community and individual citizen‐consumers who take on a role in their own governance. It is argued that this fundamental re‐working of the nature of what is public represents a constitutional change that is perhaps more significant than the constitutional reform programme directed to formal government which attracts more attention.  相似文献   

举报投诉人原告资格问题是行政诉讼理论和实践争议的焦点。《行诉解释》第12条第5项认可了投诉人的原告资格,但在理论和实践中仍存在较大的争议,需要梳理并回应。就保护规范理论而言,在实体法和程序法没有规定主观公权利的前提下,诉讼法及其司法解释也可以赋予投诉人原告资格,并可以据此推导出与原告资格相对应的主观公权利;就保护必要性而言,第5项中合法权益的规范功能能够替代保护必要性的适用;就投诉人的定位而言,第5项与司法实践存在冲突,建议将第5项对投诉人的定位由其他利害关系人改为行政相对人。  相似文献   

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