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徐金锋 《行政与法》2012,(2):122-125
在从身份到契约的变化中,法律程序起着极为重要的作用。司法判决与民意冲突的问题在其他国家同样存在,唯对于正处于社会转型中的中国而言,各界尚对程序正义、司法独立、技术理性等缺乏足够的认识及尊重。从当前司法活动中引发的诸多误解来看,本质上是程序正义与实质正义、技术理性与大众理性、司法权与行政权、司法权与知情权的冲突问题,对其善加解读具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

Chaoulli v Quebec (A.G . ) may be the most controversial Supreme Court of Canada decision to date. The Court used social science evidence of foreign health care systems to justify its finding that a provincial ban on private health care insurance unjustifiably violated the right to security of the person. The decision could lead to fundamental structural changes in the way Canadian provinces deliver health care services. Given the importance of Charter jurisprudence in the United Kingdom, and recent debate about the wisdom of incorporating social rights, the case raises a number of pertinent issues for British lawyers. This comment advances two general arguments. First, that the case was wrongly decided because of its poor characterisation of the legislative objective of the ban, unprincipled approach to judicial deference, and poor treatment of expert and social science evidence. Second, far from justifying suspicion of constitutional social rights, the case illustrates precisely why such rights can make a positive difference.  相似文献   

美国广播管制中的公共利益标准   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
在美国广播管制史上 ,公共利益标准是左右广播业准入管制和公共政策形成过程的核心概念。事实上 ,公共利益标准是实行管制的授权标准 ,蕴涵着对政策决定过程中相互竞争的诸价值和利益的衡量 ,有相当的弹性和延展性 ;在司法和管制实践中 ,则要结合具体情境 ,将形式上的公共利益标准转化为具有实质内容的方案 ,实现对裁量权的导控。在我国许可制度改革、放松管制以及公用事业民营化实践的背景下 ,如何发展出可操作的许可标准和精巧的利益衡量技术 ,保障“公共利益”不因民营化进程而侵蚀和消解 ,是需要认真对待的课题  相似文献   

This case study focuses on how the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment combined consultative processes with federal provincial negotiations to develop a policy for reducing emissions of nitrogen oxides, and volatile organic compounds. The paper argues that the relationship among the parties was not characterized by the reciprocity required for a partnership, and that the process employed was insensitive to inequalities in regulatory capacity. As a result, too little attention was devoted to the question of how regulatory capacities can be continuously improved.  相似文献   

行政技术手段的采用包括决策和运用二阶段,传统上法律对行政技术手段的调控集中于其运用程序的合法性。然而如果行政机关选择了一个错误的、不合格的甚至无效的技术手段作为其实施行政行为的重要依据,那么当这一错误的行政技术手段被确立为标准而进行运用时,为其制定再完善的程序来监督也是徒劳无益的。应当通过确定行政技术手段决策的行政裁量属性,探求法律规制这种决策行为的可能性及其有效途径。  相似文献   

The process of the intergenerational transmission of violence is not well understood. A risk and resilience model of criminal violence against women was investigated using secondary data. The sample was composed of adolescent male juvenile delinquents who had been physically abused by their parents, and who were followed up at ages 25 and 31. A series of structural equation models were fit to investigate whether dysregulated affect mediated the effects of attachment and family chaos on the adult perpetration of violence against women. These models support the hypothesis that affect dysregulation may act as a mediator. Results raise new ideas about the mechanisms by which violence may be transmitted across generations.  相似文献   

著作权(或版权)是指作者对其创作的文学、艺术和科学作品依法所享有的权利。关于著作权法或版权法为何要保护作者的这一权利的问题,学理上有不同的观点,其中以“激励说”最为引人注目。就目前世界各国著作权法的具体规定来看,“激励说”占有着相当重要的地位。依据这一学说,国家制定著作权法(或版权法)赋予作者对其独创作品在一定期限内享有垄断性或排他性的权利,其宗旨是促进本国的科技和文化事业的发展。也就是说,国家以法律保护作为手段,以期达到发展和繁荣本国文化事业之目的。因此,如何平衡作者的利益与社会的利益之间的矛盾,也就成了著作权法所无法回避的问题。毫无疑问,作者在创作过程中经过了艰苦的思维,付出了辛勤的汗水,甚至投入了大量的资金,如果其所创作的作品得不到法律的有效保护,则作者的创造性劳动就难以得到回报,作者也就缺乏创作动力。由此看来,对作品加以保护是必要的。然而,作者的所谓“独创”是在前人留下的基础上进行的,那种不依赖前人所积累的知识而进行的抽象的创作是不存在的,也是不可能的。所以,为了社会的利益,为了鼓励更多的作品的创作,并降低创作成本,从而有利于知识的学习和传播,各国著作权法在对作者的著作权施加时间上的限制的同时又规定了对作品的合理使用。  相似文献   

蒙藏委员会是南京国民政府中央主管蒙藏事务的专门机构。蒙藏委员会不是严格意义上的民族事务机构或边政机构,也不是单纯的中央行政主管机关,其施政对象为蒙藏地区,其制度使命是:在训政体制下革兴蒙藏地方行政,扶植蒙藏民族自决自治,实现三民主义的国家建设目标;而其职能主要体现在:一是在中央层面针对蒙藏各项行政革兴计划发挥决策设计、组织协调的作用,二是代表中央政府指导、监督乃至直接举办蒙藏地方行政。然而,一方面由于国民政府缺乏有效的民族政策,蒙藏委员会的机构地位和职能要求不匹配,对其他中央职能机构缺乏约束力,其决策协调功能无法有效发挥;另一方面,由于蒙藏地方行政制度的特殊性,中央权威对地方控制的乏力,导致改革职能无法有效贯彻。由此导致国民政府试图通过自上而下的行政改革一举解决蒙藏问题和推进国家建设的目标未能实现。  相似文献   

The goal of this contribution is to understand the notion of risk as it is enshrined in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), with a particular on Art. 35 providing for the obligation to carry out data protection impact assessments (DPIAs), the first risk management tool to be enshrined in EU data protection law, and which therefore contains a number of key elements in order to grasp the notion. The adoption of this risk-based approach has not come without a number of debates and controversies, notably on the scope and meaning of the risk-based approach. Yet, what has remained up to date out of the debate is the very notion of risk itself, which underpins the whole risk-based approach. The contribution uses the notions of risk and risk analysis as tools for describing and understanding risk in the GDPR. One of the main findings is that the GDPR risk is about “compliance risk” (i.e., the lower the compliance the higher the consequences upon the data subjects' rights). This stance is in direct contradiction with a number of positions arguing for a strict separation between compliance and risk issues. This contribution sees instead issues of compliance and risk to the data subjects rights and freedoms as deeply interconnected. The conclusion will use these discussions as a basis to address the long-standing debate on the differences between privacy impact assessments (PIAs) and DPIAs. They will also warn against the fact that ultimately the way risk is defined in the GDPR is somewhat irrelevant: what matters most is the methodology used and the type of risk at work therein.  相似文献   

为应对社会变迁中的治理困境,行政机关的决策活动越来越多地被赋予了广阔的裁量空间,形成裁量目的手段式的规制技术有别于传统行政裁量的要件效果模式,同时,行政决策与传统行政活动在功能任务类型、合法化逻辑、公共利益客观性等方面的差异也决定了两者迥异的裁量属性.但行政决策中形成裁量的法律规制要区别于传统的行政裁量,重点在于克服民主正当性缺失、实现利益衡量的公正、纠正系统性偏见以及裁量基准的创新.  相似文献   

The 2004 Supreme Court of Canada decision in Auton concerns the right of autistic children to access services held by their parents to be essential to their children's ability to participate as members of a democratic society. It is argued that the child's right to have his or her basic developmental needs met is a constitutionally protected one. Having those developmental needs met engages both education and health rights. In Auton the parents had sought funding for the service at issue from the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Children and Families (which dealt with mental health services and other particular support programs for the families of disabled children) as well as from the Ministry of Education. The case raises central questions regarding the very nature of education and the constitutionality of a discretionary power of government to set out statutory limitations upon fundamental human rights including education rights.  相似文献   

The United States and Canada regulate firearms, particularly handguns, quite differently. With only a few state and local exceptions, the U.S. approach emphasizes the ability of most individuals to purchase, possess, and carry handguns. By comparison, Canada has a form of restrictive licensing for handguns that places a premium on community safety. The authors first review the potential individual and community level harms and benefits associated with these differing fre-arm policies. Using this information, they explore the ethical dimensions of the U.S. and Canadian approaches through three major themes of autonomy, prevention of harms, and social justice. The authors conclude that the Canadian approach is consistent with respect for the autonomy of persons, fosters the prevention of harms, and more appropriately furthers social justice.  相似文献   

Abstract. The article concentrates on Kymlicka's major area of research, i.e., the issue of justice for minority cultures. It deals with his perspective on cultural recognition in a multicultural society, which is grounded on his argument for culture and autonomy. Specifically, it covers issues such as cultural and moral pluralism, the justification for policies of cultural recognition, and the relation between cultural identity and membership. The aim of the article is to emphasise what the dangerous implications could be, in a multicultural society, were policies of cultural recognition to be predominantly or solely founded on liberal values.  相似文献   


Much of what is known about sexual offenders is based on correctional samples and then applied across settings based on the assumption that this group is homogeneous. In this study, 149 files were compared, including 108 cases from the forensic mental health system (FMH) and 41 cases from the correctional system (COR). Although many similarities were observed between the FMH and COR groups, the results also revealed important differences. The FMH group was characterised by more frequent hospitalisations, higher rates of major mental illness and single status. The COR group was characterised by a history of physical and sexual abuse, family history of addictions, more intrusive sexual offences and higher rates of offending. These results highlight different profiles for sexual offenders in forensic mental health and correctional settings and challenge us to consider the implications for assessment, treatment and risk management of this unique group of sexual offenders.  相似文献   

不同文化之间的交流有着漫长的历史,跨文化交往是这一发展过程的最高形式.受历史、社会、文化等因素的影响,跨文化交往形成了多种模式.不同文化的价值观对这种多元化模式的形成起到了至关重要的作用,这些模式也反映了各自的价值观.跨文化交往既要推进本文化的发展,维护本文化的价值观,同时还应该在交往过程中努力创造新的、为所有交往参与者所共同接受的价值观,即普世性价值观.这种价值观应该以维护、促进不同文化之间的交往为目的,以和平、平等、协商为主要内容.  相似文献   

龚微  洪永红 《法学论坛》2005,20(1):127-131
本文分析了电信业在破除垄断、引入竞争后,电信管制中,一般竞争管制与电信行业管制之间对电信经营活动管辖权存在的冲突与协调这一现象.通过介绍加拿大富有特色的做法及解决模式,结合我国现阶段的实际,以推进我国电信业发展,建立完善的电信竞争政策执行机制为目标,提出我国解决这一问题可采取的对策.  相似文献   

This article is a revised version of a paper given at the Critical Legal Conference, Glasgow, September 7, 1991. The author wishes to express her appreciation for discussions concerning the issues in this article, and comments on earlier drafts, to Tony Carty, William Lucy and Dylan Griffiths. Responsibility for the final result is nonetheless that of the author alone.  相似文献   

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