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刘光前 《新东方》2002,(3):20-25
人的行为需要文化精神提供价值支撑。英雄模范的行为所突出地体现的文化,使文化的精神意义具体到了人和事,成为激发人们向往、追求目标和境界的动力,故而英雄模范能以其榜样的力量引导人和社会的文明进步。这种行为文化,成为了一种人生价值的支撑。受到江泽民同志题词表彰的英雄战士李向群,其英雄行为堪称惊天地泣鬼神的壮举,是一种生动有力的文化宣示。李向群精神凝聚着我们党长期思想文化建设的成果,也是我们党在新时期精神文明建设的结果。努力弘扬李向群精神,大力推进先进文化建设,有利于在全社会形成振兴中华的共同理想和强大的精神支柱。  相似文献   

周爱春 《中国发展》2009,9(6):54-58
该文指出,中国作为WTO成员中遭受反倾销措施最多的国家,需要法务会计的专业支持来应对反倾销。  相似文献   

李鸣 《前沿》2010,(19):155-158
科学技术是第一生产力,是推动人类社会发展的强劲动力。然而,科学技术在不同的时代放射着不同的光彩。如果说农业文明时代的科学技术呈现了黄色科技文明的色彩,工业文明时代的科学技术呈现出黑色科技文明的色彩,那么,生态文明时代的科学技术则应当呈现出绿色科技文明的色彩。在绿色发展成为21世纪全球主流战略的时代,绿色科技浪潮正扑面而来。本文以生态文明时代为背景,以科学发展观为指导,对绿色科技的内涵特征、绿色科技与生态文明的关系进行了探究。  相似文献   

自主创新能力的培育与发展是加快经济增长方式根本性转变的核心支撑,是企业竞争优势与经济效益的源泉。长期以来,我国增长方式一直未能实现转变的根本原因在于自主创新能力薄弱,科技竞争力和供给力不足。推动经济增长方式从要素驱动型向创新驱动型转变,必须营造良好创新环境,增强自主创新动力;深化体制改革,加快推进国家创新体系建设;培养造就富有创新精神的人才队伍,努力发展创新文化;建立开放式的科技体制,扩大国际科技合作与交流。  相似文献   

试论竞争性与非竞争性二元结构的高校科研资助体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从理论和政策实践两个维度,探讨了以高校为对象的竞争性与非竞争性二元结构的政府科研资助体系。从理论上说,政府的资助要同时满足国家、高校、科学家三个层面的需求,单一的竞争性模式难以完成这个任务,必须引入非竞争性的资助模式作为资助机制的补充。中央高校基本科研业务费在实践上开启了二元结构的资助模式,对高校的发展将产生深远的影响。二元结构的资助体系尚需时间探索和磨合,现有非竞争性模式在资助比例、资助对象、评价体系,资源配置等问题上还有探讨的余地。  相似文献   


Recently, states have enacted teacher-carry laws. While controversial, little scholarship has tapped public attitudes toward such reforms. Because public opinion shapes policy, the public is an important stakeholder in this debate. Thus, we investigated three questions. First, how supportive is the public of arming teachers? Second, what demographic and social divides exist, if any, for reform approval? Finally, do crime-related perceptions, concerning views about public safety, and criminogenic influences shape policy preferences? We test these questions using a 2018 poll of Virginia residents (N = 521). Overall, approval for teacher-carry is split. Crime-related perceptions mediate some of the initial social and demographic divides in opinion but other correlates, such as parental status, remain salient predictors of views. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

朱大锋 《桂海论丛》2009,25(3):38-40
目前,在我国养老任务繁重、社会养老保障体系不健全的情况下, "扬弃"孝道传统,倡导现代特征的新孝道,可为解决家庭养老提供重要的伦理和道义支撑,从而促进我国养老机制的完善与和谐家庭关系的构建.  相似文献   

A Midwestern state’s child welfare agency contracted with a university to evaluate a 5-year Title IV-E Waiver Demonstration Project. As part of the process study, evaluators employed case study analysis to investigate Waiver knowledge and effects as reported by Regional and Executive Managers across 4 years of the demonstration period. Data from 78 interviews reveal enhanced levels of manager–evaluator rapport and integrated Waiver knowledge across years of data collection. This study highlights the value of middle managers as rich data sources, studying process through qualitative methods in child welfare evaluation, and how consistent relationships can support partnerships over time.  相似文献   

国家支持与对口支援合作:我国区域平衡发展模式分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域平衡发展既是世界性的难题,也是各国政府宏观调控的重要目标。以中央新疆工作座谈会的召开为标志,贯彻落实邓小平同志"两个大局观",实行经济、干部、人才、教育、科技全方位对口支援,已经成为西部地区实现跨越式发展和长治久安的重要区域政策。本文试图考察各国解决区域发展不平衡的主要做法及其局限性,分析我国区域平衡发展战略的基本特征及其可能走向,研究探索适应正处于国际社会大变革、大调整、大发展时期的区域平衡发展模式的可行性。  相似文献   


This study examined the factors that influence support for campus carry laws among a sample of approximately 2,700 faculty/administrators, staff, and students at a large, public university in Georgia. Although previous research suggests that support for campus carry may differ across groups on campus, there have been no studies that have examined why these differences may exist. In order to shed light on this understudied issue, this study estimated the extent of support for campus carry and examined if the predictors of support varied across campus populations. Results indicated that there were differences in the proportion of each group that supported campus carry with students (57%) reporting a higher level of support than staff (39%) and faculty/administrators (19%). Further, results from multivariate analyses indicated that there are some differences in the factors that predict support for campus carry for faculty/administrators compared to staff and students.  相似文献   

文章通过对农村留守妇女社会支持文献的回顾,梳理了农村留守妇女面临的主要困境和社会支持的现状,提出了社会工作为农村留守妇女提供支持的策略。文章指出,农村留守妇女社会支持网络比较单一和脆弱,社会支持供给与留守妇女需求之间矛盾突出。农村留守妇女社会支持的缺陷为社会工作介入提供了空间,社会工作的介入应该秉承优势视角与问题视角的结合,在整合政府资源的基础上,加强与社区平台的合作,充分发挥农村基层妇联组织和自助组织的作用,构建社会力量广泛参与的留守妇女支持网络。  相似文献   

陈庆 《中国发展》2020,(1):11-14
广深科技创新走廊是粤港澳大湾区城市群创新的重要尝试,而通过整合城市间创新资源促进科技成果转化和先进制造业发展则是其应有之义和重要支撑。该文从区域协同视角出发,论述了东莞在广深科技创新走廊中所扮演的苗圃-孵化器-加速器角色,以及东莞大科学装置建设与产城融合式发展对制造业转型升级的基础性意义,并从政-产-学-研-金-服-用多个维度给出对策建议,对于新常态下中国经济高端化、实体化、国际化发展具有凸出的理论和现实价值。  相似文献   

Since the publication of Lovaas' (1987) impressive findings, there has been a proliferation of home-based behavior modification programs for autistic children. Parents and other paraprofessionals often play key roles in the implementation and monitoring of these programs. The Behavioral Summarized Evaluation (BSE) was developed for professionals and paraprofessionals to use in assessing the severity of autistic symptoms over the course of treatment. This paper examined the psychometric properties of the BSE (inter-item consistency, factorial composition, convergent validity, and sensitivity to parents' perceptions of symptom change over time) when used by parents of autistic youngsters undergoing home-based intervention. Recommendations for future research are presented.  相似文献   

在马克思主义中国化理论成果的形成和发展进程中,实事求是、解放思想和求真务实是三个重要环节,也是与时俱进的三个重要理论内涵.它们共同推进着马克思主义中国化进程的深化,共同拓展着与时俱进这一马克思主义的理论品格.实事求是是推进马克思主义中国化的前提;解放思想是推进马克思主义中国化的动力;求真务实是推进马克思主义中国化的基础.  相似文献   

陆伟芳 《中国发展》2011,14(4):66-69
该文通过对汀苏省江都市小纪镇的实地考察,结合文献研究和听取汇报等方式,探讨欠发达地区的乡村发展模式,提出了从农业起步、用工业突围的小纪模式。  相似文献   

本文以西方发达国家(地区)贸易促进机构为具体案例,说明在西方行政管理体制改革的过程中,负责执行政府政策或法律、负责监管的独立机构所体现出来的公共治理结构中的多元化、社会化和市场化的趋势。这些独立机构和负责决策的大部门相互分工,相辅相成,共同构成政府公共管理和服务的主体。此外,本文提出在完善我国大部制的过程中,有必要不遗余力地推进独立机构的建设,并且通过对我国贸促机构的分析,提出可以以贸促机构作为我国建立独立机构的试点。  相似文献   

以制度分析方法来分析公共行政发展中的热点和难点问题,是近年来国内外公共行政研究的独特路径之一.然而厘清制度分析内涵,研究制度分析的价值和特色,以及搭建制度分析的研究框架等是我们科学地应用制度分析方法的先决条件.  相似文献   

民族旅游与文化认同:以羌族为个案   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,我国民族旅游得到了极大发展.民族旅游在促进地方经济发展的同时,也在强化着地方民族的文化认同.文章以羌族为例,通过对羌族旅游开发引起的相关文化事项变化的探讨,揭示了在民族旅游这样一个场域中,地方如何在中心与边缘的互动中,如何在大众文化的影响下,如何在协调现代性与传统性矛盾的基础上,最终形成本族文化认同强化的.文章试图要证明以下现点,即:文化认同的根本动力来源于对经济利益的追求;文化认同是中心/现代性与边缘/传统性对抗的产物;文化认同是一个权力与利益多向调控的结果.是外在力量、内在力量二者的共同作用.  相似文献   

“三个代表”重要思想深刻揭示了中国共产党的先进本质,是中国共产党的行动指南。作为我国社会主义民主政治的一大特色和优势,中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度有利于中国共产党更好地做到“三个代表”,但同时又必须始终坚持以“三个代表”为价值取向和衡量标准。  相似文献   

Using data from the National Survey of Child and Adolescent Well-being (NSCAW), this study explores the characteristics of child welfare involvement for children (N = 639; aged 3–17.5 years) with at least one developmental disability. In addition, a central focus of this exploration was to examine respective differences in how caregivers and caseworkers initiated referrals for services for children with disabilities. The sample was divided into three exclusive groups based on type of developmental disability: learning disability (weighted percentage 70.3%); Mental Retardation (now referred to as Intellectual Disability), Downs Syndrome, or; developmental delay (weighted percentage 1.8%); and presence of multiple types of disabilities, including autism (weighted percentage 27.9%). Results from the logistic regression analyses indicate children in this population who are placed in out-of-home care receive more referrals than those residing in-home with biological caregivers; older children and children with multiple disabilities are also more apt to obtain referrals to formal assessments. On the other hand, children who were considered in the “other” race category (includes children who identify as: multi-racial; Asian; Pacific Islander; Native American) were significantly less likely to be referred for a formal assessment. Regarding the association between specific maltreatment type and assessment referrals, children with reports of emotional maltreatment had significantly higher odds of being referred for formal assessments.  相似文献   

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