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This paper focuses on the school as a setting for community-based prevention of factors that place learners at risk such as poverty, violence, substance abuse, learning difficulties and HIV/AIDS. It examines the development of school-based structures aimed at addressing these issues. The health promoting and inclusive schools approaches are explored as strategies to address these and other barriers to learning.

Reference is made to innovative practice at a school in a disadvantaged community outside of Cape Town. The case study reveals how school-based teams could be utilized to mobilize school communities in generating solutions to the difficulties that they encounter.  相似文献   

《天边外》是“美国戏剧之父”尤金.奥尼尔早期戏剧创作的典范。奥尼尔主要通过剧中露斯对自主爱情的追求和对男性的依赖,以及剧作家本人对男性的丑化,展现了一个在男权中心文化中深受男权思想毒害但又不甘向命运屈服的女性形象,表达了剧作家对女性的理解、同情和支持,并以此唤起人们对女性遭受歧视这一问题的重视。  相似文献   

当今社会生活中,当代青年的审美趣味和审美方式十分独特。这主要表现在审美方式多元化、“日常生活审美化”和审美趣味不争论等多方面,其审美实践和审美趣味及审美方式也是在前辈的视野之外形成的。对当代青年的审美实践,我们应该有更加开放的视野和胸怀,准确把握青年多样化审美的积极意义,同时也要清楚地看到其在实践中存在的文化原创能力不足等问题。在“社会青年化”的时代,美学研究要紧密地贴近青年审美实践,及时提炼青年探索“美的规律”取得的新的阶段性成果,有效地指导青年审美实践。  相似文献   

正A village teacher has been devoted to bettering the lives of students living deep in the mountains Having been a primary school teacher for two decades, Zhang Yugun, 41, still remembers the moment that he decided to give up the chance to work in a city and return to his hometown to teach.  相似文献   

"Thealleystwistandwindthroughtheinnercitylikeveinsandarteriesmovingthroughalivingcreature.Thereisendlessfascinationhere:tinymarkets,noodleshops,oldmensittinginthewaningsun,childrenplaying,donkeycarts,strollinglovers,ancientgatewaystowalled-courtyards...  相似文献   

国际合作是国际关系理论与实践的重要议题,但长期以来,西方学者在这一领域的研究上一直占据着主导地位。《国际合作理论:批判与建构》的面世,挑战了西方国际合作理论的话语霸权。它在对西方国际合作理论进行理性批判的基础上,建构了以“国家能力-国际合作”为主轴、国家意愿和国际社会为干预变量的国际合作模式,实现了对现有西方国际合作理论的超越。  相似文献   

Beyond the Rails     
The inauguration of the railway be-tween China and Laos is a key milestone in the realization of the Pan-Asian Railway Network running between Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province in southwest China, and Singapore.  相似文献   

列宁晚年保持党的纯洁性思想的发展,以清党和改善党员质量为主线、以反对官僚主义和维护党的团结统一为根本目的,在党建实践中注重党的思想、组织和作风的纯洁性建设,形成了独具特色的保持党的纯洁性思想,为无产阶级政党纯洁性建设留下了宝贵的财富.在新的历史时期,中国共产党要以科学发展观统领党的纯洁性建设全局,以建设学习型党组织引领党的思想纯洁建设,以加强党的队伍纯洁建设保持党的组织纯洁,以创先争优和建设服务型党组织引领党的作风纯洁建设,以反腐倡廉引领党风廉政建设,切实做好保持党的纯洁性的各项工作.  相似文献   

The recently concluded visit to Pakistan by President of the People’s Republic of China Xi Jinping has surely been instrumental for exponential expansion in the bilateral relations between the two countries and has elevated them to a new level of abiding strategic cooperation that holds the promise of not only serving the geo-political,economic and security interests of both of them but also the South Asian region as well as Central Asia.  相似文献   

正College graduates-turned-village officials explore opportunities in the vast countryside While most fresh university graduates in China aim to find jobs in the cities, more and more welleducated young people are starting to look for career opportunities in rural areas.  相似文献   

The clay statures are great,but there are other brilliant sites to see in Xi’an.Here are three places you must visit  相似文献   

目前学界对政治认同的研究主要采用利益分析法,但利益分析方法面临认同客体性与主体间性的冲突、理性与情感层面的碰撞、多元利益博弈、"承认的政治"等的挑战。本文认为,价值是政治认同的核心变量,多元价值冲突是现代政治认同困境发生的根本原因。政治认同困境的消解呼唤社会核心价值观的重构,而政治认同归根结底是对社会核心价值观的认同。因此,从价值视角审视政治认同有利于对传统政治认同分析路径的反思,对于政治认同重构提供了方法论的意义。  相似文献   

Owning a home is the main priority of young people planning to marry.Just a few years ago, couples flocked to China's impressive urban commercial housing projects,intent on buying brand new apartments in which to commence married life.Reality,however,has effectively dampened this ambition.Most are now content to buy either an owner-occupied apartment or one within an economical government housing project.Another alternative is renting a home within a government-subsidized housing project.  相似文献   

Painter Wang Tao, 46, studied at the Central Academy of Arts and Design (now part of Tsinghua University) in the 1980s. After graduating he took more specialized courses in oil painting. It was during Wang’s boyhood that he began to fantasize about what lay behind the mottled red walls that he passed on his way to school each day. This childish fancy gave birth to a series of paintings with a wall motif. As all aspects of society, art included, inexorably change, Wang Tao uses hi…  相似文献   

中国行政学的研究,自上世纪80年代初恢复和发展以来,行政功能的研析一直与职能混淆而使其被严重忽视。本文展开了相应的追踪探源与梳理,揭示了两概念混淆的学术根源;在行政哲学层面,诠释了结构与功能在现代科学研究中固定搭配的意义,据此探析了行政功能与职能的几点重要区别,从理论上解答了亦论不亦的问题;进而阐释了现代行政的三大功能及其关系,揭示出其在当代中国公共行政理论建设中具有的现实紧迫意义。  相似文献   

校园欺凌已经成为世界各国面临的主要难题,其发生频率之高、受害人数之多无不使人感到恐惧。传统的解决模式主要是集惩罚、教育和培训于一体的措施,但收效甚微。恢复性司法理念融入了一系列的恢复性措施,允许学校成员积极参与欺凌者和受欺凌者的和解会议并发表意见,着重补偿损失、修复社会关系,具有解决校园欺凌的天然优势,且符合学校的设立初衷,能很好修复受损的同学关系。虽然面临众多质疑,但恢复性司法理念在解决校园欺凌中有不可比拟的优势,对于解决校园欺凌也将会有不可估量的作用。  相似文献   

MS.Huang,a Chongqing local,felt an unexpected chill one summer morning.I [instinctively] knew I was going to catch a cold,she said.Her response was to make an appointment at a health spa called Treasure without Borders for a Tibetan medicinal bath.Huang and her 16-year-old daughter are both regulars at the spa.She believes that many ailments can be eased through the healing properties of a medicinal bath.  相似文献   

WITH its back to the enchanting Taihang Mountains and its face to the Yellow River, Jiaozuo City in central China's Henan Province is traditionally known as the Golden Plain of Cornucopia. But until recently, its stunning scenery had a hefty price: its mountains and rivers practically cut the city off from the rest of the nation. This has all changed with the construction of an extensive highway network in the region. To the north, it is  相似文献   


A “calling” is typically a compelling sense of purpose that arises from a place different from the calculus that leads to a choice of profession. Yet in the case of community psychology, the five people profiled in this essay have both an impressive professional portfolio and a sense of social mission. This essay explores the two sides of their work, and more broadly the challenges facing those who work as agents of change, while at the same time advancing and achieving notable accomplishments in systems that are at once sources of social problems and resources for solving them.  相似文献   

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