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Twelve students in a developmental psychology service-learning course engaged in a service-learning project with two groups of elders in an urban setting. Nine members of the class provided quantitative and qualitative feedback on this experiential learning experience. Survey results indicated that students believed the project increased their interest in the content area and that the project was a valuable aspect of the course. Based on student reflection papers in the course, students could identify specific ways the project helped them to learn course content. Finally, two interviewed students commented on how the project helped dismantle ageist preconceptions they held prior to completing the course. The project illustrates the advantages of experiential teaching in promoting interactions and understanding between diverse age groups. Three recommendations for implementing experiential teaching in community psychology and service-learning courses are presented.  相似文献   

Experiential learning is a useful teaching tool in the undergraduate community psychology classroom. In addition to improving student outcomes, experiential learning is particularly relevant for community psychology, as it aligns with several core values of the field and can prompt not only student learning, but also civic engagement, social justice, and community betterment. In this article, we provide an overview of the themed issue on “Experiential Teaching Practices in Undergraduate Community Psychology.” The issue contains a variety of experiential teaching examples that fall into three clusters: (a) individual and group service-learning exercises; (b) using community experiences to augment in-class learning outside of a service-learning context; and (c) ways of having students draw on prior out-of-class or in-class community experiences to increase student understanding.  相似文献   

Undergraduate community psychology courses can empower students to address challenging problems in their local communities. Creating a logic model is an experiential way to learn course concepts by “doing.” Throughout the semester, students work with peers to define a problem, develop an intervention, and plan an evaluation focused on an issue of concern to them. This report provides an overview of how to organize a community psychology course around the creation of a logic model in order for students to develop this applied skill. Two undergraduate student authors report on their experience with the logic model assignment, describing the community problem they chose to address, what they learned from the assignment, what they found challenging, and what they are doing now in their communities based on what they learned.  相似文献   

Many introductory community psychology courses do not incorporate community-based learning (CBL), and when they do, it is most often in the form of individualized volunteer hours. We present an alternative model for CBL in which the entire class collaborates on an experiential project that promotes community action. We believe that such an approach better embodies the values and methods of the discipline and has a more powerful impact on the students and stakeholders. It may be especially effective in developing countries that do not have an established network of service infrastructures; in such nations the onus is on the teachers and learners of community psychology to contribute to transformative change. In this article practical guidelines are provided by the instructor regarding how to structure and implement this CBL model. Additionally, two students describe how the CBL experience solidified their learning of course concepts and significantly impacted them personally.  相似文献   

In this article, a faculty member, a graduate student teaching assistant, and four undergraduates describe their experiences with a “Day of Social Justice Praxis Assignment” as a form of experiential learning in a 120-person social-community psychology course. The faculty member lays out the goals of the course and her hopes for the specific assignment. The undergraduates reflect on their experience with the assignment, and the graduate student contextualizes how their work is reflective or not reflective of the work produced in the class and course concepts. The article ends with a critical and frank discussion of the benefits and drawbacks of the assignment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe the utility of Star Power as an experiential learning exercise applied in a community psychology undergraduate course. This exercise simulates systems of power, privilege, and oppression while fostering an ecological perspective that raises students’ awareness and knowledge about power differentials within society. The simulation of trading and lawmaking works best with 18 to 35 students and takes approximately 80 minutes to conduct. This article highlights three representative student perspectives concerning their participation and experience with Star Power. Strategies for facilitating class discussion are also reported.  相似文献   

新的课程标准提出学生是教学的主体,教师是课堂教学活动的策划者、组织者和指导者,因此,在教学中,教师需要抓住教材中所蕴含的创造性因素,激发学生的学习兴趣,创设既富有变化又能激发新奇感的学习情境,充分利用学生的好奇心,引导他们去研究问题,积极构建以学习者为中心的,以学生自主活动为基础的新型教学模式,推进教学活动由教向学的转变。  相似文献   

This article describes the development, implementation of, and outcomes associated with a specialized seminar designed to increase contextual and historical knowledge necessary for work with Native American families in the child welfare system and to increase students' personal and professional growth in this capacity. Findings from a 2-year pilot evaluation revealed that students' knowledge significantly increased over time compared with that of their non-participating peers. Seminar participation also led to personal and professional growth. Findings suggest that critical experiential learning significantly enhances traditional pedagogy for graduate social workers preparing to work in child welfare, a field plagued with disparity.  相似文献   

应用性本科院校是以培养应用性人才为教育目的,英语教学应该坚持以学生为主体的教育思想,学生主体论应贯穿整个英语教学和管理过程。本文主要介绍了专升本的应用性本科高校应如何坚持英语教学的学生主体论及在教学中应采用的方法。  相似文献   

中高职衔接是现代职业教育体系的重要组成部分,通过自主招生考试或对口高考成功提升为高职生的自招高职生的英语基础与普专生存在很大差距。因而,有必要根据自招高职生的现状和需求,调整教学内容、改进教学方法、改变教学评价,为其量身定做英语课程,以尽快扭转现状,让他们对英语感兴趣,在学习英语的过程中更多地感知语言学习的乐趣,在愉快的状态下提高英语水平,真正实现岗位能力和综合素质的"高职化",为今后可持续发展打下坚实基础。  相似文献   

体验式教学法是教学过程的重要方法,论文基于《毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论》课(以下简称"概论"课)中运用体验式教学的实践,探讨了体验教学的方法,阐述了体验式教学的优点以及"概论"课中运用体验式教学法应把握好的两大关系,试图为"概论"课的教学改革提供一种思路。  相似文献   

Community-based learning offers students the opportunity to understand important concepts through their own experiences. Two courses on food and hunger in society, one a first-year seminar of 12 students and one an upper-level psychology course of 20 students, made site visits to local farms, markets, and a soup kitchen while reading about the issues and discussing them in class. At the end of the semester, each student wrote a short self-evaluation in which they were invited to discuss the aspects of the course that affected them most. Student responses suggest that the experiential component of the course was disproportionately powerful, impelling many of them to make changes in their lives as a result.  相似文献   

采用教学实验、数理统计和文献综述等方法,对设计的公安院校体能训练课"过程评价+终结评价"的模式进行教学实践检验。旨在通过考、教结合的过程评价和考、教分离的终结性评价,对体能训练课教与学过程中学生学与练的积极性和练习时间投入实行有效控制,达到督促学生拓展学习,加大课外延伸部分的实效性,从而提高教学质量。研究表明:通过两年教学实验,实验班优秀率明显强于对照班,而对照班及格成绩占比较大,实验班体能结业成绩整体水平要明显好于对照班。  相似文献   

提高学员射击技能,是公安院校教师在教学和训练中的主要任务。但是,从近年教学实践中反映出的情况来看,要使学员准确地掌握手枪射击的动作要领,提高学员的射击技能,并非易事,尤其在短时间内,使学员掌握射击要领的确很难。文章从规范化的角度,对警用手枪射击教学方法进行了研究,以期对公安院校师生手枪射击的教与学有所裨益。  相似文献   

Engaging students directly with community partners can foster deeper learning and critical reflexivity. In our undergraduate seminar in “Understanding Human Service Organizations,” we developed a community-based project that has students working in groups to study local human service organizations. Students interview organizational staff, observe operations, and review documents to identify perceived organizational strengths and challenges and offer humble solutions based on course material and outside research. A key component of the course is the critically reflexive journal. Using a structured reflection guide, students describe and analyze their experience in relation to class concepts and examine their personal beliefs and assumptions. This approach is one teaching strategy that has the potential for promoting the critical awareness and reflective practice skills we seek in our students.  相似文献   

立德树人是教育的根本任务,高校辅导员是大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,是大学生的引路人和指导者。现代大学生出现了思想多元化、生活市场化、学习功利化、休闲网络化等新的生活方式特点,这给主要负责学生日常管理的辅导员工作带来了新的挑战和机遇。从大学生生活方式入手是提高高校辅导员工作科学化水平的有效途径,是提高思想政治教育水平的有效手段。  相似文献   

在高等职业院校中,Access数据库为考核学生计算机掌握水平的重要标准之一。在传统的Access数据库教学模式中,由于教学方式单一、枯燥,学生普遍存在学习积极性不强,上机操作时无法集中注意力的问题。针对存在的这一现象,相关学者及专家提出了将混合式学习理念充分融入Access数据库教学模式中的设想。在混合式学习理念下的Access数据库教学模式中,完善教学环境构建;在实际的Access数据库教学过程中,通常采用以项目为主线,以教学任务为驱动的教学方法;对于无法由课堂教学解决的问题,教师可通过运用在线教学中的资源学习中心及多媒体教学进行有效解决;在混合式学习的测评环节中,教师可以将学生期末的考试成绩、平时在线测试所得成绩、小组的测评成绩以及学生的自我评价按一定的权重进行综合评价。混合式教学法能充分激发学生学习热情,大大提高了教学效果;基于混合式理念下的Access数据库教学,通过采用上课、上机、上网三者相结合的教学形式,使学生实现了随时随地学习;通过对整个教学进行改革,实现了试题库、任务库等学习资源库的完善,大大提高了Access数据库教学质量及效率。  相似文献   

本科生导师制起源于英国牛津大学,2002年起我国高等院校开始引进本科生导师制。本科生导师应从德才兼备的专业课教师中遴选。导师应为本科生教育教师系统中极为重要的不可替代、不可或缺的组成部分,他们应当成为本科生做人、做学问的引路人。导师应当与辅导员等各种类型的教师团结协作,各司其职,共担人才培养大任。导师的基本职责有二:一是导师应当注重"育人",通过与本科生的思想交流,培养具有健全和高尚人格的人才;二是导师应当充分发挥其独特的专业优势,"传道、授业、解惑",培养出优秀的专业人才。  相似文献   

在公安院校中对非法学本科专业学生进行法学基础教育是非常必要的,但在课程教学过程中存在一些问题。因此,有必要明确公安院校开设该课程的教学目的,对教学内容、教学方法、考核方式等问题进行探讨,以期提高该课程的教学质量和学生的学习效果。  相似文献   

本研究通过问卷调查及访谈的形式对理工科研究生的英语学习观念进行了调研分析,以期为理工科研究生英语创新教学模式的研究提供一些有益的启示和参数。研究发现,该类研究生对自己的英语学习能力基本上是认可的,但是大部分学生认为英语学习的难度很大。绝大部分学生都认识到,了解英美文化对学好英语非常重要,但不少学生对语言学习的性质还持有传统的观念。调查还表明,大部分学生对英语学习中适当运用学习策略持肯定态度,而且他们的学习动机普遍比较明确。  相似文献   

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