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Are current questionnaire methods fit for the task of assessing offense-related schemas? Six published and unpublished questionnaire measures that assess child molesters' offense-related beliefs are evaluated and examined for evidence of the five implicit schemas proposed by Ward: children as sexual beings, nature of harm, uncontrollability, entitlement, and dangerous world. Current treatment approaches assume that child molesters hold some, if not all, of these implicit schemas-an assumption demonstrated through the use of appropriately modified schema-based treatment techniques. Coding the six questionnaires revealed that nonsexual offense-specific implicit theories are underrepresented on existing measures (i.e., uncontrollability, entitlement, and dangerous world) and that many questionnaire items could not be classified as tapping any implicit theories. Suggestions are made for the future design and revision of questionnaire assessments .  相似文献   

Despite the widespread attention given to identity theft, there is much confusion on how best to define and measure it. Recent attempts to measure its extent through victimization surveys or law enforcement files have varied considerably in the types of crimes included as identity theft. Some studies include credit card fraud, while others exclude it. This inconsistency in data collection has made it difficult to assess properly the extent of the crime. The current study uses data from the National Public Survey on White Collar Crime to determine the degree to which including credit card fraud as a type of identity theft affects victim profiles encompassing demographic characteristics, risky activities, and reporting decisions. Specifically, we compare victim profiles for victims of existing credit card fraud, new credit card fraud, and existing bank account fraud. Findings from our exploratory study suggest that including existing credit card fraud may obscure the fact that those who are female, black, young, and low income are disproportionately victimized by existing bank account fraud, which is the type of identity theft most financially damaging and most difficult to clear up for individuals.  相似文献   


Drawing extensively on academic and anti cult literature and paying particular attention to theories of how cults become destructive, this small-scale exploratory study deconstructed 25 cults into a number of constituent behaviours, practices and beliefs. A preliminary multivariate analysis revealed that 7 behaviours might form the basis of discriminating destructive from more benign cults. These 7 behaviours, which were most closely correlated with overt destructive acts (mass suicide and mass murder) did distinguish the five demonstrably destructive religious cults (Aum Shinri Kyo. Order of the Solar Temple, Brunch Davidians, Heaven's Gate, Jim Jones Jonestown) associated with major loss of life from the remaining 20 cults examined. The exception to this was The House of Yahweh, which was not theoretically classified as destructive but was empirically classified as such in this analysis. The study demonstrated clear patterns of behaviour and beliefs that are at variance with those identified by other authors who have adopted a more conceptual approach.  相似文献   

In exploring the relationship between narcotics investigators and job burnout in the United States, a sample of 115 East San Francisco Bay police officers from five law enforcement departments was drawn. Three subgroups (current narcotics investigators, former narcotics investigators, and patrol officers) were used in the survey. The findings indicate that current narcotics investigators had significantly higher burnout scores than the comparison groups on most dimensions of burnout. Both former narcotics officers and patrol officers had similar burnout scores. Conclusions reached were that: (1) narcotics officers experienced a greater degree of job burnout while in the assignment; (2) this burnout was directly attributed to the working environments of the narcotics officers; and (3) burnout decreased once an officer left the assignment. Administrative and managerial implications for dealing with job burnout are discussed along with suggested techniques for dealing with, and minimizing, job burnout among narcotics officers. Future research issues are identified.  相似文献   

This research examines the effect of the initial socialization process on the level of professionalism among a cohort of thirty-six police recruits. These police recruits were surveyed at two points in their careers about their degree of professional commitment to the occupation. The first test period immediately followed their appointment to the force, and the second test period was six months later. Our principal finding was a significant decline in the level of professional commitment among the recruits between the two test periods; related findings to the professionalization process were similarly noted. The research demonstrates the effect of the initial socialization process among police and suggests ways police administrators can minimize the effect of initial socialization on level of professionalism, depending on their theoretical orientation.  相似文献   

Findings from an exploratory study of 48 children sexually abused in daycare centers and daycare homes are presented. About two thirds were female and one third male. Approximately half of victims were maltreated by a single perpetrator and about half by more than one perpetrator, in the latter instance almost always by both men and women. On average, the children were subjected to 5.3 types of sexual abuse, experienced 2.1 different sorts of threats to obtain their cooperation or prevent disclosure of their victimization, and suffered from 3.7 symptoms regarded as sequelae of sexual abuse. Differences in the characteristics of offenders, victims, the sexual abuse, threats, and sequelae were found based upon the daycare context, that is, whether children were victimized in a center with multiple perpetrators, a center with a single perpetrator, or a daycare home.  相似文献   

Distributive and procedural justice, two dimensions of organizational justice, have been found to be salient antecedents of many correctional staff attitudes, such as job stress, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment; however, little correctional research has examined their relationships with the life satisfaction, burnout, and turnover intent. Multivariate regression equations were estimated to determine the association of personal characteristics, distributive justice, and procedural justice with the life satisfaction, burnout, and turnover intent of correctional employees based on a survey of 160 staff at a private midwestern maximum security institution. Both distributive and procedural justice had a statistically significant inverse association with burnout and turnover intent, while procedural justice had a significant positive relationship with life satisfaction. Additionally, the results indicated that the association of procedural justice was larger than the association for distributive justice. Similar results were obtained using only responses from correctional officers.  相似文献   

国务院最近发布了《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》,《纲要》明确提出要经过10年左右坚持不懈的努力,基本实现建设法治政府的目标。《纲要》要求,各级行政机关实施行政管理要做到合法行政、合理行政、程序正当、高效便民、诚实守信、权责统一。《纲要》还从政府职能转变与行政管理体制改革、制度建设、法律实施、科学民主决策和政府信息公开、纠纷解决机制、行政监督、提高行政机关工作人员依法行政的观念和能力等七个方面提出了具体目标、任务和措施。《全面推进依法行政实施纲要》不仅是推进依法行政进程,建设法治政府的纲领性文件,同时也是各级行政机关必须遵循的工作准则。  相似文献   

Field observations of police-citizen encounters indicated that police in the United States employ a number of coping strategies for handling occupational stress. Goffman's concept of role distance was applied to explore the lines of action that police officers construct for situations that they define as stressful. The analysis of police behavior suggests that police develop strategies for establishing role distance during stressful situations with citizens and other police officers that are similar to those in Goffman's analysis of surgeons. Observations further suggest that police also create two additional methods for attaining role distance from occupational stress: verbal denial of danger and playful pranks among the officers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to compare and contrast attitudes of Mississippi inmates who participate in a conjugal visitation program with inmates who do not participate in such a program. Logistic regression analyses reveal no differences between participant and nonparticipant attitudes toward the conjugal visitation program. However, differences exist among gender and racial lines and several of the attitudinal issues regarding the program. Policy implications are also addressed.  相似文献   



This study examined the views on crime causation from a sample of randomly selected Philadelphia area residents.


Through the use of a phone survey, residents (N = 359) were asked thirty seven questions related to their level of support for several criminological theories, including classical theory, biological theory, psychological theory, social disorganization theory, strain/general strain theory, subcultural theory, social learning theory, social control/general theory, labeling theory, critical theory, and environmental criminology theory. The analyses assessed whether the views of respondents differed by race, gender, and political ideology. Both across-race and within-race analyses were also conducted to determine the nuances of the support for specific criminological perspectives.


The results pointed to numerous significant gender differences and across-race differences in public opinion on crime causation but few within-race differences. The results also confirmed previous research that supported the notion that one's political ideology is tied to the level of support for certain criminological theories.


Overall, the results point to the merits of including the views of lay persons when there are discussions pertaining to crime causation.  相似文献   

目的初探环氧乙烷消杀DNA污染的效果。方法收集98例分别含有唾液、皮屑、汗斑、毛发、血斑、肋软骨的法医物证样本,分两组进行环氧乙烷灭菌6h和8h,提取DNA后扩增,使用3130XL或3500XL测序仪检测进行STR分型。结果 EO 6h组44例样本中有2例口腔拭子检出阳性结果,EO 8h组54例样本中有1例毛发检出阳性结果,阳性样本STR图谱表明仅有少量DNA残留,其余生物样本未检测到STR图谱。结论环氧乙烷能有效消杀DNA污染,可适用于DNA检验耗材的灭菌。  相似文献   

Correctional staff job stress has grown dramatically as a result of the increase in inmate populations, legal interventions, and competing ideologies. A wealth of literature has been published on correctional staff job stress. This literature, however, has failed to address the impact of work-family conflict on correctional staff job satisfaction. A survey, administered to correctional staff at a midwestern prison, reveals that role ambiguity and work-on-family conflict have a significant negative effect on correctional staff job satisfaction, while family-on-work conflict does not. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

There are two major ways for a society to control its members, formal and informal. A major goal of both forms of control is to curb criminal behavior. Formal criminal justice control uses the law and official government agencies (e.g., police, courts, and corrections) to ensure compliance. Informal criminal justice control uses morals and social institutions (e.g., family, peers, and neighbors). China has a long history of using informal criminal justice controls. Nevertheless, there has been a movement during the past several decades towards use of formal criminal justice controls. This study examined the level of agreement with both forms of control and the correlates of each form using a survey of Chinese college students. Findings from multivariate analysis indicated that those who held a Confucian belief in law and punishment, those who had a higher distrust of strangers, and those who grew up in rural areas were more supportive of informal control, while those who were majoring in the area of law and male respondents were more supportive of formal control.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(2):239-268

Modern criminological theory makes contradictory predictions about the possible effects of money on misbehavior. Strain theory suggests that the possession of monetary resources facilitates goal achievement and therefore reduces the likelihood of offending. In contrast, an anomie perspective would view possession of money as a prelude to greater drug use and delinquency. In this study we examine the effect of adolescents' resources—namely, money earned from work and received from parental allowance—on delinquent involvement and drug use. The results tend to be consistent with anomie theory, showing that money and its pursuit are associated positively with misbehavior. The implications for criminological theory are discussed.  相似文献   

Two studies explored the biasing effect of defendant dress (personal/institutional) and supervision (armed/no supervision) on juror judgments of guilt and recommended sentence using 2×2 between-subjects factorial designs. University students in study 1 and registered voters in study 2 watched a videotape of a reenacted criminal trial, then made judgments of defendant guilt and recommended sentences. Results in both studies revealed significant bias against defendants in personal dress with armed supervision and institutional dress with no supervision. Discussion focuses on the appropriateness of models of attribution and equity in describing subjects' discretionary processes, the nature of an unexpected sympathy effect for the defendant in institutional dress with armed supervision, and the practical implications of the findings. Specific needs for future research in this area are also addressed.Funds for both studies were provided by a Faculty Research Grant from the University of Missouri at Kansas City. The authors wish to thank Edwina Dorch and Devin Powers for their assistance with data collection.  相似文献   

采用自主研发似然比率计算器进行ITO亲缘关系分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的探讨采用自主研发的似然比率计算器进行ITO法亲缘关系鉴定的可行性。方法针对GoldeneyeTMDNA ID System 20A系统的19个常染色体STR基因座分型数据,使用自主研发的似然比率计算器,人工模拟100 000对无关个体及100 000个家系的父子、同胞、半同胞、一、二代堂表兄弟,应用ITO法,自动分析计算亲权指数(PI)和亲缘关系概率(RCP)。结果父子和无关个体关系概率界值下无重叠,具有显著差异。同胞关系概率大于99.99%时,同胞占66.48%,无关个体占0%,具有显著差异;概率小于99.99%时,同胞个体和无关个体有部分重叠,具有一定差异。半同胞关系概率大于99.99%时,半同胞占1.52%,无关个体占0%,具有显著差异;概率小于99.99%时,两组有部分重叠,具有一定差异。一、二代堂表兄弟关系概率为10%~90%范围内时,无关个体分别占90%,99.98%,无法推断。结论本文方法可用于推断父子关系、同胞关系、半同胞关系。  相似文献   

The success of any organization usually rests on the shoulders of its employees. As such, voluntary personnel turnover presents administrative challenges that have substantial and far reaching effects. Understanding the factors that lead to staff turnover intentions can assist organizational leaders in possibly altering the work environment to address employee concerns. Among correctional organizations, the few studies that have been conducted on turnover intent have focused, as most correctional research in general, on prisons. The exclusion of jail turnover intent is puzzling given the unique challenges that jail staff face. The current study attempted to fill this empirical void by using survey data to examine the antecedents (i.e., personal characteristics, perceptions of the work environment, and job attitudes) of turnover intent among staff at a large southern jail. Based on a multivariate analysis, the most powerful predictors of jail staff turnover intent were job attitudes (i.e., job involvement, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment). The findings suggested that administrators should concentrate on improving the work environment to boost employee job involvement, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment.  相似文献   

This paper discusses psychiatrists' assessments of the personalities of ethnic minority and ethnically Dutch juvenile offenders. Psychiatric reports and recommendations help courts determine the type and duration of sanctions. Psychiatrists are involved in almost all cases of serious juvenile crime, because under Dutch law, determining criminal responsibility is a matter for psychiatrists. The courts usually follow the recommendations of forensic psychiatrists when giving judgment and sentencing juvenile offenders.Far too little research has been conducted up to now on the difficulties encountered by forensic psychiatrists when making assessments. The present study discusses the nature and extent of these difficulties. It is based on an analysis of personality reports and sentence recommendations produced by psychiatrists attached to the juvenile courts in relation to youths subsequently sentenced to Placement in a Youth Custodial Institution (PIJ sanction) in the year 2000 (N = 164). A PIJ sanction is the most rigorous response available under the Dutch criminal law for juvenile offenders.The study shows, on the basis of the psychiatric reports, that arriving at a diagnosis is often more difficult when dealing with ethnic minority boys than in the case of their ethnically Dutch peers, since ethnic minority boys more frequently present themselves in a threatening and manipulative way, and tend to conceal their real selves. The reports indicate that the psychiatric assessment of personality is often difficult because forensic psychiatrists struggle with an inadequate knowledge and understanding of minority cultures, which seems to suggest that there is a need for a broader cross-cultural approach that would make it possible to conduct comprehensive personality assessments of serious juvenile offenders.This study was made possible by a grant from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), and was authorised by the Ministry of Justice.  相似文献   

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