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In this Comment, Harold Bressler, General Counsel of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations responds to an earlier article, and states that the Commission is fully aware of and concerned with the possible discoverability of hospital incident analyses related to the Commission's Sentinel Event Policy. The Commission believes that precautions can be taken to minimize the possibility that such materials will be found discoverable, but maintains its position that federal legislation is required to ensure the availability of adequate protections.  相似文献   

《Federal register》2000,65(150):47654-47660
The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is revising its 1979 policy statement on the medical use of byproduct material. These revisions are one component of the Commission's overall program for revising its regulatory framework for medical use, including its regulations that govern the medical use of byproduct material. The overall goals of this program are to focus NRC regulation of medical use on those medical procedures that pose the highest risk and to structure its regulations to be risk-informed and more performance-based, consistent with NRC's "Strategic Plan for Fiscal Year 1997-Fiscal Year 2002." The policy informs NRC licensees, other Federal and State agencies, and the public of the Commission's general intentions in regulating the medical use of byproduct material.  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(4):545-569
The President's Crime Commission (1965–1967) made recommendations in corrections favoring the then leading ideas of rehabilitation and indeterminacy, shortly before a radical reappraisal led to the eclipse of the rehabilitative model in favor of “just deserts.” In coming to its conclusions, the Commission overlooked the potential growth of prison populations, the development of prisoners' rights, and research that pointed to the failure of rehabilitation. The inability of the Commission to anticipate this great change was due in part to the dynamics of and time pressures on a Presidential commission. The change was precipitated by a social and intellectual crisis analogous to “scientific paradigm” revolutions described by Thomas Kuhn (1970). The crisis that led to a change in thinking about punishment was part of the larger crisis of the political legitimacy of liberalism.  相似文献   

Conclusion By focusing on the narrow question of the proper contractual interpretation of the extradition treaty, the Court missed the crux of theAlvarez-Machain case. The weakness in the decision, therefore, is not that the Court adopted the wrong contractual interpretation but rather that it failed frankly to address the real issue. Determining the appropriate role of the Court in formulating an international order in the post-cold war era is a difficult and complex problem. It raises delicate questions of foreign policy, separation of powers, and institutional competence. There are no easy answers. But the problem is not one that will—or should—go away. The issue must be debated in the courts, as well as in the political and academic arenas. By failing to confront this issue openly, the Supreme Court lost a valuable opportunity to start the debate and to begin to define the Court's role in forging the new world order.The authors would like to thank Detlev Vagts, Bemis Professor of Law at Harvard Law School, for his insightful comments on an earlier draft.  相似文献   

同一思想可能会产生众多表现形式的作品,而对思想的不同理解又可能导致表现形式的差异化,使得委托创作合同当事人对作品的要求不一.就著作权法而言,法律不问思想,只要表现形式具备作品的条件即可.从合同法角度,只要作品符合合同要求,那么视为合格履行.如果合同约定的验收标准不明确或怠于履行验收义务,那么可以推定标准作为验收标准,从而将作品验收标准简单化,具有合法性和合理性,利于实务操作.  相似文献   

The major conclusions advanced in the 1967 report by the U.S. President's Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice under President Johnson are reviewed in this article. Six of the Commission's visions for law enforcement are described, and subsequent changes in the character of American policing are traced. Many of the concerns of the Commission linger until this day. Progress on many fronts has been halting, their impact more muted than reformers had hoped, and the framework of institutions that define law enforcement in the United States has proved remarkably resistant to change.  相似文献   

共同犯罪论   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
陈兴良 《现代法学》2001,23(3):48-57
本文系研究共同犯罪基本理论的学术论文。本文通过对共同犯罪的概念、正犯的概念 ,共犯的概念及其相互关系的分析入手 ,研究各共同犯罪人的犯罪构成及其刑事责任。  相似文献   

In 1965 President Johnson established The Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice. Its report released earlier this year is highly significant. The recommendations concerning juvenile courts are likely to have strong influence over the next several years and that section of the report follows:  相似文献   

王涛 《犯罪研究》2009,(3):63-64,73
近年来,医药流通领域中医生利用开处方的职务便利收受回扣的行为日益严重,并已成为医药行业公开的秘密和医药市场的“潜规则”。然而,对于国有医院医生开处方收回扣的行为性质,理论界和司法界一直存在争议。为有效规范我国的医药管理秩序和医生职业操守,打击收受处方回扣的医疗腐败行为,最高人民法院、最高人民检察院于2008年11月20日颁布的《关于办理商业贿赂刑事案件适用法律若干问题的意见》第4条第3款规定,医疗机构中的医务人员,利用开处方的职务便利,以各种名义非法收受药品、医疗器械、医用卫生材料等医药产品销售方财物,为医药产品销售方谋取利益,数额较大的,依照刑法第163条的规定,以非国家工作人员受贿罪定罪处罚。  相似文献   

张志坡  李昕 《政法学刊》2005,22(6):23-25
代理制度涉及三方法律关系,权利义务关系复杂,而代理人的佣金请求权问题,世界各国法律均无规定或欠发达,这造成了实务上的困难。对佣金的支付时点进行了类型化分析,并认为代理关系终止后,代理人仍可请求本人依据重复交易量盈利额的一定比例支付佣金。  相似文献   

实行犯的中止分为共同实行犯的中止与单一实行犯的中止。部分实行犯成立犯罪中止,必须达到防止既遂结果发生的效果,但其中止行为与既遂结果未发生之间不需要具有因果关系。当部分实行犯的中止行为解除了其与其他共同实行犯的共犯关系时,即使此后其他共同实行犯的行为导致了既遂结果,实施中止行为的部分实行犯也符合犯罪中止的成立条件,应认定为犯罪中止。单一实行犯只要其在犯罪过程中,自动放弃本人的犯罪行为或者自动有效地防止既遂结果发生,就应认定为犯罪中止,其中止的效果不及于教唆犯与帮助犯。  相似文献   

Following on the recent development of opportunity theory in criminology, we apply an opportunity approach to rape. Although rape is commonly viewed as a street crime, a substantial proportion of rape occurs inside homes following an unlawful entry of the residence. Drawing on this observation, we argue that rape and burglary, because they share a common locus in the home, should exhibit similar opportunity structures. That is, characteristics that place particular types of homes and householders at greater risk of burglary should also place (female) residents at greater risk of rape. An analysis of UCR rates and censusderived opportunity variables for 155 SMSAs in 1980 supports this position. We conclude that home-intrusion rape (rape following an unlawful entry of the home) is a violent crime with the opportunity structure of a property crime.  相似文献   

宋华安 《法人》2009,(4):66-66
《食品安全法》的颁布,是否真的让中国进入了一个食品安全新时代?对于一向头脑敏感的商人,这是否会带来新的商业机会?  相似文献   

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