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While affirmative action in universities is the subject of extensive empirical scholarship, little research has been conducted on the role of university officials in crafting, defending, and transforming race-based affirmative admissions. Through forty-five in-depth interviews with thirty-nine admissions officials and top administrators at three selective public universities between 1999 and 2004, this study uncovers how a near-consensus in favor of race-based affirmative action has emerged among these players. Whereas scholars, citizens, and activists debate the morality and legality of race-based affirmative action as an equal opportunity policy, admissions decision makers have come to view race-based affirmative action in addition as a central, diversity management technique. This article claims that interest group capture theory and judicial implementation theory are insufficient to explain the diversity consensus. I suggest that neoinstitutional organizational theory has great potential to describe and situate the thought processes leading these key actors to forge this policy transformation.  相似文献   

The under‐representation of women in judicial office has led to calls for greater female representation based on an argument that women offer a different voice from that of men. This argument has largely foundered, and a more recent rationale rests on the need for diversity in the judiciary. However, the disadvantage experienced by women applicants to judicial office is rooted in deeply entrenched structural discrimination and exclusion, imbricated in the constitution of the judge, judging, and judicial authority as male, masculine, white, heterosexual, able‐bodied, and class‐privileged. Arguments for wider representation in judicial office need to address more effectively how the judge, judging, and judicial authority are constituted. A survey of women holders of judicial office in Northern Ireland confirms this exclusion. While few respondents in the survey support the concept of a different voice, many identify distinctive approaches which can potentially enrich notions of judging and judicial authority.  相似文献   

Recently economists have explored the impact of ethnic and social diversity on nation size and on the relative efficacy of the production of private and public goods. In a neoclassical framework with perfect and complete information, diversity increases the costs of government, and both the size of government and of the nation are limited. The paper proposes an alternative evolutionary framework building on the economics of identity. With imperfect and incomplete information, the relation between nation size and diversity is indeterminate, because heterogeneity plays an important role for the coordination among actors, and because political organization is crucial for the endogenous formation of preferences.   相似文献   


Police and minority relations have received much interest among public and academic audiences, yet little is known about policing in Latino communities. As Latinos emerge as the largest minority group in the United States, researchers and police agencies are increasingly concerned with the experience of Latinos in the criminal justice system. One strategy for improving police and community relations is to enhance the diversity of law enforcement agencies. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the ethnic composition of law enforcement agencies in major U.S. metropolitan areas between 1990 and 2000. Using data from the U.S. Census and the Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics (LEMAS) survey, it appears that the growth in the U.S. Latino population has been met with an increase in the percentage of Latinos as sworn full-time police officers. Further, the degree of enhanced diversity varies by the ethnic composition of the community served. Implications of findings for improving relations between police and the Latino community are discussed.  相似文献   

版权与公共领域作为版权法体系下重要的两极,二者相互哺育、互为滋养.公共领域哺育了版权作品的诞生,版权对公共领域也具有重要的反哺意义.通过独有的生产性功能和保证作品开放,以及通过促进作者分工与竞争和吸引创作投资等,版权在促进作者创作独立的同时,也促进了人类文化的多元化发展.现有作品集合越丰富,知识形式越发达,由潜在部分通过时间变迁而来的公共领域就会越繁荣多元.因此,版权、公共领域与文化多样性的价值目标是完全一致的.文化的多元化发展不仅是宪政价值的基本要求,也是人类仰赖过往文化滋养通向文明繁荣彼岸的必然所需.在未来我国版权立法时应注意在版权授权与公共领域的保留之间坚守适度的平衡,如此,版权法才能以一种有机复合的方式促进我们的文化可持续地向前拓展.  相似文献   

金融多样性会提高个体创业获取资金的可能性,对创业活动具有关键作用。以2006年、2008年和2010年中国社会综合调查(CGSS)经验数据为样本,实证考察金融多样性对于个人创业活动的影响,可以发现中国金融多样性的上升显著提升了个人创业的概率。同时,金融规模扩张对个人创业概率的影响则呈现先上升后下降的倒U型。进一步分地区研究还发现,金融结构的优化可能远比金融规模的扩张更为重要。  相似文献   

张帆 《法律科学》2013,(4):22-30
对于公众参与立法问题,既有的讨论大体上遵循了一种看待公众的单一模式,由此则忽视了公众作为一个复杂群体的内在特质;对于上述问题,一种基于多元化与分歧的分析进路可以弥补其不足,并有助于揭示、分析与消解诸多新的难题:人数的忧虑、协商的困境与草案所引发的烦扰。  相似文献   

Professor Gerald Gunther famously declared strict scrutiny to be “‘strict’ in theory and fatal in fact” in 1972. Although Professor Gunther's pithy and influential slogan may have been a reasonably accurate characterization at that time, strict scrutiny in the realm of the First Amendment is now much less fatal to government regulation of expression. This article explores the beginnings of the strict scrutiny test and the underpinnings of its subsequent dilution. The article examines the multiple ways courts can avoid applying strict scrutiny and argues that compelling state interests are proliferating in a manner that is harmful to robust speech protection. It also critiques the lack of precision in narrow tailoring analysis. The article concludes that First Amendment strict scrutiny has serious weaknesses that threaten to undermine vigorous protection for expression and offers suggestions for increasing the rigor and precision of the doctrine.  相似文献   

文化多样性的主权、人权与私权分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
吴汉东 《法学研究》2007,29(6):3-17
文化传统保护与文化发展选择是国家文化主权的基本内容;保护文化多样性的权利和自由属于基本人权的范畴;知识产权对文化创造参与者的支持和激励具有重要意义。《文化多样性公约》以主权和人权作为文化多样性保护的基本举措,并以对艺术家的知识产权保护作为补充措施,由此构建了一个保护文化多样性的多元权利形态。  相似文献   

Just as human rights advocates have tended to place only civil and political rights onto their agendas, environmentalists have tended to focus primarily on natural resource preservation without addressing human impacts of environment abuse. As a result, victims of environment degradation are unprotected by the laws and mechanisms established to address human rights abuse. This paper will offer a brief comparative analysis of the United States' environment policy and a case of ASEAN implanting the concept of environmental right; discuss the traditional knowledge of indigenous population and its impact upon the environment protection; and at last recommend a model system used in China in linking cultural diversity and environmental right.  相似文献   

Journal of Quantitative Criminology - Crime diversity is a measure of the variety of criminal offenses in a local environment, similar to ecological diversity. While crime diversity distributions...  相似文献   

This paper describes how a diverse set of models of diffusion of information technology brings depth of understanding and a better basis for management decisions. Three dissimilar innovation diffusion models, the interactive model, the linked-chain model and the emergent model, are used to develop an analysis that describes the essential knowledge that each model produces. Rather than develop conflicting stories, each model leads to distinctly different, but complementary, knowledge about the practical setting. The analysis demonstrates how distinct conceptual domains inhabit each model. These domains define the scope of practical management questions that can be addressed by each of the innovation diffusion models.  相似文献   

The patenting of human genetic materials provokes wide-ranging misgivings about the appropriate place and scope of intellectual property protections. The issues implicated range from anti-competitive practices in the market, the imposition of limits on biomedical research, increasing costs for health care, research ethics, potentials for racial discrimination, and various violations of human rights. Exploring controversies around the Human Genome Diversity Project, patents on genetic sequences, and patents on higher life forms such as the so-called "Harvard mouse," the authors find that North American patent policy has developed in the absence of necessary political debate. They link this de-politicization to the hegemony of neo-liberal principles most fully demonstrated by the incorporation of intellectual property under international trade negotiations. They point, however, to the recent emergence and increasing audibility of new social movements that seek to reposition issues of intellectual property in larger debates about human rights, distributional equalities, and social justice.  相似文献   

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