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This is a personal account of an Aboriginal woman who went through the education system in Australia to obtain finally her law degree.Aboriginal people experience many hurdles in the education system. Many Aboriginal children feel alienated within the legal system which until recently focused on a colonial history of Australia, ignoring the experiences, indeed the presence, of indigenous people in Australia.The Australian government had a policy of not educating Aboriginal people past the age of 14. The author was one of the first generation that could go straight from high school to university. She speaks of the debt she feels towards the generations of her people that fought for her right to access to higher education.The author went on to become the first Aboriginal person to be accepted into Harvard Law School which brought different personal challenges and allowed for reflection on comparisons of the sensitivity towards race in both education systems.When the author returned to Australia, she took a position teaching at the University of New South Wales. She had to come to terms with working within a system that she had felt alienated within as a student. Her position at the front of the class has created a sense of empowerment that she can pass on to her Aboriginal and female students.  相似文献   

Hoax, v.t., n. 1. Deceive, take in, (person) by way of joke. 2. n. Humorous or mischievous deception. Fraud, n. Criminal deception, use of false representations to gain unjust advantage; dishonest artifice or trick. Imposition, (-z) n... piece of deception or advantage taking. Utter, v.t. put (notes, base coin, etc.) into circulation. History of a Deception Wanda Koolmatrie's novel My Own Sweet Time was published in 1994 by Magabala Books Aboriginal Corporation, an Aboriginal publishing house based in Broome, Western Australia. It is now known that Wanda Koolmatrie never existed, and My Own Sweet Time is believed to be the work, either jointly or individually, of two white Australian males known as John Bayley and Leon Carmen. As readers were informed in the biography provided by the publisher, Wanda Koolmatrie: was born in the far north of South Australia in 1949... Removed from her Pitjantjara mother in 1950, she was raised by foster parents in the western suburbs of Adelaide. She married Frank Koolmatrie, who died several years later...  相似文献   

邮政企业要在法律范围内按市场规律规范自己的行为,确保劳动关系的和谐与稳定。要建立健全三方机制增强劳动关系的协调性;依法签定劳动合同和集体合同,增强劳动关系的稳定性;完善激励机制,增强劳动关系的先进性,使工会成为以职业身份为标志的群众组织。  相似文献   

论国际劳工标准的国内适用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国际劳工标准的国内适用主要是指国际劳工公约的国内适用问题.我国批准的国际劳工公约必须通过制定、修改或完善国内劳动立法的方式间接地适用.目前,我国已经批准的国际劳工公约对国内的劳动立法起到了积极推动作用.今后,我国应调整批准公约的策略,将重心转向国际劳工组织确定的时新公约,充分利用公约中的弹性条款,并确保相关国际义务的履行.  相似文献   

我国劳动关系公共服务是与劳动关系市场化进程相伴而行的。劳动关系公共服务的目标空间是促进劳动关系规范的建立、有序运行、合理调整和矛盾化解。为了更好地提供劳动关系公共服务,在内容设计方面,应做好公共服务的内涵界定、服务主体转换、服务边界设定、服务项目设计、服务项目确定等工作;在供给机制方面,应采用政府主导下的间接供给方式,即由政府委托或与市场及社会组织合作,提供公共服务;在评估机制方面,应将数量、实施效果、公平性等因素进行综合考量,加强过程监管与评估验收,以确保公共服务供给绩效。  相似文献   

志愿服务的发展是公民社会发育到一定程度的必然要求,是公众参与社会生活的重要方式之一。志愿精神体现了个人对生命价值、社会、人类和人生观的一种积极态度,现代和谐社会的发展需要志愿服务的发展和志愿精神的确立。要推进志愿服务的持续化发展,必须确保志愿服务发展的规范性、专业化和共赢原则。  相似文献   

在我国,基业长青的百年企业凤毛麟角。在众多影响企业长青的因素中,"文化持续性"这一因素尤为突出。本文以同仁堂为例,对同仁堂的发展沿革作了简要概述,着重对同仁堂企业文化的持续发展做了归纳与总结,并以此论证了企业文化的持续对企业常青的重要作用。  相似文献   

On the adolescent process as a transformation of the self   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this paper is to clarify and extend the psychoanalytic theory of adolescence. Three sources of data are used: biographical source material about Freud's adolescence, introspective accounts from the self-analysis of psychoanalysts, and other biographical vignettes and reports from the psychoanalytic literature. It is proposed that a change in the self emerges as the pivotal focus during adolescent development. An intense peer relationship serves to maintain narcissistic balance and the cohesion of the self. This allows deidealization of archaic parental imagoes and their transformation into newly internalized idealizations. The newly acquired idealizations consolidate into a stable ego ideal which eliminates the need for an alter ego relationship. The self-objects chosen for these new idealizations are related to the need to overcome specific disappointments in the archaic self-objects. The stability of the new ideals depends on the invulnerability of the idealized self-objects. Transient states of narcissistic disequilibrium manifest as turmoil. Presented at a meeting of The Chicago Psychoanalytic Society on May 23, 1972.Received M.D. from the University of Maryland; psychiatric training at the Cincinnati General Hospital; graduate of The Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis. Main interests are the development of psychoanalysis from a historical perspective and the psychology of adolescence.Received M.D. from New York University; psychiatric training from Associated Psychiatric Faculties of Chicago; graduate of The Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis. Main interest is the intellectual history of psychoanalysisReceived M.D. from the University of Chicago; psychiatric training at Michael Reese Hospital, Chicago; graduate of The Chicago Institute for Psychoanalysis. Main interest is psychoanalytic metapsychology of development.  相似文献   

During the assimilation era of the 1930s–60s, most Australian Indigenous women living in proximity to white Australia were forced to work as domestic servants with few other education or employment prospects. One significant yet under-studied exception was employment in the armed services' women's auxiliaries. As a consequence of such employment, Aboriginal ex-servicewomen learned new skills and new opportunities to improve their social statuses. Through analysis of oral histories from four Aboriginal ex-servicewomen who served in the 1940s–60s, this article examines how work in the women's forces empowered Aboriginal women and represented an escape from assimilation policies.  相似文献   

Wilhelmina (Mina) Rawson (1851–1933) is lauded in both academic and popular circles as the author of the first uniquely Australian cookbooks, which she wrote between 1876 and 1895. Rawson was a prolific writer and stressed that she was the first white woman settler at Boonooroo in the colony of Queensland, where she was ‘beholden to the blacks’ to show her what to eat (Rawson, 1895, p. 54). Rawson’s cookbooks famously codified how to use Australian non-human animals, including wallaby, parrot and goanna, as meat, and her published memories of this time detailed the context in which she implemented and refined these recipes. Rawson organised and policed racialised frontier space as a white woman, claiming British sovereignty over Butchulla country in order to profit from and teach other settlers to profit from the coastal land and waterways. This paper draws on ecofeminist and postcolonial theory and works to explore how Rawson organised food production to exercise violent colonial claims to sovereignty as a white woman, explicitly advising other settlers to do the same.  相似文献   

论高校大学生志愿服务体系存在的问题及其优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代中国志愿服务发展迅速,高校大学生志愿服务作为青年志愿服务的重要组织形式,已形成一股巨大的力量。由于高校大学生志愿服务体系在其志愿者主体、组织形式和项目建设的特殊性,使得高校大学生志愿服务体系也存在相应的问题。但是国内针对高校大学生志愿服务体系方面的相关理论研究尚起步不久,对高校大学生志愿服务体系研究还需要进一步探究。  相似文献   

文章回顾和分析了广东志愿服务20年的发展历程,分析广州市、深圳市、佛山市、中山市等典型地区志愿服务活动的特点;重点分析广东志愿服务研究中心、中山大学公民社会中心、广州启智志愿服务总队、广州"灯塔计划"服务机构等典型志愿团体的特色。最后,提出了加快理论创新、加快体系建设、加快项目运作、加快社会评估等发展对策。  相似文献   

儿童权益保护:家内性侵害研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儿童性侵害是一个敏感的话题,更是一个严肃的问题。在我国的文化背景下儿童性侵害问题常常被消极的隐瞒甚至忽视,尤其是家内儿童性侵害的问题。为便于对该问题作更深的研究,主要采用文献收集的方法,从儿童家内性侵害的定义、发生现状、影响及对策等4个方面出发对我国儿童家内性侵害问题进行综述研究。  相似文献   

人口老龄化是贯穿我国 21 世纪的基本国情。从 2006 年养老服务业这一概念首次在政府层面提 出至今,我国养老服务业在探寻符合中国特色的发展模式中逐步成长,特别是“十三五”以来我国在养老服务 业改革上取得了若干突破性进展。但总体来看,我国养老服务业发展仍处于初级阶段,明确属性上“事业”与“产 业”的合理边界、政府职能上“有限权利”与“有效权利”的合理边界、体系构架上“家庭功能”与“社会功能” 的合理边界、宏观政策上“动态调整”与“连续性”的合理边界,是深化我国养老服务业改革必须面对的关键问题。 面对新趋势和新要求,我国必须立足现实基础、需求结构和发展趋势,以改革为主线,在建立健全养老服务业 体系上加快走出一条符合中国特色的发展道路。  相似文献   

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