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THE aftermath of spectacular success is often a look back over the shoulder, and Chinese entrepreneurs-cum-philanthropists are busy trying to give back to their societies. As it turns out, corporations are discovering philanthropy is a lot more complicated than they thought. When life was simple, the donor could see where the donation went. When donors and benefactors rubbed elbows, good was done, and seen to be done. But these are the days of "big charity" - the needs may be great or small, or the beneficiaries far or near, but the management of foundations is complicated now; it isn't easy to follow the money and it isn't all about money anymore.  相似文献   

Beijing Tsinghua Edification Technology Co., Ltd. is involved in research and development, manufacturing, trade, services and investment in both information technology and pharmaceuti- cals. The company has a foreign trade license that permits it to engage in related agent business. It has obtained ISO9000 certification, and has been designated a "high and new technology en- terprise" by the Beijing municipal government. Benefiting as it does from the top technologies and talents emanating…  相似文献   

正THE European Union’s advanced technology,skilled labor force,transparent legal environment,and relatively easy market access make it the preferred investment destination for Chinese investors.European countries,meanwhile,welcome investment from Chinese enterprises,because it promotes economic recovery  相似文献   

THERE is a small piece of village land near Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province that has changed many hands since it was surveyed and registered in 1949. Wang Huojin, a village old timer, remembers it grew one crop a year 60years ago, and the yield was merely 200 kilograms. Today its two crops produce 750 and 800 kilograms respectively.  相似文献   

"MADE in China" is everywhere. In America especially,it is a rarity to enter a store and not see these three short words wherever you look. China is the world’s biggest exporter. It possesses abundant natural resources,relatively cheap labor costs by international standards and an extensive transport and business infrastructure. All this means Chinese products are extremely price competitive.  相似文献   

Tsinghua Holdings Co., Ltd. is a State Council-approved limited liability company wholly funded by Tsin- ghua University. As the exclusive investor, the university exercises its legal rights over the company. Tsinghua Holdings is an entity that makes its own management decisions and takes full responsibility for its prof its and losses. It establishes aff iliations with subordinate companies through capital injections, and legally manages them according to the assets and shares it gains thr…  相似文献   

No longer capital starved as it was in its emerging early years, China revokes tax privileges for foreign investors, confident that fair competition and a mature market is appealing enough.  相似文献   

AT the 2008 Summer Davos Forum held in Tianjin, China Today saw Feng Jun ,spare no effort in demonstrating his products to visitors. At that moment, it was really difficult to imagine he was the CEO of Beijing Huaqi (Aigo) Information Digital Technology Co., Ltd.  相似文献   

I have been a subscriber to China Today for 27 years,since the time that it was China Reconstructs.I first came across it during a tour to China in 1984,I enjoy reading it each month and have found it very instructive on all aspects of life in China.I have been  相似文献   

BEIJING wasn’t always called Beijing. During the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368) the capital was known as Dadu, and it was under the Yuan that the urban design of  相似文献   

SHUANGHUI International Holdings Limited announced on October 10 that it had acquired U.S. pork producer Smithfield Foods for US $7.1 billion. Wan Long, Shuanghui International chairman, also board chairman of Shuanghui Group,  相似文献   

THEY boil sugar and water until it thickens, take a dollop and knead it into a hollow ellipsoid. One end has a long tail with a pinhole into which they blow, turning it around so as to fashion it into the required shape. Within one minute the raw candy is transformed into an animal.This is the craft of candy-blowing; its masters are called candy men.  相似文献   

LIN Hong, a bank clerk, still has her grandmother's qipao--a snugly-fitting traditional Chinese gown with a high collar and a split skirt. She normally keeps it at the back of her wardrobe, where it stays until summer comes around, when she gives it an an…  相似文献   

EVER had one of those guilty moments when you’ve just spent a small fortune on an item of "fashion," and you dare not admit it to yourself, let alone to your sensible spouse? After all, it will be outdated by next season, won’t it? As we all know, fashion is the most transient of things, and therefore is one of the great extravagances in life. Or is it?  相似文献   

IN July 2012 the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) released a closure list of manufacturers with obsolete industrial capacity, and Xiaonanhai Cement Plant in Chongqing was on it. Two months later the 40-year-old business, with an an- nllal output of 400,000 tons and a workforce in excess of 400, was demolished.  相似文献   

Culture and tradition are the soul of a country.When a country loses its culture and tradition,it is difficult for it to make progress.Chinese people protect their culture and traditions.I have learned about Chinese culture and tradition at school.It is visible everywhere in China but I did not really understand it in the beginning.Then I realized sometimes I have to experience something in order to understand it.  相似文献   

The Qinghai-Tibet Railway, the highest rail in the world, was hailed as a miracle of engineeringwhen it began running a year ago. Today, it isbeing hailed for the economic benefits it hasbrought to the once isolated region of Tibet  相似文献   

柴选 《今日山西》2003,(5):18-21
A photographer-turned-entrepreneur in Shanghai, Mr. then Haiwen has been pursuing the “photography can get a better development only if it involves in society” concept in both his business and photography practice. He is exploring a road, which is complementary, not conflicting, and also embraces photography, society, art and business. Since society is so large whereas photography is so esoteric, photography can not get a great leap forward, he thinks, unless it integrates into society. And it is true that any art form is of no value if it is divested of social moorings and photography must go to market if it wants to engage with society.  相似文献   

The Gift of Life     
The Huoshenshan Hospital in Wuhan made news even before it opened.The fi rst emergency specialty fi eld hospital in the city designated for coronavirus patients,it was readied in around 10 days.The 1,000-bed hospital started running on February 3 and by February 28,it had discharged 527 patients.  相似文献   

正SINCE the policy of reform and opening-up in 1978,China has traveled a course of high-speed development on its way to becoming the economic power it is today.In 2013,as the world’s second largest economy,China not only ranked second in receiving foreign  相似文献   

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