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田径 《学理论》2011,(25):70-74
商法的构造问题不仅是关乎商法自身发展和体系合理化的问题,而且也是关系到如何全面地、符合商事自身逻辑地指导商事实践的问题。过分突出现代商事法的经济属性有可能抹杀商法自治中所蕴涵的决定商事法形成发展的商伦理,试图从商法自身发展的历史逻辑角度来论述伦理因素在商法构造中的重要性,并进一步提出伦理视角下的商法构造问题,以此来表明商法体系的构造是一个融合了各种视角和各种方法的复杂工程。  相似文献   

我国关于民法与商法间的立法体例有民商合一和民商分立之说,两种学说争论已久。我国现采用民商合一的立法模式,但民法与商法在目的、特征、功能和价值取向方面均不相同,也为我国法律体系带来了混乱,因此笔者支持民商分立这一学说。本文主要分为三个部分,第一部分提出了民商合一的理论质疑;第二部分论述了民商分立的优长益处,包括提高司法质量,促进经济发展等;第三部分论述了民商分立的理性立法模式,即制定《商法通则》,首先,《商法通则》从立法技术上是较为可行的。其次,《商法通则》会使我国法律体系更加清晰。最后,《商法通则》会在一定程度上促进和保证我国经济的发展。  相似文献   

聂婴智 《学理论》2010,(27):269-270
商法教学模式应顺应时代发展的步伐,采用创新教育机制改良现有的教学模式。借鉴国外的法学教学模式的基本特点,采取动机激励机制、案例教学、相关学科辅助和主动探究商事规则的教学模式来改进传统教学模式,并有效结合农业院校的涉农资源为依托背景,逐步转变商法教学灵活性不足的问题,以期建立适合农业院校发展的理想的商法教学模式。  相似文献   

对国际贸易专业《国际商法》课程教学方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王旭 《学理论》2009,(29):150-151
在对国际贸易专业的学生讲授《国际商法》这门课程时,应结合教学目的、教学内容、课时、学生的知识结构等因素选择适合的教学方法,可采用直接讲授、问题驱动、案例教学、模拟法庭、小组讨论及多媒体运用等多种教学方法,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国高等教育的不断普及,各种类型的人才层出不穷,其中包括很多复合型的专业人才。商务英语专业开设的《国际商法》课程既不同于英语语言文学专业的课程,也不同于法学专业课程。通过对《国际商法》课程的学习,既要求学生能够掌握法学方面的专业知识,具备相应的法律思维,又能够提高学生的英语应用能力,掌握专业的英语知识,从而实现真正意义上与国际接轨,与学生的现实学习接轨。  相似文献   

以马克思主义系统阐释人类文明新形态必须深刻回答三个基础性问题:其一,马克思主义经典作家是如何看待人类文明新形态的?其二,人类文明新形态何以在当代中国出场?其出场的基本过程是怎样的?其三,在当代中国出场的新文明何以成为具有普遍意义的人类文明新形态?回到马克思主义经典作家相关论述可以发现,他们具有丰富的人类文明新形态思想,对“现代社会是否存在不同于资本文明的新文明形态”“如何创造这种新文明形态”的思考与解答,构成他们探索人类文明新形态的一条清晰线索。人类文明新形态之所以在当代中国出场,是由马克思主义中国化、中国式现代化、中华优秀传统文化等因素决定的,其经过从崇尚“社会进化论”到坚持中国化马克思主义、从新民主主义革命到社会主义革命、从学习借鉴苏联式现代化到独立探索中国式现代化、从改革开放和社会主义现代化建设时期到中国特色社会主义新时代等重大历史过渡,最终在新的时代方位隆重出场。中国创造的新文明之所以一经出场就能够上升为具有普遍意义的人类文明新形态,既是当今时代大变局的必然要求,也是当代中国把握历史主动的必然结果,更是这种新文明的本质属性使然。  相似文献   

崔盈 《学理论》2012,(23):221-222
国际法律制度价值取向的人本主义转向,要求运用生态话语来诠释和重新解构高等法学教育系统中各种因素间的生态关系,并为国际商法课程教学体系的进一步革新与完善提供新的视角和动力.国际商法课堂作为具有开放性的多元环境体系,影响教学评价的各类生态因子间呈现多维复合的样态,借助生态哲学理念,深入剖析当前国际商法教学的非生态化状态及成因,并以此为契机寻求构建动态、平衡、和谐、实用的生态教学模式.  相似文献   

交易政治学的兴起及其两个范式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二十世纪后半期西方政治学的一个发展趋势是交易政治学的兴起,布坎南的交易政治范例和新制度经济学的政治学研究是它的两个不同的范式。本文主要介绍了它们的兴起情况及各自的主要内容,并进一步讨论了它们相互借鉴的发展趋向。  相似文献   

单就围车叫卖、随车叫卖行为本身而言,它一般不构成犯罪,但行为人在实施围车叫卖、随车叫卖行为时,还可能伴有其他违法犯罪行为的发生。对于在旅客车站、列车上以暴力、威胁手段对旅客强买强卖商品、强迫旅客提供服务或者强迫旅客接受服务的犯罪行为,不同国家和地区的称谓各不相同,立法内容也较为复杂。在我国,不同时期的相关法律和有关司法解释的内容也各不相同。现行《刑法》第262条和最高人民法院《关于审理抢劫、抢夺刑事案件适用法律若干问题的意见》的相关规定,为我们正确判定在旅客列车、车站强买强卖行为的性质提供了基本的法律依据。实践中具体认定时应重点考察行为的手段和交易行为的性质。  相似文献   

海商组织制度的变迁机制可以从在唯物史观的框架里得到解释,但适度引入制度变迁分析和制度演化分析均是有益的,制度绩效既决定于海商组织制度的模式选择,又构成后者的直接决定因素,海商组织的开放性使其制度选择在长期中呈现出演化性质.  相似文献   


Communication aimed at the public has been an almost absent topic in intelligence studies. This is despite a growing recognition of the importance of communicating towards the public in preventive security, counterterrorism, cyber security and organized crime prevention. This article attends to the practice of communicating intelligence to the public. It does so in order to show the diversity of communication practices in Western intelligence today. By investigating how the intelligence community communicates about ‘communication’ to the public, the article identifies three different concepts of communication, that each exposes different understandings of the public and democratic concerns.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the new economy was a rhetorical fabrication, which, through the ability of stakeholders like the cultural circuit of capital, was able to define what the facts consisted of and to train up bodies that bent to those facts. This fabrication could therefore produce regularities in the world. In the first instance, the chief beneficiary was the financial sector, which was able to use the new economy rhetoric to engineer a financial bubble. But, even after the inevitable financial crash, the new economy has left a legacy which should not be scoffed at.  相似文献   


Existing political theory, particularly which deals with justice and/or rights, has long assumed citizenship as a core concept. Noncitizenship, if it is considered at all, is generally defined merely as the negation or deprivation of citizenship. As such, it is difficult to examine successfully the status of noncitizens, obligations towards them, and the nature of their role in political systems. This article addresses this critical gap by defining the theoretical problem that noncitizenship presents and demonstrating why it is an urgent concern. It surveys the contributions to the special issue for which the article is an introduction, drawing on cross-cutting themes and debates to highlight the importance of theorising noncitizenship due to both the problematic gap that exists in the theoretical literature, and the real world problems created as a result of noncitizenship which are not currently successfully addressed. Finally, the article discusses key future directions for the theorisation of noncitizenship.  相似文献   

Brinton  Mary C. 《Policy Sciences》2000,33(3-4):289-306
This paper develops the concept of institutional social capital and discusses its importance in the labor market. Institutional social capital is constituted by the resources inherent in an organization (such as a school) and thereby available to members of that organization. This is contrasted with the social capital available to individuals through their own personal networks. In the labor market context, an example of institutional social capital is the ties that schools have with employers who recruit a proportion of their new employees as they prepare to graduate. The paper examines how these ties and the norms governing the important labor market screening role played by the high school developed in post-WWII Japan. I also discuss an important positive externality – social control over students – generated by schools institutional social capital. Finally, I examine current challenges to Japanese high schools institutional social capital.  相似文献   

We offer a model of media as a multisided platform, providing entertainment and news to viewers, commercial opportunities to advertisers, and political influence to politicians, thanks to the presence of influenceable voters among the media audience. We characterize a political economic equilibrium, determining simultaneously media choices and politicians’ electoral positions. We show that as the value of political influence increases, the media transitions from catering to commercial advertisers to selling political influence, resulting in policy choices that hurt influenceable voters.  相似文献   

This article scrutinizes the claim that liberal egalitarians are now the last real torchbearers for the principles of egalitarian reform. This claim might appear eccentric on the surface, but is increasingly common in leftist circles following the recent abandonment of such principles by formerly socialist parties. Programmes of 'social inclusion', for instance, are now widely criticized for substituting a desire to tackle economic inequalities with an incitement for us to become obedient, productive citizens. Focusing here on the claim that liberal egalitarians pose a radical alternative to this kind of discourse, I show that the real deficiencies of much liberal egalitarianism not only resemble but in many ways actually provide the sort of discourse within which parties like New Labour operate.  相似文献   

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