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Cocaine hydrochloride salt (HCl) and heroin HCl were determined quantitatively by choosing a carbonyl absorption peak as the analytical peak and measuring absorbance versus concentration in standard KBr pellets. The effect of various additives and diluents such as starch, sugars, mannitol, caffeine, and procaine was also studied. Methods were devised to correct for interference contributions based on spectral subtraction of the interfering component or subtraction of the interfering spectral contribution based on absorbance ratios with a noninterfering spectral peak. In mixtures containing both the free base and the hydrochloride salt, the most satisfactory method for determining the concentration was by area integration of the two carbonyl peaks.  相似文献   

The present study established a novel method using preparative high performance liquid chromatography to isolate and purify heroin·HCl from heroin street samples to be used as a reference standard. Different kinds of mobile phases and columns were used, ultimately the mobile phase consisting of hexane-isopropanol-methanol (65:28:7, v/v) and the SIL preparative column prepared in laboratory were selected as the final condition. Heroin was further purified by the drowning-out crystallization method using isopropanol-methanol (50:1, v/v) and hexane as drowning-out anti-solvents and salting-out agents, respectively. The purity was assessed by analytical high performance liquid chromatography and the confirmation of the chemical structure was performed by IR and NMR. About 110.7mg of heroin·HCl at a purity of over 99.52% was obtained from 180mg of heroin street samples which contained 156.15mg of heroin·HCl component by preparative high performance liquid chromatography. This method is suitable for preparing heroin standards in forensic science area.  相似文献   

Segmental hair analysis was performed to obtain information about the history of drug abuse of subjects in a rehabilitation programme. The analytical data from hair samples were correlated, when possible, with urine analysis and to toxicological anamnesis. Toxicological analysis of hair seems to be a valid tool in this specific field.  相似文献   

Traditional forensic soil comparisons are performed via physical and/or chemical examinations of color, texture, and mineral content, leaving any organic- or water-soluble fractions unexamined. This study uses high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ion chromatography (IC) to assess the qualitative and quantitative variation in these fractions of soil. Soil samples (n=120) were collected over the course of 3 weeks from urban, suburban, and rural locations in and around Lansing, MI. Additional samples from six of these locations (two urban, two suburban, and two rural) were collected once a week for 10 weeks for temporal analysis. Nine additional samples, equally spaced over a 1 m(2) grid, from these same six locations were collected for spatial analyses. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the resultant chromatograms separated the 120 samples into 10 groups by HPLC and 23 groups by IC. This study shows that using HPLC and IC to analyze the organic- and water-soluble fractions of soil can successfully discriminate samples. Quantitative analysis of the results eliminates some false inclusions by providing further differentiation of samples. The results of this study indicate that adding HPLC and IC analyses to traditional forensic soil analysis schemes can improve overall sample differentiation. The methods used in this study were also able to detect both qualitative and quantitative variations in soil over a relatively small geographic area. This demonstration of soil heterogeneity underscores the importance of the collection of a representative known sample population when assessing a forensic soil comparison. Significant temporal variation was also demonstrated over the course of 10 weeks of sampling; however, samples were found to be consistent over shorter periods of time. Baseline levels of inorganic anions were determined via IC; these levels may be useful in assessing the significance of anions detected in soil from cases involving low explosives.  相似文献   

Analyses of the carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios in heroin and cocaine samples obtained from different geographic regions indicated stable isotope ratio combinations that were strongly correlated with geographic location. Further analyses of the isotope ratios of morphine derived from the deacetylation of heroin exhibited more pronounced isotopic differences among regions, increasing its potential as a tool for geo-location and for sample-to-sample comparison.  相似文献   

The differentiation of inks on a questioned document can highlight a fraudulent insertion and is usually carried out by optical comparison and thin-layer chromatography (TLC). Laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry (LDI-MS) may also be used for the analysis of dyes from ink. This analytical technique was compared with a standard method of high-performance TLC (HPTLC) according to their capacity to differentiate blue ballpoint inks. Ink entries on paper from 31 blue ballpoint pens have been analyzed and their dye ink formulations compared. The pens were classified into 26 classes by LDI-MS against 18 for HPTLC. LDI-MS proved to be a more powerful method for differentiating ink formulations because it provides information about dye structures (molecular weights) and relative quantification of dye classes (peak areas). Sample preparation was minimal and analysis time was short in contrast to the more complex extraction, application, and development steps of the HPTLC method. However, only basic dyes and pigments were identified using positive mode LDI-MS, while HPTLC did yield additional information about acid dyes.  相似文献   

SNIF-NMR (Site-specific natural isotopic fractionation measured by deuterium NMR) was employed on 36 heroin samples from seven different known origins, and two cocaine samples from two different known origins. Heroin has two "synthetic" deuterium labeled sites (the two acetyls from acetic anhydride, each representing three equivalent nuclei) and 15 "natural" deuterium labeled sites (originating from the morphine produced in the opium plant). The "natural" sites have the potential for determining geographic location of the original opium plant, while the "synthetic" sites could assist in giving information about the commercial source of acetic anhydride used to convert morphine to heroin. Cocaine has 15 "natural" deuterium labeled sites. This study shows that SNIF-NMR has some use in determining the geographic origin of heroin and also has good potential for determining the geographical origin of cocaine.  相似文献   

The present paper describes an integrated diagnostic strategy to check the physical fitness of subjects, formerly users of illicit drugs, to obtain a driving license, after having quit their addiction. According to the Italian law, applicants for a driving license with a history of drug abuse must give evidence to have quit this behaviour and to show no risk of relapse in the future. To prove this, at our institute, they undergo medical examination, hair analysis and a urinalysis program on eight seriate samples, collected over about 40 days. About 700 subjects per year are investigated with this strategy. The hair samples are screened for opiates (morphine), cocaine and ecstasy, the most abused illicit substances in our region, by using commercial radioimmunoassays adopting cut-off levels of 0.1 ng/mg. All positive samples and about 10% of negatives are confirmed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Further confirmation of results can be carried out by capillary electrophoresis (and/or GC/MS or MS/MS). In 1998, the prevalence of positives for morphine, cocaine and ecstasy was 4.8, 11.3 and 2.6%, respectively. In this year, for the first time, the percentage of hair samples positive for cocaine was greater than that for opiates. The results of this integrated diagnostic strategy are presented and discussed, with particular emphasis on the comparison between hair analysis on a single sample and seriate urinalyses (on eight samples).  相似文献   

The present paper describes a qualitative and quantitative method for the simultaneous detection of opiates, cocaine and benzoylecgonine from human hair samples. Every step of the analytical procedure was studied to find the optimized conditions. Nine different incubation systems were examined. The influence of different pH values of samples on the isolation of analytes from the incubation media by Bond Elut cartridges and the stability of the compounds of interest in the different incubation media and conditions were investigated. The extracting power of different incubation media was studied as well. The phosphate buffer 0.1 N at pH 5 was chosen as the extraction medium in an optimized procedure for simultaneous determination of opiates, cocaine and benzoylecgonine in hair samples. The method developed was validated. Recoveries were 90% for morphine (M), 81% for 6-monoacetylmorphine (6-AM), 90% for codeine (CD), 86% for cocaine (C) and 90% for benzoylecgonine (BE). Relative standard deviation for inter-day precision was better than 12%. The limits of detection resulted as 0.05 ng/mg for M and C, as 0.08 for 6-AM and as 0.2 ng/mg for BE. Forty hair samples collected from drug abusers admitted to centers for detoxification treatment were analyzed obtaining 23 positive results for opiates and/or cocaine. Twelve hair specimens longer than 10 cm were analyzed following a sectional approach. In the six positive cases, it was interesting to find that the 6-AM/M ratio generally decreased for each sample from the proximal segment to the distal segments. Moreover, the 6-AM/M ratio was generally lower than 1 in the intermediate and distal segments.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to separate some of the constituents of wax seals by thin-layer chromatography, and thereby differentiate them. The method is suitable for routine forensic examinations.  相似文献   

The inhalation of heroin vapors after heating on aluminium foil ("chasing the dragon") is gaining popularity nowadays among heroin users seeking to avoid the risks of parenteral drug administration. The heroin-smoking procedure was simulated under laboratory conditions by heating the samples on aluminium foil at 250 to 400 degrees C and collecting the vapors in a condenser trap. A total of 72 pyrolysis products of diacetylmorphine, street heroin, residues from aluminium foils used to smoke street heroin, typical by-products, and adulterants were detected by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). About half of these compounds could be identified. Diacetylmorphine (base and salt) undergoes substantial to complete degradation. Some typical street heroin constituents, like morphine, codeine, acetylcodeine, papaverine, and caffeine, are rather heat-stable. Other compounds, like noscapine and paracetamol, are pyrolyzed to a greater extent. The principal chemical reactions leading to the formation of pyrolysis products are desacetylation, transacetylation, N-demethylation, O-methylation, ring cleavage and oxydation.  相似文献   

The application of field tests and chromatography to the detection of cocaine and some other local anesthetics that have been used to adulterate cocaine is described. Initial screening of samples by field tests, followed by concurrent TLC and GC, enables rapid identification of these compounds to be achieved. In particular, the use of flow-programmed GC shortens the time for analysis compared with conventional GC and requires negligible equilibration time between consecutive runs [12]. The method gives reliable quantitative data.  相似文献   

In this work, a fast, non destructive voltammetric method for cocaine detection in acetonitrile medium using a platinum disk electrode chemically modified with cobalt-hexacyanoferrate (CoHCFe) film is described. The deposition of CoHCFe film at platinum disk (working electrode) was carried out in aqueous solution containing NaClO4 at 0.1 mol L−1 as supporting electrolite. Stability studies of the film and subsequent voltammetric analysis of cocaine were made in acetonitrile medium with NaClO4 at 0.1 mol L−1 as supporting electrolite. A reversible interaction between cocaine and CoHCFe at the film produces a proportional decrease of original peak current, due to the formation of a complex between cocaine and cobalt íons, with subsequent partial passivation of the film surface, being the intensity of current decrease used as analytical signal for cocaine. A linear dependence of cocaine detection was carried out in the range from 2.4 × 10−4 to 1.5 × 10−3 mol L−1, with a linear correlation coefficient of 0.994 and a detection limit of 1.4 × 10−4 mol L−1. The analysis of confiscated samples by the proposed method indicated cocaine levels from 37% to 95% (m/m) and these results were validated by comparison to HPLC technique, being obtained good correlation between both methods.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of illicit heroin samples   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The comparative analysis of street heroin samples is still an object of scientific discussion. A combination of a wide range of analytical techniques is necessary to obtain a valid amount of information about the sample composition, and it is impossible to define an unique analytical approach. We suggest a complete analytical sequence based on analysis of volatile compounds, opiates, diluents, adulterants and metals, by head space gas chromatography (HS/GC), gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS), thin layer chromatography (TLC), high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and atomic absorption (AA) using a sample amount as low as 50-100 mg. The outlined procedure can be successfully applied to routine work, thus obtaining suitable information about a sample's chemical composition. This helps to attribute or exclude common sources of separate specimens. Results obtained on 33 street heroin samples confiscated in the metropolitan area of Rome are listed.  相似文献   

Hair of young subjects (N = 36) suspected for drug abuse was analysed for morphine, codeine, heroin, 6-acetylmorphine, cocaine, methadone, amphetamine, methamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDA), 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA), and 3,4-methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDEA). The analysis of morphine, codeine, heroin, 6-acetylmorphine, cocaine, and methadone in hair included incubation in methanol, solid-phase extraction, derivatisation by the mixture of propionic acid anhydride and pyridine, and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). For amphetamine, methamphetamine, MDA, MDMA, and MDEA analysis, hair samples were incubated in 1M sodium hydroxide, extracted with ethyl acetate, derivatised with heptafluorobutyric acid anhydride (HFBA), and assayed by GC/MS. The methods were reproducible (R.S.D. = 5.0-16.1%), accurate (85.1-100.6%), and sensitive (LoD = 0.05-0.30ng/mg). The applied methods confirmed consumption of heroin in 18 subjects based on positive 6-acetylmorphine. Among these 18 heroin consumers, methadone was found in four, MDMA in two, and cocaine in two subjects. Cocaine only was present in two, methadone only in two, methamphetamine only in two, and MDMA only in seven of the 36 subjects. In two out of nine coloured and bleached hair samples, no drug was found. Despite the small number of subjects, this study has been able to indicate the trend in drug abuse among young people in Croatia.  相似文献   

目的建立饮料、血、尿中 11种常见苯并二氮类药物及尿中 7种主要代谢物的薄层色谱分析法(HPTLC)。方法分析物采用GDX10 1树脂进行固相萃取 ,乙醚作为洗脱溶剂。苯 :丙酮 (10∶6)等作为展开体系 ,改良碘化铋钾显色。结果所建方法绝对灵敏度 0 3~ 0 6μg,尿检出限 0 4~ 1 0 μg/ml、血检出限 0 6~ 1 0 μg/ml、饮料检出限 0 4~ 0 8μg/ml。结论HPTLC法简便、快速 ,适合作为常规毒物分析方法  相似文献   

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