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The X-chromosome short tandem repeat (STR) markers have been described as very adequate tools for solving deficiency paternity cases and kinship tests when women are involved. In the absence of the alleged father, presumed paternal relationship can be more efficiently investigated by using a set of six to ten X-STR markers compared to fifteen autosomal STR. For this study, we compared the usefulness of a X-STR hexaplex developed in our laboratory (DXS7133, DXS7424, DXS8378, DXS6807, DXS7423 and DXS8377) and the commercial kit Identifiler in solving deficiency paternities. We have worked on distinct groups of caseworks involving daughters, their mothers and presumed paternal grandmothers or putative half sisters and their respective mothers. The PCR products were separated by capillary electrophoresis and detected in an ABI Prism 3100. In the majority of the caseworks (>90%), the likelihood ratio (LR) obtained by using the X-STR hexaplex was higher than the LR value observed when the Identifiler kit was used for genotyping. The combination of the two STR typing systems was able to solve all the cases.  相似文献   

复合扩增9个STR位点在亲子鉴定中的应用评估   总被引:10,自引:4,他引:6  
Liu Y 《法医学杂志》2000,16(4):216-218
在法医学亲子鉴定中应用复合扩增及四色荧光自动分析技术检测 Profiler plusTM9个 STR位点,一次性获得的信息量大,累计非父排除率达 0.9999。应用于 268例亲子鉴定的结果表明, 9个具有高度多态性 STR基因座的联合检测,能使三联体亲子鉴定的排除结论明确无误。对不排除案例,其 RCP值均可达国际认定标准。对二联体亲子鉴定一般需增加 CofilerTM试剂盒 4个 STR位点检测。  相似文献   

The average exclusion probability is a measure of efficiency in paternity testing; it refers to the a priori ability of a battery of tests to detect paternity inconsistencies. This parameter measures the capacity of the system to detect a false accusation of paternity. Traditionally, this average exclusion probability has been estimated as the probability of excluding a man who is not the father by an inconsistency in at least one of the studied loci. We suggest that this criterion should be corrected, as currently the presumed father is excluded when at least three genetic inconsistencies are found with the child being tested, not just one. This change of criterion has occurred because of the use of microsatellite loci, whose mutation rates are much greater than those of the coding genes used previously in paternity studies. We propose the use of the average probability of exclusion for at least three loci (not only one), as an honest measure of the combined probability of exclusion of several loci, and we propose an algebraic expression to calculate it.  相似文献   

In disputed paternity cases where the putative father is unavailable DNA from one or more of his relatives could be used. However, interpreting results is often difficult, because of the partial information regarding the parental genotype obtained from his relatives. We analyzed results obtained in 300 real paternity cases performed through close relatives of the real father (sib, half-sibs, one grandparent and/or uncle). DNA was typed with PowerPlex (Promega) and the LR estimated with the Software BDGen. As expected the higher LR values were achieved with sibs and half-sibs (in such cases where his/her mother was available for testing). The LR values were tight related to the number of uninformative loci, which varied between 0 and 13. In 10% of the reviewed cases, 10 or more non-informative loci were observed; all of them associated LR values below 0.01. Thus, providing evidence in favor of no relatedness.  相似文献   

目的探讨39个常染色体STR基因座在二联体亲子鉴定突变案例中的应用价值。方法提取全血基因组,采用AGCU Expressmarker 22荧光检测试剂盒进行二联体亲子鉴定,若出现1~2个矛盾基因座,则加做AGCU 21+1 STR荧光检测试剂盒,计算累计父权指数(CPI)值,根据亲子鉴定判断标准判定结果。结果共检测502例二联体亲子鉴定案例,其中排除亲权关系17例,485例不排除亲权关系,10例出现单基因座不符合。加做AGCU 21+1后除1例出现一个新的STR基因座不符合,其他均符合遗传规律,且CPI≥10 000。结论 39个STR基因座的联合应用能够有效解决二联体亲子鉴定中的大部分突变案例。  相似文献   

Liu LM  Liang J  Wang BJ  Ding M  Li JP  Li CM  Xiao YZ  Jia JT 《法医学杂志》1999,15(4):201-203
应用PCR-SSP(PCRamplificationwithsequencespecificprimer)方法将HLAⅡ类DRB1位点基因分型应用于亲权鉴定。对42例亲子鉴定案例进行分析研究的结果表明,本方法简单、快速、结果可靠,且具有较高的非父排除概率(66.3%),不仅适用于法医学亲手鉴定和个人识别,亦可应用于移植配型、HLA相关疾病及人类遗传学研究。  相似文献   

We report a case where an alleged father (AF) attempted to substitute someone else's saliva sample for his reference sample in a paternity analysis. Buccal cells were collected from the AF and the child, and DNA analysis was performed using an autosomal STR loci (Identifiler). The profile from the AF showed extra peaks in some loci, as well as a much higher "X" allele peak relative to the "Y" allele peak at the amelogenin locus. After conducting reanalysis by another technician with another set of positive and negative controls, it was concluded that the only source of the mixed profile was by intentional introduction by the AF, at the time of sampling, of some foreign human biological material, most likely saliva from a woman. Owing to the inconclusive results, when the AF was called back to the lab and the peculiar results were explained to him, he admitted that he had introduced into his mouth saliva from another person in an attempt to be excluded as the father of the child. Although tampering with DNA reference samples is not common, some individuals may attempt to contaminate or otherwise adulterate specimens before DNA tests. Personnel responsible for sampling should be aware of this possibility and should try to establish procedures to avoid the problem.  相似文献   

汗潜指印的STR分型检测   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5  
目的探索汗潜指印的荧光STR复合扩增检测的方法。方法采用Chelex-100和Microco-100浓缩柱,提取汗潜指印中DNA,STR复合扩增荧光电泳检测。结果 105例汗潜指纹STR分型可明确判读5个以上基因座的占30.3%,个体之间的差异、捺印指印时用力大小以及指印遗留在客体上时间的长短均影响检测成功率。结论该汗潜指印的DNA提取方法步骤简单,方法较为稳定,使单枚汗潜指印可望获得DNA分型。  相似文献   

目的通过对常染色体和X染色体遗传标记的检测,探讨单亲疑难案例的鉴定策略。方法提取3个单亲鉴定案例的6份血样,采用Goldeneye 20A试剂盒和AGCU21+1试剂盒检测常染色体上39个STR基因座,采用自主研制的16重X-STR扩增系统检测X染色体上16个STR基因座。结果用Goldeneye 20A试剂盒检测后发现每个单亲案例均有一个基因座不符合遗传规律,当常染色体STR基因座增加到39个时,案例1累计出现3个矛盾基因座;案例2和案例3均没有出现新的矛盾基因座。X染色体STR分型结果显示案例1有8个矛盾基因座,案例2和案例3无矛盾基因座,与常染色体分型结论相符。结论对于出现单基因座不符合遗传规律的母女、母子、父女单亲案例鉴定,不仅可以增加新的常染色体STR检测,也可以增加X染色体STR的检测,这样在相互验证的同时也能获得更加可靠的鉴定意见。  相似文献   

X-chromosomal short tandem repeats (X-STRs) are very useful in complex paternity cases because they are inherited by male and female offspring in different ways. They complement autosomal STRs (as-STRs) allowing higher paternity probabilities to be attained. These probabilities are expressed in a likelihood ratio (LR). The formulae needed to calculate LR depend on the genotype combinations of suspected pedigrees. LR can also be obtained by the use of Bayesian networks (BNs). These are graphical representations of real situations that can be used to easily calculate complex probabilities. In the present work, two BNs are presented, which are designed to derive LRs for half-sisters/half-sisters and mother/daughter/paternal grandmother relationships. These networks were validated against known formulae and show themselves to be useful in other suspect pedigree situations than those for which they were developed. The BNs were applied in two paternity cases. The application of the mother/daughter/paternal grandmother BN highlighted the complementary value of X-STRs to as-STRs. The same case evaluated without the mother underlined that missing information tends to be conservative if the alleged father is the biological father and otherwise nonconservative. The half-sisters case shows a limitation of statistical interpretations in regard to high allelic frequencies.  相似文献   

亲子鉴定中STR位点数选择及其应用价值研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
目的对在亲子鉴定中STR位点数的选择及其鉴定应用价值进行研究。方法将CODIS13个STR位点分为四个观测组,观测对象包括排除亲权的母亲-孩子-假设父亲三人组合102例,以及肯定亲权的母亲-孩子-假设父亲三人组合100例,通过310遗传分析仪对荧光复合扩增产物进行分型检测。结果各STR观察组出现的最低排除指标数与各观察组累积非父排除概率(CPE)值成一定正相关性,CPE值超过99.99%的两个STR观察组其出现的最低排除指标数为三个,同时这两个STR观察组在肯定亲权的案例分析中,其亲子关系概率值(RCP)值都超过了99.99%。结论对于亲子鉴定中的STR位点检测系统,其非父排除指标应为三个以上,其累积非父排除概率(CPE)值达到99.99%时,就可以认为该STR位点检测系统具有了相关的鉴定应用价值。  相似文献   

目的探讨单亲鉴定及其有关的法律及社会问题. 方法对1998年1月至2002年12月275例单亲鉴定进行回顾分析,对案例的数量、来源、鉴定事由、鉴定结论等作统计分析. 结果单亲鉴定近3年明显增多,占亲子鉴定总数的三成.案例来源以自诉为主,占95.27%.鉴定事由中,怀疑妻子有婚外性关系为主 ,占88.36%.275例单亲鉴定中,排除亲生关系39例,占14.18%.结果表明,非婚生子女只占少数. 结论自诉单亲鉴定存在法律盲区,但在维护家庭稳定具有一定作用.受理单亲鉴定宜取慎重态度,有关的社会及法律问题需要解决.  相似文献   

13个STR基因座在亲子鉴定案例中的基因突变观察   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的 观察美国 CODIS系统的 13个 STR基因座在532例认定亲子关系的亲子鉴定案中的基因突变情况,探讨STR基因座突变率及突变类型。方法 经“Profiler Plus”及“Cofiler”试剂盒检测的587例亲子鉴定案,对其中有1~2个STR基因座不符合遗传规律者,增加HLA等血型基因和“PowerPlex16~(TM)”试剂盒检测。必要时,还增加Y-STR基因座检测和HLA等位基因测序。结果 认定亲子关系的532例,观察1052次减数分裂,发现17例亲子鉴定中的18次基因突变事件,其中16例1个STR基因座的基因发生突变,1例2个STR基因座的基因发生突变;突变的基因座包括D5S818、D3S1358、D16S539、CSFIPO、D21S11、D13S317、D7S820、vWA、D18S51和FGA,其中以FGA和D18S51基因座的突变率最高(0.29%);18次突变事件,其中来自父亲11次,来自母亲5次,无法确定2次。结论 用美国CODIS系统的STR基因座进行亲子鉴定,在有1~2个基因座不符合遗传规律时,要综合分析,并增加其它的遗传标记进行检测。  相似文献   

The X chromosomal STR markers DXS10135 and DXS8378 in linkage group 1, DXS7132 and DXS10074 in linkage group 2, HPRTB and DXS10101 in linkage group 3, and DXS10134 and DXS7423 in linkage group 4 were studied in the Hungarian population. After genotyping unrelated men (219) and women (165), forensic efficiency parameters were calculated. Deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium could not be detected. There were several microvariant and rare alleles were sequenced: four in locus DXS10135 (alleles 17.1, 18.1, 20.1 and 26.1), one in locus DXS10074 (alleles 11), three in locus DXS10101 (alleles 26, 34.2 and 35) and five in locus DXS10134 (alleles 35.3, 37.2, 38.2, 39.2, 41).  相似文献   

To establish a database for DXS8378, HPRTB, DXS7423, DXS7132, DXS10134, DXS10074, DXS10101, DXS10135 loci in an Italian population sample from Brescia (Northern Italy) and from the Sardinia island, 131 unrelated individuals were typed. DNA was amplified in a multiplex reaction with subsequent automatic detection using capillary electrophoresis. The obtained data give a contribution to the definition of Italian population STR allele frequencies for the eight analysed loci.  相似文献   

目的建立海南地区汉族人群19个常染色体STR基因座的遗传多态性数据资料,并探讨此19-STR基因座系统在亲子鉴定中的应用。方法对海南汉族462例无血缘关系个体,采用Goldeneye~(TM) 20A系统复合扩增并检测,得到19个STR基因座的遗传数据信息;在283例亲子鉴定案例中,评价19-STR基因座系统的应用。结果 19个STR基因座的基因频率分布均符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡(P0.05),杂合度在0.603~0.914之间,累积个体识别率大于0.999 999 999 999 999,累积三联体非父排除率为0.999 999 994。283例亲子鉴定中,三联体170例,二联体113例;认定案例247例(87.3%),排除案例36例(12.7%);发生等位基因突变案例14例(4.9%),均为一步突变。结论 19个STR基因座中的14个基因座具有高度遗传多态性,19-STR基因座复合扩增分型系统具有较高的非父排除效能,可满足海南地区亲子鉴定的需要,同时应注意亲子鉴定中的基因突变现象。  相似文献   

对亲权鉴定中遗传标记的研究历史及现状进行了综述,并对国际法医遗传学会亲子鉴定委员会关于DNA生物计算的建议进行了解读。  相似文献   

亲子鉴定STR突变的考虑   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
亲子鉴定中常会发生STR(short tandem repeats,短串联重复)突变的情况。突变对亲子关系的判定会造成困扰。对STR突变规律和亲子鉴定中所遇到的STR突变问题、突变的判定、突变下非父排除率和父权指数的计算以及需与突变区分的情形等问题进行综述和讨论。  相似文献   

It has been noticed that the most commonly used commercial STR kits and mtDNA may not be able to solve some special kinship cases, such as alleged aunt, uncle, niece, nephew or half-siblings. Due to its unique hereditary pattern, the haplotype of genetic markers could be a solution of these questioned family relationships. In this study, we investigated the genetic features of an autosomal STR cluster by employing confirmed family samples. To evaluate the forensic practical value of autosomal STR haplotype, 5 closely linked STR loci, D1S2127-D1S2138-D1S3460-D1S1643-D1S518, which were arranged in about 2 cM region (from 186.29 cM to 188.02 cM; 1 cM represents 1% average recombination between two loci) on chromosome one, were selected to compose haplotype. Genotyping of 60 samples from 8 trios (father–mother–children), 8 duos (father or mother–children), and 4 three-generation pedigrees were performed using PAGE. Haplotypes were identified in the child by determining alleles for all 5 loci transmitted from each parent. Total 73 haplotypes were detected in all samples and 34 haplotypes were observed to be passed down as a whole and was corresponding with the inherited characteristics of haplotype. In all family members, 34 unrelated individuals contributed 65 haplotypes, of which 62 haplotypes appeared only once and the rest 3 haplotypes appeared twice. No recombination was observed in 4 three-generation pedigrees. In conclusion, the haplotype consisting of 5 closely linked autosomal STRs could pass down steadily as a whole. The family specificity of most haplotypes may provide a unique advantage in forensic complex kinship testing.  相似文献   

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