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Quantification of human mitochondrial DNA in a real time PCR   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Recently, a moderately priced machine for real-time quantitative PCR has become available, the Perkin Elmer 5700. The rapid and quantitative assay of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number is potentially useful in a variety of molecular, evolutionary and forensic fields. Using this new tool, we have evaluated the precision and reliability of the real time PCR to quantify undeleted mitochondrial genome copy number, and to determine the frequency of an age-associated deletion of 4977 base pairs in length, in 42 human iliopsoas muscle DNA samples from persons of known age. We have evaluated the accuracy with which age can be predicted, knowing only the frequency of this common 4977 bp deletion, and derived a statistical formula which describes the confidence with which the 4977 bp frequency predicts age. The results indicate that the mutation frequency could be used to distinguish between tissue from young and old individuals. However in this data set, while there was considerable agreement of 4977 bp frequency among replicates from the same individual sample, there was substantial diversity of mean mutation frequency between individuals of the same or similar ages. The simplest interpretation of these results is that there are biological modifiers of 4977 bp frequency that are age-independent, which are potentially interesting but may limit the usefulness of this deletion frequency alone as a "molecular forensic clock."  相似文献   

This study investigates the connection between the results of DNA quantification with Quantifiler Human DNA Quantification Kit (AB) and DNA profiling. For this purpose the DNA concentration of 3.068 routine casework samples was determined and DNA profiling was carried out. For discussion, depending on the specific DNA concentration, the samples were divided into four groups (0–5, 5–10, 10–30 and more then 30 pg/μl DNA) and the obtained number of full or partial profiles and the negative typing results was listed. Moreover group 1 (0–5 pg/μl DNA) results were subdivided and analysed more precisely. Based on the amount of 4% positive typing results in group 1 we decided to analyse every sample with quantification results >0 pg/μl DNA. A real cut-off no longer exists. Only samples showing 0 pg/μl on each result were sorted out.  相似文献   

Successful mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) forensic analysis depends on sufficient quantity and quality of mtDNA. A real-time quantitative PCR assay was developed to assess such characteristics in a DNA sample, which utilizes a duplex, synthetic DNA to ensure optimal quality assurance and quality control. The assay's 105-base pair target sequence facilitates amplification of degraded DNA and is minimally homologous to nonhuman mtDNA. The primers and probe hybridize to a region that has relatively few sequence polymorphisms. The assay can also identify the presence of PCR inhibitors and thus indicate the need for sample repurification. The results show that the assay provides information down to 10 copies and provides a dynamic range spanning seven orders of magnitude. Additional experiments demonstrated that as few as 300 mtDNA copies resulted in successful hypervariable region amplification, information that permits sample conservation and optimized downstream PCR testing. The assay described is rapid, reliable, and robust.  相似文献   

Human DNA quantification occupies a central role within the DNA analytic process of forensic casework samples as DNA quantification results have an important impact on the quality of the short tandem repeat data. Manual processing for the setup of quantification reactions can be time consuming and labor intensive. Therefore automation of quantitative real-time PCR setup was an important component of our DNA-analysis automation concept. Here we show the implementation of a robotized setup for the Quantifiler™ Human DNA Quantification Kit.  相似文献   

The development of new methodologies for high-throughput SNP analysis is one of the most stimulating areas in genetic research. Here, we describe a rapid and robust assay to simultaneously genotype 17 mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) coding region SNPs by minisequencing using SNaPshot. SNaPshot is a methodology based on a single base extension of an unlabeled oligonucleotide with labeled dideoxy terminators. The set of SNPs implemented in this multiplexed SNaPshot reaction allow us to allocate common mitochondrial West Eurasian haplotypes into their corresponding branch in the mtDNA skeleton, with special focus on those haplogroups lacking unambiguous diagnostic positions in the first and second hypervariable regions (HVS-I/II; by far, the most common segments analyzed by sequencing). Particularly interesting is the set of SNPs that subdivide haplogroup H; the most frequent haplogroup in Europe (40–50%) and one of the most poorly characterized phylogenetically in the HVS-I/II region. In addition, the polymorphic positions selected for this multiplex reaction increase considerably the discrimination power of current mitochondrial analysis in the forensic field and can also be used as a rapid screening tool prior to full sequencing analysis. The method has been validated in a sample of 266 individuals and shows high accuracy and robustness avoiding both the use of alternative time-consuming classical strategies (i.e. RFLP typing) and the need for high quantities of DNA template.  相似文献   

National Institute of Standards and Technology SRM 2372 human DNA quantitation standard has been produced to support the need for a human-specific DNA quantitation standard in forensic casework and calibration of new quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays. The conventional DNA concentration has been assigned with one of the U.S. National Reference UV/Visible Spectrophotometers, assuming an absorbance of 1.0 at 260 nm equals 50 ng/μL of double stranded DNA. In addition, an interlaboratory study has been conducted, to verify that the SRM 2372 materials perform well in currently used DNA quantitation assays by the forensic DNA community. Each unit of SRM 2372 consists of three well-characterized DNA extracts. Component A is a single-source human male material derived from blood. Component B is a multiple-source human female material derived from blood. Component C was purchased as a purified unsheared genomic human DNA (Sigma-Aldrich Co., St. Louis, MO) obtained as a lyophilized human genomic extract and has both male and female donors. SRM 2372 is intended to enable the comparison of DNA concentration measurements across time and place. Manufacturers can use SRM 2372 to validate the values assigned to their own reference materials. Individual forensic laboratories can use SRM 2372 to validate DNA quantitation methods and to verify the assigned concentration of in-house or commercial DNA calibration standards.  相似文献   

When analysing trace materials and degraded DNA the issue of human specificity is highly important. Especially when it comes down to the analysis of mitochondrial DNA which is extremely susceptible to contamination authenticity is the main question. Therefore in the presented study mitochondrial primers were tested on their human specificity. In all cases it was possible to amplify DNA of animals with human mt-primers. These unintentional amplifications could only be decreased by choosing austere PCR parameters. The study implies the importance of comprehensive evaluation of primers, chemicals and PCR parameters.  相似文献   

线粒体DNA(mtDNA)异质性的存在使其在法医学应用变得复杂。本文对mtDNA异质性形成的可能原因、异质性的分布和遗传特点、异质性的筛查和定量方法、异质性对法医学的影响以及异质性的研究和展望等方面进行综述,探讨异质性在法医学上的应用价值。  相似文献   

mtDNA—HVⅠ和细胞色素b片段的复合扩增及其法医学应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨复合扩增mtDNA D环HV I和细胞色素b片段进行种属鉴定和个体识别的方法及mtDNA-HV I多态性。方法用两对引物同步扩增HV I片段与细胞色素b片段,银染显带检测扩增产物,ABI377测序仪及荧光测序技术分析扩增产物序列多态性。结果人类有279bp,358bp两条带,动物只有358bp一条带。通过对131例随机广东汉族人群个体进行mtDNA控制区(15997~16236))序列测定统计,得出此区域的序列多态性。共发现69个位点变异,平均每个个体存在2.679个碱基突变,检出67个单倍型,基因多样性为97.92%。结论mtDNA控制区(15997—16236)具有较高的序列多态性。为良好的个体识别标记。复合扩增mtDNA D环HV I与细胞色素b片段进行测序分析可以同步进行种属鉴定和个体识别。  相似文献   

Forensic analysts routinely encounter samples containing DNA mixtures from male and female contributors. To obtain interpretable Short Tandem Repeat (STR) profiles and select the appropriate STR analysis methodology, it is desirable to determine relative quantities of male and female DNA, and detect PCR inhibitors. We describe a multiplex assay for simultaneous quantification of human and human male DNA using the ribonuclease P RNA component H1 (RPPH1) human target and the sex determining region Y (SRY) male-specific target. A synthetic oligonucleotide sequence was co-amplified as an internal PCR control. Standard curves were generated using human male genomic DNA. The SRY and RPPH1 assays demonstrated human specificity with minimal cross-reactivity to DNA from other species. Reproducible DNA concentrations were obtained within a range of 0.023-50 ng/μl. The assay was highly sensitive, detecting as little as 25 pg/μl of human male DNA in the presence of a thousand-fold excess of human female DNA. The ability of the assay to predict PCR inhibition was demonstrated by shifted IPC Ct values in the presence of increasing quantities of hematin and humic acid. We also demonstrate the correlation between the multiplex assay quantification results and the strength of STR profiles generated using the AmpF?STR®PCR Amplification kits.  相似文献   

Touched items at crime scenes are frequently analysed to help link suspects to crimes, for example, Touch DNA is collected from victims’ clothes in cases such as sexual assault, homicide, theft etc. Tape lifting is the preferred collection method of choice for trace DNA from clothes, fabric items and porous surfaces such as paper, therefore this study investigated the impact of deposition area and time on Touch DNA collected from fabric using minitapes. The amount of Touch DNA collected from the fabric was significantly affected by deposition area (p < 0.05), time (p < 0.05) and the interaction between the deposition area and time (p < 0.05), with the quantity of DNA collected decreasing over time. Also, the buttocks area of the trouser compared to the chest area is more prone to friction from an activity like repeatedly sitting on different surfaces which reduces the amount of Touch DNA available. In conclusion, it is more effective to collect trace DNA from victim clothes as soon as possible after the crime is committed.  相似文献   

A single duplex assay to determine both the amount of total human DNA and the amount of male DNA in a forensic sample has been developed. This assay is based on TaqMan technology and uses the multicopy Alu sequence to quantitate total human DNA and the multicopy DYZ5 sequence to quantitate Y chromosomal (male) DNA. The assay accepts a wide concentration range of input DNA (2 muL of 64 ng/microL to 0.5 pg/microL), and also allows detection of PCR failure. The PCR product sizes Alu (127 bp) and DYZ5 (137bp) approximate that of the smaller short tandem repeats (STRs) which should make the assay predictive of STR success with degraded DNA. The assay was optimized for probe/primer concentrations and BSA addition and validated on its reproducibility, on its human specificity, on its nonethnic variability, for artificial mixtures and adjudicated casework, for the effect of inhibitors and for state of DNA degradation. This assay should prove very usual in forensic analyses because knowing the relative amounts of male versus female DNA can allow the examiner to decide which samples may yield the most probative value in a case or direct the samples to methods that would yield the greatest information.  相似文献   

《Science & justice》2022,62(2):145-151
Detection of seed-based toxins is a need for forensic chemists when suspected poisonings occur. The evidence that is found is often physically unidentifiable, as the seeds are mashed to extract the toxin. This work investigates potential strategies for rapid detection of seed-based toxins and seed mashes containing these toxins using chemical signatures obtained by direct analysis in real time mass spectrometry (DART-MS). Seven toxins (digoxin, digitoxin, hypaconitine, hyoscyamine, lanatoside, oleandrin, and scopolamine) and six seeds containing these toxins were studied. While detection of four of the toxins was readily attainable, detection of digoxin, digitoxin, and lanatoside was hindered by the inability to thermally desorb these larger compounds under normal operating conditions. The use of DART-MS variants capable of higher desorption temperatures (thermal desorption (TD)-DART-MS and infrared thermal desorption (IRTD)-DART-MS) enabled detection of these compounds. Detection of toxins from direct analysis of seed mashes and methanolic seed mash extracts was found to be compound and technique dependent. Principal component analysis (PCA) of generated mass spectra enabled differentiation of seed species, even in cases where the toxins were undetectable.  相似文献   

建立补体第八成份蛋白质多态性的DNA检测方法。根据导致C8A多态性的DNA点突变核苷酸差异 ,建立一个检测C8A基因型的特异性扩增方法。采用该法 ,对 10 0份血样本进行检测 ,并同时用传统的检测C8A蛋白质多态性的SDS 凝胶电泳方法进行对照检测 ,结果显示新建立的C8A多态性PCR分型方法不仅快速、灵敏、稳定 ,而且分型结果清晰 ,容易判读 ,适用于法医学中多种检材的C8A多态性分型  相似文献   

In this study, we used two real time PCR platforms (Roche LightCycler 480 System and the ABI 7900 real time PCR instrument) to compare three commercial kits for DNA quantification. Special emphasis was put on PCR efficiency, detection limit and detection range. Furthermore, we tested the influence of the calibrator DNA included in the different kits on the absolute values. 40 artificial stain samples as well as 40 reference saliva samples were tested and compared. Two main observations could be made: the kits had a strong influence on the amount of DNA determined (Quantifiler® < Quantifiler Duo® < Plexor® kit) whereas the real time PCR platforms showed no significant influence on the outcome.  相似文献   

In order to expand the database of variable DNA for forensic identification purposes in Venezuela, we analyzed the sequence polymorphisms of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) hypervariable regions (HVR) I–III from 100 unrelated individuals from the city of Caracas, using PCR amplification and fluorescent-based capillary electrophoresis sequencing method. Dominant haplogroups corresponded to Native Americans followed by African ones. The inclusion of HVR III although useful for sub-haplogroup assignation, added little to the discrimination capacity of our database.  相似文献   

Next‐generation sequencing technologies enable the identification of minor mitochondrial DNA variants with higher sensitivity than Sanger methods, allowing for enhanced identification of minor variants. In this study, mixtures of human mtDNA control region amplicons were subjected to pyrosequencing to determine the detection threshold of the Roche GS Junior® instrument (Roche Applied Science, Indianapolis, IN). In addition to expected variants, a set of reproducible variants was consistently found in reads from one particular amplicon. A BLASTn search of the variant sequence revealed identity to a segment of a 611‐bp nuclear insertion of the mitochondrial control region (NumtS) spanning the primer‐binding sites of this amplicon (Nature 1995;378:489). Primers (Hum Genet 2012;131:757; Hum Biol 1996;68:847) flanking the insertion were used to confirm the presence or absence of the NumtS in buccal DNA extracts from twenty donors. These results further our understanding of human mtDNA variation and are expected to have a positive impact on the interpretation of mtDNA profiles using deep‐sequencing methods in casework.  相似文献   

This research explored the feasibility of using the degradation rate of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in human rib bone to determine the time interval since death. Postmortem human rib samples were surface sterilized and incubated under sterile conditions in either high or low humidity conditions at room temperature for a period of weeks. At selected times, portions of the bone were cut away, and the DNA from these samples was extracted and subjected to strand separating gel electrophoresis. The DNAs in the gels were transferred to a nylon membrane, preserving their relative positions as in the gel, and probed with radioactive total genomic human DNA. Autoradiograms produced were scanned and digitized. When the samples were incubated under identical conditions, the degradation rate of DNA in samples from different individuals appeared very similar. The DNA degradation rate may vary with temperature and humidity more than it varies between individuals.  相似文献   

DNA from the double short tandem repeat (STR) system MBP (locus 18q23-pter) was amplified by the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and the two polymorphic repeat systems were separated by cutting with the restriction enzyme NlaIII. The lengths of the DNA fragments of the two MBP STR systems MBP-A and MBP-B were analyzed by vertical electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels followed by silver staining. DNA samples from 112 unrelated Danes, 140 unrelated Greenland Eskimos, and 88 Danish mother/child pairs were analyzed. The distributions of MBP phenotypes were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium in both the Eskimo and Danish populations. Significant differences were observed between the distribution of fragments (‘alleles’) in Greenland Eskimos and in Danes. The allele MBP-A7 was considerably more frequent in Eskimos (0.2214) than in Danes (0.0775) and also the allele MBP-B9 was considerably more frequent in Eskimos (0.225) than in Danes (0.06). Strong gametic associations were found between fragments from the MBP-A and MBP-B series in both Danes and Eskimos. Some of the associations were different in Danes and Eskimos. In the 88 Danish mother/child pairs, the segregation of the MBP genotypes were in accordance with a genetic model of co-dominant inheritance and no mutation was found. Two MBP STR regions with irregular structures were sequenced. One fragment had a single base G to A transition at position 124 in the primer binding region between the MBP-A and MBP-B regions. In the other fragment, a deletion starting at position 117 and including the primer binding region between the MBP-A and MBP-B regions was found.  相似文献   

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