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We use bill cosponsorship and roll‐call vote data to compare legislators' revealed preferences in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Argentine Chamber of Deputies. We estimate ideal points from bill cosponsorship data using principal‐component analysis on an agreement matrix that included information on all bills introduced in the U.S. House (1973–2000) and Argentine Chamber (1983–2002). The ideal‐point estimates of legislators' revealed preferences based on cosponsorship data strongly correlate with similar estimates derived from roll‐call vote data. Also, cosponsorship activity in the U.S. House has lower dimensionality than cosponsorship has in the Argentine Chamber. We explain this lower discrimination as a function of individual‐ and district‐level factors in both countries.  相似文献   

可用安全疏散时间(ASET)是衡量公共场所安全性能的重要指标,本文采用蒙特卡罗模拟技术对建筑物可用安全疏散时间进行确定。研究采用在M语言编程,在Matlab平台上进行蒙特卡罗模拟。结果表明,蒙特卡罗模拟技术是描述同时具有参数不确定性和模型不确定性的复杂问题的有力工具。  相似文献   

“质·量差异”理论原本是形塑行政罚与刑罚关系的立法政策理论,若作为解释理论框架,应当先明确刑事不法与行政不法的实在法差异以及这种差异背后的立法理念。行政犯的规范结构以及“行刑衔接”的制裁模式,反映刑事不法与行政不法的确是一种量差关系。量差格局的出现,根源于立法者采取的量差立法理念,即根据行为轻重不同“阶段性”地分配力度不同的两种处罚。具体到应用层面,量差说具有限制行政犯成立范围的“双向”解释机能,一方面明确行政犯的限制解释方向,另一方面明确应当根据行政犯的构成要件来反向制约行政不法的构成;而且,结合犯罪论的基本原理,还可以发现量差说具有树立理想的行政犯类型的立法指导机能。  相似文献   

在西方,刑事和解是恢复性司法的起源与模式之一。在我国,刑事和解起源于轻伤害案件处理方式的改革,是民事赔偿责任的和解,更强调当事人双方矛盾的化解,而非社会关系的全面恢复,属于原发性的而非继发性的、整体性的而非平行性的司法举措。  相似文献   

Psychologists can help to reduce inappropriate aggressive behavior through careful screening of police officer candidates. The purpose of this study was to identify whether the IAT Reasoning Test (IAT), a measure of trait aggression, and a Monetary Delay Discounting Task (MDDT), a measure of behavioral control, could predict on-the-job police aggression better than the MMPI-2. We administered the MMPI-2, the IAT, and the MDDT to 85 police officers. Three prediction models were created using scores on the IAT and the MDDT, and scales from the MMPI-2. Model 1 included the IAT and the MDDT. Model 2 included MMPI-2 scales Hostility (HO), Overcontrolled Hostility (OH), and Anger (ANG). Model 3 included MMPI-2 scales Frequency (F), Hysteria (HY), and Psychopathic Deviate (PD). We found that Model 1 was the only predictor of supervisors?? ratings of on-the-job aggression, however, the predictive utility of this model was attributable primarily to the MDDT predictor. Based on these findings, we suggest that using measures of behavioral control during preemployment screening may help to identify potentially aggressive police officer candidates.  相似文献   

American Journal of Criminal Justice - The current body of literature on the topic of environmental crime is bigger and better than ever, but the question of whether criminology/criminal justice...  相似文献   

Boas  Gideon 《荷兰国际法评论》2000,47(3):267-291
Netherlands International Law Review -  相似文献   

We compared measures of self-reported arrests and official arrests for 676young adults with a history of child abuse and/or neglect and 520 nonabusedand nonneglected controls matched on age, sex, race, and approximate familysocial class. Findings reveal considerable concurrent validity between thetwo sources overall. But there is also evidence of differences by gender,race/ethnicity, age at time of arrest, conviction status, and type ofoffense. Abused and neglected subjects did not appear to differ from thecontrol group in the extent of underreporting of known offenses, however,the groups did differ in the degree of positive bias—offensesnot found in arrest records. Abused/neglected subjects self-reportedproportionately more offenses not known to police compared to controls. Thisresult suggests that findings from previous studies on the relationshipbetween childhood victimization and later criminality, as measured byarrests, may have underestimated the magnitude of this relationship.  相似文献   

The present study examines the predictors of child abuse potential for at-risk fathers and mothers serving as active duty Army members and their spouses. Although fathers are perpetrators of child physical abuse and neglect in a substantial portion of reported cases, what is known about factors associated with child maltreatment comes almost exclusively from studies of perpetrating mothers. Thus, the inclusion of a large sample of fathers in the present study makes a significant contribution to the extant literature. Participants were 175 fathers (93% active-duty) and 590 mothers (16% active duty) of young children enrolled in an Army-sponsored home visitation program. Regression analyses indicated that there were both common and unique predictors of child abuse potential for mothers and fathers. Common predictors included depression, parental distress, and family conflict. Low family expressiveness was predictive only for fathers, whereas marital dissatisfaction, low social support, and low family cohesion were predictive only for mothers. Possible reasons for these gender differences and the implications of these results for child maltreatment interventions are discussed.  相似文献   

Robert Kagan 《Law & policy》2000,22(3&4):225-244
The articles in this issue generally reinforce conventional images of American regulation as often adversarial and legalistic and of Japanese regulation as more informal and cooperative. They also suggest that, in regulating pollution and occupational safety in larger firms, Japan's regulatory style is equally effective and more economically efficient than the American approach. But Japan's style appears less effective when regulation requires changes in elite attitudes, as in the realm of workplace equality for women. Moreover, developments in Japan's financial sector reveal ways in which informal regulation can result in undue deference to business and political interests.  相似文献   

This article details the history and development of the National Highway and Safety Administration's Standardized Field Sobriety Tests. They are reviewed in terms of relevant scientific, psychometric, and legal issues. It is concluded that the research that supports their use is limited, important confounding variables have not been thoroughly studied, reliability is mediocre, and that their developers and prosecution-oriented publications have oversold the tests. Further, case law since their development has severed the tests from their validation data, so that they are not admissible on the criterion for which they were validated (blood alcohol concentration), and admissible for a criterion for which they were not (mental, physical, or driving impairment). Directions for further research are presented.  相似文献   

While Western societies are striving to become more honest about gender inequality, terms such as ‘violence against women’ have started to appear in policy debates in Asia and worldwide. The response is largely punitive. The option of restorative justice has been considered, but evidence on actual practice with these cases is scarce. Following international attempts to block restorative justice for violence against women cases, this paper argues that a better understanding needs to be developed before further steps are taken in any direction. The authors examined cases from their respective countries, Greece and the UK, to identify common elements, differences and minimum standards when applying restorative justice in cases of violence against women. An abstract implementation mode for further research is constructed.  相似文献   

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