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SPEAKING to Geng Yanbo, the new mayor of Datong, it is diffi cult not to be swept up by his enthusiasm for the history of his city. And it is that enthusiasm which a majority of the city’s residents agree also accounts for Geng’s unique approach to modernizing Datong while preserving its long cultural heritage. Looking about, the evidence of that commitment is everywhere, from the newly opened shops to the freshly paved roads. Since being transferred in March from Taiyuan to Datong to become acting mayor and deputy secretary of the Municipal Committee of the CPC, Geng has acted resolutely to turn this industrious coal town into a cultural showpiece.  相似文献   

MANY Chinese cities have stamped their names on the pages of the nation's long history by virtue of their rich culture and historic events. In February 1982, in order to protect Chinese cities where important political, cultural and economic events had played out, the Chinese government officially proposed the designation of "historical and cultural cities."  相似文献   

MA'ANSHAN is a young industrial city nestled in lush terrain - half mountainous and half water - in eastern Anhui, on the border with Jiangsu Province. Fifty years ago, it was still a desolate fishing village, with some 50 families living by the side of the lower reaches of the Changjiang (Yangtze) River.  相似文献   

AN older brother often eclipses a younger one - perhaps because he makes more noise. Cities are little different. Beijing, for instance, is a bustling metropolis, brash and arrogant, while its sibling, Langfang, though just 40 kilometers distant, is a world away. And yet, like many competing brothers, it is the more unassuming who sometimes wins the day.
For better or worse, Beijingers consider Langfang as their backyard, and every weeKena ouses ply the expressway between the two. In YanNiaying, a village famed for its eeo-fanning, most of the cars parked near the farmyards bear outside license plates.  相似文献   

THE ancient town of Suizhou is homeof the legendary Emperor Yan and of China‘s largest complete set of ancient chime bells extant. Today, conserved as one of China‘s famous historical and cultural cities, Suizhou‘s glorious past is concomitant with its modern development.  相似文献   

Acity with such a brilliant history is bound to have charm. Nanjing, capital of the Republic of China (1912-1949), has mystique, elegance, refinement, and melancholy, says Pan Feng, 59, a retired middle school history teacher. Every morning, Pan goes to Dazhong Pavilion at Gulou to do taiii exercises and listen to Peking  相似文献   

PERHAPS no other city in China suffered more during the Second World War than Nanjing. Although traditionally protected by the Yangtze River and Zijin Mountain to its north and east, the city quickly fell to Japanese invaders in 1937, with tragic consequences. In what became known as the "Rape of Nanjing," 330,000 men, women and children were systematically and brutally murdered by rampaging Japanese soldiers in a six-week-long orgy of violence.  相似文献   

Bird's Nest     
The “Bird‘s Nest” was jointly designed by Herzog and De Meuron and the China Architecture Design Institute. It has been both acclaimed and decried.  相似文献   

LANGZHONG in Sichuan Province has been called a fairyland since it came into beling 2,300 years ago. One of the best preserved ancient cities in China, this southwestern treasure has been dubbed a functioning fossil of the region's hoary past, and traces of its significant conjunctions with Chinese history are very much present. It was first recorded as the capital city of the minor regime of Ba during the Warring States Period (475-221 B.C.).  相似文献   

MANY old-generation Chinese regard Tiexi District of Shenyang City,Liaoning Province as China’s earliest industrial city,one that carried the ideals of an era.It was known as the "Ruhrg(an industrial district of Germany) of China."Tiexi District has evolved into a showcase district proudly demonstrating how China has upgraded and transformed its old industrial bases and equipment manufacturing sectors.  相似文献   

When the Beijing Olympic Games open next month, the sailing competition will take place in Qingdao, Shandong Province, August 9-21. We interviewed Xia Geng. mayor of Qingdao and head ot the Sailing Committee of the Beijing Olympic Games.  相似文献   

CHINA'S central area comprises six provinces in the country's heartland -Hubei,Hunan,Henan,Anhui,Jiangxi and Shanxi.Together,they make up 10.7 percent of China's land mass,28.1 percent of its population,and 19.5 percent of its GDE Heavily populated,they are significant players in the country's economy and market.  相似文献   

Beijing‘s hutong are a distinct facet of its historic sites and treasures. To senior residents, they mark the dynastic passage of time in their capital home.  相似文献   

Tian Longxin is known today as the "living soul of Tu-jia music" and "leader of aboriginal Tujia tblk music in China." Born in Hunan Province, Tian is fluent in the Tujia language and an expert in Tujia folk music. Having devoted himself to preserving traditional Chinese culture, Tian has amassed a library, of more than 3.8 million char-acters on Tujia folk music and operas. He has also composed tunes and performed many times for international audiences. In 2008, he was recognized as an "inheritor of national intangible cultural heritage."  相似文献   

CHANGZHI City,on theTaihang Mountains,is acity of great heroes bothmythicalandmodern.Im-buedwithancientCentral  相似文献   

SUN Wu, better known as Sunzi, is widely considered to be the greatest strategist ever and exerted a huge influence on Chinese  相似文献   

WENZHOU is one of the more prosperous areasin China, but its initial development came at a high price - loss of credit. Its commercial beginnings epitomize China‘s nascent non-public manufacturing sector in the 1980s.  相似文献   

IN March 2009, China's top 10 seaside tourist cities were unveiled in an online survey conducted jointly by sohu.com, a leading Chinese Internet portal, and Enjoy World, a popular electronic tourist magazine. Tourism experts, journalists, independent travelers, and more than one million netizens voted Sanya, Qingdao, Qinhuangdao, Zhuhai, Rizhao, Xiamen, Beihai, Dalian, Haikou and Ningbo as their favorite seaside destinations.  相似文献   

THE concept of a "center" is one of the most distinctive characteristics of China's traditional culture, and is reflected in the design of the country's ancient cities like Beijing. While the traditional layout of the capital is still evident, in contemporary times the Olympic Games have seen the capital's ancient backbone extended northward.  相似文献   

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