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英美自由主义的犯罪化正当性语境下,公开性交淫秽行为是一种令人感到恶心、厌恶、肮脏、震惊、羞耻等极其不愉快或令人满足窥私窥淫欲的公然极端冒犯行为,而极端冒犯行为犯罪化的正当性原则是冒犯原则。冒犯原则有别于、独立于损害原则,具有可操作性强的具体适用准则和客观权衡机制,主要包括冒犯行为具有严重性、被冒犯者难以合理避开、冒犯行为本身不具有合理性和被冒犯者的反应必须是理智的,只有首先满足该个限定条件的冒犯行为才有可能被予以犯罪化。而同样作为犯罪化正当性原则的损害原则和不法原则,不能为公开性交犯罪化提供正当性根据。某种冒犯行为被犯罪化除了需符合冒犯原则的具体适用准则,还需考量犯罪化替代措施。  相似文献   

艾滋病的迅猛发展正在演变成为国家性的灾难,这已不是危言耸听.鉴于艾滋病的严重危害性,特别是其迅速传播的现状,对故意传播艾滋病的行为应当给予法律制裁,直至予以刑事处罚.但是,由于现行刑法第360条规定的故意传播性病罪没有明确列举艾滋病,根据该条惩治故意传播艾滋病的行为似乎依据不足,故有必要修改完善这一条款,以加强对故意传播艾滋病行为的打击和预防.  相似文献   

This article examines how a broader class of environmentally harmful behavior can be examined from a criminological frame of reference. By using examples of soil degradation and anthropogenic climate change, it is argued that environmentally damaging behavior is similar to many other types of crime. Particularly when taken from the standpoint that environmentally harmful behavior is ultimately detrimental to human social organizations by undermining ‘carrying capacity’, outright criminalization might strike many as a valid option. Nonetheless, there are also some fundamental differences that will ultimately prevent a strict legalistic perspective from being successful in minimizing ecological harm. Instead, this article argues that criminologists need to emphasize the importance of shaming and status rewards in pursuing a greener future.  相似文献   

《刑法修正案(八)》增设危险驾驶罪,把醉酒驾驶和在道路上驾车竞驶行为犯罪化,突破刑法规制交通违法行为只惩罚造成实害行为的窠臼,且《刑法修正案(九)》进一步把诸多没有造成实害的危险驾驶行为犯罪化。对于把危险驾驶行为犯罪化,从而进一步严密交通安全刑事法网的预防性立法措施,中国刑法学界并没有达成共识。同时,学界从风险社会理论角度对危险驾驶行为是否入罪的理论解析,亦存在很大盲区,导致理论争讼绕开了实质问题。违反道路安全法的、导致实害结果可能的危险驾驶行为,不是单纯的交通风险行为,而是属于英美刑法中的由危害原则派生的间接危害行为。属于间接危害行为的危险驾驶行为具有的客观危害和主观可责罚性,是其可被犯罪化的根据。把属于间接危害行为的危险驾驶行为犯罪化,不能违背公平正义原则,其犯罪化亦必然应受到限制。  相似文献   

刘宪权  周舟 《现代法学》2011,(6):99-106
《刑法》第13条"但书"条款在司法中的适用既符合罪刑法定原则的宗旨,也能够保证罪与非罪判断的准确性,体现了司法者对立法者的尊重。我们不能因为"但书"条款在司法中有可能被随意适用而否定"但书"条款司法适用本身的合理性和必要性。作为《刑法》总则第13条有机组成部分的"但书"条款,理应适用于包括危险驾驶罪在内的《刑法》分则规定的每个具体犯罪。应正视醉驾各种情形的差异性,在综合考察案件所有情节的基础上,对一些"情节显著轻微危害不大"的行为适用"但书"条款,不认定为犯罪。  相似文献   

人体器官移植违法行为呈高发态势,某些人体器官移植违法行为具有严重社会危害性,符合犯罪本质属性,应当将其犯罪化认定。目前,我国刑事立法及司法对此类行为的规制和惩罚尚呈空白状态,刑法有必要对这些新型犯罪进行规制,并将其分别置于刑法分则第四章“侵犯公民人身权利、民主权利”和第六章“妨害社会管理秩序罪”之中。  相似文献   

Intergroup contact and conflict is inevitable in the context of global economic competition and geopolitical interests. Immigrant and migratory groups have particularly been subjected to unequal treatment by members of dominant host groups, generally as a means of promoting and protecting their own economic and political interests. Immigrants often serve as a dependent and secondary labor force, useful within fluctuating cycles of labor shortage, economic crises, and economic prosperity. Likewise, criminalization is one tool that perpetuates notions of “otherness,” which in turn maintains immigrant minorities as a secondary labor force; and justifies penal punishment of them. For instance, in the United States, Chicanos and Mexican immigrants have been exploited as secondary labor, and have also been more likely than many other groups to be swept up in the Criminal Justice System. Drawing on neo-Marxist perspectives and postcolonial notions of “otherness”, this paper examines the relationship between incarceration of foreigners and economic conditions, economic threat, population change, and otherness. As hypothesized, country level data suggests that factors such as a free market economy, population change, economic competition, and a concentration of immigrants in the population are related to the level of imprisonment of foreigners. Implications for further research are also discussed.  相似文献   

对见危不救要否入罪的讨论涉及法律与道德双重关系,而法律与道德的关系又需要结合时代的具体情势而定.即便要通过法律来加固道德,也需惩治与激励双管齐下,注意发挥法律的激励作用.在讨论见危不救要否入罪这个问题上,鉴于我国《刑法》结构与西方国家不同,不宜简单地移植西方国家《刑法》中的“见危不救罪”,而应通过完善《治安管理处罚法》等途径来加以解决.  相似文献   

The Turning Point Model State Public Health Act   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

晚近以来我国刑事立法未能有效地实现刑法谦抑主义。在吸收密尔(Mill)损害原则、帕克(Packer)的刑事制裁界限理论及德日法益理论等合理内核基础之上,可以考虑从如下消极层面回答当下中国刑事立法如何实现刑法谦抑主义的问题,即刑法不应成为替代政府管理职能的"社会管理法";防范和治理严重社会危害行为的"危害防治法";缺乏公众认同仅体现立法者意志的"立法者的法";未穷尽其他措施即予启动的"最先保障法"以及难以有效执行的"纸面上的法"。恶意欠薪行为的入罪最为典型地违背了上述标准,其入罪的正当性合理性值得深刻反省。其入罪后存在的难以启动司法程序等实际问题极有可能使之成为无助于解决薪酬支付纠纷的"稻草人"罪名。  相似文献   

Law is an essential tool for improving public health infrastructure and outcomes; however, existing state statutory public health laws may be insufficient. Built over decades in response to various diseases/conditions, public health laws are antiquated, divergent, and confusing. The Turning Point Public Health Statute Modernization National Collaborative addressed the need for public health law reform by producing a comprehensive model state act. The Act provides scientifically, ethically, and legally sound provisions on public health infrastructure, powers, duties, and practice. This article examines (1) how statutory law can be a tool for improving the public's health, (2) existing needs for public health law reform, (3) themes and provisions of the Turning Point Act, and (4) how it is being used by public health practitioners.  相似文献   

The policies advanced by the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, while generally viewed as a success, are seen by some as a failure that may even abet juveniles in the commission of crime. After tracing the evolution of federal juvenile justice legislation and examining arrest and treatment data, the authors confront the criticisms aimed at the Act, and find reason for considerable optimism. Nationwide, the number, proportion, and rate of juvenile arrests have fallen more than the juvenile population, and many states appear to have made substantial progress in improving the processing and treatment of juveniles. The authors conclude that the Act is a continuing source of federal leadership for state innovation.  相似文献   

Through a statistical analysis of major changes in postacquittal procedures of the Insanity Defense Reform Act of 1980 (IDRA 1980), the study reveals the Act's success in formalizing, regularizing, juridicizing, accelerating, and extending to all acquittees psychiatric examinations and review and release procedures. Although more persons are reviewed and released at postacquittal hearings than in the matched pre-1980 cohort, fewer enter nonsecure facilities at commitment or during first 18 months of hospitalization, and fewer are released at the six-month review. After 18 months more acquittees remain inmates in secure facilities. Interviews with leading figures in the formulation and enactment of IDRA provide retrospective and prospective judgments on insanity defense reform issues.  相似文献   

The Human Transplantation (Wales) Act became law in Wales in September 2013. The Act aims to increase deceased donor organ and tissue donation in Wales by introducing a ‘soft opt‐out’ system to replace the previous requirement of express ‘appropriate’ consent under the Human Tissue Act 2004. Adults dying in Wales (with certain exceptions) will be ‘deemed’ to consent to donation, unless evidence of their objection is produced, and a duty is imposed on Ministers to promote transplantation and inform the public through awareness campaigns about how to choose the deemed status or opt out. Although a welcome development, these campaigns may obscure the effects of deemed consent, especially in the context of generally rising UK donation rates. There may also be problems of legal interpretation and of integration with the ‘opt‐in’ laws in the rest of the UK. In the absence of any statutory duty to retrieve all lawfully donated organs, the apparently restricted influence of donor relatives is likely to remain effectively dominant.  相似文献   

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