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校车安全问题何以进入决策者的视野是理解《校车安全条例(草案征求意见稿)》得以快速发布的关键。采用案例分析法,从多源流理论视角对校车安全的源流发展、焦点事件和政策行动者等方面进行整体分析,研究表明:校车安全政策议程是政策企业家在政策窗口开启之时推动问题、政策和政治三大源流汇合的结果。相比垃圾桶模型、触发机制模型和议程设置理论,多源流模型在本案例中更具解释力。同时,多源流模型面临中国情境,源流之间存在相关性,而非完全独立。拥有双重身份的政策企业家具有从政府机构中打开"政治窗口"的可能性,这为多源流模型的本土化应用与后续研究提供了一个可供考察的角度。最后,指出阻碍校车安全政策议程设置的主要因素包括,制度性利益表达通道不通畅、政府部门对焦点事件处理能力和水平不高、管理权限划分模糊。为此,应创建有效的制度性利益表达通道、积极关注媒体舆情,扩大问题来源、科学合理划分管理权限。这些问题及对策对于其他政策领域也具备一定的借鉴意义,这也是本研究对政策制定者的启迪所在。  相似文献   

This introduction to the forum section on the Multiple Streams Framework (MSF) developed by John W. Kingdon argues that the conditions under which policy making takes place today increasingly resemble the assumptions upon which Kingdon built his lens. At the same time, while the framework is extremely successful with regard to citations and has been applied in various contexts that often differ remarkably from those for which the framework was originally developed, a systematic theoretical debate about the Multiple Streams Framework is still lacking. It is the intention to spark such a debate with this forum section.  相似文献   

This paper responds to recent calls for more theoretically driven advancements of the Multiple Streams Approach (MSA). It does so by bringing networks theorizing into dialogue with the MSA; highlighting the inclusionary and exclusionary power of networks for determining problem frames and issue recognition. Subsequently, the paper argues that the addition of networks provides a clearer articulation of the role of institutions in steering problem stream processes, which have often been neglected within the MSA at the expense of a focus on agency. The paper puts forward two propositions. The first is that an issue is more likely to be recognised as a problem if it is considered compatible with the ‘appreciative system’ of the network's dominant coalition. The second proposition is that the more organisations a network consists of and the more varied these organisations are, the more likely it is that the dominant coalition alters a condition’s category if there are changes in the problem stream. These propositions are explored through a comparative analysis of recognition of quality of life as a problem in two local level transport sector networks in the UK. Support for these propositions in the findings suggest that the introduction of networks into the MSA can reduce ambiguity and therefore fortuity in relation to problem recognition; second, that the power of the policy entrepreneur can be facilitated or constrained by the institutional context; and third, that comparing multiple issues and their interactions is important for further advancement of the MSA.  相似文献   

The authors develop a new multi-level streams model in order to explain the Chinese decision-making process with regards to the top-down allocation of resources and administrative reforms. Using this policy model, the 2005 decision to upgrade the Tianjin Binhai New Area (TBNA) to the national level can be regarded as a relatively rational choice with a series of interaction of political processes among the elites at the central and local levels such as the local officials and social elites, and central leaders. However, in the administrative system of economic development, there are disagreements and conflicts among different parts within and outside the TBNA. The central and the Tianjin governments are now trying to coordinate the relationship among local governments within the Circum-Bohai Region and within the TBNA through structural reform and personnel reshuffling.
Xufeng ZhuEmail:

Xufeng Zhu   is an associate professor at the Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University, and a Yenching Visiting Scholar at the Harvard Yenching Institute, Harvard University. His current research interests involve the study of the Chinese policy process, China’s think tanks, policy analyses, and social stratification in transitional China. His recent publications appear in Social Sciences in China (in Chinese), Policy Sciences, Public Administration and Development, and Asian Survey, to name a few. He is also the author of a forthcoming book entitled Chinas Think Tanks: The Research on Their Influences in the Policy Process (in Chinese). Bing Sun   is an assistant professor at the Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University. His current research interests involve the study of China urban and regional public administration. His recent publication is Regional Coordination Organization and Regional Governance (in Chinese).  相似文献   

For governments to regulate, they must first define the problem and decide which policymakers have the authority to make decisions. Technological development can disrupt the authority-allocation process by fostering uncertainty about which actors are responsible for making policy. This article examines the role that changing technology has played in the development of cybersecurity policy in the United States. New technologies have increased the type and scope of assets vulnerable to cyberthreats, and with them the number of governing units who can claim jurisdiction over cybersecurity-related issues. Uncertainty about the nature of the problem has led the U.S. Congress to rely heavily on bureaucratic witnesses and focus on how existing regulations can be brought to bear. Emerging technologies create regulatory challenges for governance not only through unforeseen consequences but through uncertainty over who can regulate. Fragmented authority can produce piecemeal responses and a reliance on existing frameworks that benefit regulated industries.  相似文献   

本文介绍了ASP.NET的运行机制及其优点,通过阐述现有网络课程的特点和不足,结合ASP.NET先进的动态网页开发技术,提出了基于ASP.NET的网络课程设计架构,并对网络课程功能模块和开发过程中的关键技术进行了详细的分析。  相似文献   

Using as an empirical base the 2006–08 reform of the European Union Structural Funds financial execution, this paper explores control mechanisms of multi-level governance frameworks. The empirical evidence provides a representative case of initial metagovernance deficit and the subsequent, relatively successful, institutional response reinforcing metagovernance. The purpose is to clarify the conceptual dimensions of metagovernance, setting it in a categorical scheme that identifies forms of exercise of political power: government, governance and multi-level governance. Specifically, the paper argues for a conceptualization of metagovernance that highlights a sense of sovereignty by which governmental entities vested with legal legitimacy advance public interests.  相似文献   

加入WTO将给中国的改革开放进程带来深远的影响,也将会对中国的经济管理体制改革和政府管理体制改革带来巨大的挑战。对国际政治经济学有关贸易与国内政治的研究、国际贸易理论关于贸易政策之形成的研究、国际关系理论和博弈论关于国际谈判的研究进行了评述,并从国际政治经济学的角度提出分析国际贸易谈判的一个初步的分析框架。通过强调国内政治、策略行为和国际规则的重要性,并从公民政策偏好的形成、利益集团集体行动、两国贸易谈判之间的双层博弈、国际规则的制约因素等多方面讨论了如何分析贸易谈判。  相似文献   

多元主体协同治理是当前社会治理实现由共治到善治的应有之义,是实现治理体系和治理能力现代化的重要形式。建立健全一套完整、畅通、高效、无缝隙的预防化解多元治理主体利益冲突的制度体系,才能更有效地推进社会治理由共治实现善治,突破单边权力失灵的困境。当前适合中国实际的预防化解多元治理主体利益冲突的制度体系主要包含灵活的主体参与制度体系、严格的过程监督制度体系及完善的利益保障制度体系三个维度。  相似文献   

"多源流框架"作为西方公共政策过程分析中应用较为广泛的工具,对我国公共政策过程分析的解释力如何?通过跨行政区水污染矛盾比较突出、水污染防治合作具代表性的江浙边界为例,选取1993-2005年间较为典型的13次水污染事件,采用"多源流框架"为理论工具对事件的规律性进行归类梳理,分析江浙两省在跨行政区水污染防治合作中的政策过程.主要观点是:"多源流框架"在解释江浙边界跨行政区水污染防治合作的政策演变过程中具有一定适用性:"政策之窗"的打开,是问题、政策、政治三源流共同出现的结果;"政策之窗"未形成,是由于三源流中某一条或两条源流的缺失.同时,该理论在解释我国政策演变过程中,其解释力具有一定局限性:三源流并非彼此独立,各源流的出现存在一定先后顺序.因此,在使用"多源流框架"分析我国政策过程时,必须与政治体制、管理体制等特点相结合,才能更科学地分析我国公共管理过程中的政策问题.  相似文献   

"相对剥夺"理论视角下的农村盗窃问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
窦宝国 《学理论》2009,(8):40-41
当前新农村建设如火如荼,可愈演愈烈的农村盗窃问题却严重影响着新农村建设的全面协调发展。本文试运用“相对剥夺”理论对农村盗窃问题予以探讨,以揭示农村盗窃问题产生的深层根源,并据此提出解决农村盗窃问题的措施,从而有效遏制及防止农村盗窃问题的发生,最终保障社会主义新农村建设的顺利进行。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the efforts of the Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies (PEN) in seeking to influence nanotechnology policy in the United States. Using the conceptual framework of anticipatory governance to guide the analysis, a series of strategies that PEN adopted will be described, including leveraging external expertise, developing cross‐disciplinary research products, providing a future‐oriented view on policy analysis, and building a brand for communications and outreach. This case study is a useful example in demonstrating the recent conceptual shift away from relying on government‐led technology assessment efforts to consider the longer‐term implications of new technologies toward the concept of anticipatory governance that includes a more substantive role for nongovernmental actors, that in providing forward‐looking, actionable intelligence for decision makers. Considering the example of PEN also highlights the critical role that boundary‐spanning organizations play in linking together disparate communities of expertise.  相似文献   

Before the 2003 Iraq war, the political leadership of the United States and United Kingdom had to sell the case for war to their people and the world. This was attempted through a number of speeches that employed rhetorical justifications for the war. Two prominent justifications used during this period involved the employment of security and humanitarian narratives. The security narrative focused on claims regarding Iraq's undermining of international law, possession of weapons of mass destruction and threat to the world. The humanitarian narrative revolved around claims about human suffering in Iraq and the need to liberate its people. While it is widely assumed that security is the dominant casus belli in the post-9/11 world, there is much evidence to suggest that the humanitarian justifications that played a critical role in the military interventions of the 1990s were still important after 9/11. The use of humanitarian justifications for the Iraq war clearly has implications for the ‘responsibility to protect (R2P)’ movement, which has gained prominence since the December 2001 publication of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty (ICISS) report. Based on an extensive content analysis of speeches by the US and UK political leadership before the war, this article will quantify the relative importance of each narrative and analyse what the findings mean for the ongoing debates within the ‘responsibility to protect (R2P)’ movement.  相似文献   

Can unconditional basic income policies be designed to generate the motivational conditions that make possible their own support? Unconditional redistributive schemes do not take formal precautions to deal with potential motivational problems that may affect their stability. For example, they are designed to give people the freedom to decide whether or not to participate in the job market. However, scholars like Philippe Van Parijs and Simon Birnbaum think that the promotion of an ethos of justice can potentially do the necessary motivational work to secure the stability of unconditional redistributive institutions. Their solution lies in changing people’s behavior through an informal motivational mechanism rather than through a formal rule or institution. This paper argues against that ‘ethos-based solution.’ It presents three reasons to distrust that solution. First, it argues that even broader and more inclusive ethoi of justice can become oppressive and violate people’s freedom. Second, it suggests that the formal and informal strategies to generate that ethos may be difficult to implement, monitor, and control. Finally, it argues that the difficulties associated with implementing and developing that ethos of justice may lead us to either preserve an undesirable status quo or to implement suboptimal redistributive policies.  相似文献   

This article addresses debates on the formulation of public policy, building upon a body of literature which has focused on the interconnectedness between the venues of policy action and the way issues are defined. It does so by focusing on the strategic role of policy actors in a policy subfield and their attempts at manipulating either frames or venues in order to shape policy. The novelty here consists in pointing to the involvement of regulators in such strategic action. An emerging body of research has indeed shown that the activity of formally independent regulators is not necessarily limited to the implementation of delegated regulatory competencies and that they are increasingly engaged in policy‐making activities. Thus, by resorting to the agenda‐setting and framing literature, the article sheds light on novel pathways through which regulators intervene in policy‐making activities, making a claim that they have very good ‘tools’ at their disposal in order to shape policy. These dynamics are examined in the case of the last piece of the EU's pharmaceutical framework – the 2004 Directive on Traditional Herbal Medicines – which provoked intense debate among manufacturers of herbals, retailers, consumers, and both EU‐level and domestic‐level regulatory authorities.  相似文献   

当代西方科学主义、人本主义这两大哲学思潮及其调和者要么各执真理或价值一端,要么把二者等同,都没有正确解决二者的关系;当代社会现实使真理和价值的关系问题凸显,使真理和价值关系问题成为经济发展和人类发展的宏观问题;市场经济孳生的利己主义的价值观,导致人与自然、人与社会人和人与人关系紧张。理论和现实的需要促使我们重视真理和价值关系问题的深入研究。  相似文献   

Research initiatives to enhance knowledge‐based societies demand regionally coordinated policy approaches. By analyzing the case of the European Commission, Directorate‐General Research and Innovation, this study focuses on examining the cognitive mechanisms that form the foundation for institutional transformations and result in leadership positions in regional governance. Drawing on policy learning theories, the study emphasizes specific mechanisms of institutional change that are often less noticeable but can gradually lead to mobilizing diverse groups of stakeholders. Through historical and empirical data, this study shows the importance of policy learning through communication processes, Open Method of Coordination initiatives, and issue framing in creating a stronger foundation for policy coordination in European research policy since the 2000s.  相似文献   

当前,我国高师舞蹈教育得到了很大的发展,但由于各方面的原因仍然存在着许多弊端和矛盾,不利于舞蹈人才的培养,存在的问题有:生源素质低下,舞蹈教育师资力量短缺,舞蹈教育理论较薄弱,教材使用随意。我们应该从实际出发选择教材内容,扩大舞蹈相关课程的比例,曾设舞蹈创作与实践课程,教材的建设应根据培养目标贴近中小学实际,具有师范特点。  相似文献   

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