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斯里兰卡走上和平之路   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
斯里兰卡的僧迦罗人和泰米尔人长期不和。 1983年 ,泰米尔猛虎解放组织拿起武器 ,与斯里兰卡政府军展开了长期而激烈的武装斗争。经过长期的流血冲突 ,斯里兰卡政府和泰米尔猛虎解放组织终于在今年 2月达成永久性停火的协议。现在 ,泰米尔猛虎组织放弃了独立建国的主张 ,从而使斯里兰卡的民族冲突可望逐渐结束  相似文献   

蒲奕江 《东南亚》2011,(1):32-36
自独立以来,印度与斯里兰卡历届政府高度重视发展两国友好关系,而印斯关系的发展也深受中国因素的影响:出于自身安全考虑,印度试图通过加强与斯里兰卡的关系制衡中国在南亚拓展影响力;而斯里兰卡则希望利用“中国牌”改善印斯关系并提升其在印斯关系中的地位。  相似文献   

The main objective of this article is to examine the causes and pattern of political violence waged by the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP) and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in Sri Lanka. It is the argument of the article that the origin and development of the JVP and the LTTE relate more closely to the social expansion and the lack of economic and political development in Sri Lanka since the beginning of the 1960s. Basically, both groups are more action‐oriented than ideology‐oriented and dominated by youth with a similar socio‐economic background. Their ideology is a mixture of ethno‐nationalism and various interpretations of Marxism. The strategy of the JVP was based on an objective of launching a short‐term armed insurrection. The LTTE's aim is to overthrow the forces of the Sri Lankan government through a protracted armed struggle. Although the left‐wing insurrection of the JVP was crushed by the government security forces, it is evident that there is a possibility of its re‐emergence in its violent form. The on‐going separatist guerrilla warfare by the LTTE seems to be an unwinnable war. In the presence of youth insurrections in Sri Lanka, the utmost requirement is a sound counter‐insurgency policy accompanied by political reforms.  相似文献   

在斯里兰卡,民族关系与分裂主义始终呈双线演进的态势。在军事上击败猛虎组织之后,斯里兰卡的民族问题并没有得到彻底的解决。在后猛虎时代,斯里兰卡反分裂形势及民族关系仍然严峻。一方面,国内的暴力分裂主义和国外泰米尔散居者的非暴力分裂主义仍然存在及加速整合;另一方面,国内的民族关系未见好转,泰米尔政治势力不断被边缘化,而政府的民族政策仍未明朗。  相似文献   

In rural Sri Lanka, remittances from housemaids working in the Middle East figure prominently in household livelihood strategies. This article examines the impact of housemaid remittances on living standards and suggests measures to maximise the benefits of remittances for recipient households while minimising the personal and financial costs of migration. The effectiveness of migration as a household strategy depends on a decent overseas job with a reliable income, a reduction in the costs of migrating and remitting, and the responsible management of household welfare and finances by recipients, including the maintenance of local income sources while the migrant is away.  相似文献   

This article examines the role of context-specific factors that help to perpetuate the vulnerability of conflict-affected people. The discussion revolves around key concepts of household livelihood security, resilience building, income diversification, market access, and armed non-state actors. It is argued that, while conflict-affected households develop adaptive strategies to sustain their livelihoods amid the commonly observed vulnerabilities, the governance arrangements of the parties to the conflict can place stress on local initiatives, confining them to subsistence level and so reinforcing their vulnerability. Deeper analysis of the sources of vulnerability and implications of policy processes could help to inform intervention strategies.  相似文献   

For decades, a number of developing countries have been adversely affected by terrorism, with little sympathy or support from Western governments, in particular. The attacks on the World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington, DC, on 11 September 2001, however, have made the world's sole superpower and its allies painfully aware of the devastation caused by such action. This article analyses how the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LITE), a terrorist group seeking to create a separate state in northeastern Sri Lanka, has been pushing the limits of international tolerance in this regard for almost two decades. While increased international action against terrorism is necessary to stem this destructive menace, the Sri Lankan state must also put forward a durable political solution to the ethnic problem. Ultimately, it would be a mistake for Western governments to allow their frustrations with the slow pace of reform in Sri Lanka to be interpreted as empathy with a terroristic cause.  相似文献   

In the transition from war to peace, one key challenge is to ensure that those who gained something from the war can be convinced to support the peace. At the same time, however, it is crucial to avoid reproducing corrupt practices and inequalities that fuelled the conflict. The problem of corruption during post-war peace-building has gained considerable attention recently, academically as well as in policy-making circles. This exploratory case study of Sri Lanka traces and problematises the complex linkages between corruption and conflict at the shift from war to peace, building on field research in Sri Lanka before and after the end of the war between the Sri Lankan government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) in 2009. The article illustrates how global resource flows and politics have enabled conflict-fuelling corruption in Sri Lanka, and how local experiences of corruption feed into the popular grievances which have both caused and kept the conflict going. The end of the war has not presented a break with the corruption-conflict links of the wartime—and these connections will have implications for reconstruction and reconciliation in the country.  相似文献   

斯里兰卡的服装业起步于上个世纪70年代末,现在已经成为该国实力雄厚的经济部门。但是该产业依然面临危机和挑战,主要是欧盟超普惠制待遇的不确定性和国际金融风暴的影响。虽然有危机和挑战,但斯国该产业也面临发展机遇,战争的结束使斯里兰卡有望成为“印度之香港”,这给生产世界知名品牌的服装业带来了商机。几十年过去了,欧洲的消费者已经接受并需要斯里兰卡价廉物美的服装。加之,斯国该产业也采取了有效的措施同世界知名品牌合作,打形象牌,借助旅游业发展服装业,吸引印度和其他地区的投资等。服装业有望成为斯里兰卡发展的新亮点。  相似文献   

This article underlines the importance of grounding the analysis of humanitarian aid in an understanding of everyday practice. It presents ethnographic vignettes illustrating three aspects of aid response in Sri Lanka following the tsunami disaster in 2004. The first deals with the nature of humanitarian actors, the second explores how different kinds of politics intertwine, and the third considers humanitarian partnerships. The authors discuss the need for a shift in current academic approaches, where discussions on humanitarian aid usually start from the level of principles rather than practice. They argue that accounts of the everyday practices and dilemmas faced by NGOs help to correct blind expectations, expose uncritical admiration, and put unrealistic critiques into perspective.  相似文献   

<正>At the invitation of Thai-Chinese Culture and Economy Association,Sri Lanka-China Friendship Association and Nepal Council of World Affairs,CAFIU Vice President and former IDCPC Vice Minister Liu Hongcai headed a CAFIU delegation to the three countries from May 17 to 26.  相似文献   

Jaffna District in northern Sri Lanka has recently emerged from three decades of violence and isolation, leading to a diverse array of political, social and economic issues. This article critically analyses the links between youth employment and the post-war reconstruction and development of this region. Unemployment among youth is regarded as a potential threat to the stability of the country during the post-war period, and it is argued that only through the active engagement of Sri Lanka’s youth population can the threat of a resurgence in violence be fully eliminated. The article, which is based on recent field research, examines the extent of youth unemployment within Jaffna District, and considers how government, non-government and community-based actors are working together to solve related problems.  相似文献   

斯里兰卡国内种族冲突问题成为长期难以解决的顽症,存在复杂的外部关联,尤其是印度扮演着至关重要的角色。80年代,斯里兰卡政治自主的局限性和在地缘政治中的孤立状态进一步突出了这一问题,本文分析1980年代印度的斯里兰卡政策,围绕泰米尔问题,分析了印度介入斯里兰卡内部冲突的前因后果,并讨论了斯里兰卡泰米尔军事组织的态度演化、《印斯和平协议》的签署以及印度与斯里兰卡的利益纷争。  相似文献   

独立以来,斯里兰卡的民族冲突愈演愈烈,最后竟演变成了旷日持久的内战。而造成此种情况的既有英国殖民统治所留遗产的远因,又有独立后政府政策偏差的近因,还有印度干预的国际原因。经过几十年的冲突和内战,双方均感精疲力衰,却又都无法实现各自的目标。在外界的积极斡旋下,双方终于在2002年签署了永久性停火协议,和平的曙光似已照耀斯里兰卡的大地。然而3年又将过去,真正的和平并未到来,斯里兰卡的民族和平之路充满了太多的不确定因素。  相似文献   

This paper explores the paradox of gift giving in privately initiated forms of post-disaster aid. The paradox emerges from the gap that arises between ideals of the altruistic gift, and its practices in the actual implementation in a complex and multi-local humanitarian aid arena. An ethnographic study of a privately initiated post-tsunami housing project illustrates the paradox. While initiators presented the project as opposite to the mundane world of development aid, they increasingly came under pressure to deliver and perform visible success, such that their practices resembled this mundane world of humanitarian aid and its logics of patronage, favouritism, and politics.

La dynamique de dons multi-locaux: la pratique de donation humanitaire au Sri Lanka d'après-tsunami

Cet article étudie le paradoxe de donations sous des formes d'assistance d'après-désastre lancées par des organisations privées. Ce paradoxe est engendré par le vide qui s'ouvre entre l'idéal du don altruiste et sa pratique d'implantation dans l'arène d'aide humanitaire à la fois complexe et multi-locale. Il est illustré par une étude ethnographique d'un projet de logement mis en place par une organisation privée. Tandis que ceux qui ont lancé ce projet l'ont présenté comme le contraire du monde banal de l'aide développementale, ils ont de plus en plus subi une pression pour qu'ils livrent et finalisent une réussite visible, cela à un tel point que leur pratique a fini par ressembler à ce monde banal d'aide humanitaire et à sa logique du mécénat, du favoritisme et de la politique.

La dinámica de los regalos multi-locales: prácticas de donaciones humanitarias en el Sri Lanka de la fase post-tsunami

El presente artículo examina la paradoja que encierra el hecho de que particulares entreguen regalos como forma de ayuda post-desastre. La paradoja surge como consecuencia de la brecha creada entre los ideales que conlleva el regalo altruista y el modo en que son implementadas las prácticas en un ámbito de ayuda humanitaria complejo y multi-local. Para ilustrar dicha paradoja, el presente artículo se apoya en un estudio etnográfico realizado en torno a un proyecto de vivienda impulsado por particulares durante la fase post-tsunami. Quienes iniciaron este proyecto lo presentaron en contraposición al ámbito mundano de la ayuda de desarrollo. Sin embargo, se vieron cada vez más presionados a tener que demostrar éxitos palpables, al punto de que sus prácticas terminaron pareciéndose a las del ámbito mundano de la ayuda humanitaria y a su lógica de clientelismo, de favoritismo y de politiquería.

Dinâmica de mercadorias de vários locais: práticas de doações humanitárias no Sri Lanka após o tsunami

Este artigo explora o paradoxo das doações de mercadorias nas formas de ajuda iniciadas privadamente no pós-desastre. O paradoxo surge da distância que é criada entre os ideais da doação altruísta e suas práticas na implementação real em uma arena de ajuda humanitária complexa e multi-local. Um estudo etnográfico de um projeto de moradia pós-tsunami iniciado privadamente ilustra o paradoxo. Embora os iniciadores apresentaram o projeto como sendo oposto ao mundo mundano de ajuda ao desenvolvimento, eles foram cada vez mais pressionados para implementar e desempenhar iniciativas de sucesso visível, de forma que suas práticas parecessem com este mundo mundano de ajuda humanitária e sua lógica clientelista, de favoritismo e política.  相似文献   

正At the invitation of Sri Lanka-China Friendship Association(SLCFA)and Sudan Network for National Non-Governmental Organizations,a 5-member delegation led by CAFIU Deputy Secretary-General Liu Kaiyang visited Sri Lanka and attended the Third China-Africa People’s Forum held in Sudan from May 7 to 14,2014.As a member of this delegation,I had the great honor  相似文献   

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