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正人物名片迟慧,民进会员,儿童文学作家,现在无锡文联工作。出版儿童幻想小说《藏起来的男孩》、长篇小说《不可思议的朋友》,童话作品"大象学校"系列、"文具盒学校"系列、《慢小孩》、《代课老师是恐龙》、《图书馆里有恐龙》等38本图书。其中以大凉山为背景的支教题材小说《云端小学》入选2021年中国作协重点作品扶持项目;  相似文献   

宁悦彤 《学理论》2013,(18):186-187
米哈伊尔·阿法纳西耶维奇·布尔加科夫是俄罗斯20世纪上半叶最伟大的小说家、剧作家之一。《狗心》是作家创作历程中一部里程碑式的作品,也是作家怪诞讽刺创作风格的一部代表作。在简要叙述作家创作历程的基础上,分析了《狗心》这部作品的创作特点。  相似文献   

“六一”国际儿童节前夕,记者在青岛访问了中国音乐学会理事、山东省文联委员、儿童歌曲作家李嘉评。李嘉评自1978年至今,创作发表儿童歌曲近千首,录制了四个少儿电视组歌和两个少儿专题音乐片。他创作的歌曲,有100多首被中央和省、市电台或电视台录制和播放。团中央、文化部等单位近几年向全国少年儿童推荐的40多首歌曲中,有4首是李嘉评的作品。今年,又是李嘉评创作的丰收年:山东省文艺出版社为他出版个人创作专辑;青岛出版社出版了他10万字的《幼儿音乐启蒙》;四川少儿出版社将  相似文献   

正叶永烈,笔名萧勇、久远、叶杨、叶艇。民进会员。1940年8月30日生,浙江温州人,毕业于北京大学化学系。一级作家、教授、科普文艺作家、报告文学作家。叶永烈早年从事科普科幻创作,从11岁起即发表作品,19岁写作第一本书,20岁成为《十万个为什么》的主要作者,21岁写出《小灵通漫游未来》。  相似文献   

在崛起的山西作家群中,焦祖尧是一个承前启后的重要作家,他从50年代中期走上创作道路,迄今已逾30个春秋。时下,仍处于创作的鼎盛时期,不断有新作问世。他已写出了近200万字,出版了两部长篇小说(《总工程师和他的女儿》、《跋涉者》),发表了60余篇中、短篇小说和50余篇散文、报告文学,一些作品被收入多种选集,还有的被译成英、法、日文,  相似文献   

正可以想见,喜欢黄蓓佳作品的读者拿到她的这部儿童长篇小说新作《奔跑的岱二牛》一定会感到惊讶。不管怎么说,从题材上讲,这部以农村儿童生活为题材的作品,在黄蓓佳的创作中还是不多见的。少见的不止于黄蓓佳涉笔于农村儿童题材,还在于她对目前农村儿童题材文学创作流行主题与风格的避让甚至突破。稍微归纳思考一下,当前农村儿童文学创作大致有两大类型:一是浪漫诗意型。这类作品大致呼应了流行文化中的乡愁。大致以以前乡土生活为回忆对象,对已经失去的农耕文明的旧  相似文献   

中国作家协会陕西分会《笔耕》文学研究组是一支新崛起的业余文学评论队伍,被人们称为作家的“诤友”,现有中青年评论员十六人。几年来,他们在老作家的带领下,坚持四项基本原则,努力用马克思主义观点分析研究当前文艺现状,评论本地区作家的作品,定期召开创作问题讨论会,发表了当代文学评论和创作理论文章三百多篇,出版了一些专著,引起了文艺界的注意。下面是《笔耕》组成员写的四篇短文。  相似文献   

文章试图在国内外学者研究的基础之上,采用类型学方法探讨主题,集中研究艺术手法的方式来分析乌利茨卡娅新时期的这部短篇小说集《我们沙皇的臣民》,透视作家隐藏在作品中的人生观、世界观,揭示作家在该短篇小说集创作中的核心主题和艺术手法。  相似文献   

不仅有严肃的,也有游戏的;不仅有悲伤的,也有快乐的;不仅有话剧,也应有京剧,或其他的戏剧品种不久前结束的北京青年戏剧节,其间上演了包括《西游记》《东游记》《秃头歌女》《作品3号:牺牲》《采访记》《1857白房间》《电之驿站》《十二个人拼出来的》《8008》《浮生六记》《在变老之前远去》在内的共11部作品。这些剧作的上演,见证了这一代青年戏剧家的艺术理想、他们的  相似文献   

能在近十年间,把近三百万字的长、中、短篇小说与电视剧本奉献于世的业余作家并不很多。能令国内权威报刊多次载文全面评介他的作品的业余作家更为罕见。94年,他的《村民组长》、《穷县》、《治保主任》等中短篇新作,又被几家有声望的文学选刊接连转载。继《一村之长》、《男户长李三贵》等电视剧之后,影视界的稿约依旧纷至沓来。评论界认为,在新时期的北中国,开拓性地致力于乡土小说创作,因而居于代表作家地位的,无疑当推何申。 何申的作品受到公众的欢迎,  相似文献   

North Korea is not a nation or field that attracts a great deal of critically minded analysis which would address the processes and moments of its ideological history. This is especially true when it comes to matters of North Korea’s relationship with nature and the environment, and the ideologies which underpin developmental and productive strategies within that nation. The routes which Marxist analysis in general took to connect to the Korean Peninsula are themselves fairly obscure and rarely considered. This paper therefore seeks an examination of the generation of Marxist analysis of nature and of those modes of production which encounter, transform and interact with natural and environmental forms. It considers the work of both Engels and Marx on the subject before tracing the journey those theorisations took into the practices and articulations of later Marxists, communists and socialists tasked with applying Marxist principles more widely in the processes of nation building and governance. In particular, it analyses notions of an Asian Mode of Production and the debate in Marxist circles as to that mode’s veracity and utility. It also encounters briefly the work of Karl Wittfogel, a counter-Marxist theoretician, and his notion of Hydraulic Economy. Finally, the paper traces the journey made by these theoretical structures into the intellectual world of the Korean Peninsula, navigating the debates it generated among early Korean Marxist intellectuals and their embedding or otherwise within the ideological structures and processes of North Korea.  相似文献   

Did you think there was once a golden age of honest budgeting? Well, it wasn't in Britain before or during World War I, according to a classic novel about the period. The novelist Ford Madox Ford placed the hero of his tale in a government career in statistics and budgeting. It seems like a strange choice for a hero, but the dilemmas of that career are the conditions against which the protagonist must struggle to maintain his integrity.  相似文献   

Wicked policy problems—those that resist resolution and continuously cycle through different administrative jurisdictions—are time-consuming for the practitioner and expensive. In these wicked policy environs, interest group narratives contribute to this intractability through the continued construction of a policy loser’s tale. Central to our study is the analysis of group maturation with that of policy narrative elements. We explore whether there is a relationship between lobby tactics, financial resources, and professionalization of authorship of narratives and policy narrative elements. We content analyze the policy stories of the Buffalo Field Campaign (BFC) over a 10-year period (1999–2008), using the Yellowstone National Park bison and brucellosis controversy as case material and track how this new interest group’s fundamental policy story has changed over the course of its lifespan. As demonstrated through their choice of lobby tactics, the group does evolve from an unconventional to a conventional interest group, with two out of three of their constructed policy beliefs remaining unchanged and their political tactics consistently focusing on spinning the loser’s tale aimed at expanding the policy arena. Suggestions on the importance of this work to scientists, administrators, and academics are included.  相似文献   

By the end of the nineteenth century the Aran Islands off the west coast of Ireland had become sites of both cultural and scientific attention. Ashley examines how an ethnographical survey of the islands, based on the scientific claims of craniometry and anthropometry, engaged with and was influenced by the romantic traditions of writing about Aran. He suggests ways in which the work of the ethnographers, Haddon and Browne, should be seen as a development of the poetics of the islands, and placed alongside the literary work of Samuel Ferguson or J. M. Synge, rather than in opposition to them.  相似文献   

This paper highlights important lessons gained from the research program of Elinor Ostrom, and demonstrates the close connection between public choice and the work on collective management of the commons for which Lin was honored by the Nobel Prize committee. Although our primary focus is on Lin’s research on self-governance and the “commons,” an overarching goal is to capture the intellectual journey of participants in the Ostrom Workshop, who continue to be guided by the inspiring examples set by Lin and Vincent Ostrom.  相似文献   

The British government is encouraging the growth of for‐profit alternative providers of higher education (HE). While it is true that for‐profits have opened HE access to previously under‐served groups and have been more agile in reacting to market demand, they have done so at a considerable cost to students and the taxpayer because they do not share in the cost of the failure of HE to ensure a payoff for many of their students. The US experience with for‐profits should be a cautionary tale for those supporting their expansion in Britain. Policy is needed to craft a regulatory framework that produces the benefits that for‐profits can provide, but minimises the costs that often accompany them. At present, it is far from clear that expanding alternative providers—that is, for‐profits—would ‘work better’ for students.  相似文献   

政治文明是人们改造社会过程中所获得的积极的政治成果。中西方政治文明体系不存在优劣高低之分 ,应该相互学习和借鉴。在丰富和发展我们的社会主义政治文明的过程中 ,主要应向西方学习宪政、法治、民主和分权的精神与体制。  相似文献   

Current methods of ascertaining the reliability of human intelligence focus predominantly on evaluating the reliability of sources. More leverage might be achieved through considering the reliability of narratives constructed or furnished by those sources. Lessons can be drawn from literary theory which examines the creation and reading of unreliable and untrustworthy narratives. A narrative can be unreliable and/or untrustworthy, even when the informant appears to be cooperating in furnishing information, due to his often unconscious biases or limitations in understanding or retelling the tale.  相似文献   


This article attempts to formulate a paradigm for textual features that are embodied in mystical writing. By using T. S. Eliot's Four Quartets as an example, this paper demonstrates that five distinctive textual strategies are operative in mystical writing: (1) negation as a heuristic means of spiritual ascent; (2) parallelism and paradox: an iconic correlation; (3) the matrix of a journey; (4) the generic sentence as a highlighted voice; and (5) metaphor of depersonalization. It will be argued that the five textual strategies contribute to forming a poetics of mystical writing. The argument also exemplifies an alternative to the religio-philosophical and traditional literary interpretations of Four Quartets : this poetic work embodies a condensed, crystallized poetics of mystical writing.  相似文献   

构建中国模式需要我们切实走出苏联模式,其中,在国家问题、所有制问题和按劳分配问题上的变革是三大关键。本文从马克思主义文本学的角度对这三大问题做了回答,在某种程度上揭示了中国模式得以建立的理想模型或者说可能性条件。  相似文献   

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