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货币政策的资本市场传导机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着资本市场的迅速发展,传统的货币政策传导渠道有所削弱,资本市场在货币政策的传导过程中发挥着越来越重要的作用.货币政策的资本市场传导机制主要体现在托宾的q效应、非对称信息效应、流动性效应、财富效应和资源配置效应等,应该对经典的IS-LM模型进行修正,从而准确反映资本市场传导机制在均衡产出水平决定过程中的作用.从目前中国的现实来看,货币政策的资本市场传导机制还存在着不少问题,严重影响了货币政策的实际效果,应该采取积极措施,逐步完善我国资本市场的货币政策传导功能,以提高货币政策的有效性.  相似文献   

司法考试与区域差异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
司法考试全国统一,从理论上讲是合理的,但实际效果却不一定合理.北京与青海由于法学教育资源的差异导致司法考试结果的巨大差异.这种人才的"马太效应"使得北京与青海司法人才的差距增大.要解决这个司法考试地区差异问题,就要在司法考试设计上考虑到地区的差异,对西部地区在教育资源等给予更多的扶持.从现阶段看还要适当考虑西部地区司法考试地区命题和适当降低报名的学历标准,使得有更多的符合<法官法>要求的法官在西部地区法院工作.  相似文献   

刘蕾 《河北法学》2012,30(11):58-66
基于对货币财产权的保护以及实体法对货币政策规制存在固有缺陷,对货币政策进行程序法规制,是金融调控法治化的重点所在.货币政策的实施要以民主性和透明度为原则,同时货币政策目标制定、货币政策决策以及货币政策执行应该依据相应的法律程序.  相似文献   

无论在实践上还是在理论上,是否参与国际货币政策协调都是一国货币当局所面对的难题。分析参与国际货币政策协调的一般框架是要明确参与协调的原则,收益与成本的构成,区分两种条件下的状况并确定其利润函数。通过对合作与不合作条件下国际货币政策协调的成本收益的分析表明,在一般情况下,一国参与国际货币政策协调是有利的;但在特殊情况下,即当合作成本非常高或不合作收益非常大的情况下,一国不参与协调是理性的选择。  相似文献   

针对自2010年以来通货膨胀高企的现象,央行多次提高金融机构存款准备金率,在最近一次调整后,大型金融机构的存款准备率已经高达21.5%。本文指出通过对经济数据的分析,我们发现针对通货膨胀的货币政策效果不是很明显,文章通过对当前通货膨胀的成因及货币政策有效性进行分析,并在此基础上提出相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文主要分析近两年货币政策对房地产价格的影响.通过利率变化、信贷政策等对房地产供给与需求的影响,分析其对房地产价格的影响.得出结论:信贷政策相比于利率手段来讲,对房地产价格的影响更为有效.  相似文献   

当前中国不存在严重的通货膨胀,但是存在严重的通货膨胀预期。造成通货膨胀预期的学理解释有很多,笔者从法律金融学的分析方法入手,认为通货膨胀预期形成的根源来自于我国货币政策的双目标的矛盾性。要做好通货膨胀预期管理,必须从中央银行的通货膨胀目标制度、独立性和问责制度建设入手,并修订我国中央银行法,给予公众最稳定的预期。  相似文献   

近几年我国都在实行稳健的货币政策,可以看出其实施应该是有效的,央行在制定、执行货币政策上不断走向成熟,进行宏观金融调控的能力也是在不断提高的。但是,在货币政策的实践过程中仍存在着一些问题,本文对这些问题提出了几点具体的建议。  相似文献   

已有的研究认为个人对政府的信任主要取决于其自身因素,如性别、年龄、受教育程度、家庭收入等。但是通过构建分层次线性回归模型,研究发现个人对中央政府的信任除了受到上述自身因素的影响外,还受到个人所在地的区域性因素的影响。具体说,一个地区的经济发展水平越高、传统文化影响力越弱、信息越发达,则当地的个体可能越倾向于不相信中央政府。如果把上述静态观察纳入动态视角,那么在有效的政策措施出台前,随着国民经济的持续发展,将可能会有越来越多的人调低自己对中央政府的信任。  相似文献   

本文运用前瞻性泰勒规则理论,对我国同业拆借市场利率进行检验。在对利率规则系数以及我国利率机制分析的基础上,得出利率管制条件下利率规则分析的基本结果。基于LWW规则,分不同数据阶段建立了基于中国经济数据的利率规则模型,并对比分析通货膨胀率与产出缺口的系数,分析该规则模型对我国货币政策操作的借鉴意义,并在实证研究的基础上,提出当前形势下对我国利率体制改革的建议。  相似文献   

《Justice Quarterly》2012,29(3):458-471
Despite good theoretical reasons to expect strong differences between Southern whites and non‐Southern whites in death penalty support, prior research with 1990 General Social Survey (GSS) data found only a small difference that lacked statistical significance. This paper investigates the possibilities that this null result was a statistical anomaly due to sampling vagaries or that a regional difference has emerged since 1990. Examining GSS data from 1974 through 2006, we initially found that a South/non‐South regional difference among whites did not exist before 1993 but has existed since then. However, further analysis revealed that a Northeast/non‐Northeast difference among whites has also existed during this same period. These findings suggest that future research on death penalty opinion should use both such differences as regional controls rather than just the customary South/non‐South division.  相似文献   

The Regional Innovation Paradox: Innovation Policy and Industrial Policy   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper explores the regional innovation paradox and its policy implications. The regional innovation paradox refers to the apparent contradiction between the comparatively greater need to spend on innovation in lagging regions and their relatively lower capacity to absorb public funds earmarked for the promotion of innovation and to invest in innovation related activities compared to more advanced regions. Empirical analysis of the nature of the paradox shows that there are strong complementarities between business, education and government spending on R&D and that technology/innovation policy and industrial policies tend to work in opposite directions. Our analysis suggests that resolution of the paradox requires policies that: (i) increase the innovation capacity of regions by working both on the demand and the supply side of the system to increase both private and public sector investment in innovation activity; and (ii) integrate technology policy and industrial policy by encouraging expenditure on innovation activity within mainstream industrial policy programmes. The penultimate section of the paper outlines and assesses policy initiatives/experiments along these lines and suggests how they might be developed in the future.  相似文献   

从拟合效果的角度来分析通货膨胀目标制和泰勒规则这两大最流行的货币政策规则在中国的选择问题,研究结果表明,从对中国利率走势的预测能力来看,通货膨胀目标制远远优于泰勒规则.因此,中国人民银行要想提高对宏观经济的把握能力,及时准确地获取宏观经济信息,应该选择通货膨胀目标制并积极创造实行通胀目标制的各种条件.  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the impact of intimate partner violence (IPV) within rural and northern communities. The current study addressed gaps within the literature by gathering perspectives from community service providers and academic researchers in order to increase understanding about the unique needs of IPV survivors within geographically diverse regions. Interviews were conducted with ten participants from Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Alberta, and Northwest Territories. Interviews focused on the unique needs of IPV survivors within each region, gaps that exist in meeting those needs, as well as questions pertaining to a larger research study entitled, Rural and Northern Community Response to Intimate Partner Violence. Results revealed several core themes relating to the unique challenges faced by IPV survivors within each region, as well as barriers to accessing services within rural and remote communities. Results also highlighted important considerations for future researchers, such as challenges that can arise when conducting research within geographically remote locations. Findings may help inform future development and implementation of services for IPV survivors residing in geographically diverse locations across Canada.  相似文献   

The present study sought to determine if there are statistically significant regional differences in the number of restricted rights for a felony conviction. Significant differences were found, with the East South Central region restricting two to three times more rights than other regions. Nonsignificant rank-order correlations were found between the number of restricted rights and regional crime/prisoner rates per 100,000 population. A significant rank-order correlation was found, however, for the mean number of restricted rights and the percent voting for the 1988 Republican presidential candidate.  相似文献   

This article examines regional differences in the economic correlates of the urban homicide rate. On the basis of cultural variations between the South and other parts of the country, the proportion of the population below the poverty line and the level of income inequality are hypothesized to have stronger positive effects on the homicide rate in nonsouthern than in southern cities. Regression results for a sample of 256 nonsouthern cities and a sample of 91 southern cities do not support the hypothesis for the measure of income inequality, however. The Gini coefficient of family income concentration has no significant effect in either region. In contrast, the results for the poverty measure are consistent with expectations. The proportion below the poverty line has a significant, positive effect on the homicide rate only in the nonsouthern sample. These findings suggest that the impact of economic deprivation on rates of violent crime is likely to vary appreciably depending on the general cultural context.  相似文献   

This paper examines the spatial spillover effects and the productivity rate of patents in southern European Union. It provides a systematic analysis of the relationship between productivity of patents and the factors that generate economically useful new technological knowledge. An applied spatial econometric framework is employed since this approach is particularly useful in the study of the spatial patterns of patents productivity, at the lowest possible levels of spatial aggregation.  相似文献   

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