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正It remains unknown who will win the larger war over U.S. health policy By now it seems difficult for many Americans to remember a time when health policy did not polarize. For much of the current presidential term,  相似文献   

北京的风骨在旧城,旧城的经脉是胡同,胡同是北京城最好的名片. 2007年,北京市发布<北京胡同整治指导意见>.根据这一文件,历史文化保护区的胡同整治,要保持胡同原有格局和传统风貌,拆除违法建设,完善基本市政基础设施,修复历史原貌,提升环境质量.  相似文献   

Hutong Chic     
DON’T let trivial affairs steal your daydreams,advises Keduo’s advertising message. Keduo is a grocery based in Beijing Nanluoguxiang, a distinctive hutong in an old part of Beijing now packed with diversified cultural innovation storefronts.  相似文献   

Hutong Heaven     
Traveling to Beijing for the first time? Don't get caught in, out, or up by cultural shocks. Know how things should-and shouldn't-be done to ensure your trip is a memorable one for all the right reasons.  相似文献   

While living in Beijing I had the great privilege of living in one of the city’s most beautiful hutong neighborhoods. It was the house my ex-boyfriend grew up in, and his parents were glad to rent it to me during my stay. I loved my home. I loved the sounds of the various hawkers who would roam the narrow streets in the  相似文献   

RENOVATIONS to Beijing in the 1980s demolished its old city walls and many of its hutong (lanes).To native Beijinger Shu Liao, this  相似文献   

<正>I once overheard a German tourist passing through my hutong(an alley in which single-storey residences are located side by side)neighborhood telling his travel companion that it was"romantic,"yet he wouldn’t want to live here;and by way of comparison,the man mentioned the Fachwerkhaeuser,or half-timbered houses,in the German city of Tuebingen.Having lived for several years in a groundf loor apartment of a Baroque building in the historical district of the city of Heidelberg,Germany,I admit that living in"old"buildings,no matter where,is not for everyone.It takes a certain kind of person to weather and appreciate the experience.I consider myself fortunate to still be able to experience the"hutong culture,"as hutong houses are  相似文献   

祁建 《北京观察》2007,(10):63-64
随着一夜秋风的来临,天空一扫往日的阴霾,天高云淡,凉风阵阵,秋日的气象终于占据了整个北京城。夕阳西斜,天色暗得也早了,在最后一缕夕阳的余辉下,熟悉而又陌生的北京城正如近日的心情一样显得有些落寞。  相似文献   

WHEN Wu Wei moved to Beijing in the 1950s,he was told by locals that the city had nearly 4,000 marked hutongs or lanes lined with courtyard homes,and countless smaller ones off the record books. These tightly-knit communities that occupy old and labyrinthine  相似文献   

KUANG Han came to Beijing in 1989, and immediately fell in love with its hutong. He spent his spare time wandering about and sketching Beijing's boulevards and alley- ways until he had amassed a 3,000-pic- ture portfolio. It helped him to draw accurately the gates and houses of old Beijing, as well as the street life that was and still is the cultural heart of this 3,000-year-old city. Kuang's works portray ordinary life and its everyday kindnesses and are imbued with a strong sense of his-…  相似文献   

JIN Xin, the young owner of the Pass By Bar, looks calm and detached as he talks, angling his head. The Pass By was the first bar to open on Nanluoguxiang (NLGX), a hutong now packed with bars and cafes in the old part of Beijing. Since 1999, the lane has been transformed from a quiet residential area into a popular place for socializing and buying traditional Beijing cultural products.  相似文献   

One of the things that makes living in Beijing enjoyable is being able to walk through a public park on the way to work.The park in the northwestern part of the cityisasanctuaryforseniorcitizens,who pour down from the surrounding high-rise apartment blocks that characterize Beijing,to go through their time-honored morning rituals.At the park entrance are the"bird men."Most people who imagine life in China will no doubt have an image somewhere in their minds of elderly,vest-wearing men  相似文献   

Seize the Day     
正A golden opportunity now exists for Sino-European strategic relationsIn 2003,China and the European Union(EU)established a comprehensive strategic partnership based on their consensus on a multipolar world.A window of opportunity that accords with this vision has recently emerged.With Donald Trump becoming U.S.president,many nations are concerned about the direction the world seems to be taking,while China  相似文献   

THE winter of 2010 was the cold-est for 50 years in Beijing, and the unyielding chill delayed the flowering of peaches in Pinggu District by one or two weeks. But the peach farmers still managed to achieve an unprecedented bumper harvest, with output of 280 million kilograms and sales revenues of RMB 944.7 million, an admirable year-on-year increase of 2.84 percent and 26.56 percent respectively.For three decades now Pinggu, in the  相似文献   

经常有朋友问:平常平常的日子,过得挺没劲的,你怎么就过得有滋有味?我把禅宗《无门关》中的一首诗偈,送给他们:春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪。若无闲事挂心头,便是人间好时节。春花,秋月,夏风,冬雪。寻常事物,普通句子。这些人人熟悉的自然现象,被禅师拈在一起,竟有了说不出的感动。感动  相似文献   

In his New Year address,President Xi Jinping called for concerted efforts for greater headway in 2020 while building on past achievements.The following is an edited excerpt of his address:In 2019,we sweated and toiled and thanks to our steady pursuit of high-quality development China’s GDP is expected to edge close to 100 trillion yuan ($14.36 trillion) with percapita GDP reaching the level of$10,000.  相似文献   

During the Second Session of the 11th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) that concluded on March 12, a total of 5,571 motions were put forward, offering comments and suggestions on the country's major economic and social issues. Of the motions that were classified during the conference, about half focused on economic matters; more than 20 percent were about education, scientific research, culture, health care and sports; and more than 20 percent were about p...  相似文献   

<正>Serious challenges lie ahead for the future ruling partyMyanmar’s long-time opposition party,the National League for Democracy(NLD)—led by the legendary figure and Nobel Peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi—secured an overwhelming victory against the military-backed ruling party in the country’s  相似文献   

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