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To what extent does the length of the marriage or the wife's faithfulness to the husband influence the perception of responsibility or trauma in marital rape? In the current study, each participant was presented with one of four marital rape vignettes. The vignettes varied only in the length of the marriage (3 years or 15 years) and the fidelity status of the wife (continuously faithful or involved in an ongoing sexual affair with another man). Results indicate that both length of marriage and fidelity status significantly influence perceptions of marital rape. Specifically, participants assigned greater responsibility for the rape to unfaithful wives than to faithful wives. This finding is particularly salient for wives in long-term marriages as compared to wives in short-term marriages. Additionally, participants perceived rapes within long-term marriages as more traumatic than rapes within short-term marriages.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to assess the influence of a possible contamination of the victim's clothing by gunpowder residue on the estimation of shooting distance. The study was focused on the scenario in which the contamination might be caused by the surface on which the shot victim could fall. Contamination of two types of textile was examined after contact with two types of surfaces. One round was fired above those surfaces (the line of firing parallel to the surface) prior to the contact. It was found that few gunpowder residue particles could be transferred to the clothing. These findings should be taken into account when interpreting results for shooting distance estimation in cases when a minute quantity of gunpowder residue particles is found around the bullet entrance hole.  相似文献   

Experimental shots were made from rifled weapons, from different distances, at isolated flat bones. There was established a significantly increased angle of the axial section of the cone-shaped defect due to the expanding sizes of the exit part of the wound canal (WC) and of the outlet opening as the shot distances increased. An expert's evaluation is offered to assess a shot distance involving the WC profile and by calculating an angle of the axial section of the cone-shaped defect on the basis of the inlet and outlet sizes and of the flat-bone thickness.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to assess the effect of machine washing or brushing of clothing items on Gunshot Residue (GSR) patterns (gunpowder residues, lead, and copper, deposits) around bullet entrance holes. Results show that those treatments decrease considerably the amount and density of GSR. However, for close shooting distances not all of the GSR deposits are removed. Remaining patterns may be visualized by specific color reactions and used for shooting distance estimation.  相似文献   

This study describes the prevalence of adverse events and length of stay in forensic psychiatric patients with and without a restriction order. Detailed clinical and administrative information from medical records and written court decisions was gathered retrospectively from admission until discharge for a Swedish population-based, consecutive cohort of forensic psychiatric patients (n = 125). The median length of stay for the whole cohort was 951 days, but patients with a restriction order stayed in hospital almost five times as long as patients without. Restriction orders were related to convictions for violent crime, but not for any other differences in demographic or clinical variables. The majority of the patients (60%) were involved in adverse events (violence, threats, substance abuse, or absconding) at some time during their treatment. Patients with restriction orders were overrepresented in violent and threat events. Previous contact with child and adolescence psychiatric services, current violent index crime, psychotic disorders, a history of substance, and absconding during treatment predicted longer length of stay. Being a parent, high current Global Assessment of Functioning scores, and mood disorders were all significantly related to earlier discharge. In a stepwise Cox regression analysis current violent index crime and absconding remained risk factors for a longer hospital stay, while a diagnosis of mood disorder was significantly related to a shorter length of stay.  相似文献   

The Journal of Technology Transfer - Foreign-born academic scientists have been consistently shown to be more productive than the native-born in the United States with regard to research and...  相似文献   

蓝蓝 《法律科学》2006,24(3):48-55
人格商品化现象对人格与财产的二元权利体系造成了强烈冲击,由此也引发了诸多理论争议。当下,人格权观点与财产权(二元权利)观点、知识产权观点,分别代表了在人格权制度内部和外部解决人格商品化问题的不同思路。在这三种观点中,人格权与知识产权观点各有自身的不足或缺陷,只有财产权(二元权利)观点才是我国目前解决人格商品化问题的最优选择。  相似文献   

公共事业登记管理是公共事业管理的一个重要组成部分,随着国家一系列法规条例的出台,公共事业登记管理逐渐走上规范化的轨道。在取得成效的同时,公共事业登记管理也面临着许多问题,在一定程度上阻碍了公共事业的发展。因此,对公共事业登记管理的问题及其原因进行深入分析,以此提出相应的完善对策将有着十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

In the identification of persons living or dead, or of skulls, the technique of photographic superimposition of laboratory images on existing original portraits has frequently been used. The applicability of the technique and the confidence in the results have always depended very much on the professional acceptance and experience of forensic specialists. Defined preconditions, improved methods and clear-cut directions on how to posture the head or the skull and how to magnify its photographic laboratory image, not only help to standardize and simplify procedures, but also increase the accuracy and credibility of the resulting diagnoses. A systematic approach with standard photographic equipment is presented. The validity of the results is discussed.  相似文献   

In political representation research it is now generally recognised that in parliamentary systems political parties rather than individual members of parliament are the key actors in the process of political representation. However, this focus on political parties might have led to an underestimation of the role of individual members of parliament in this process, even in purely parliamentary systems. It tends to neglect the efforts of representatives to secure particular benefits for individuals or groups in their constituencies. In this paper we will address the question to what extent these forms of representation are part of the repertoire of activities of members of the Dutch parliament as compared to other European parliaments.  相似文献   

In mortality research, much attention has been paid to the strong geographical differentials in mortality levels and in modern mortality decline, as the analysis of this geographical differentiation might hold the key to explaining the determinants of mortality change. The use of historical cause-specific mortality data has proved a challenging, although very insightful, means to this end. The four contributions to this special issue focus on cause-specific mortality in the past, both to reassess older data using new insights and to challenge existing insights by using new data and methods. These papers, of which earlier versions were presented during the thirty-eighth Social Science History Association (SSHA) Meeting in Chicago, 21–24 November 2013, explore mortality at different stages of the life course, ranging from early infancy to old age. Moreover, each paper revolves around a different group of causes of death. Although the papers are in many ways rather different, together they demonstrate how different data, theoretical frameworks and methodologies can push the boundaries of research into the trends and determinants of historical mortality patterns.  相似文献   

The Journal of Technology Transfer - The importance and the definition of an entrepreneurial university (EU), together with the factors that lead to its existence, have been widely discussed in the...  相似文献   

Research focused on the socio-economic and political attitudes of the medium and small bourgeois in Argentina during the Alfonsin Presidency. Data reveals clear position critical of the pro-big business orientation of the regime. However because of their shift away from productive activity towards the speculative, because of the increasing dependence on illegal sources of income (the underground economy), the small and medium size bourgeoisie were shifting toward the neo-liberal Right as a means of legalizing their income.  相似文献   

This study focussed on the relationship between the use of seclusion and staff characteristics, such as number of nurses on shift, male-female staff ratio, level of education and level of work experience. A retrospective analysis of staff characteristics was applied to administrative data from ten wards in four mid-sized general psychiatric hospitals in the Netherlands. The data show that two variables were associated with seclusion rates: the male-female staff ratio and the variability in team's work experience. More female and less male nurses in a shift and less variability in team's work experience predicted an increase in seclusion rates.  相似文献   

The goal of the investigation was to research the influence of sex hormones on the elimination kinetics of ethanol. Forty-seven healthy men (average age 25+/-6.1 years) and 61 healthy women (average age 24+/-2.4 years) received 0.79-0.95g of ethanol/kg body weight in the form of an alcohol beverage of their choice. The target concentration for both sexes was a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 1.10g/kg. Blood samples for the determination of the ethanol concentration followed in the elimination phase in 10-20min intervals. The sex hormone levels (estradiol, progesterone and testosterone) were determined concomitantly from the serum. In men, the mean testosterone concentration was 5.3+/-1.6ng/ml, the mean estradiol concentration was 34.6+/-13.6pg/ml and the mean progesterone concentration was 0.9+/-0.3ng/ml. In women, the mean estradiol concentration was 47.6+/-52.6pg/ml and the mean testosterone concentration was 0.8+/-0.4ng/ml. Progesterone displayed a so-called dummy effect in women. In the high progesterone group (n=11), the mean concentration was 11.1+/-3.5ng/ml and in the low progesterone group (n=50) the mean was 0.6+/-0.3ng/ml. The mean hourly elimination rate (beta60) was 0.1677+/-0.0311g/kg/h in men. In women, the mean hourly elimination rate was 0.2044+/-0.0414g/kg/h in the high progesterone group and 0.1850+/-0.0276g/kg/h in the low progesterone group (p<0.05). The beta60 for women in the low progesterone group was significantly higher than that of the men, whose progesterone levels fell within a similar range (p>0.01). These results allow one to conclude that the gender differences in the pharmacokinetics of ethanol can partly, but not completely, be explained by progesterone levels.  相似文献   

The Journal of Technology Transfer - Formal standards codify knowledge. Next to patents representing the generation of innovative knowledge, standards can hence be used to proxy the diffusion of...  相似文献   

丛斌  刘鑫 《中国法医学杂志》2020,(2):121-122,127
新冠疾病疫情之下,法医学鉴定活动不可能停止,法医学鉴定的对象可能为COVID-19。开展鉴定的法医人员面临很大的感染风险,因此法医鉴定机构和法医鉴定人应当提高感染风险认识,加强防控措施,提升防控应对能力,遵守法律及伦理规范,加强与临床有关问题研究。  相似文献   

We examine whether scientists employed in foreign countries and foreign-educated native researchers are more “entrepreneurial” than their “domestic” counterparts. We conjecture that foreign-born and foreign-educated scientists possess broader scientific skills and social capital, which increases their likelihood that they will start their own companies. To test this hypothesis we analyze comprehensive data from researchers at the Max Planck Society in Germany. Our findings provide strong support for the conjecture that academic entrepreneurship can be stimulated by facilitating the mobility of scientists across countries.  相似文献   

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