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<正>企业境外上市再掀新热潮阿里巴巴不久前宣布启动赴美上市申请,引发中国企业赴海外上市的新一轮热潮。京东商城、新浪微博等为代表的互联网科技企业纷纷计划赴美上市,预计今年在美登陆资本市场的中国企业数量或达30家,创下近3年以来的新高。截至2013年底,已有超过300家来自中国的公司成功登陆美国资本市场。专家认为,在当前A股市场连续多年低迷,IPO门槛高、排队多,美国股市回暖等因素的影响下,在内地上市已不再是企业的唯一选择,境外资本市场已不再遥不可及,未来将会有更多"等不起"的中国企业"出海"。同时,香港证交所也是大部分中国企业"出海"的热选。  相似文献   

“新股发行数量减少”现象有可能从侧面暗示:A股上市渠道正在成为“买方市场”,中国已经成为全球上市资源争夺新战场中国股市正在向全球投资业界辐射出火爆的吸引力。近期,许多著名海外公司在年度股东大会上纷纷传出入市中国A股的“宣言”,集中体现了这一点。5月17日,亚洲首富李嘉诚在香港公开表示其旗舰公司——和记黄埔及关联公司长江实业“可能会考虑未来在中国大陆上市”。同日,  相似文献   

中国企业赴海外上市热潮反思   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
就中国企业赴海外上市目前有对立的两种意见:一种从宏观角度分析,认为弊大于利;另一种从微观角度分析,认为利大于弊。其实,中国企业赴海外上市有其自身的原因,也有国际国内原因。我们不能单纯地反对甚至是采取措施阻止企业到海外上市,而是应改革资本市场,让更多的企业尤其是优质企业愿意在国内上市,从而让国人更多地分享中国经济成长带来的收益。  相似文献   

中国互联网企业如何圆融资好梦   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐敏 《瞭望》2000,(21)
去年下半年开始,几乎平均每 天有一个网站开通,中国互 联网的发展速度,令人应接不暇。对于互联网企业来说,没有风险资金支持或者上市融资渠道,不仅很难获得更大的发展,甚至连生存都成问题,所以有了裕兴、新浪的海外上市。在本届北京高新技术产业国际周上,风险投资与融资上市论坛也因此对中国的网络经济格外关注。 中国互联网发展的巨大潜能更是吸引了NASDAQ、加拿大创业板、英国伦敦股票交易所技术板市场、欧洲新市场、香港联合交易所创业板、新加坡股票交易所等世界著名股票交易所,以及高盛、摩根斯坦利、SOFTBANK…  相似文献   

资源税应发挥利益调节器作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄蕙 《瞭望》2005,(32)
“中国的国民财富因某些垄断国企上市而流失海外”的问题引起越来越多的共鸣,资源税改革显得迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

中国网通海外上市的盛大演出终于圆满落幕,从李嘉诚、李兆基巨资入场到近30倍的公众认购,再到登陆香港主板,网通上市之路可谓顺利。显然,在借鉴了中国电信的经验教训之后,中国网通上市的运作多了些国际化的味道,而这一模式也必将对中国内地企业和电信市场带来积极影响。  相似文献   

何振华 《民主》2008,(4):14-14
近日,“加油中国”的呐喊在海外激荡,抗议卡弗蒂辱华言论的怒潮在国内掀起,互联网上“‘红心’中国”的签名.也在飞速增长……  相似文献   

刘传葵 《团结》2001,(6):22-27
近两年来,中国基金业明显加快了对外开放的步伐。2000年8月份,一些国内的基金管理公司纷纷与海外同行签订合作协议,掀起基金业中外合作的热潮。国内银行与国外银行专就开放式基金业务首次  相似文献   

从社会学"世代分析"的经典框架出发,探讨中国私营企业"互联网+"战略强度的世代差异。基于2016年"中国私营企业调查"数据,揭示了不同世代企业家与企业"互联网+"战略强度之间的非线性关系:就新兴"互联网+"战略而言,年轻一代企业家的使用强度要高于年长一代;但就成熟"互联网+"而言,不同世代企业家之间并没有显著差异。进一步分析表明,海外经历提高了年长一代企业家在新兴"互联网+"上的战略强度;互联网媒体使用程度是企业家世代与新兴"互联网+"战略之间的中介变量。研究发现为企业与互联网的深度融合提供了微观的政策依据。  相似文献   

中国(2008年8月9日-8月15日) 国有大型企业将加快重组。国务院国有资产监督管理委员会主任李荣融10日在北京说,中国将在奥运会:之后加快由中央政府监管的大型国有企业的重组步伐,到2010年使中央企业从目前的150多家减至80到100家。他同时表示,中国将继续鼓励中央企业到海外上市。  相似文献   

全球金融危机背景下,中国不可避免地受到了一定影响,但整体上仍保持着经济高增长的潜力。本文探讨了金融危机给中国经济在出口产业结构调整、能源价格机制改革、企业和金融机构海外市场的拓展,以及整个国家在世界经济中地位的提升所带来的机会。  相似文献   


To what extent does the co-existence of the empowering Internet and resilient authoritarianism rely on the state-controlled information environment? Drawing on online ethnography and a dataset of Amazon reviews, this article addresses the question by examining the debate over the memoir of a Chinese-American entrepreneur. It finds that such digital experiences, though in a free information environment, have resulted in frustration, anger, and ultimately disenchantment with the West among overseas Chinese. The findings contribute to the growing literature on digital orientalism and digital authoritarian resilience.


本文概述了邓小平侨务思想形成和发展的历史过程,邓小平侨务思想的基本特征、科学内涵以及与中国特色社会主义侨务理论之间的关系。以十一届三中全会为界,邓小平侨务思想形成和发展的历史过程可以分为前后两个阶段。邓小平侨务思想具有时代性、开创性和与时俱进的理论品质,其科学内涵可以简要概括为海外关系论、华侨爱国论、重大贡献论、权益保护论、独特机遇论、团结振兴论。邓小平侨务思想是在继承以毛泽东为代表的第一代领导集体侨务思想的基础上形成的有中国特色的社会主义侨务理论,它是邓小平理论的重要组成部分,是改革开放以来我国侨务工作的理论依据和行动指南。  相似文献   

在抗日战争中,具有爱国主义传统的海外华人对祖国的无私奉献是伟大和崇高的。无论是从舆论上声援祖国抗战和捐资捐物支援祖国抗战,还是用热血和生命献身祖国抗战事业,无数的海外华人以各种不同的方式为抗日战争的最后胜利和中华民族的独立解放,为世界人民反法西斯战争的最后胜利,作出了不可磨灭的历史贡献。  相似文献   

中式菜单英译问题由来已久。虽已有许多民间的英译本流传国内、外,但大多翻译粗俗不堪、良莠不齐。2008北京奥运会的举办把正式规范中式菜单英译问题提到议事日程,最终公布《中文菜单英文译法》手册。本文从《中文菜单英文译法》遵从的翻译原则出发,解读其翻译方法,评述其翻译的价值取向,即跨文化交际视野下的中式菜单的英译是以源语文化为归宿,展示中国特色饮食文化,促进世界多元文化的互补、融合和发展。  相似文献   

  • In this study, firstly we provide an analytical framework for international activities, which are of theoretically significant importance to research and understand the patterns of internationalization. Then, we take 500 top Chinese enterprises as study objects and analyse deeply the behaviour of their FDI (foreign direct investment) scenario from three aspects, namely motivations, entry modes and location choices. The results reveal that: (1) Chinese companies' internationalization is still at the early stage and has not reached the upstream value chain of internationalization; (2) the internationalization business of Chinese companies is diversified in destinations; (3). Chinese companies' modes of entering overseas markets are flexible and most companies have actively tried diverse entry modes with more adaptability; (4) the rapid increase of the FDI by the transnational strategic assets‐seeking companies shows that Chinese companies are inclined to protect and improve competitive advantages through obtaining new assets rather than making use of existing competitive advantages as before. Some implications of findings are also discussed finally.
Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


This article uses extensive fieldwork data to focus on the question of how Chinese and Japanese companies are competing in neighboring countries of Asia, and what economic forces will shape their future growth in the region. It begins by briefly discussing the history of Chinese and Japanese investment in the South and Southeast Asian regions. It traces the development of Japanese overseas investment policies, as well as China's more recent ‘Going Out’ government program to encourage overseas flows of capital. It then builds on prior political economy work as it uses case study focuses, with primary data based on the author's fieldwork research in several nations of Southeast Asia and in India, of the two key sectors of automobiles and electronics. It compares and contrasts the investment strategies of companies from each country, as well as the successes and failures of investments in the industries. It finds that Japanese companies’ advantages lie in industries utilizing advanced technology and management skills. Though the Japanese continue to lead in many areas, including automobiles, they have begun to face competition and potentially reduced profits in vital manufacturing areas. Meanwhile, Chinese overseas companies have made significant advances in the consumer electronics sector, using low prices and good quality, though overseas automobile investments have gained little traction. The article concludes that, if the Chinese can improve their product quality, capitalize on improving managerial skills and a deeper level of experience in the region, and establish brands they can sell with reliable distribution networks, Japanese companies could face losses to their Asian neighbor in these important parts of the continent they have dominated for decades.  相似文献   

Within the large body of China-Africa literature, there is a growing body of literature that differentiates between China’s various economic actors, more specifically between its state-owned and private enterprises. This paper intends to contribute to this literature by comparing Chinese state-owned enterprises and hybrid (mixed owned) enterprises with private enterprises in Kampala, the capital of Uganda. An air of mystery often surrounds Chinese companies in Africa, this paper will provide some clarity concerning companies in Kampala. To do this we first look at the governmental assistance given to these companies, then the kind of assistance they potentially receive. Next we investigate what motivated these companies to come to Uganda, and how they established themselves, whether it is after a Chinese aid project or construction job, or some other route. We further investigate the size, employment policy and markets of these Chinese state-owned enterprises in Kampala. Finally we look at the employment of Ugandan labour and management, the problems faced by the enterprises and the environmental challenges, as well as how these are dealt with. We conclude that Chinese SOEs and mixed ownership companies in Uganda are involved in a small range of sectors, often capital-intensive sectors such as oil and construction, and are therefore also larger than the majority of the Chinese private enterprises. SOEs and mixed ownership enterprises tend to have arrived in Uganda earlier than most private enterprises, face slightly different problems, and are more interested in the Ugandan market as whole than their privately owned counterparts. More importantly, they have greater proportions of local employees and are more interested in indigenizing their workforces.  相似文献   

加入WTO的过渡期满以后,中国企业将面临更加激烈的竞争格局,理性认识新竞争格局下企业自身的市场地位,重新塑造竞争优势,是中国企业参与国际市场竞争的必修课。本文系统分析了中国企业正在弱化和丧失的竞争优势、仍然可资利用的竞争优势,明确提出要在自主创新、自主品牌等方面重塑企业竞争优势。  相似文献   

新的形势促使我国非公有制企业与其他所有制企业联合,混合所有制企业将普遍存在;未来几年,我国一批非公有制企业将向科技型转型,并出现投资者的年轻化和高学历化、公司小型化、技术高级化、产业集群化;充分利用经济全球化的有利契机,非公有制企业也应“走出去”。  相似文献   

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