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《Federal register》1998,63(57):14506-14526
This rule would amend the Medicare regulations governing liability for overpayments to eliminate application of certain regulations of the Social Security Administration and to replace them with HCFA regulations more specific to circumstances involving Medicare overpayments. The following specific changes are included in this rule. Explicit criteria and the circumstances under which a provider or supplier can be relieved of liability for an overpayment on the basis of being "without fault" with respect to the overpayment. Specific criteria and circumstances of the conditions under which a waiver of recovery for Medicare overpayments would apply to individuals. A provision to ordinarily consider it inequitable to recover an overpayment from a without-fault individual when an overpayment is made to a without-fault provider. Specific provisions that enable Medicare intermediaries and carriers to determine without fault in Medicare overpayments resulting from Medicare secondary payer conditional payments. Provisions that grant Peer Review Organizations the authority to make without-fault determinations. Provisions for an administrative appeals process for providers and suppliers with regard to a "not-without-fault" determination. We expect this rule would prevent some providers and suppliers from claiming without-fault status. This could reduce the number of overpayment liabilities passed on to individuals and result in a slight increase in the amount of money recovered.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1998,63(88):25360-25379
This interim final rule with a request for comments implements authority to waive, in the case of provider-sponsored organizations (PSOs) that meet certain criteria, the requirement that Medicare + Choice organizations be licensed by a State as risk-bearing entities. The waivers will be approved only under certain conditions where the State has denied or failed to act on an application for licensure. This rule also establishes solvency standards that certain entities must meet to contract as PSOs under the new Medicare + Choice program. These standards apply to PSOs that have received a waiver of the requirement that Medicare + Choice organizations be licensed by a State as risk-bearing entities.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1994,59(223):59933-59943
This final rule modifies or establishes administrative review procedures for Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in health maintenance organizations (HMOs), competitive medical plans (CMPs), and health care prepayment plans (HCPPs). Specifically, it requires that an HMO or CMP complete a reconsideration, requested by a Medicare enrollee for denied services or claims, within 60 days from the date of receipt of the reconsideration request; extends to HMO and CMP enrollees the right to request immediate review by a Utilization and Quality Control Peer Review Organization of an HMO's, CMP's, or hospital's determination that an inpatient hospital stay is no longer necessary; and requires an HCPP to establish administrative review procedures for its Medicare enrollees who are dissatisfied with decisions on denied services or claims.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1997,62(83):23368-23376
This final rule with comment period establishes a new administrative review requirement for Medicare beneficiaries enrolled in health maintenance organizations (HMOs), competitive medical plans (CMPs), and health care prepayment plans (HCPPs). This rule implements section 1876(c)(5) of the Social Security Act, which specifies the appeal and grievance rights for Medicare enrollees in HMOs and CMPs. This rule requires that an HMO, CMP, or HCPP establish and maintain, as part of the health plan's appeals procedures, an expedited process for making organization determinations and reconsidered determinations when an adverse determination could seriously jeopardize the life or health of the enrollee or the enrollee's ability to regain maximum function. This rule also revises the definition of appealable determinations to clarify that it includes a decision to discontinue services.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1995,60(123):33126-33137
This final rule revises the Medicare regulations to clarify the concept of "accrual basis of accounting" to indicate that expenses must be incurred by a provider of health care services before Medicare will pay its share of those expenses. This rule does not signify a change in policy but, rather, incorporates into the regulations Medicare's longstanding policy regarding the circumstances under which we recognize, for the purposes of program payment, a provider's claim for costs for which it has not actually expended funds during the current cost reporting period.  相似文献   

This Article analyzes the decision in Shalala v. Illinois Council on Long Term Care, Inc., in which the Supreme Court held that providers seeking to challenge Medicare regulations must first pursue those challenges through an administrative review process, except when application of this rule would result in "no review at all." In reaching this decision, the five-justice majority rejected the interpretation given to prior holdings by many commentators and circuits, and reasoned that it was appropriate to require providers to exhaust their administrative appeals even though the penalties for the challenged violations would not be stayed during the process. Given the nature of the administrative appeal process and the scope of penalties that may be assessed against Medicare providers, the author argues that the decision in Illinois Council evidences excessive deference towards the agency, or a disinclination on the part of the court towards entertaining Medicare lawsuits, either of which bodes ill for providers seeking judicial relief.  相似文献   

This final rule specifies the Stage 2 criteria that eligible professionals (EPs), eligible hospitals, and critical access hospitals (CAHs) must meet in order to qualify for Medicare and/or Medicaid electronic health record (EHR) incentive payments. In addition, it specifies payment adjustments under Medicare for covered professional services and hospital services provided by EPs, eligible hospitals, and CAHs failing to demonstrate meaningful use of certified EHR technology (CEHRT) and other program participation requirements. This final rule revises certain Stage 1 criteria, as finalized in the July 28, 2010 final rule, as well as criteria that apply regardless of Stage.  相似文献   

This final rule with comment period revises the Medicare hospital outpatient prospective payment system to implement applicable statutory requirements and changes arising from our continuing experience with this system. In addition, it describes changes to the amounts and factors used to determine the payment rates for Medicare hospital outpatient services paid under the prospective payment system. These changes are applicable to services furnished on or after January 1, 2003. This rule also allows the Secretary to suspend Medicare payments "in whole or in part" if a provider fails to file a timely and acceptable cost report. In addition, this rule responds to public comments received on the November 2, 2001 interim final rule with comment period (66 FR 55850) that set forth the criteria the Secretary will use to establish new categories of medical devices eligible for transitional pass-through payment under the Medicare's hospital outpatient prospective payment system. Finally, this rule responds to public comments received on the August 9, 2002 proposed rule for revisions to the hospital outpatient prospective payment system and payment rates (67 FR 52092). CMS finds good cause to waive proposed rulemaking for the assignment of new codes to Ambulatory Payment Classifications and for the payment of influenza and pneumococcal vaccines under reasonable cost; justification for the waiver will follow in a subsequent Federal Register notice.  相似文献   

章志远 《现代法学》2005,27(4):79-86
受具体国情的影响,各国立法有关行政复议与行政诉讼程序衔接的设置存在较大差别,并在总体上呈现出三种各具特色的模式;同时,公民权利有效救济的基准、司法与行政比较优势的发挥以及司法最终原则的贯彻也是各国制度演进所表现出的共性规律。我国行政复议与行政诉讼程序衔接的设置缺乏统一标准,既无助于行政纠纷的及时化解和公民合法权益的有效维护,甚至还会引发行政权与司法权的相互侵蚀。应当在借鉴域外模式经验的基础上,逐步取消行政复议终局型、重新设定行政复议前置型、严格限定迳行起诉型并大力推行自由选择型。  相似文献   

This rule finalizes the February 4, 2005 proposed rule entitled "Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Conditions for Coverage for Organ Procurement Organizations (OPOs)." It establishes new conditions for coverage for organ procurement organizations (OPOs) that include multiple new outcome and process performance measures based on organ donor potential and other related factors in each service area of qualified OPOs. Our goal is to improve OPO performance and increase organ donation. In addition, this final rule re-certifies these 58 OPOs from August 1, 2006 through July 31, 2010 and provides an opportunity for them to sign agreements with the Secretary that will begin on August 1, 2006 and end on January 31, 2011. New agreements are needed so that the Medicare and Medicaid Programs can continue to pay them for their organ procurement activities after July 31, 2006.  相似文献   

《Federal register》1991,56(169):43196-43355
We are revising the Medicare inpatient hospital prospective payment system to implement necessary changes arising from legislation and our continuing experience with the system. In addition, in the addendum to this final rule, we are describing changes in the amounts and factors necessary to determine prospective payment rates for Medicare inpatient hospital services. We are also setting forth the new target rate percentages for determining rate-of-increase limits for hospitals and hospital units excluded from the prospective payment system. This final rule also responds to the comments we received concerning changes to hospital payments made in a January 7, 1991 final rule with comment. These changes include midyear changes to the inpatient hospital prospective payment system that implemented several provisions of section 4002 of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990. In addition, this final rule responds to comments received concerning changes in the procedures and criteria of the Medicare Geographic Classification Review Board (MGCRB) that were set forth in a June 4, 1991 final rule with comment period.  相似文献   

章剑生 《中国法学》2013,(2):164-179
通过行政法学界20多年的共同努力,有关行政决定确定力和撤销规则的学理框架已经相对成熟。这个学理框架内容是,行政机关作出的行政决定产生实质确定力之后,如行政机关认为它有错误必须予以撤销的,应当遵循若干撤销规则,不能基于"有错必纠"原则而随意行使撤销权。但是,从最高人民法院相关的行政裁判、批复和答复的内容看,最高人民法院一直秉持"有错必纠"原则,并没有受到这一学理框架内容的明显影响,直到作为指导性案例的"焦案"在《最高人民法院公报》上公布,它才改变了原有所持的观点。通过"焦案"所确立的规则是,依法作出的行政决定一旦生效,其法律效力不仅及于行政相对人,也及于行政机关,不能随意被撤销。已经生效的行政决定如果随意被撤销,不利于社会秩序的恢复和稳定。从"焦案"之后地方各级人民法院作出的相关裁判看,作为指导性案例的"焦案"其参考效力并不明显,"有错必纠"原则仍然有着相当大的影响力。这可能与指导性案例欠缺可操作性、强势的成文法传统等原因有关。尽管如此,"焦案"所确立的撤销规则仍然具有它的价值,这种价值不仅显示出学理对实务的影响力,也体现了法治观念的进步。  相似文献   

This final rule amends Medicare certification and payment requirements for rural health clinics (RHCs) as required by the Balanced Budget Act of 1997 (BBA). It changes the definition of a qualifying rural shortage area in which a Medicare RHC must be located; establishes criteria for identifying RHCs essential to delivery of primary care services that we can continue to approve as Medicare RHCs in areas no longer designated as medically underserved; and limits waivers of certain nonphysician practitioner staffing requirements. This final rule imposes payment limits on provider-based RHCs and prohibits "commingling" (the use of the space, professional staff, equipment, and other resources) of an RHC with another entity. The rule also requires RHCs to establish a quality assessment and performance improvement program that goes beyond current regulations. Finally, this final rule addresses public comments received on the February 28, 2002 proposed rule and makes other revisions for clarity and uniformity and to improve program administration.  相似文献   

论中国行政诉讼和解制度的建立   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
白雅丽 《现代法学》2006,28(3):160-167
我国《行政诉讼法》明文规定了“行政诉讼不适用调解”原则,并且对行政机关与公民的和解也未作规定,然而实践中和解普遍存在。行政诉讼和解存在的有力依据为:现代公共行政已从权力中心走向服务中心和行政裁量权的广泛存在。和解是不同于判决和撤诉的一种独立的诉讼制度,与法治原则并不矛盾。它体现了当事人的主体性,并能够促使新的行政活动方式产生。在中国语境之下,未来《行政诉讼法》应建立和解而非调解制度才是最佳选择。  相似文献   

《Federal register》2000,65(212):65376-65603
This final rule with comment period makes several changes affecting Medicare Part B payment. The changes include: refinement of resource-based practice expense relative value units (RVUs); the geographic practice cost indices; resource-based malpractice RVUs; critical care RVUs; care plan oversight and physician certification and recertification for home health services; observation care codes; ocular photodynamic therapy and other ophthalmological treatments; electrical bioimpedance; antigen supply; and the implantation of ventricular assist devices. This rule also addresses the comments received on the May 3, 2000 interim final rule on the supplemental survey criteria and makes modifications to the criteria for data submitted in 2001. Based on public comments we are withdrawing our proposals related to the global period for insertion, removal, and replacement of pacemakers and cardioverter defibrillators and low intensity ultrasound. This final rule also discusses or clarifies the payment policy for incomplete medical direction, pulse oximetry services, outpatient therapy supervision, outpatient therapy caps, HCPCS "G" Codes, and the second 5-year refinement of work RVUs for services furnished beginning January 1, 2002. In addition, we are finalizing the calendar year (CY) 2000 interim physician work RVUs and are issuing interim RVUs for new and revised codes for CY 2001. We are making these changes to ensure that our payment systems are updated to reflect changes in medical practice and the relative value of services. This final rule also announces the CY 2001 Medicare physician fee schedule conversion factor under the Medicare Supplementary Medical Insurance (Part B) program as required by section 1848(d) of the Social Security Act. The 2001 Medicare physician fee schedule conversion factor is $38.2581.  相似文献   

行政审批的行政法制约   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
我国在加入WTO议定书中已对行政审批的法律化作出了承诺 ,随之而来的是将行政审批纳入行政法治的轨道 ,以法规范和调整行政审批行为 ,改变目前行政审批改革多以行政手段为之的状况 ,实行行政审批项目法典化、主体职级对等化、过程连续化、重大事项听证化。  相似文献   

《Federal register》1991,56(245):65995-65998
Section 4152(c)(4)(B) of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 (Pub. L. 101-508) amended section 1834(a)(4) of the Social Security Act to provide that a wheelchair furnished on or after January 1, 1992 is treated as a customized item for payment purposes under part B of Medicare if it meets the definition provided in that paragraph, unless the Secretary develops specific criteria before January 1, 1992, in which case the Secretary's criteria go into effect. This interim final rule with comment period sets forth the Secretary's criteria that a wheelchair must meet to be considered a customized item.  相似文献   

This final rule implements a number of regulatory provisions that are applicable to all providers and suppliers, including durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies (DMEPOS) suppliers. This final rule establishes appeals processes for all providers and suppliers whose enrollment, reenrollment or revalidation application for Medicare billing privileges is denied and whose Medicare billing privileges are revoked. It also establishes timeframes for deciding enrollment appeals by an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) within the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) or the Departmental Appeals Board (DAB), or Board, within the DHHS; and processing timeframes for CMS' Medicare fee-for-service (FFS) contractors. In addition, this final rule allows Medicare FFS contractors to revoke Medicare billing privileges when a provider or supplier submits a claim or claims for services that could not have been furnished to a beneficiary. This final rule also specifies that a Medicare contractor may establish a Medicare enrollment bar for any provider or supplier whose billing privileges have been revoked. Lastly, the final rule requires that all providers and suppliers receive Medicare payments by electronic funds transfer (EFT) if the provider or supplier, is submitting an initial enrollment application to Medicare, changing their enrollment information, revalidating or re-enrolling in the Medicare program.  相似文献   

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