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肖鸣政  马芝兰 《民主》2006,(1):13-15
社会就业结构的科学合理配置,不仅需要高学历人才,更需要大批的高素质的职业技术劳动者。有资料表明,西方发达国家经济之所以能够高速增长,除了拥有高水平的科学理论专业人才外,还拥有一支高素质的、熟练掌握现代化技术的劳动大军。然而,中国目前职业技术人才,特别是高技能人才严重缺乏,找100个大学生不难,找一百个高级钳工却是难上加难。据劳动和社会保障部最新报告表明,目前我国城镇企业共有技术工人7000万人,其中高等级技术工人不足5%,与发达国家40%的比例相去甚远。  相似文献   

社会的发展给高校辅导员工作带来了新的问题、新的要求与新的挑战。高校辅导员职业能力的提升关系到高校思想政治工作的顺利开展和高校人才培养目标的实现。把握辅导员职业能力的内容,认清职业能力提升的意义,运用科学方法提升职业能力,才能建设一支素质过硬、能力突出、业务精熟的辅导员队伍。  相似文献   

非职务权力影响力是影响政府公信力的一个重要因素.非职务权力影响力的提升有赖于柔性领导力的开发.柔性领导力是领导力中的非职务权力部分所产生的影响力.柔性领导力的开发正是对非职务权力影响力的开发、培育和发展.柔性领导力的开发是提升政府公信力的重要途径之一.开发柔性化权力是提高我国政府公信力的必经之路;开发柔性化的战略权变能力是提高政府公信力的关键因素;开发人性化的领导方式是提高我国政府公信力的内在要求.  相似文献   

旅俄华工是19世纪60年代,中国社会由于帝国主义侵略而发生巨大变化的产物。受远东大开发的影响,俄国迫切需求大批国外劳动力支援国内经济社会建设。大批华工由于受经济、政治、社会心理、民族文化和俄国宽松的招募条件的影响赴俄,从事仆役、伐木、船舶、修路、渔猎等繁重的体力劳动,他们是俄国开发远东地区的重要劳动力资源,是远东大开发的见证者和建设者。  相似文献   

美国是西方资本主义世界“经理革命”的策源地,也是“经理革命”后职业经理阶层发育和成长得最好的国家。美国的经理人员作为一个劳动力阶层,从它出现之始,便成为美国资本主义市场经济的主角和灵魂。经过一个半世纪的实践,美国社会已经形成一套有效的教育、经济和其它相关机制,使得经理人才不断涌现、成长和优化。考察分析美国经理人队伍开发的实践和经验,有助于我们运用经理人成长、发展的内在规律,人力开发中国的职业经理人队伍,使社会主义市场经济得到健康的发展。  相似文献   

张丽敏  吕建设 《学理论》2015,(5):238-240
高校辅导员是高校教师队伍和管理干部队伍的重要组成部分,是开展大学生思想政治教育、促进校园和谐稳定的骨干力量。1提升辅导员职业素养不仅是高校辅导员队伍专业化、职业化建设的根本所在,也是辅导员自身成长发展的必由之路,更是办好人民满意高等教育的必然追求。探索新形势下辅导员职业修养提升路径如下:转变传统思路,树立职业理想;优化知识结构,夯实职业能力;创新运行机制,提升发展空间。  相似文献   

从人力资源管理与开发的角度,结合商业银行经营管理的实际,对如何提升员工的职业能力进行思考。企业应该营造和谐的经营管理环境,增强员工的责任感,激励人的创造力,发掘人的潜能,通过实现组织愿景和个人目标的有机结合,较好地推进员工的职业生涯规划、企业的经营发展,从而切实承担起商业银行及其员工的社会责任。  相似文献   

吴冰 《学理论》2013,(6):72-73
在经济建设转型的过程中,人力资源大国向人才强国转化是国家的战略国策。转化过程中需要改变传统的人才资源的制度,创建人才资源开发的良好环境,搭建选人、用人的公平公正平台。通过制度建设、人才流动机制的建立、职业教育和培训的完善,增强人才的竞争优势,增强企业的发展活力。通过奖惩制度,提升员工的创新创造潜能,使电信系统的产品和服务能力在国际上起到引领的作用。  相似文献   

辅导员队伍是开展大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,是培养社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人的组织保障.如何建设好一支高效稳定和谐的高校辅导员队伍,已经成为各高等学校思想政治教育的一个热点问题,而如何培育和提升辅导员的高忠诚度,则成了这个热点问题的核心和关键.  相似文献   

Political debate in modern Britain has been structured by four narratives or traditions, called here ‘Whig imperialist’, ‘Tory nationalist’, ‘democratic collectivist’ and ‘democratic republican’. The Whig imperialist tradition goes back to Edmund Burke; it is a tradition of responsive evolution, flexible statecraft, genial optimism and abhorrence of dogmatic absolutes. It prevailed for most of the nineteenth century, for most of the interwar period and for most of the 1950s and early‐1960s. Its Tory nationalist counterpart is tense, rebarbative and often shrill. At its core lies a primal fear of the dissolution of authority and a collapse of the social order. Its most notable exponents include Lord Salisbury, Enoch Powell and Margaret Thatcher. The democratic collectivist tradition stresses ineluctable progress towards a just and rational society, to be achieved by a strong, essentially technocratic central state, with the power and will to replace the wasteful, unjust chaos of the market place by planned co‐ordination. Formative influences on it were the great Fabian socialists, George Bernard Shaw and Sidney and Beatrice Webb; it achieved its apotheosis under the Attlee Government of 1945‐51. The democratic republican tradition is much more inchoate: its exponents have been the awkward squad of British democracy. The most glittering stars in the democratic republican firmament were probably John Milton, John Stuart Mill and R.H. Tawney. It stresses active self‐government and republican self respect, embodied in a vigorous civil society and strong local authorities. During the ninety‐odd years since Britain belatedly acquired a more‐or‐less democratic suffrage, the first three traditions have all been tested, almost to destruction. But though the fourth has had great influence on social movements of all kinds, governments at the centre have done little more than toy with it, usually for brief periods. The great question now is whether Britain is about to experience a democratic republican moment.  相似文献   

唐铁汉 《理论探讨》2004,2(6):79-83
邓小平作为中国改革开放的总设计师,在领导改革开放和现代化建设的伟大实践中,做出了一系列重大决策.他的领导和决策实践具有根本性、战略性、人民性、重点性、全面性和创造性的特点,是与中国的发展和命运紧紧联系在一起的,是与人民的根本利益联系在一起的,也是独具特色的.  相似文献   

《德意志意识形态》是体现马克思哲学变革的重要文本。在这本著作中,马克思确立了以生产逻辑为基础的历史唯物主义构架,这一构架特别体现在三个方面:一是社会存在决定社会意识,这为我们反思意识形态、实现社会历史批判提供了重要的理论基础;二是生产力的发展推动着社会历史的发展,特别是历史向世界历史转变,这为我们认识当代社会的走向,特别是全球化时代的社会走向提供了方法论指导;三是在生产力发展与世界历史格局的基础上,实现共产主义,这为社会发展确立了方向。重读《德意志意识形态》,不仅需要展现马克思哲学变革的内在逻辑,还要展现这一文本的历史意义。  相似文献   

Since the early 1970s, there have been highly sophisticated arguments and conceptual discussions put forward in relation to how Western liberal democracies might wish to manage their diverse ethnic minority populations. It is apparent, however, that in the current climate, the important principles of unity and diversity are insufficient to challenge differing forms of ethnic, racial, and religious inequality. This paper argues that because of its underlying assumptions and modus operandi in the post-September 11 climate, British multiculturalism has been ineffective, even supporting some commentators' suggestions of a return to assimilationism. There is a new era in post-September 11 political hegemony, economic determinism and structural and cultural racisms, with European government rhetoric and public policy almost exclusively aimed at Muslims—whether as existing citizens or as part of a process of limiting immigration (which has tended to be from mainly Eastern European, North African, and Middle Eastern sending regions and nations). The example of New Labour and how it has attempted to deal with multiculturalism in Britain is a case in point. The discussion explores the changing concept of multiculturalism with special reference to British Muslims and debates that emerge in relation to identity, nation and civil society. It is argued that the experience and treatment of British Muslims is important to explore and appreciate in the current climate as it provides a test case for the future of (a) British multiculturalism and (b) British Muslims in society per se.  相似文献   

Little is known about successful local government financial management careers and their implications for organizations. This study identifies three levels of career success—top managers, aspirants, and the plateaued status—and how these groups differ on important personal and professional characteristics. Findings reveal that top managers differ in important ways from aspirants and the plateaued. Furthermore, top managers hired from outside the organization pay more attention to the financial viability of the organization and are more willing to innovate financially than those promoted from within. Results have implications for professionals, their employing organizations, educators, and the ethics of government finance.  相似文献   

This study reports the results of a survey of specialist physicians practicing in British Columbia. The survey identifies the extent to which patients are waiting for hospital treatments and attempts a rough quantification of the costs to the provincial economy associated with the rationing of health care. The identifiable costs associated with reduced productivity should be weighed against the resource savings gained from rationing access to the health care system.  相似文献   

领导干部的政绩评价不仅是重要的理论问题,更是倍受社会特别关注的现实问题。正确分析领导干部政绩评价的现状和存在的不足,对于建立领导干部政绩评价体系有积极作用。  相似文献   

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