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Fu Xi and the Yin-yang Theory Ever wonder where the concepts of yin and yang came from? It is said that 7,000 years ago, Fu Xi, the forefather of ancient Chinese philosophy and cosmology, invented Taiji  相似文献   

Traditional Chinese medicine falls under three categories:plant, mineral and animal. The plant category is the largest.The Shennong Materia Medica, published between the firstand second centuries, is the earliest materia medica extant,and lists 365 medical ingredients. The Newly RevisedMateria Medica of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) that lists 884  相似文献   

IT was at the end of 2002,when no one suspected a glob-al epidemic was about to breakout, that SARS claimed itsfirst victims. It soon became apparent thatSARS was a new, highly conta-gious disease. Within a fewmonths, it had spread to more than  相似文献   

解放前,芜湖中医业主要体现于名老中医及其思想,当时在芜湖地界行医的名老中医主要有顾世澄、李少白等人。解放后,政府将分散行医的名老中医资源加以整合,组建芜湖市中医联合诊所、芜湖市中医师公会、芜湖市中医学会,以发挥他们的整体效益优势。进入21世纪,芜湖市政府加大对中医业现代化体系的整体培育,安徽中医药高等专科学校附属医院芜湖市中医医院、安徽中医药高等专科学校第二附属医院、皖南医学院弋矶山医院中医科、芜湖新安中医医院等目前正呈现出蒸蒸日上的势头,为芜湖中医事业的兴盛作出了重大贡献。  相似文献   

该文基于实地调研对北京和安徽两地的中医药发展情况和存在问题做了分析,指出发展中医药是减轻群众看病就医负担、控制医药费用过快上涨、提高基层医疗卫生服务可及性的必然要求,对于放大医改惠民效果、提高人民群众健康水平,弘扬中华传统文化,促进经济发展和社会和谐,都具有十分重要的意义。为此建议从加快中医药的立法进程等方面来更好地推动中医药事业健康发展。  相似文献   

二十世纪九十年代以来,天然植物药在全球日益受到重视。国际社会对中医药认同度大为提高,许多过去对中草药采取谨慎甚至排斥态度的国家,现在正逐渐改变认识。目前世界上已有130个国家和地区使用中医药,有80%的发展中国家依靠草药防治疾病。欧美国家也出现了“中药热”,美国人已有30%服用植物药。美国的一些医学院已开办了传统医学的专业课程。美国FDA宣布,不再要求中草药产品是已知结构的单体纯品,可以是成份固定、  相似文献   

IT is clear that in order for TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) production to meet world standards and enter the international market, herb plantation in China must be standardized. In late September 2003, the US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) held a seminar on the standardization of TCM development and qual-  相似文献   

Wang Ning 《当代中国》2004,13(38):53-68
In the age of globalization, intellectuals, writers, critics and literary and cultural studies scholars cannot but take pains to conceive or picture the future orientation of elite literature since elite literature is being challenged by popular literature and culture, and literary studies by Cultural Studies. The present essay tries to describe a new orientation of Chinese literature studies, or more specifically, to observe modern Chinese literature in a broad context of world literature and reach a rewriting of contemporary Chinese literary culture from an international and comparative point of view. In reperiodizing modern Chinese literature, the author points out that in the global age, the new framework of world culture in the twenty-first century is characterized by different cultures coming to dialogue and merging to some degree rather than ‘cultural conflict’. With this broad background, twentieth century Chinese literature should be re-examined from an international and comparative perspective. The paper also points out that rewriting literary history must be associated with issues of canon formation and reformation, that is, to offer new interpretations from theoretical perspectives of canonical literary works. The author discusses several considerations involved in canon selection: reception and market success, recognition of critical circles, and inclusion in university curriculum.  相似文献   

<正>A restoration of the old Yushengtang herbal medicine shop.established in the 36th year of the reign of Emperor Wanli of the Ming Dynasty (1608). During the r...  相似文献   

东南亚的中医文化源远流长,影响深远。早期中外文献有不少关于南洋群岛中医的记载。在印尼,中医经历了漫长的发展与演变,并逐渐被当地民众吸收,融入当地的医疗体制。中医在印尼的发展得益于印尼华侨华人的积极推动,尤其是全国性与地方性的中医机构的建立与合法化是其在印尼发展的重要因素,东盟中医机构之间的相互交流也促进了印尼中医的发展。中印尼关系正常化以来,中医成为两国经贸交流与文化交流的重要领域。  相似文献   

IN late 2010 and early 2011, Lan-zhou Foci Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., a manufacturer of traditional Chinese medicines (TCM) in Gansu Province, experienced a sudden heavy increase in orders from Europe. They were stockpiling medicines because they knew the EU was about to raise the  相似文献   

THE closing concert on November 22,2014 of the second Beijing Huqin Music Festival at the Central Conservatory of Music played to a capacity audience.The concert presented,under the theme of"fusion,"13pieces under 11 program items.China Conservatory erhu player Zhang Zunlian raised the curtain with his rendition of the Autumn Moon over the Han Palace.Three generations of erhu artists,represented by Liu Changfu,Chen Yaoxing,Chen Jun,Zhou Wei,and Zhu Changyao,evoked the distinct charisma of this strain of traditional Chinese music.Liu Changfu’s performance of The Moon Mirrored in the Pool,in particular,reflected the spirit of its composer  相似文献   

说古道今话会馆   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
说起北京的会馆,不少人会显现出一种茫然,或曰:"会馆,不就是过去的驻京办事处吗?"稍为知道一点的人则又会表示出"无可奈何花落去"的神情.  相似文献   


Ancient China had 14 sages.Medical SageZhang Zhongjing and Pharmaceutical Sage SunSimiao stood equal to the more widely knownLiterary Sage Confucius and Military Sage SunWu (or Sun Zi,author ofThe Art of War).  相似文献   

正I have a confession,and it’s one that I’m sure my Chinese colleagues will berate me for:When it came to Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM),I was a bit of a doubter.I didn’t doubt that Chinese medicine could be effective.I just wasn’t sure that in this age of modern medicine,where pharmacies have come to resemble Hogwarts Potions Labs,  相似文献   

肖少北  张文香 《新东方》2001,10(3):53-56
汉字与整体思维、辩证思维、具象思维和类比思维的关系,使汉字在中国传统思维方式的形成与巩固中起着重要作用。  相似文献   

中国藏医药产业发展问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国藏族传统医药产业历史悠久,已成为藏区经济重要的特色支柱产业,但由于受到主客观因素的制约,藏医药产业面临的困难及问题主要体现为:企业缺乏规模竞争优势,整体经济效益差;经营方式粗放,资源环境破坏严重;藏药制剂和使用标准不规范,市场监管水平不高等方面,需要通过构建企业战略联盟,强化产业竞争优势;建立藏药材培植基地,实现资源的规模化经营;构建现代营销模式,打造优秀藏药品牌;建立健全内外部约束机制,实现资源开发与生态环境保护的双赢等多种途径推动中国藏医药产业科学发展。  相似文献   

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