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创作时间:2011年创作背景:中央民族歌舞团建团60周年  相似文献   

ONDecember20,1999,ChinawillresumeexerciseofsovereigntyoverMacao.HoHau-wah,firstchiefexecutiveoftheMacaoSpecialAdministrativeReofthePeople'sRepublicofChinain1949putanendtooveracenturyofinternaldisturbanceandforeignoccupation;andbasedonthis,Chinausheredinaneweraofgrowthandprosperitythroughreformandopeningtotheoutsideworld.Inhalfacentury,Chinahastwiceshownitsstrength,andHeavenandEarthhavebeenvisiblymoved.Onlyacenturyago,Chinawasshatteredandpeoplelivedindirepoverty.UndertheattackofWesternp…  相似文献   

Hutong Heaven     
Traveling to Beijing for the first time? Don't get caught in, out, or up by cultural shocks. Know how things should-and shouldn't-be done to ensure your trip is a memorable one for all the right reasons.  相似文献   

正Tibetan opera seeks innovative expressions of life Surrounded by an air of mystery,three performers wearing blue masks entered the stage in the opening scene of a Tibetan opera. They recited a legend of aTibetan figure from a distant age, in a familiar motif of the art form. With holy and customary  相似文献   

China plans to launch its own space stations on February 27, audience of China Central Television was treated to a glimpse of their country's next space-age leap with a preview of the notyet-complete Tiangong I space station. China's first space station is expected to be launched in late 2010.  相似文献   

穆颜杰 《长白学刊》2005,1(4):41-44
随着环境问题的日益突出和人类生存危机的加剧,一门新的学科即环境哲学亦随之兴起,并日益成为一门显学.环境哲学是以人与自然关系为研究对象的哲学,由于人类生存环境的恶化,人与自然的关系也就成了人们的聚焦点.一部人类发展史,就是人与自然关系的发展史.反思人与自然的关系,大体经历了这样一个发展历程:即从"天人合一"到"天人相分"再到"天人融合"辩证否定过程.  相似文献   

MOUNT Hua (Huashan) in Huayin City, Shaanxi Province, is one of China's Big Five mountains, the others being Mount Tai in Shandong Province,Mount Hcng in Shanxi Province, Mount Song in Henan Province, and Mount Heng (another character in Chinese) in Hunan Province.  相似文献   

熊开发 《新东方》2001,10(3):41-48
天人同源、天人感应、天人合一的儒家天人观,是其礼治思想的理论基础,而礼教的基础是天道或天理。礼源于天,先天地正确,不可违逆。人与万事万物一样,都是天的造物。所以,礼合符天道,也合符人道,人遵从礼也就是遵从天道、天理,甚至也是遵从自己的人性。人能够遵从礼,也必须遵从礼。  相似文献   

《天问》题名考辨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
殷光熹 《思想战线》2004,30(1):49-54
《天问》是"天"来"问"人,而不是屈原"问天"。这个"天"并非神秘的天(上帝),而是屈原艺术构思中特指的"天民"。屈原采用借天设问手法,问各家对各种问题的解释、论述以及各种文字记载、口头传闻,是否准确无误、是否真实可信、有何依据、能否验证、如何求证?这样解读,《天问》题名与作品内容就一气贯通了。  相似文献   

Deadly Earth     
Casualties mount in Chongqing landslide as questions arise over what triggered it At least nine people have died and 63 are still missing from a massive June 5 landslide in southwest China's Chongqing Municipality. A local gov- ernment spokesman said the landslide buried  相似文献   

清代女作家陶贞怀创作的《天雨花》,是唯一一部改编为滦州影戏剧本的弹词作品。通过影戏对弹词情节单元的取舍与增改分析,可以总结出影戏的一些情节模式与改编原则。同时,从一种说唱文学到另一种说唱艺术的转变,既有可资借鉴的便利,又因各自不同的取径而表现出独特的韵味。由于南北地域的差异、女性题材的限制以及篇幅的巨大,均给弹词改编为影戏带来了一些困难,这也是我们目前只能看到一部这样的改编作品的原因。  相似文献   

苗族延续至今的万物有灵信仰及原因剖析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苗族信仰从总体上来说是一种基于万物有灵基础上的自然宗教信仰。万物有灵是远古人类所共有的宗教信仰形式。随着时代的进展 ,世界上很多民族的万物有灵信仰逐步消失了 ,而苗族的万物有灵却基本完整地延续到了今天 ,这成为当代苗族宗教信仰的一大特色。了解了这点 ,对于认识苗族信仰与其它宗教信仰的差别 ,正确处理苗族民族事务将大有裨益  相似文献   

The Good Earth     
<正>Agricultural scientists get the most out of the field by using innovative technology Amid skyscrapers a large patch of farmland nestles quietly in Beijing’s Haidian District.This fi eld,dubbed the most expensive of its kind in the world,is the testing ground of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences(CAAS),the leading  相似文献   

Tianjin's efforts to preserve and tap its architectural heritage Since the early 19th century,Tianjin,a port city 100 km southeast of Beijing,has played an important role in China's modernization. As one of the earliest  相似文献   

正China sets up a rare earth association to spur healthy development of the industry Disputes surrounding China’s rare earth industry are hardly rare.Domestically,the industry was plagued  相似文献   

Saving Our Earth     
Though the forum for lively debates hosted by the Copenhagen Conference eventually dissolved, talks on climate change will remain a hot topic.  相似文献   

正China is gearing up to fight a legal dispute with the United States,the EU and Japan over its export controls on rare earth minerals.The case was submitted to the WTO in mid-March.Mei Xinyu,an associate research fellow with the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation,shared his views on the escalating situation with Securities Times.Edited excerpts follow:  相似文献   

China will never loosen itsconsolidation efforts in rareearth regulation Inner Mongolia’s Dalahai Village was a place of utopian beauty. With a landscape of lush green hills,  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国以其巨大的市场潜力及日益改善的软硬投资环境,吸引了大批外商来华直接投资,世界许多著名跨国公司也纷纷来华抢滩登陆。尤其是2001年11月中国加入WTO以后,中国在外资政策上更加开放,欧、美国家纷纷看好中国市场,大量资金涌入中国,外资经济已经成为中国经济发展的一个重要增长点。然而,当国外直接投资急剧增加的时候,对中国的环境是否会产生巨大的负面影响,中国是否会成为“污染天堂”,这是值得我们关注的问题。“污染天堂”假说外国直接投资(FDI)大量进入发展中国家市场的动机很多,说法之一是发展中国家的环境标准较低,…  相似文献   

人仙结合是布依族民间爱情故事中较为普遍的结构类型,体现了天界与凡间的关系从遥不可及转变为亲密接触,触犯禁忌则是推动爱情婚姻从天界降临凡间的因素。这类故事的出现与布依族群众对神灵的信仰以及社会地位、物质财富等相对缺失的心态密切相关,故事鲜明地表现了惩恶扬善的道德观念。  相似文献   

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