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<正>Booming zone in Beijing is morphing from an Eden of creation into a high-end art market 1n 10 years, an abandoned factory complex has developed into one of Beijing’s cultural landmarks, the 798  相似文献   

After the September 11 attacks, most of the old organizations and command systems of international terrorist forces, led by AI Qaeda, were destroyed. Instead of completely disappearing, however, they transformed their traditional organizational forms into an array of non-traditional terrorist movements.  相似文献   

正Though nicknamed"the world’s factory"due to its manufacturing capacity,China has progressed steadily in scientific and technological development in recent decades by investing heavily in fundamental research. This year, such endeavor has borne fruit in many fields including space exploration and oceanography. How these  相似文献   

<正>China sends railway,nuclear power and other equipment sales to foreign marketsEquipment industries could soon present a viable way out for China’s sluggish exports.At a State Council executive meeting on January 28,Chinese Premier Li Keqiang made clear his decision to promote big-ticket items such as railways,nuclear power and other Chinese equipment in overseas markets.  相似文献   

新农村建设"新"在哪里?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
建设社会主义新农村不是一个新概念,上世纪50年代以来党的文件中曾多次使用这个提法.现在中央提出的社会主义新农村建设"新"在哪里?这是需要在理论上澄清的一个重要问题.  相似文献   

Ilike playing the violin,and I can already play several songs, said Wei Luxi happily,holding a violin.She lives in Fengtai District in Beijing,and her parents are both well-paid engineers.At five years old,the kindergartner has played the violin for a year and is already doing well with the musical instrument.  相似文献   

Sailors and medical staff aboard the Chinese Navy hospital ship, Peace Ark, hold an oath-taking ceremony on September 6.The ship started its medical mission from the Zhoushan Port in east China’s Zhejiang Province on August 31.  相似文献   

<正>Su Embroidery has prospered for more than 2,000 years Suzhou, capital of east China’s Jiangsu Province, a city dubbed Heaven on Earth and the Venice of the East, has long been a major producer of silk due to its mild climate and prosperous sericultural industry. Therefore, the embroi- dery industry is quite advanced there.  相似文献   

新农村建设中的社会动员   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
社会动员作为社会资源积累和转移的重要手段,在中国的现代化进程起着举足轻重的作用.社会动员不具有普世性和不变性特征,而是随时空变迁而变,所以,当前新农村建设运动中的社会动员必然也有其自身特征.本文试图从社会学角度对新农村建设中的社会动员的意义、特征及其可能后果作学理性分析.  相似文献   

艺术美新解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蓝星 《理论月刊》2001,(7):21-22
针对关于艺术美过于表象化的界定,提出艺术美概念的内核:从艺术的存在论和发生学角度看,艺术美是以艺术作品为载体的意识形态价值;从艺术美与艺术审美能力的关系来看,艺术美是与审美能力同步生成和完善于人类以物质生产为中心的整个社会实践之中,因此它也会在现代和后现代有不同形态。  相似文献   

WHEN centuries of artistic development were transplanted into a revolutionary culture reinventing itstraditions, what unfolded was a half century of the most interesting developments in China's art scene.  相似文献   

要把古老的中国杂技变成如梦如幻、如诗如画的高雅艺术,必须在继承、借鉴的基础上,对其进行大胆探索和创新,赋予其合理的现代意识,给人以更加强烈的艺术感染力.  相似文献   

犯罪现场是追溯犯罪活动和犯罪人的客观物质基础,犯罪现场保护是搞好现场勘查和侦察破案的重要条件之一,为了更好的确保现场勘验工作的顺利进行,必须注意掌握现场保护的具体方法。同样,提高刑事案件现场勘查效率与质量具有重要意义,要找到问题所在并采取切实有效方法。  相似文献   

Scene Shifting     
<正>Luanxian embraces sustainable development by boosting its cultural tourism industry The first Luanhe River Cultural Festival kicked off in Luanxian County, nearby Tangshan in Hebei Province on October  相似文献   

在当前公安科技领域,刑事技术装备发挥的作用越来越重要。但多数仪器装备价格昂贵,且不便于携带至现场,仅局限在实验室及较暗光线环境下使用,功能单一,不能满足基层一线现场勘查人员需要,不利于基层刑事科学技术单位对大量现场实施细致勘查的要求。研究人员结合基层刑事技术人员的实际应用需求,研制出多功能现场勘查新装备——新型多波段数码现场勘验仪,经初步试用,效果良好。  相似文献   

T0 the casual observer, Duancun, located loo kilometers from Beijing in Hebei Province, is a wholly unremarkable town. A narrow, dusty road meanders through the old town center; gardens stretch out behind residences, in which a variety of vegetables are grown, and recently harvested crops dry in the sun on rooftops and pathways.  相似文献   

On the Scene     
My wife and I attended the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games at the National Stadium, also known as the Bird’s Nest, in Beijing on February 4.The first thing that struck me on arrival was how spectacular the Olympic Park was looking.  相似文献   

雷鸣 《前沿》2010,(7):128-130
管理民主是社会主义新农村建设中政治建设的主题,从全国来看农村管理民主整体上还处于起步阶段。该研究通过深入的实地调查和资料分析,探讨新农村建设中管理民主的现状及所存在的问题,文章最后总结了新农村建设中管理民主的实现途径。  相似文献   

You'd never run out of green net- working opportunities in Beijing. Thankfully, mixes of expats and locals have wrapped environmen- talism and socializing into one package of discounted drinks and offbeat venues.  相似文献   

李农 《理论月刊》2006,(5):180-183
建设社会主义新农村,统筹城乡发展是实现和谐社会的前提和条件,农业的发展对农村公共产品供给具有强烈的依赖性。本文分析了二元经济结构布局下,城乡公共产品供给“一品两制”所造成的农村公共服务严重缺位的现象,以及财政投入对农村公共产品供给的重要性;提出了新农村建设中完善公共产品供给机制的政策建议。  相似文献   

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