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In 2019,Beijing announced a new policy,allowing people over 60 to ride public buses free.It was welcomed by Guo Huijuan,62,who takes Bus 618 to Haidian Senior University for painting class twice a week.  相似文献   

Never Too Late     
California's apology to Chinese Americans creates better understanding between China, Chinese Americans and the United States  相似文献   

Never Too Late     
<正>A historical issue is being raised on Capitol Hill.In late May,members of the U.S.Congress introduced bipartisan resolutions in both chambers,calling on the federal legislature to acknowledge formally and express regret for discriminatory legislation and how the country accordingly treated Chinese immigrants more than a century ago.  相似文献   

LAST year I decided to pack up my things and move into a retirement community. Many people asked me why I would want to do that, rather than staying in my own home or living with my kids as most people in their late years do. One of the main reasons was that I had already had some friends living in these types of places, and they always spoke highly of the experience.  相似文献   

Time to Learn     
IN January 2002, representatives from the Development and Re-search Center of the State Coun-cil, John F. Kennedy School of Government (KSG) of Harvard  相似文献   

<正>China plans to overhaul its state-owned enterprisesOn September 13,China unveiled longawaited details of how it would reform its state-owned enterprises(SOEs),the latest move to invigorate the country’s torpid public sector by shaping a more pragmatic management system and nurturing more competitive public enterprises.According to the guidelines released by the Central Government,China will modern-  相似文献   

So Much to Learn     
One of the main reasons that China sought to host the 2010 Expo, aside from showcasing the country's ancient cultural glory and recent economic miracle, is to learn from other countries, developed and developing ones alike. Shanghai, the host city, is the best student among Chinese regions, which is always ready to learn from foreign experience and follow trendy fashions in the world.  相似文献   

正China’s success in fighting COVID-19 should be an eye-opener for the West The world was taken aback by the novel coronavirus outbreak that was first reported in Wuhan, capital city of Hubei Province in central China with a population of over 11 million. The Chinese authorities were also initially  相似文献   

The world economic recovery has stumbled since June due to the European debt crisis and lackluster performance in major economies. Fears of a potential double-dip recession  相似文献   

大老虎与小老鼠 有一天,一只老虎在太阳底下睡觉.一只小老鼠经过时碰到了它的爪子,把它惊醒了.老虎正要张嘴吃它,小老鼠说道:"哦,别吃我,请让我走吧,先生!有一天也许我会报答你的."老虎在心里笑,小小的老鼠怎么可能帮一只大老虎呢?但它是一只好心肠的老虎,就把老鼠放走了.不久以后,这只老虎被一张网罩住了.  相似文献   

向失败学习体现为一种冲破传统思维的理念,需有敢于自我否定的勇气,是取得成功后的清醒。公安工作中向失败学习,是寻找公安工作发展的增长点和发展规律,寻找防止和纠正错误的办法。反思公安工作中的失败,定位不准、能效不高、执法不严是当下必须上下共同反思的问题,重要的是要掌握向失败学习的方法,要正确认识和对待失败,找出失败的根源,还要建立向失败学习的机制。  相似文献   

Never Forget     
正THE Second World War ended almost 70 years ago.People who witnessed the war first-hand are now in their twilight years,many have passed away.Yet,the war remains vivid in the world’s collective memory.It was a period when"disaster"ruled and,therefore,can never be forgotten.On September 2,1945,a representative of Japan officially signed the Instrument of Surrender on the  相似文献   

正THE newly opened children’s playground in Fangzhuang Sports Park in Beijing’s Fengtai District has added a heaving hubbub of exuberant youngsters to this otherwise sedate spot where local residents come to relax or take exercise.Built to accommodate the recreational demands of children born in the recent baby boom,the playground is amply equipped with  相似文献   

FOUR years into the international financial crisis,it’s clear that the economic policies followed in Europe to deal with the crisis have failed.Realization of this has now led to major political changes in Europe,epitomized by the outcome of the French and Greek elections.The Financial Times,one of the world’s leading newspapers,considered these events so significant that it headlined its lengthy review of them "Seven Days Which Shook Europe."A key reason Europe’s policies have failed to solve the economic problems that arose from the financial crisis is that there has been a consistent  相似文献   

With one section of the South-to-North Water Diversion Project nearly complete, ecology and tourism stand to benefit T hinking big seems to be a Chinese tradition. Ancient legends often feature figures that can audaciously move mountains, change courses of rivers, fly to the  相似文献   

Han Meilin travels his own artistic road, mindful of his rootsH e started his painting career at 13 and has never stopped his progress along his singular road for 60 years-even during harsh conditions  相似文献   

International rating agency Moody's Investors Service downgraded China's long-term local currency and foreign currency issuer ratings to A1 from Aa3 and changed the outlook to stable from negative on May 24. Officials from China's Ministry of Finance, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Commerce as well as many economists expressed disagreement with the agency's rating immediately after the downgrade announcement. As a matter of fact, it's unnecessary to react so intensively to the downgrade by Moody's because the fairness, professionalism and influence of the agency are questionable.  相似文献   

<正>China's online shopping frenzy goes global In what is likely the most expensive television advertisement for Singles Day since the shopping festival was founded in 2009,American actor Kevin Spacey—appearing as his character U.S.President Frank Underwood from House of Cards—wished the audience a happy Singles Day and listed the number of items he wanted to buy to celebrate.Singles Day,or Double 11,falls on November 11 every year and is China’s equiva-  相似文献   

“哑巴外语”现象产生的主要原因之一,是学生不太情愿开口“说”外语。而顾忌犯错,追求“完美”则是他们开不了口的“症结”所在。“说”外语追求的应该是“自然地道”,而不是“完美无缺”。外语学习的全过程实际上是一个各种技能综合训练的过程,学生必须学会利用各种语言环境,创造条件开口“说”外语,只有到能够比较自然流畅地表达思想而不必费力地去琢磨该用什么词句时,才算是真正学会了开口“说”外语。  相似文献   

Having long suffered from low education,Chinese job seekers now face a problem of an opposite nature Wang Lina,who holds a master’s degree from Wuhan University in central China’s Hubei Province,once firmly believed that the qualification would land her a stable and highly-paid job.Yet after failing to nail down a job after attending more than 40 job fairs since graduating last summer,her confidence is waning.  相似文献   

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