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INGermany'sNuremberg,atoymuseumleftadeepimpressionuponme.InthemuseumIsawcooltoys,includingskateboards,balls,andRreatdrawingsthatIhadneverseenbefore.IwishthatsomedayIcouldoPenmyowntoymuseuminChinawiththeworid'smostinterestingtoys.IwantChinesechildrentohaveanopportUnitytoenjoysuchtoysthemselves."IassociateViennawithmusic.WhenIwasinkindergarten,mymotherbroughtmetoaconcertsponsoredbytheViennaPhilharmonicOrchestrainBeijing.InVienna,thestreetswerecoveredwithmusicflyers,andIreallywantedtost…  相似文献   

Tensions across the Taiwan Straits have recently escalated due to actions on the part of several U.S. politicians as well as some pro-independence parties on the island. On October 26, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed his country's support for Taiwan joining the United Nations, a blunt violation of the one-China principle. At the same time, the Taiwan authority is increasingly, and recklessly so, challenging the bottom line of the Central Government in Beijing. In her CNN interview on October 28, Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen confirmed that U.S. troops are training local military forces on the island, making Tsai the first Taiwanese authority to admit to the presence of U.S. military on the island.  相似文献   

<正>China plans to overhaul its state-owned enterprisesOn September 13,China unveiled longawaited details of how it would reform its state-owned enterprises(SOEs),the latest move to invigorate the country’s torpid public sector by shaping a more pragmatic management system and nurturing more competitive public enterprises.According to the guidelines released by the Central Government,China will modern-  相似文献   

"向西方学习"与"回归中国"并非是不可得而兼之的选择,理智的态度是以我为主,海纳百川.复兴儒学是一件非常不容易的事情,必得对提倡的东西有一种敬畏的精神.要注意抓住儒学的优点,探索如何教会人懂得内在反省与潜心修养,人类的自我完善必须通过内省完成.它是一个细致的文化薰陶与长期积淀的过程.在今日市场经济的环境下,更需要冷静地进行新的探索,不能迷信大轰大哄,它不可能真正奏效.  相似文献   

As the season of hope and rebirth returns to Shanghai this year, a global celebration of human ingenuity unfolds on the banks of the Bund. The 2010 World Expo opens on May 1, ready for a protracted run of 184 days and an anticipated 70 million visitors from all over the globe. Since its debut in London in 1851 the event has provided a showcase for the latest fruits of civilization.  相似文献   

正Some 13 years ago,Wei Yongkang was flunked out of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)because he was unable to complete his master’s degree at the prestigious institution within the stipulated three years.He was expected to complete a successive postgraduate and doctorate program at the CAS after being accepted at 17.Wei had been called a prodigy because he knew 1,000 Chinese characters when he was just 2 years old.He entered a prestigious senior high school at 12.His  相似文献   

近代西方传教士来华以后,发现中国存在着一个庞大的、对基督教传播可能构成威胁的穆斯林群体,于是他们开始了针对该群体有计划有组织的传教活动。这种传教活动无疑具有一定的文化侵略意味,从总体上看也是不成功的,但在客观上对两种宗教在文化交流和文明互动方面仍具有一定的积极意义。  相似文献   

社会对见危不救行为是否定的.对其价值判断的这种一致性,使得对其犯罪化不只是可能,而且是必要的.对见危不救行为动用刑罚加以调整,使人们自愿承担救人于危难间的义务,以促进社会的整体利益.我国刑法中应增加"见危不救罪",但要有严格的范围限制.  相似文献   

Lesson6SUNDEJINYOUShOUdGOto5669TCMDOCtOFPartl[BasicSentencesja.我有点儿不舒服。W6y6udi6nrbitshufu.(don’tfeelverywell)b.你现在身体怎么样?Nixi6nz6ish6ntiz&nmes6ng?(Howdoyoufeel?)c.你应该吃点儿中药。N*yinggdichididnrzh6ngy6o.口onshouldtakesomeChinesemedicine..)d针灸对这种病的治疗效果很好。Zh巨匈i6duizhEzh6ngbingdezhili6oxidogu6h6nh6o.(AcupunctureandmoxlbustlonareveryeffectiveIntreatingthisdisease.)e.有的病西医效果好,有的病中医Y6udebingxiyixi6ogu6h6o,y6udebi…  相似文献   

人往往都有长处(优点)和短处(缺点),领导干部也一样,关键是对长处和短处要看准。切切不要凭自己的偏见或臆断,视人和自视时将长处当成短处,将短处当成长处。春秋时代的齐国宰相晏婴,是个很有本领的政治家。他有个下属兼亲信叫高缭,人也不错,办事很小心,人缘也很好。只因为对上司一味盲从,喜欢说“好好好”式的随声附和之言,性格上没有任何棱角,晏婴便把他辞掉了。晏婴的解释(大意)是:“我晏婴本人本来是个平庸、无用的人,像一根七扭八歪且又不方不正的木头。必须有人为这根木头划线,用斧子去削,用刨子去刨,才能制作出一件像样的器具。而高缭…  相似文献   

苗疆边墙不论在修筑的时间、结构和功能上,都与北方明长城没有什么两样,不同的是她经过我国西南湿润的地区,那里民族众多、人口密度较大,从而使长城作为历史上中国特定地区不同民族文化之间的功能界线这一特有的文化背景,在更小的区域内得到清晰的体现,也使长城在民族文化上的一些没有受到人们重视的作用和意义更清晰地展示了出来。  相似文献   

正James Peck,visiting professor at New York University and founder of the Culture and Civilization of China project at Yale University Press and the China International Publishing Group,shared his views on China’s rising role in dealing with global inequality in a world dominated by the U.S.-centric globalism.An edited excerpt of his article fol ows:In the words of the great African-American abolitionist,Frederick Douglass,"To understand you have to stand under."Today many of us live in the United States in a world of  相似文献   

<正>This book provides an in-depth evidence-based analysis on the issue of democracy and good governance,using hundreds of actual examples comparing the Chinese and Western political systems based on theories,structure,processes and performance.The current Chinese political system is designed for wide-based consultation with socialism as its  相似文献   

高放 《探索与争鸣》2005,(11):77-79
北京大学张光明教授新著《社会主义由西方到东方的演进——从马克思到邓小平的社会主义思想考察》一书,对许多人物的评价,对马克思、列宁等人的社会主义观及其演进过程的认识都有自己新的思考和独特的分析研究方法。作者更是注重密切联系实际来说明问题,而且潜心于独立思考,敢于力排众议,发表自己的新见解。然而,作者的这些新见解也有值得商榷之处。其中,建立一个什么样的党和什么样的党领导的执政体制这一关键问题,需要作进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

庞鸿先生面方耳阔,眉眼慈祥,曾有媒体形容他“热情而不失文雅,颇具儒商气质”。在北京太丰惠中大厦的会议室与他倾谈一个上午,略微惊讶于他人生履历的丰富:从工厂工人、政  相似文献   

透视网络民主的有限性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
伴随着网络政治的出现,网络民主也越来越成为人们关注的话题,然而网络民主是否真的那么健全?从主体、内容及民主本身三个层面分析看,现实层面的网络民主还只是一种不健全的有限民主。  相似文献   

KOREAN movie buffs associate Chi- nese film of the 1980s with Hong Kong kungfu mov- ies, acted by stars Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee; also the gangster movies by Hong Kong director John Woo, dubbed "Hong Kong noir" by Korean film critics. Korean youth, many of whom were active in stu- dent movements at the time, related strongly to the deep fraternal bond portrayed in these movies. Jackie Chan's films have been a favorite of mine since childhood, from his early kungfu flicks to more recen…  相似文献   

社会主义民主政治建设的路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民主政治的理想是社会主义制度的内在追求.党的十一届三中全会以后,虽然我国的民主政治建设获得了长足进步,但由于受制于特定的历史条件,建设有中国特色的社会主义民主政治依然任重而道远.  相似文献   

<正>It is the dead of the night and the city is sleeping. A stray car cruises the street until its lonesome passenger responds in a zombie-like manner to a traffic light that turns red, stopping an invisible flow of traffic.  相似文献   

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