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隆冬时的南宁,阳光融融,天蓝水绿,一如温暖的北国之春。我团赴广西艺术学院组约一集画稿,因而有幸聆听了正在该院讲学的我国旅芬作曲家──秦大平先生的现代音乐作品《轮回》与《一九七六之声》。在这之前,他曾在武汉和四川音乐学院讲学。那天,广西艺术学院的一个会...  相似文献   

根据历史资料,今年是中国历史上第一个千禧龙年。中国历史上有确切纪年的是公元前 841年,即西周庚申年。干支纪年法一般认为始于商代,十二生肖纪年法始于何时,目前尚无定论。《诗经·小雅·吉日》中有“吉日庚午,既差我马”之句,又《左传·僖公五年》有“龙尾伏辰”之语,分别把“午”与“马”、“龙”与“辰”相联,有些人根据这些记载,认为周代已有十二兽纪年法。从各种资料来看,十二兽纪法不是外来的,而是中国本土产生的。先有十二地支,后有十二兽与之相配。由于十二兽纪年法十二年一轮回,轮回时间太短,不易区分确切年份,容…  相似文献   

略论印度教与印度佛教的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在历史上 ,佛教是作为印度教的异端、同时也是在承续了印度教某些教义思想的基础上而产生的 ,其后印度教与印度佛教之间又存在着复杂的既相互竞争又相互吸收和影响的关系。在理论上 ,二者之间既存在着重大的区别 (例如在对待“种姓制度”的问题上、在关于“空”与“有”的问题上 ) ,但也存在着许多出自同一文化背景的基本的一致性 (例如关于“灵魂不灭”的观念、关于“业报轮回”的观念等 )。  相似文献   

《宿世之恋》是收录于小泉八云晚年的文学作品集《灵之日本》(1899)中的一部作品。经考证,该作品直接取材于《夜窗鬼谈》中的《牡丹灯》和明治时期落语家三游亭元朝的《怪谈牡丹灯笼》。而《牡丹灯》和《怪谈牡丹灯笼》直接依据的是中国明代《剪灯新话》中《牡丹灯记》的日本翻案作品——浅井了意《伽婢子》中的《牡丹灯笼》。本文将以比较文学、比较文化的方法探究《宿世之恋》的变奏轨迹,从而考察中国小说在其日本化过程中所发生的变化,进而明确小泉八云再现文学的创作方法、主题以及其对纯粹、凄美、超越死亡的爱情的追寻。  相似文献   

<正>军事科学院军队政治工作研究中心2010年1月在《解放军报》发表《论树立综合安全观》一文指出,胡锦涛关于要牢固树立综合安全观念的论述,是适应时代发展对我国国家安全问题的新概括,是对国家  相似文献   

不知道世上是否真的有轮回,梦中的事会在现实中浮现,曾经的人也会在突然间出现。又一次见到紫璃,是在同学聚会上,她的风采依然,艳丽中透着妩媚,已不再是娇羞的少女了,而是个成熟的妇人。  相似文献   

菊子 《新青年》2002,(5):23
生活是必然与偶然的不断交错与重合,在轮回中朝朝暮暮。尽管做了6年的邻居,5年的校友,我们却一直限定在各自的轨迹上。然而,一系列宿命中的契机客串了我们相识的中介。命运如此不堪推敲。  相似文献   

正今年4月22日是田冲——人艺的同事都亲切地称呼他田老冲——百岁诞辰,值得纪念一番。田老冲是上个世纪五六十年代蜚声中国话剧舞台的著名表演艺术家。他在60多年里创造了百余个真实可信、性格鲜明、色彩各异的人物形象,其中有《带枪的人》中的雪特林、《悭吝人》中的阿巴公、《同志,你走错了路》中的吴部长、《红岩》中的许云峰、《关汉卿》中的关汉卿、《王昭君》中的苦伶仃等等,至今还留存在广大观众的心里,栩栩如生,呼之欲出。  相似文献   

波斯帝国时期,犹太文化深受波斯文化的强烈影响,这不仅表现为波斯文化的语言、文字、人的姓名特征、对上帝的称呼等外在文化载体都对犹太文化产生了巨大影响,更重要的是,波斯宗教对犹太文化犹太教的深刻影响,如波斯宗教的二元论特征、末世论观念,以及魔鬼观念等对犹太教的影响。正是由于波斯文化对犹太文化的侵蚀,在很大程度上促使犹太民族进行文化抗争和保持本民族文化与特征的自觉,特别是促进了犹太民族文化核心《托拉》(《摩西五经》)的正典化定型。  相似文献   

日本古代小说大都具有浓郁的佛学色彩,净土、无常、果报是最典型的三个侧面。净土思想是日本佛教的主流且具有明显的现世特征:平安物语的净土信仰成为救赎宫廷贵族脱离苦难的精神支柱;中世战记物语的净土信仰多与死亡紧密相连,成为对战乱中人们渴求来世幸福的终极关怀。无常是日本小说尤其是中世物语中最浓墨重彩的一笔,无常既是对人间永无常住的感性叹息,也是对盛者必衰社会法则的理论解释,更成为武家社会切身感受的"生死观"。因果报应思想贯穿日本小说史的始终,它与宿世、轮回、转生等观念互为表里,成为孕育日本怪异小说流行的土壤之一,并表现出与儒家劝惩观念相结合的世俗化趋势。  相似文献   

老挝是东南亚地区受印度传统文化影响很深的国家之一,在老挝古代文学作品中往往可以找到古印度文化的影子,古典名著<休沙瓦>便是这方面的典型.  相似文献   

曹阳 《东北亚论坛》2011,(5):123-129
日本二战史观的形成,是由日本独特的政治文化决定的。在政治文化中,起决定作用的是"观念形态政治文化"——民族心理、宗教信仰和价值观念等因素。正是由于日本独特的民族心理、宗教信仰和价值观念,才造就了日本偏执的历史观和错误的二战史观。要想使日本政治文化朝着有利于反省战争罪责方向发展,就必须对日本政治文化进行改造,其途径是全球化的发展、中国的强大和日本内部的转变。  相似文献   

In contrast to the claim that the most significant fault line in contemporary global affairs is between the civilisation of the West and all others, this essay argues that the schism between those who advance their values through violence and those who rely on persuasion, both of which are present in all civilisations, is the greatest source of conflict in the post-Cold-War era. Moderates come in many stripes: some are liberal, such as Reform Jews and Social Democrats, while most others are illiberal, including many Muslim religious leaders. All moderates, however, share in common a principled rejection of violence. Polls and reports from around the world bear out that a conviction of the value of persuasion over coercion does not depend on faith in democracy or secularism. The West should ally itself with such moderates, no matter how liberal or illiberal their orientation.  相似文献   

This article (re)examines Afghan youth within the post-Taliban nation-building process through a close review of the growing academic literature on the nexus of development and conflict, as well as the author's personal, in-country interactions with Afghans over the past decade. It argues that when people believe in development, they view inequalities as a particular stage that they must pass through to emerge on the other side. Yet, when a country's people lose faith in the promise of development, they begin to view inequalities without the hope that reaching the other side is simply a matter of time and patience. When this ‘loss of faith’ occurs one option is to try to exit to a better place. The second option is violence—to break through to the ‘other side’ through force. This article argues that with the decade long failure of development in Afghanistan such trends are increasingly visible among Afghan youth, and suggests the need for a critical paradigm shift in the way that we view the country and the context of development there.  相似文献   

近代早期的葡萄牙既是信奉天主教的旧教国,也是最早向海外扩张的欧洲殖民国家。葡萄牙的宗教狂热决定了其在殖民活动中不可避免地受到了天主教的影响。本文以近代早期葡萄牙在东亚海域的殖民扩张为背景,从几个方面探讨了天主教的影响。  相似文献   

老挝经济结构--老挝经济探析之一   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
编者按:中国驻老挝大使馆经济商务参赞张瑞昆向本刊提供了<老挝经济结构--老挝经济探析之一>、<老挝外援简析--老挝经济探折之二>.<老挝外贸回顾--老挝经济探折之三>等3篇文章,本刊将分别在各期刊登,以供读者对老挝经济情况的了解.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the apocalyptic zeitgeist of the Islamic State through the lens of what we call the New Tribalism. It finds that IS emerged from the Al Qaeda (AQ) milieu, but soon split with AQ as the messianic excitement surrounding Al-Baghdadi and his teachings grew. In common with previous millennial/messianic movements in all three “Peoples of the Book”—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—IS soon evolved beyond the laws of the normative faith (antinomianism). We hold that for this reason, despite its claims of faith and fealty, IS has left the Islamic Umah behind, becoming a malign sectarian group of its own whose dynamism and successes are attracting a global audience and support from Muslims in almost every country. This helps to explain such abhorrent practices as forced conversion, sexual servitude, the destruction of historic artifacts, and mass executions. We find that the American invasion of Iraq was the vital first step in a series of events, which gave birth to IS. A thorough review of IS history and political culture traces these historic moments in time.  相似文献   

This essay examines, by way of a series of brief country sketches, the current state of democratization in Latin America. It argues that in the formal sense progress has been significant but that only in a handful of countries has the economic development which democracy requires taken place. Many serious impediments (corruption, party weaknesses, public alienation, and poor policy implementation among them) remain. It will be decades before a definitive judgement can be reached.  相似文献   


In the beginning faith was the alpha and omega of revolutionary dreams and terrorist actions. This article will examine case studies among the Peoples of the Book—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—for religious terrorism is not the product of one faith. It argues that the cultural resonance of each movement examined offers a blank slate on which contemporary seekers, dreamers, and fighters may write. The title, borrowed from a popular novel, is the leitmotif of this form of violence. By all objective forms of analysis, the movements chronicled in these pages are a parade of seemingly stupid ideas held by idealists, fools, and fanatics who dreamed that, with God at their side, they could bring perfection to a fallen world. In such a cause, antinomian violence is inevitable and genocide its logical outcome. Yet these early movements are not to be despised, for together it was they, not the huddled masses cowering before the powers that be, that created the modern world.  相似文献   

This article seeks to bring more nuance to recent discussions about the role of faith in religious development NGOs. It takes an in-depth look at Tearfund, a leading Evangelical development NGO, and explores the ways in which faith shapes its conceptualisation of development, its programme design, and its implementation strategy. The article traces the process through which Tearfund actively sought to bring faith into the centre of its development work, and argues that grappling with faith in this way can lead religious development NGOs to innovate new approaches to development that are at least somewhat outside of mainstream development thinking.  相似文献   

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