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人本管理是一种以人为本的管理思想,它认为一切管理活动在本质上都是为了服务人.它以人为根本,并通过充分调动人的积极性,挖掘组织中人的潜能,从而提高管理效率,实现组织的预定目标.人本管理是现代警务管理的发展趋势,它可以充分调动民警的积极性,激励民警主动学习,不断发展自己的业务知识技能,在帮助民警自身职业生涯实现的同时更好地促进公安机关任务和目标的实现.人本管理思想在香港警务管理中得到充分体现.通过对香港警务管理中人本管理思想的提炼和总结,可以为我国内地警务管理工作提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

通过考察中国香港的警队内部警察执法责任制度、内外结合的投诉警察制度与警队外部的廉政公署制度,获得我国的警察执法责任制度必须可操作化、强化公民在追究警察执法责任中的作用、及时公布追究警察执法责任的情况、成立独立的警察督察部门等启示.  相似文献   

执法规范化是确保公安机关严格、公正、文明、理性执法的重要途径,是提升公安机关执法公信力,构建和谐警民关系的内在要求。香港地区相对完善的法律,人性化的制度要求和设计,尊重生命,平等竞争,充分保障人权理念的养成,保障了香港警察执法的规范化,同时也为内地正在开展的公安执法规范化建设提供了有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

香港廉政广告在建设"廉洁香港"过程中发挥了重要作用,是香港反腐败成功经验中的重要方面。采用文本分析法,对香港廉政公署自1975~2008年之间所投放的66则电视廉政广告进行分析,可以发现香港廉政广告在诉求对象的选择、关键诉求的设计和诉求方式的运用等三方面都有策略性安排。这些经验知识对于近年来内地反腐倡廉建设过程中廉政广告手段的运用具有积极的启发价值。  相似文献   

公安文学可以让群众生动、具体地认识和了解警察的工作,可以通过情感感染和言行影响,获得群众对警察工作的支持与配合,密切警民关系,从而有利于促进警察公共关系建设。  相似文献   

香港的廉洁治理之所以取得成功,很大程度上在于香港将廉洁建设成为一种可资竞争的实力,即"廉实力"。上世纪90年代初期,随着香港政府允许高层官员相对自由地向私营机构流动,利益冲突现象逐渐增多,尤其是高级公务员退休之后再就业中的"延后利益冲突"现象较为突出。香港的利益冲突管理采用了专门处理机构离职公务员就业申请咨询委员会和廉政公署相结合的联合管理模式,但由于"延后利益"具有高度的隐蔽性和潜在性,甄别困难,且难以从法律上进行制裁,引发民众不满。香港利益冲突管理的经验对我国当下的腐败治理具有重要的借鉴价值,主要体现在:设立专业的处理机构;法律与规定的可执行性;公共伦理道德教育;构建廉实力监控体系。  相似文献   

队伍建设正规化,是公安工作的永恒主题和本质要求,是上海铁路公安局确定的“四项建设”之一,是推进全局工作新发展的根本.要积极探索高铁时代队伍正规化建设的新路子、新方法,抓住认识、干部、落实、素质、状态等因素,不断提高公安队伍正规化建设水平,促进铁路公安工作科学发展.  相似文献   

公安执法规范化建设是一个系统工程,在加强公安执法自身规范化建设的同时,必须着力解决影响公安执法的各种社会因素的规范化建设问题。公安执法规范化建设还必须同政治体制的改革及司法体制的完善同步推进。  相似文献   

当前正处于铁路改革特殊时期,加强青年民警队伍教育管理尤为重要.要紧紧围绕“一个中心、四项建设”总体思路,牢固树立先进理念,紧贴青年民警特点,严格纪律作风管理,落实人文关怀举措,坚持主流精神引领,积极创造良好环境,大力提升能力水平,不断激发青年民警的青春活力和工作热情.  相似文献   

香港申诉专员制度的发展与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
香港申诉专员制度是一种以申诉专员为主体的行政监督制度。它从建立以来持续发展,突出表现在独立性不断加强、职权不断扩大、方式不断增加,以及绩效不断提高。其发展蕴含着一些经验与启示,即行政申诉要有必要的改革、要有真正的独立性、要有足够的权威性,以及要有多方的合作等。这些启示对我国行政监察等制度的改革能够提供有益的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

The paper argues that, under the globalized economy, state power is far from diminishing. I study how the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government officials in 1999 developed “competition-development” discourse and “disappearing-world-city” discourse to persuade the public to approve the unequal and non-transparent Hong Kong–Disney deal for setting up the Hong Kong Disneyland (HKDL). I also examine how newspaper reports have circulated and have reinforced these two pairs of political discourses in wider popular discourse. I further reveal, in the post-colonial context of HongKong, how the HKDL project functions to accomplish decolonization tasks and to reshape Hong Kong as a consumption-based tourist spot instead of a citizen-based participatory community.  相似文献   

香港土地审裁处司法活动综述及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
拆迁问题归根结底是利益问题,政府、开发商、被拆迁者三方进行着激烈的利益博弈。有利益就有纠纷,恶性、惨痛的拆迁纠纷时见报道,且愈演愈烈。拆迁该如何实现和谐?拆迁难题的解决可能需要系统性的改革,而土地纠纷的解决却有一个最基本的理念,即需要中立、独立、没有偏私的机构和人员以公平、公正、专业和高透明度的方式来解决纠纷,让利益的博弈回归到法律框架之下。香港土地审裁处解决土地纠纷的成功经验值得借鉴。  相似文献   

Based on data from two opinion surveys conducted in 2000 and 2008, this study shows that Hong Kong people have been consistently highly aware of the seriousness of different environmental problems and relatively pessimistic about the future resolution of these problems. Such pessimism is arguably related to their lack of confidence in the government's enforcement of environmental protection. Through an analysis of the environmental policy‐making and enforcement agency and three selected enforcement cases, the study further finds that the people's lack of confidence can be traced to the government's failure to bring about a comprehensive, integrated, far‐sighted environmental strategy with sophisticated institutional support and detailed enforcement mechanisms. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

对树立警察公共关系理念的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前,全国公安机关正在开展“贯彻十六大,全面建小康,公安怎么办”大讨论活动,本文试图通过对公安队伍建设的研究,对适应新形势,倡导警察公共关系理念进行分析,对警察行为和功能在公众中的心理影响、传播沟通的地位和作用,以及警察良好形象的树立等问题进行深入的阐述。  相似文献   

不同的历史时期,关于派出所是否具有侦查权以及其所具有的侦查权的范围的规定是不同的。这与当时的社会历史条件、公安机关所面临的任务等具有密切的关系,立法者和决策者需要及时变更并不断完善相应的法律法规,使之能够适应客观环境的变化。研究派出所侦查权的历史演变及其原因对于理顺所队关系、完善刑侦体制等都具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

警力紧张是铁路公安机关当前普遍存在的一个突出问题,解决这一问题单纯依靠增加警力存在许多条件限制,难以从根本上解决,而改革铁路公安机关目前的警务模式则可能一揽子解决包括警力紧张问题在内的一系列问题,这既是盘活现有警力、大幅度解放警力的有效办法,也是铁路公安工作适应当前铁路发展实际的客观要求。  相似文献   

Main Street is an indelible image in the American consciousness made hyperreal at Disneyland California in 1955. For subsequent parks in Tokyo and Paris, Disney recontextualized Main Street, but Hong Kong Disneyland’s version was formed as a copy of the California original. This copy demonstrates that transference of a structural form to a new cultural context is not a guarantee of the concomitant transmission of the originating culture’s sensory modality. The arising dissonant tension between the form (signifier) and substance (signified) of Hong Kong’s Main Street has led to its ongoing semiosis due to local cultural and corporate pressures. This paper presents a framework to analyze this dissonance and semiosis through comparison of external and internal photographs of the same eight landmarks at both parks. The problem of transferring meaning into a new cultural context for an international sign suggests Hong Kong’s Main Street could be the last that Disney constructs.  相似文献   


Hong Kong and Singapore are both typical administrative states with an efficient administration and a vibrant market, which had achieved rapid economic growth in the past decades. This article examines the trajectory of their state capacity, highlighting recent problems and challenges. Based on a conceptual framework that captures and links up four dimensions – namely polity, bureaucracy, economy and civil society – their commonalities and differences in response are discussed. Their experience should be of particular relevance to transitional authoritarian states in Asia such as China, which faces similar challenges to reform in the arenas of politics, administration, economics and society.  相似文献   

The bases of electoral choice vary. Citizens differ in their ability to reason and make up their minds in different ways. Hong Kong appears to be the most likely case for the idea of cognitive mobilization, because of the the absence of socio-economic mobilization, the paucity of political mobilization, the novelty of partisanship, the high level of education, and the prosperous and easily accessible mass media. Findings on the legislative election in 1998, however, show that partisan attachment remains a powerful factor in electoral choice. Still, political information is more important as it broadens the basis of electoral choice. Specifically, the less-informed voters voted for the Democratic Party (DP) solely on the basis of partisan attachment. In comparison, the vote of the better-informed voters was broadly based, with evaluative factors overtaking partisanship in importance. This paper provides a contribution to the understanding of constrained elections in a partial democracy.  相似文献   

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